Night Out
Your P.O.V)
The shop was slow after lunch had hit. Although it had been slower than normal all day. (F/n) had finally laid off on all the questions after I had told her why I had Gray's phone. That lead to the inevitable of having to tell her what had happened. I sighed and looked at the clock, hoping it would skip to closing time. I had no such luck. I was flipping aimlessly through a magazine when (F/n) started saying something to me. "We should go get some drinks after work tonight after work, its Saturday after all, and its not like you have a social life. What do you say." She smiled at me as I thought about it. " I don't know..." I really didn't want to go, but some how I ended up being talked into going. "Fine, only one hour." (F/n) cheered when she heard me agree.
It was already dark when the shop closed and me and (F/n) went our separate ways. I started to walk home on the side walk brightened by the street lamps. Once I was in my apartment and out of my work uniform I just sat down, wasting some time before the unwanted night out.
I slid on a ( f/c) dress that (F/n) bought a while back but I never wore because, lets face it, dresses aren't my thing. I headed over to my shoes and picked out heels that went with the dress. My phone buzzed with a text letting me know that it was time to go. I looked one last time in the mirror and headed out the door.
(Gray's P.O.V)
( Time is 10:00)
I knew a lot of people who regularly came into the bar. I knew their names, usual's, a lot of there problems. There was also a fair share of people I had never seen before. Awhile into my shift I noticed someone familiar, but not one of the regulars. ' (Y/n)'. I was drying a cup off when she walked over and sat down at the bar in front of me. "What can I get for you?" I asked looking at her. "Just a (f/d)," she said and looked at me as I made the drink and poured it into the cup.
"So, what brings you here? I would have never guessed this would be your place of choice to spend a Friday." I said and slid her the drink. She laughed, " I'm only here because my friend made me." She slightly laughed, handed me the money for her drink and got up. I watched her walk away feeling stupid not saying anything to stop her.
*Time skip: 4 hours*
A lot of the people had cleared out of the bar other that the few stragglers who had 3 too many drinks. And then I noticed the girl with her head down on the bar. It was on my part of the bar, which meant I had to deal with it. I mentally groaned as I walked over to her and realized; it was (Y/n).
Sorry it is late. I have school starting back soon so I have been preparing for that. Feed back is always welcome.
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