Broken Heart, Broken Pieces. . .
One of the monks sees first.
Raven remembers being small... and feeling smaller, hurried through those huge marble archways by nervous adults. The murmurs of concern around her. A firm grip on her shoulders steering her through hallways.
Finally coming to stop and being surrounded by the same solemn group of adults as always. The exact appearance of their faces has been blurred by time but she can certainly remember the expressions.
The emotions; Always concern, always fear, and confusion.
Only this time, they weren't staring at her. No, this time they were fixated on a spot just above her left elbow. They asked her where the colors came from -- how long they had been there?
She doesn't know, couldn't remember. They weren't there yesterday or even this morning. Yes, she knows not to play with the inks used by the scribes. The pastel color just appeared.
She didn't understand why they are so upset, why that blood-red color should cause such a fuss?
But she knows now. They thought the pale splashes of red were something dangerous, something impossible that needed to be stopped.
Except for Arella. No, when Arella sees the spots dappling her arm, she begins to cry. Which was too out of character for the somber, compassionate woman. Except Raven could tell the difference. She could feel it like the edges of fingernails pressed tight into her palm. Like the weight of her blankets when she hides from the voiceless whispers.
These tears aren't just made of resignation, of shame and sadness. There's also something small and bright within.
The color isn't bad. Even though it was baby new, she could already feel that the 'watercolor' on her arm was something good. Like sunshine through storm clouds, like the breeze that playfully ruffles the pages of her books.
Thought the innocent Raven.
The 'splotches' reminded her of the pictures she's seen of a planet called Earth. Something wildly different and unabashedly insubordinate to the cool greys and whites of the temples.
Something that could grow into something special.
Wide-open skies and vast plains, unexplored forests, quiet beaches. Fields of daffodils, every one a sunny yellow, each one is perfect, a golden trumpet amid a fanfare of halo petals.
So many, but so delicate, they stand rooted, soaking in the sunshine and taking in yesterday's rain through their fine roots.
They wave like tomorrow is guaranteed.
As she grows older... she learns.
Fervently, Raven was taught about destiny. Terrible promises were written into her blood. The words - fate, tragedy, disaster, and blame.
How the world will burn and she will light the match.
Memorizes the end of the world like a spelling test. Reading about Earth slowly loses that sense of comfort. Now her books become a practice of penance.
Look at all these beautiful things that she will someday... destroy.
Secretly, she learns about choices. The clarity and completion of love are supposed to bring.
Learns what red is meant to mean; Somehow her arm is dappled in shades of renewal and peace. Hope. Compassion.
Ideas and concepts that should have no home in her person.
But when they started insisting on long sleeves, she didn't argue. Partly to remain in control. Even if the splashed hues have remained unsettled, they still send a flash of that small, bright feeling racing through her blood.
The rest of her complied to protect her blurred color from the judging eyes of everyone around her.
But she can't blame those that glare at her small 'watercolor'
Some nights, Raven dreamed she was normal. A normal girl, with a normal family and a normal life, holding normal conversations with normal people and can walk through a crowd—
without hearing those horrid whispers—
-*Cough* "Weirdo."
- "Look, it's the demon girl!"
- "My mom says she's a demon and demons are cursed."
- "I don't care if she calls herself a hero, she's evil, plain and simple."
Hot tears... streaming down her poor face.
She remembered the storm
How there was a swirl of emotions
How she was called everything in the book of wrong
How she was too scared to look at herself in the mirror
because she didn't want to see if those words were true
She didn't want to prove them right
That she doesn't belong here.
Who would want to feel like that?
Who would want to think like that?
But that's all she knew...
The guilt wells up within her, spilling through her thoughts and clawing at her poor heart. Every waking moment was spent with the guilt of her history.
Her very existence was a blight upon the universe she was meant to end it.
What good could come from that?
Raven didn't want to hand herself over to anyone, she wanted her life to be her own. And she couldn't burden another soul with the curse she bore.
She didn't think she was worth it, because every time she saw her reflection...
she didn't know who was staring back.
'I'm sorry.'
was all she ended up saying.
After all, what kind of person could be her soulmate?
"Shall we dance?"
He looks puzzled. "I mean, do you to dance?" I shyly ask him.
I relax a little when he shook his head and half-smiled.
"Don't worry, I'm not much of a dancer, either." I snorted a bit. "At this rate, I think we'll both go along just fine."
Our eyes met... and I laughed.
Before I realize it, I was standing there... Standing there... and waiting... for him...?
"You...have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen," I exclaimed, so much my jaw hung open.
He smiles and extended his hand to me; I gladly take it.
His finger brushed my hair behind my ear... and I softly smile.
"I do want to dance with you, though. After all... You're all that I have."
A familiar scene, and yet, so dreamlike.
Our laughter echoed in the hall.
No sounds invade. . .
Nothing but he and I.
It just might be a dream. 'All that matters is that I can be with you in dreams.'
That's enough for me.
"Wait! Don't leave me here!" He just kept smiling. "Quick! Take my hand!"
Desperately, I reach for him as he melts away,
along with the rest of the world...
Perhaps... You and I, fated never to cross paths...
Raven P.O.V
Am I... in my room?
I think... Yes, I was dreaming... of course, it was a dream.
Dreaming of some other place, where I'm together with... With...
I didn't even know who he is.
I always want to escape to dreamland. Even if I can never hold his hand for real... If I'm dreaming, at least I can see him.
Even though I was forewarned...he still disappears.
Are we ever going to...?
Can't we...?
. . .
Why did I have to wake up?
Until I met him, I could handle the loneliness, but now... It's just so.... hard. So agonizing.
My room... the same as ever. Same old boring same old...
It's over...
I've returned at last, have I...?
This isn't a dream... I'm alone.
...All alone, lonely.
I've been such a good girl.
. . .
It's all right. I'm resigned to facing this loneliness.
Even if I'm alone, I am me, after all.
I shouldn't overthink it.
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