Chapter One
Runningspirit paced at the top of the ravine. The fire was still raging below. Black whisps of smoke rose over the trees. Runningspirit coughed, trying to get the smoke out of her lungs.
Finally catching her breath, Runningspirit looked at the assembly of Thunderclan. Wolfstar was counting all of the cats to make sure they were there. Runningspirit narrowed her eyes. A few cats were missing.
"Shadowheart and Flamepaw are gone!" Someone from the crowd yelled.
Horrified howls erupted. Shadowheart. Where would he be?
He is my littermate. I should keep track of him more.
Runningspirit frantically scanned the flames below. There was no way she could see her brother in the fire.
He's too smart to just be stuck down there. As for Flamepaw, I have no idea.
Heronflight brushed passed Runningspirit with a mewling kit at her paws, "Don't worry Runningspirit. He was at the top of the ravine when I saw him last. He's definitely not down there." The queen pointed to the flames with her tail.
Runningspirit let out a sigh of relief. Thank Starclan.
Heronflight continued, "I did see Flamepaw too. She saved Mudkit from the fire."
Runningspirit gasped. If the apprentice saved Mudkit from the fire, she should be up in the forest with the rest of Thunderclan.
Suddenly a yowl erupted, "Flamepaw! Flamepaw is dead!"
The ground seemed to lurch underpaw. Flamepaw? Dead? She couldn't be! She couldn't have fallen into the flames, could she?
Runningspirit pelted towards her brother, "How? How is she dead?"
Sharppaw, Flamepaw's sister, was looking down at the flames with grief in her eyes. Addertooth was tearing angrily at the grass with his claws.
Wolfstar padded forward, "Yes, Shadowheart? How?"
The dark tom coughed, clearing the smoke from his lungs, "She had just rescued Mudkit and she was about to claw her way to the top of the ravine, when the ground gave way. "
Sharppaw let out a hiss, "You mean, you couldn't save her?"
Shadowheart shook his head, " She was over the ravine before I knew what happened. I'm sorry."
Runningspirit looked down at her paws. She knew the flame colored apprentice from practicing battle moves. Also, she was in the patrol that helped rescue her from the badger when she was a kit.
Rest well, Flamepaw. We will always remember you.
Addertooth laid his tail on Sharppaw. The apprentice was grieving.
Wolfstar cleared her throat, "We will sit vigil for her tonight. We will always remember her."
Runningspirit looked closely at her leader. Wolfstar looked like she was grieving as much as Sharppaw.
It's not like she knew her very well.
Runningspirit glanced at Shadowheart. He was talking to Snowstorm with sorrow in his voice, "She was a very brave apprentice. I will miss training her."
Runningspirit felt bad for her brother. He had witnessed so many deaths. Jaggedfang, Flamepaw, and even his own brother.
Poor Shadowheart. I'll go sit vigil with him.
Runningspirit padded towards her brother and sat down next to him, "I'm so sorry."
Shadowheart dipped his head sorrowfully, "Thank you, but sorry won't bring her back."
Runningspirit laid her head on his muscular shoulder. She closed her eyes. She could feel the flames crackling below. Hopefully, the fire will go out soon.
Suddenly, like an answered prayer, thunder crashed in the sky. Immediately, rain began to pour down. Cats began to huddle together in small groups in the forest, trying to keep warm. Runningspirit pressed herself against Shadowheart even more.
Lightning flashed, lighting up the forest. The fire was slowly dying down, and after a while, it went out.
"Should we go back down there?" Snowstorm consulted Wolfstar.
Wolfstar shook her head, "No. We'll wait till dawn. For now, just find shelter. The kits and elders are getting chilled."
Snowstorm nodded then raised his voice, "Blackfrost, Swiftpelt, and Ravenclaw! Go find shelter."
The three warriors splashed off into the forest.
Water was beginning to pool around Runningspirit's paws. Her pelt was muddy and drenched.
Hopefully they get back soon. I'm soaked to the bone! Dovewing is going to be extra cranky!
Shadowheart got up, "I'm going to go hunting."
In the rain?
Runningspirit shrugged, "Okay. Be careful."
Shadowheart nodded, then bounded into the forest.
Runningspirit blinked. Her brother had always been a little mysterious. She had always watched him as a kit. He always seemed to be fighting in his dreams. Even as a warrior. He was a good warrior, yes, but something about him just made her suspicious. Maybe he was up to something!
Runningspirit shook her head. Of course he's not! He probably wants to grieve alone.
But no matter how many times Runningspirit told this to her self, she had the urge to follow him.
What harm could it do? If he finds me, I'll just say I was worried about him. That's not a total lie.
No one would notice her disappearance. Every cat was huddled together, keeping warm. Also, the hard rain would wash away her scent.
I'll be fine.
Runningspirit carefully followed her brother's paw prints. Taking caution not to make any splashes. Finally, she caught up too him. He seemed to be back tracking himself.
It's like he doesn't want anyone to find him.
Runningspirit pondered her thought. Was her brother looking for something? Surely not! If anything, he was just doing what he said he would. Hunting.
Runningspirit dove for some ferns as Shadowheart padded past her, looking over his back every few seconds.
As soon as he was a couple of foxlengths away, she crept out of the ferns, not bothering to shake the water from her pelt.
She tracked her brother all the way to the top of the ravine. She hid in an old holly bush. The spiky leaves dug into her skin. It took all she had, not to pull them out.
I can't make a sound. He'll know I'm here, then I'll never find out what he was up to!
Runningspirit perked her ears, she heard her brother mumbling something.
Though she only only heard part of the sentence, it made a chill run down her spine. And it wasn't from the cold rain.
"Oh, Flamepaw. Your sister isn't the only one who can keep a secret."
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