Brittle Resolve
Four men in black, with ski masks on their heads, tied to a lamp post.
Raven waited shortly until the police arrive. She uses her magic to bind and carry the men out of their temporary prison so the police can handcuff them and take them away.
As the last one is being put into one of the cruisers, civilians, and police officers themselves gathered around the magus and start bombarding her with questions about Robin's predicament.
"When will Mr.Robin be back?" asked a police officer.
"Is he going to be OK? Can we visit him in the hospital sometimes, Ms.Raven?" asked a girl.
"Can we bring him presents?" asked another.
Raven answers all the flood of questions blithely; she was so pleased to see that Robin's city utterly concerned of his well-being, keen on hearing any news of his health and when he will be back in action.
"Robin will forever be appreciative for your act, I'm certain he will be very pleased when I tell him that," announced Raven. "But I'm afraid you can't go; he needs rest. But I'll bring him all the get-well stuff you send him and we'll bring you news on how he's going, of course, we won't force you to do such thing."
There was a murmur of agreement amongst the civilians and they all promised to bring something for their protector for his many acts of thoughtfulness and satiated gratitude for the hard work he bestowed upon ensuring this city's safety.
Raven accompanies the people out of the crime scene, chatting animatedly with them. They all bid her a smile with a slow wave; she waves them goodbye with a toothy grin (causing her simps to pass out) before she swirls her cape around herself and vanished into the floor.
When she made it back to the Tower and emerges from the ground, her grin vanishes.
Around this time, the stone pathway should be irradiated with the lights that shine through the gigantic windows. Raven gazes at the façade of the Titans household; the windows were dark and noiseless.
Raven quietly went straight to her bedroom and swiftly takes a warm shower. By the time she descends the flight of stairs, the setting sun had shed the last of its yellow light and the Tower was plunging into a bluish-black tint as the encompassing darkness has blotted out all but the faintest light. Dark clouds stretched over the sky, hiding the full moon in its full glory behind them, giving it a hazy ominous feel. Raven couldn't find the energy to switch on the lights, but she finds her way to the kitchen without treading onto something and takes the kettle from its stand and brings it to the faucet.
The darkness and silence of the tower created a hole in Raven's heart; she closes her eyes, letting her mind fill with the sounds that usually fill the household at this hour: the sound of a knife on a chopping board, the clanging of pots and pans of the stove or on the countertop, the loud music and game noises that filled the air coming from the television in the living room...
The empty tower creaked around Raven. Lights start flickering in the distance. They said they'll keep in touch, they promised. She fills the kettle to make tea she has no intention of drinking and her eyes kept darting to the communicator that refuses to ring. She turns the radio on and stares, only to turn it off just a minute later. Raven stood there in the kitchen, in a kind of stupor, thinking of nothing, suspended in uneasiness.
The encompassing darkness had blotted out all but the faintest light of the moon, the giant window displaying a panoramic view of the shady turquoise sea like an eternal stain.
Moisture fights for a place in her glossy violet orbs, but she blinks it away with a final thought.
I wish you were here, Mother
There was a sound of a click of a switch and the fluorescent lights poked Raven's eyes; she squeezes her eyes and lifts before opening them once again and glances around.
Y/n is standing on the threshold of the kitchen with Silkie at his ankles; the Bumgorph trots towards Raven...
So the apathy Raven felt last night went on for the whole day; she had no particular feeling about Y/n still not on speaking terms with her. He also did not disclose any indication that he recognized Raven's presence as he switches on the other lights in the room before heading to the sink to begin cleaning, but Raven did not feel annoyed that he still chooses to ignore her. There are more important things to worry about...
The sibyl bends on her knees and scoops Silkie off the floor, places him carefully on one of the countertop stools beside her and he curls up like a furry cushion.
Raven's stomach emits a low growl. But none of the food in the fridge or in the pantry seem appetizing. Raven knew she has to eat, but she couldn't; she hears her stomach give another growl, thus forcing her to at least intake something to busy the acids in her stomach with. She finishes steeping her hot tea and tapped a teaspoon against the rim of the mug. It clinks twice and she takes the beverage in both hands to drink it. Her hands were frailty and caution, shaking gently when she reached for the hot tea. In her movements were so much of the young woman she was and still is.
Raven sets down the half-full glass, lifts her hand and pinches the bridge of her nose; her eyes are squeezed tight in what's perhaps a struggle not to overthink. Or keep whatever frustration she feels at a considerable distance, preferably far enough so she can think clearly.
That's when she realizes how vulnerable she is and how much of a toll this incident had taken.
Silkie gives a soft gurgle as he head-butted Raven's cheek; she gives a tenuous smile as she strokes the creature's head. Silkie gurgles gently at Raven, his light green orb-like eyes probing at her face as though scrutinizing her.
"I'm fine," Raven told the creature softly.
She did not feel abashed that Y/n is in the room, but Raven thought that Y/n had become very still-
Heavy mechanical doors slide open to either side and a new, familiar face suddenly walks into the room. Raven shifts her gaze lazily and her eyes widen the instant; her practical sister sighing heavily as the door closes behind her.
"Starfire!" Raven exclaims in pleasant surprise, hurrying towards her. Starfire's smile extends to her eyes, twinkling like she's greeting a beloved daughter; her eyes were devoid of any make-up yet her slick skin contrasts perfectly that she looks carelessly flawless. Raven reciprocates in her way, her smile limited to her mouth. "Welcome back."
Starfire: "Forgive my interruption, I'm just checking up on you and Y/n." her friend responded, smiling at her.
Raven: "You didn't have to, Star," said Raven flatly, folding her arms across her chest. "We talked about this; I'm not a kid that you need to look after."
Starfire: "I cannot help but worry Raven," she said in a manner that seems to imply that she was talking to a small child.
Raven: "You don't have to worry about me, Starfire," Raven asserted. "You know I'm old and capable enough."
Starfire: "It won't make a difference even if you ought to become a mother," she responded as though that point was enough to scotch the argument before shifting her attention to her guest. "Good evening, Y/n." she greeted with a smile.
"Welcome back, Starfire," replied Y/n meekly with a small bow.
The name sounds so pleasing when he said it to her, judging by the smiles she gives at hearing it. It's then that Raven notices she's blushing a little— Her cheeks glowed redder than her hair. Something that only seems to make her that much more adorable...
Starfire: "What did you have for dinner?" asked Starfire dutifully, her stare flicking to Raven.
Raven: "I...didn't cook anything yet," admitted Raven abashedly, her gaze drifted down.
Starfire: "Then, let us go see your friends and we shall have dinner there," stated Starfire with a smile. "Robin wishes to see how you're doing."
Raven nods eagerly and saunters towards the door while putting on her hood—
"Don't be silly, Y/n," she says kindly. "Your friend wants to see you too."
Raven looks over her shoulder and saw Starfire putting a hand on Y/n's arm with a genial smile.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
Starfire was taken aback by Y/n and Raven's nonexistent interaction; she apparently thought that Robin's hospitalization had brought them together. The trek to the hospital was full of Starfire's effort to engage some sort of conversation between them.
But both Raven and Y/n were adamant and Starfire soon grew impatient at the both of them and thus the obvious coaxing turns into subtle coercion; Starfire goes from one to the other, attempting to break the silence. Raven quickly grew annoyed and ends up talking about mediating a fight between four delinquents on her duty; she also expresses that one of them had a reminiscent hairstyle like Y/n and that it could only mean that delinquents usually had his hairstyle which is utterly repulsive.
Raven was glad when Starfire pushes open the door of Robin's room. They find him propped up in bed with his dinner still untouched on a tray on his lap and a rather sheepish expression on his face.
"Ladies!" Beastboy saluts, a delighted look stretched across his face. Cyborg's there too; leaning casually against the wall, arms folded across his chest, while sporting a big smile on his face the instant he saw the ladies.
"How are you feeling, Robin?" asked Raven, her facial features softening into a smile, sitting at the edge of his bed and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Still not so well, but a little better since yesterday," replied Robin hoarsely with a wan smile as he held out his arm to give Raven a hug. "Well, everyone had a good day?" he asked as Starfire kissed his cheek.
Raven manages a lovely weak smile and Y/n simply nods.
Cyborg: "No problem on that front!"
Beastboy: "You guys want some food before we discuss... whatever this is we're doing?" Beastboy offers, all too aware of the growing pang inside his own stomach.
Cyborg: "Not gonna lie, I could probably eat a house right now," said Cyborg with a hand to his steel belly.
Raven could not help but notice the hollow cheekbones, concern lining her brow; she had not seen him for just a day and yet he looks immensely ill. The moment Raven saw Robin up close, she felt as though she had not set eyes on him for several years; he looks entirely different not less than twenty-four hours ago. Robin looks like he had lost a few kilos during the time Raven was not around; the healthy cheeks had lost their curve and collapsed toward the oral cavity and when the corners of his mouth pulled up into a smile, it looked more like grimace.
Robin: "The doctors are regulating my food," He informed his teammate. "And I have to be very careful of what I eat."
Despite the hospital's food weren't as good as Starfire's cooking, Raven thought it was still enjoyable and hearty; she was talking to her friends about her day and what she had done. It was like nothing had changed.
Y/n was in his usual taciturnity; he simply sat in his seat and ate his dinner without joining the conversation. Robin seems to know that his newcomer was silent by nature for he didn't push any questions towards Y/n, unlike Starfire.
Once all the food is consumed, drowsiness seems to settle in.
Cyborg laid down the makeshift bed and sleep immediately came in with Beastboy in his cat form; he circles several times on before curling up like a large furry tabby rug.
Raven: "You look tired too, Star..." commented Raven as she helped her clean up.
Starfire: "I am a little exhausted," Starfire said after stifling a yawn of her own, a small smile gracing her face with her eyes closed that turned into a grin. She flops ceremoniously on a nearby chair, hands neatly folded in her lap and minutes later, Raven heard the rhythm of sleep in her breathing, her head bowed and her shoulders rising and falling in a slow rhythm; It isn't an easy sight to see, Raven gets up and throws a blanket over her.
Robin: "I want to give you a few reminders since Starfire and I aren't around, I proceeded to write up a new patrol schedule and training rota for the coming time," Robin said as Raven tucks the blanket carefully around her sleeping sister.
Raven: "I see, but you don't need to address me as if I'm a small teenage girl," replied Raven wearily. She straightens up, turns around to face her leader and folded her arms across her chest; Raven felt a little irritated that her leader is now treating her like a child when this isn't the first time that she was left alone to handle things, let alone in his absence. "I'm alone all the time; it doesn't make a difference now."
Robin: "The difference is that the Brotherhood of Evil triumphant memorial is starting soon," reminded Robin. "And that all the honorary Titans are alerted and will attend to the event. You do realize you'll do your own chores, training, patrolling, and representing us while you're fighting crime at the same time? There's only a little time left before you can properly prepare."
Raven: "Stop worrying; I can do all of that," stated Raven softly; she hoisted her legs up on the bed and snuggles beside him.
Robin looked down at her tenderly; he gives a tired smile before he closes his eyes. Raven felt her face flush as she smoothes his arm, those arms that gleamed with an assurance of hope and a promise to protect, to protect her, built to protect angels from any foe. The summer flower and the harbour from any storm. She takes her leader's bare hand in hers and held it up close, teeth softly biting into her lower lip. There was a needle inserted into one of the veins; his strong hand looked utterly helpless and feeble.
You should take a good look at yourself before you look at me, Robin, thought Raven dejectedly. You shouldn't worry about me.
She carefully pushes the plastic tube aside as Raven laid her arm across Robin's chest, gives him a one-armed hug, and holds him close as though fearful of a nonexistent wind that would blow her now frail friend away from her.
The peaceful room seems to lull Raven to sleep. She felt her focus slipping away from her and whatever she could fix her gaze at Robin's beside is starting to formulate foggy reasons in her head. Raven fixes her gaze at the heart monitor; the machine displays a luminous line in rhythm with blips and bumps; she did not know what all those other symbols and numbers meant, but she was certain that the line is screening the performance of Robin's weak heart.
The bedside table contains an empty vase with some of Starfire's Dutch cookies and coffees beside it; Raven wasn't sure whether it belonged to the hospital or her friends had brought it when she wasn't there. Then the IV stands...Raven remembered what the nurse told about that it's to provide Robin electrolytes, fluids, and supply medicine... Then less than a few feet away from the hospital bed was the cold and distant Y/n.
Y/n simply sat tight-lipped and stoically in his chair with his hood slightly obscuring his face from view; he did not offer any words of comfort or assurance or anything of that sort. Yet even his remote apathetic conduct did not perturb Raven. Besides, it is better that Y/n was not involved with Robin in any way.
"You and Y/n better head home now..." Robin croaked.
Raven did not shift. "Give me one good reason."
"It's getting late," he answered. Raven shakes her head and buried her face in Robin's pillow.
"I don't want to leave you and Starfire here," said Raven in a muffled voice. "Both of you need me."
Robin sighs, lifts his thin hands, and tried to pry Raven from him, but Raven's hands grasped onto the pillow the moment she felt her leader's hands on her wrists.
"I'm not letting go," Raven told him in a flat tone.
"But you have to," said Robin gently. "You have to let go and move on..."
Raven did not really comprehend what her friend was trying to tell her and she remains obstinately beside him; she did not loosen her grip on the pillowcase.
Raven: "I said I'm not letting go," repeated Raven in a stronger voice.
The volume of her voice rouses Starfire and she turns, propped her head on one elbow and gives a tired smile at Raven.
"Robin, please understand Raven," Starfire said gently. "You know she is the scared being all alone in the house."
Raven gives her friend an incredulous look; she knew Starfire was joking for the corners of her mouth were twitching, but it irritated Raven nonetheless.
Raven: "I'm not scared and I never will be!" Raven pouted.
Robin laughs, but it sounded more like a racking cough.
Starfire: "Raven, please listen to Robin," Starfire said tenderly. "We wish no worries for you; if there's anything you require, you can just call and you may still come back and visit, when you aren't looking like you're about to fall apart."
Robin: "Everything's going to be alright, Raven..." reassured Robin. "I know it's hard and needs time to accept it, but everything will turn out for the better."
Raven drops her gaze on the linoleum floor; she knew that she could speak, but there was something stuck in her throat. She nodded wordlessly without taking her eyes off the floor.
She says a soft swift goodbye to her teammates and heads to the door.
Raven throws them one last look, even though at this point she's not sure what she's searching for in their faces. Reassurance? Some sort of encouragement or proof that everything will be alright?
Raven didn't dare to push it.
Not when she's doing this: looking forlorn, like she's failed a lot of people.
One person in particular.
She turns the doorknob and leaves, leaving wishes of hope and a whole slew of unspoken remorse and concerns in the room.
Raven did not wait for Y/n; she was already waiting for the elevator by the time he had caught up with her. Raven forgot that she will not be all alone in the household.
But it made no difference.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
Y/n and Raven reach the suburbs in silence with that familiar chill still lingering between them; they had walked back home without even taking a glance at one another. When they had reached home, Raven goes straight to her bedroom, removes her cloak and collapsed on the mattress.
She lay supine on her bed, head tilted towards her alarm clock as its luminous arms ticked to midnight; Raven stares at it unblinkingly, hoping that it would put her to sleep, but the image of Robin sickly in the hospital filled every microscopic particle of her brain, then, unable to bear it, she leaps out of bed and exits her room with the intention of helping herself to a glass of water. A pair of great green eyes blinked in the darkness at the end of the hallway and a tiny sound like a woken toddler brimmed at the creature's lips; Silikie stretches, leaps from his wicker basket and follows Raven down to the kitchen.
After draining the glass and putting it in the kitchen sink, Raven presses her hands onto her eyes; stars erupted in a shower in the darkness provided by her eyelids. She felt utterly restless at the thought of her friend in the hospital. Silkie leaps on the countertop, head-butted her cheek and gurgles. She smiles as she scoops him in her arms and went to the couch
Raven: "I just can't sleep, that's all." whispered Raven at Silkie; she places him on her lap, reaches for the remote and switches on the television. "I can't stop thinking about Robin."
This was so unlike her, but the late-night shows were usually documentaries and this is what Raven had hoped for; maybe these inane shows would soon bore her to sleep and would take her mind off her frail friend for a while.
"—chrysanthemums are very symbolic flowers—"
Flowers, thought Raven lazily, recalling an empty flower vase in Robin's bedside table. I should bring flowers tomorrow.
"—it is a flower with a wide variety of colors—"
Pink, orange, yellow, and orange flowers flooded the screen and then it transitioned showing an old man putting a single petal in a wineglass.
"—though chrysanthemum petals are believed to bestow longevity and happiness in life—"
Though...? she thought again, suspicion tightening her features.
"—the symbols are quite paradoxical for these flowers may represent optimism, love and long life—"
A frown follows Raven's confusion.
A young woman, around Raven's age, clad in black laid a white chrysanthemum flower in front of a portrait of a young man who seemed to be Robin.
"—they also represent death and lamentation." ❧
Fear suddenly permeated throughout Raven's body as though she is doused in ice-cold water. The smell of sterile bed sheets unexpectedly filled her nostrils. There was a terrible image of her finding an empty bed, a nurse tidying up...and telling her that she was too late...
Raven stands up suddenly that Silkie gives an angry growl and disappears beneath the couch, but Raven did not care; she dashes back to her bedroom, grabs her cloak with a couple of flowers in her hand and the door slides shut behind her.
I have to go back there. What if...All of a sudden...Robin—
Raven could not continue. The hole of emptiness suddenly crumbled away and there was a chasm of fear that gaped inside of her; she felt like a coward running away from her negligence...she felt like she was too afraid to face her mistakes...she felt like she was too afraid to face what she had done to her friend...
"Where are you going?" a deep voice said.
It was Y/n. Raven did not answer and quickly descended down the stairs.
"Are you going back to see your teammates?" questioned Y/n again.
Raven wanted to shout at Y/n that it's absolutely none of his business, but it was not worth the effort; Raven's icy feeling of guilt had just extinguished the fire of enmity she has towards Y/n. She determinedly kept her back on him and continues her way to the tower's exit.
"Your leader might not like the idea of you going out on your own at this time," Y/n commented.
Raven froze; the mention of Robin blew life into the dying embers, rekindling it to glow brighter. She turned around and glares at him. The very last thing she wants now is a row with Y/n.
Raven: "You don't know him! Don't talk about what you don't understand!" said Raven hotly. "Everyone here knows who I am and what I do! They know better than to mess around with me! Besides, you aren't a kid that I need to babysit, and don't go around telling me what to do!" She turned her heel and marched off.
Y/n: "You have to calm down and think through your actions," said Y/n with an unruffled air. "I ask for a lack of open hostility and more rationality from you."
"I'm not taking anything from you," Raven retorted defiantly.
"Your leader entrusted you to act responsibly at this time," Y/n called after her.
It's the second time Y/n mentioned Robin; the blizzard of guilt suddenly dissipates only to be replaced by white-hot anger that licked her insides, blazing in terrible emptiness, filling her with the desire to hit Y/n for his calmness and empty words. She turns around, shaking with rage.
"Will you just leave me alone?"
"Doing anything rash will give him another reason to worry about you," Y/n responded.
"You've got a lot of damned nerve to be talking about what he needs!" snapped Raven between her teeth. "I don't see you worried about him or Starfire."
"I strive to do what your leader would want me to do," he answered in a monotone. "I wouldn't do anything that could burden his thoughts."
The unchanging pitch. The emotionless voice. The superficial concern. It was too much. And the restrained blaze escalates into a firestorm.
Y/n had not flinched or made a single move or made an effort to suppress Raven's rage; his expression was calm, almost detached.
"You have to be conscious of your actions; you have to think of the consequences you'll reap—" he started.
Y/n cast his eyes on the vinyl floors. Raven thought that she saw a glimmer of recollecting something terribly melancholic in his eyes, but this uncharacteristic sign of emotion from him did not soften her. He has no business being miserable when she wants to rage and storm at him.
"I know how you feel, but—"
"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL!" Raven roared, thrusting a finger at Y/n's face. "QUIT TALKING LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND! YOU—STANDING THERE—YOU—!"
Words were no longer sufficient and shouting was not helping. That lump in Raven's throat suddenly appears; her blazing fury is suddenly doused by the biting panic she felt earlier. The strange mix of emotions rendered her incapable of speech. She lowers her finger, swallows hard and turns her heel. Raven did not want anything to do with Y/n right now, let alone speak to him.
Y/n: "Think about what you're doing carefully," said Y/n after Raven. "There is still tomorrow so you better calm down and do what is expected of you. I'm sure your friend will not approve of your actions now and I am sure that you'll make him sick with worry."
Y/n had said the words that were the fuel to reignite Raven's fury. She whips around and throws her fist at Y/n, but he caught it in his hand.
"Now is not a time for a nonsensical brawl," he said quietly, yet with a bite of impatience.
Raven grumbles loudly, twists her hand from Y/n's grip. Black energy engulfs her hands, and shoot out like lightning, pushing him from her space.
"Then let's make this quick! Stay still and I'll hasten the progress in a sling." she snarled. Her eyes begin to glow hot white, they were flaming with hatred!
Raven charges and throws another jab, but Y/n merely blocks it. She strikes another punch aimed at the side of Y/n's head, but he draws back to avoid the blow. Even in the semi-darkness, Raven notices that Y/n is not paying too much attention to the fight; he looks rather bored. This enraged Raven further; he was not taking her seriously and the way she saw it, his words were terribly unkind.
Every bitter and resentful thought that Raven had harbored was pouring out of her; her frustration of not being able to fight back in her whole life, the hurt that her leader was the one avenging her and the fury at being left with Y/n.
"WHO HAD TO STAND AGAINST ALL ODDS TO GET EVEN ON THE BASTARD WHO TROUNCED MY FRIEND AND ALMOST TORE THIS WORLD APART?"—Raven struck out a jab which Y/n evaded—"WHO HAS TO FIGHT AND SUPPRESS THEIR VERY BEING TO ENSURE OTHERS' SAFETY?"—She follows her first attack by swinging her right fist upward intended for his chin, but he simply turns the blow aside—"WHO HAD TO TAKE CARE OF MY TEAMMATES WHEN A TRAITOR DECIDED TO STAB US IN THE BACK?"—She charges at him swinging her open palm upward, intending to hit his chin once again—"ME!"
Just as Raven had exhaled out the last word, she saw her attacking arm flung upward; Y/n had deflected her attack, leaving her torso completely unguarded. She tries to counter his incoming attack, but it was too late and sees his fist collide with her solar plexus. Raven felt as though almost all of the air in her lungs had been expelled. She staggers back, clutching her abdomen as her vision was swept into a blur and the strength in her body waned. Her knees grow weak and she sank to the floor.
The blow Y/n delivered to her solar plexus was just enough to render her incapable to fight, though not necessarily knocked out. Raven gasped and panted, trying to reintroduce oxygen into her lungs and to synchronize her breathing in order to get to her feet and resume her stance.
"You're no different from the troublemakers you mediate," said Y/n in distaste, standing over Raven. "You only understand and listen to sense when it's beaten into you."
Raven: "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU'VE GOT TO SAY!" she shouts from the floor. "I don't want to hear anything you've got to say!"
The feelings of intense mutual dislike hang in the wake of Raven's words.
"Even the lack of air does not hinder you from being such a loud, obstinate and selfish fool," replied Y/n loudly, obviously piqued. "It's time you listen to sense."
Raven: "You're the idiot, you idiot!" panted Raven as she struggled to hoist herself up with wobbly knees. "You don't care about my family!"
Y/n: "Robin is my mother's nephew...Your leader is my cousin," he said in a flat tone as he looked down on her, and then he added with a tone of peevishness, "With that, it is given that I should do at least something to aid him in his time of need, even to his hopelessly obstinate offspring's conceitedness which would induce self-harm."
The Sibyl's head whirled on him, eyes flying wide. Cousin...? But that thought didn't last than a mere second—
Raven: "Let's get one thing straight, you arrogant vermin!" she retorted, finally heaving herself off the floor; her lungs could still not provide sufficient oxygen to her lower extremities and Raven slumps onto the wall for support. "You and I are just two people under one roof, but that doesn't mean that we have to be friends or family. You're certainly not my family! Spare me the talk! I may be younger than you, but I'm not stupid!"
Y/n: "I've learned that it is futile to intentionally lose to an impetuous brawler such as yourself in order to deter your motives," drawled Y/n, folding his arms across his chest. "You jump into conclusions without postulating the proper course of action or even thinking of the repercussions of your slapdash judgments."
It seems to Raven that Y/n is reminding her of the damage she had done and though he is looking at her directly, Raven felt unnerved as she continues to glare back at him.
Raven: "I don't need you to tell me what to do!" she barked. "I'm going to see Robin right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"
"You're making this harder than it seems to be," he said exasperatedly.
"Because it's not hard to understand, stupid!" insinuated Raven. "Robin needs me; it's that plain and simple!"
"What is plain and simple is that you need Robin much more than he needs you!" Y/n retorted; his cold calmness was gone. "And another is the fact that you are afraid."
The words had a startling effect; she opens her mouth to express her defense, but she merely gaped at Y/n's words. He continues to look straight at her and she wanted to stare him down, but she can no longer meet his eyes.
"That's...not true...I'm not...scared."
It's all Raven could manage to whisper. She can no longer shout and it was not the reason that she got the wind almost knocked out of her. It was the suppressed truth so bluntly divulged by the person whom Raven is trying so hard to deny.
Deep down, she knew it was true.
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