AntiCitizen: Leap of Faith
"I already explained it to you once," said Y/n in a monotone. "And I do not intend to explain it all over again."
"Don't pull that on me again," demands Raven. "I understood what you were implying about last day. I want to ask you something."
Raven waited for some sort of reply. No response.
Raven: "Didn't you want to make the world a better place? So why didn't you include disgusting old perverts in your hit list?" said Raven, folding her arms across her chest.
Y/n remained silent; his brow started to furrow.
"Well?" Raven demanded.
Again, silence.
"Wasn't that the reason why you sacrificed lives, so that you can make a world a better place to live in?" Raven continued. "So you were just deciding who to get rid of or did that include every disgusting creep that ever walked this earth?"
"It was not for me to decide who lives or dies," Y/n spoke in a neutral tone.
Raven: "Just admit it that you were just a jerk screwing around," rasps Raven carelessly in a thick accent. "There are still a lot of idiots creeping around this place and you really haven't done anything to do this 'make-the-world-a-better-place' nonsense."
Y/n: "Is that all?" he says as he looks over his shoulder.
Raven: "No," said Raven brusquely. "Seems like you're the black sheep in the family; you're just a despicable with a Messiah Complex deciding who lives or dies! If I was your mother, I'd die of shame because of all the actions you've done; wherever she is, I bet she's very proud her flower she planted bloomed."
For a fraction of a second, Y/n's stoic manner betrays him for Raven sees a muscle twitching in Y/n's jaw. All of a sudden Raven felt enormous satisfaction to know how furious she is making Y/n; she felt as though she is siphoning off her own anger and frustration into her friends' guest, the only outlet she had.
Raven: "Well?" said Raven yet again. She gives him a devious smirk. She knew she is goading him and that she was the one initiating a fight, but she can not help it; that subtle reaction Y/n gave was like a rare treat that Raven wanted to see more.
Y/n: "Such arrogance," answered Y/n in a controlled tone yet laced with peevishness. "Then again, ignorance is bliss after all."
Raven: "Are you calling me a fool?" asked Raven angrily.
Y/n: "Yes," said Y/n quietly yet ferociously. "I did kill, but it was not for me to decide who lives or dies."
Raven quirks an eyebrow, her nose wrinkled. "What are you talking about now? Don't change the subject, you despicable monster. I asked you a question and you better give me good answers! If you killed those world leaders to get rid of evil, then why are there still foul maniacs who push other people around?"
came Y/n's immediate reply and as he said it, his eyes flickered with malevolence, settling on the void, more on his raised fist.
"Power is everything. Throughout history, humans always have the fervent tendency to oppress their weaker counterparts and flaunt their eminence. Each one of us has something evil inside, no matter how much we deny it."
Raven scowled and thought: What is he implying to...?
Raven: "I said don't change the subject. I need answers and you owe me explanations!"
Y/n: "I don't owe you any more explanations." said Y/n shortly, walking away.
Raven: "You're a damn freeloader and giving me attitude won't compensate for rent!" said Raven as she marches after him. "I've got a perverted politician to deal with and you better give me an explanation why people like him still exists!"
Y/n stopped in his tracks and slowly turns to face Raven; he narrows his eyes at her. Raven bites her bottom lip. She gave herself away out of anger.
His fixated stare makes Raven nervous and she forces herself not to fidget.
Y/n: "So you come crawling to me because you are weaker than your adversary," concluded Y/n softly with a grim smirk. "Then why don't you deal with him using the methods that adhere to your philosophy?"
It is now Y/n's turn to goad. Raven flushes, but she didn't drop her gaze from Y/n's.
Raven: "This is different," Raven replied rather evasively.
Y/n: "What's the difference?" said Y/n calmly, asking in a whisper. "No matter how you look at it, he is still a wrongdoer. And to you, there is only one way to deal with wrongdoers."
Raven: "There are other choices and it won't be like yours," retorted Raven, her eyes widening in her glare.
Y/n's reply wasn't immediate; he simply looks down at her, his eyes boring into Raven's. It seems like he was looking down on something pitiful.
Y/n: "The only alternative I had was to ignore all the evil this world has," he finally replies. "I am also certain that it is also your alternative. But I wonder how many lives he would destroy if you wouldn't meddle. Can you live with that? I said it before, are you really that apathetic while you roam untroubled while others are suffering? What do you care if numbers of nameless and faceless people were perturbed in the vague future, if in the here and now you were alive, and well, and happy?"
Y/n said all of this as though they were facts. But just like last day, Raven simply did not want to agree. Murder was murder. Simple as that.
Raven: "It's my duty to cast idiots like him down, not the other way around!" said Raven stubbornly, looking him dead in the eye. "I'm the one who should be setting an example how to handle things and I don't have to be a psychopath like you!"
Y/n: "Easier said than done," he said calmly.
Raven: "I'm not like you," blustered Raven.
Without further ado, Raven storms off to the kitchen, and there she found Beastboy making his dinner.
Beastboy: "You look a little angry there, RaeRae," He said thoughtfully as he chops some lettuce. "Bad day?"
Raven merely grunts. She goes over to the fridge, pours herself a glass of water, and takes a great deal of time draining it before speaking.
Raven: "No...not yet."
Beastboy's head snaps at her direction and scowls suspiciously.
Beastboy: "Let me guess, it's that chick magnet, am I right?" he said playfully, giving her a wink.
Raven drops her head and looks away with a bite of disguist. She momentarily forgot that she had talked to him, and Beastboy reminded her.
Raven: "I was just wondering if there is a substitute for our mayor." she replies hastily, putting the empty glass in the sink.
Beastboy: "Let me guess: you have your doubts about him, don't you?" he asks in a casual voice, his lips smiling. "Don't worry, he's the mayor and he knows what to do," said Beastboy. "We should listen to him and do what he tells us after all."
Before he can comment more, Raven immediately dashed off towards her bedroom and removes her cloak. After that, Raven throws herself onto her bed and stares at the ceiling.
How was she supposed to tell her friends what kind of mayor she and Starfire encountered? They have Y/n to worry about and besides, this is her fight; rare is when her leader nor her teammates have intervened in the problems Raven had gotten into. She always fought her way through it; this was no different.
Raven's eyes steeled as she collects all the chaos inside of her, draws it to a single point, then lets it die. A routine procedure. Effective. One that always left her empty and flat, but most importantly, composed.
But that look on Starfire's innocent face; the fear, weakness, and the disgrace of being humiliated by a stranger.
This only poured more salt into the wound.
She sat up on her bed, stared at the wall ahead, and saw just a wall.
Raven ponders on every angle what would their course of action be...It would be great if they would teach him a lesson so severe that old pervert will never think of touching other girls again. She wouldn't really go that far...would she? Raven knew she was a little quirky, even vulgar. But murder? Was it worth it? What would happen to them if Raven would just let herself loose and mutilate that bastard? What were the odds that they would avoid discovery? What would she be ready to sacrifice of taking vengeance on that old pervert?
She wasn't like Y/n; she was going to find a different way, a better way to handle all of this and put her life back to the way it was.
We could claim molestation, harassment and bribery. Raven thought, But no, not with this kind of scenario.
The main problem is that they have no evidence to prove this fiasco; that creep was indeed the mayor and considering what kind of social background he has, he was the one who everybody would believe.
Bluntly, this is a fight she has to win without using her fists. That mayor was a crook and it was only right that Raven should put him back where he belongs. If Raven can put back crooks in the streets, sent demons back into their rightful place, then she can do it in a political campaign regardless of who they are...
But she knows, if Raven would ever demand his release, she could not bear imagining that mayor's wrinkled face cackling in amusement at the sight of her running off with her tail between her legs.
There was suddenly a knocking sound against metal, Raven tilts her head towards her door. Someone is knocking on her door.
With a frown, Raven got up and snatches it open and her sight caught an unexpected display.
Her expression slackens; It's not that she's surprised to see Starfire up late at night, but 'Happy,' for Starfire, is a relative term. She has inner happiness, one utterly independent of the outside world. She smiles as it burst from within, instead of being worn as an obligation in the way others do.
Raven's confused eyes bore into her, but her emerald green eyes aren't staring back.
It looked wrong on her. The downward curve, the absent eyes, telling Raven she has something else on her mind. Starfire even does not raise her head and meet Raven's eyes, yet Raven saw the flicker of something sad or tired in her eyes.
That's where Starfire speaks wearily, her eyes rimmed a permanent shade of red as they gaze wearily into a corner...
Eight words.
He wants us in his office tomorrow morning.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
The following day dawns sullen and sodden as Raven walks along the corridor towards the office room. It was still very early; as she passes by the faculty room there were only four of five people in neat suits chatting in soft voices, shifting through papers and preparing their reservation plans while the other conference rooms were still empty.
Raven didn't quite have the angle, but if she were to lean back a bit and look over her shoulder, she will see them almost breaking their necks looking back at her, their eyes linger, shamelessly, on the pert motion beneath her feathered cloak.
Raven slides open the office door and sees Starfire sitting motionless on the windowsill with her leg tucked under her in the back seat, gazing wearily out the window.
Raven: "You came early," said Raven, her violet eyes dart from her composure then at her watching the petals and the twigs that sway outside the window, the gentle tapping of raindrops against the glass.
Starfire neither answers nor complained. Instead, she simply jerks her head in acknowledgement of Raven's presence.
Raven: "So, any plans?"
Starfire hops off the windowsill and gazes at Raven with a neutral expression on her face; she neither looked grim nor hopeful.
Raven folded her arms and glares at Starfire's behavior. If she can just put that creep who had wept that incredibly beautiful smile Starfire often shows in a desert island and fall into absolute anarchy, then Raven would be satisfied.
But before she could open her mouth to speak, the office door slides open.
Starfire looks left and Raven's gaze follows.
A man walks in, three day stubble and a neat pressed suit, the kind you only see on high-priced lawyers and gangsters. He took in the room with a single sweep, carrying a stack of envelopes,
and his eyes glinted maliciously at the sight of Starfire and Raven.
The mayor places the stack of envelopes carefully on the desk as he hums a sunny tune with a small smile on his face. The jolly front he sported greatly incensed Raven and steels herself of what is about to come; she is not going to take any verbal beat down without any form of fight. He then turned his back on them and starts writing on the board what would the meeting project for the day be.
After writing the last character on the board, he goes over to the door and locks it...
Raven's insides were burning with hate.
He then settles himself behind the desk; he shuffles through the stack of envelopes and takes out two of them. From afar, Raven sees her name printed on it and Starfire's as well on the second one.
"Ladies," called the mayor from his desk. "Come here."
Raven stands on her spot, refuses to move and glared defiantly at him while Starfire ran her hand down her front, then scratching her shoulder, probably creating a front of not hearing or noticing anything.
"Come here, now." called the mayor again in a dangerous tone.
Raven did not move and continues to glare at him, but Starfire walks up the front. Raven did not know exactly what to do, but followed suit.
"So have the two of you thought about what I've said last time?" He asked as Raven and Starfire stood in front of him.
Raven: "About what?"
"Please, Ms.Raven, don't act stupid than you already are. I want us to be really good friends and help one another out."
Raven: "You're mistaking me for someone who actually cares," Raven snarled.
"Oh?" came his sly reply. "Then what would you like to do?"
"Nothing you'd care about," said Raven. The mayor gave her an amused smirk.
"How idealistic," He breathed. He brandishes the two folders towards Raven and Starfire for them to see more clearly. "These are your records, and I have the happy power to decide whether you are more than qualified to be heroes regardless of what you've done and are fit to protect our glorious city, gaining the public side, or"—He gives a dramatic sigh—"none at all. So please, sit down and we'll discuss what you girls ought to do."
Starfire remains silent, but she sat down and settles herself down on the chair beside the desk, hands neatly folded in her lap with her attention and chest facing towards his direction.
The mayor almost finds himself practically salivating at how refined she looks, almost regal in her aspect.
The effect is somewhat spoiled by the perfect size of her chest though. His eyes widen a fraction of an inch and as if he can't help himself, quickly cut to her top, and how it outlined the curves of her breasts, struck with awe by the fact they are perky, and appear to stand up and away from her chest, despite their fullness and size. The symmetry of each breast and how they appear to be perfect mirrors of each other in both shape and size strikes him as well, especially this close-up.
But Raven stubbornly remains standing. She wishes that Starfire would say something instead of complying with his requests.
Raven: "This world may have been run by a patriarchal society, but I don't intend to be judged by an old disgusting pervert like you." said Raven at the top of her voice, superbly disdainful.
The mayor looks highly alarmed and takes a quick glance at the locked door. He snaps his attention back at Raven with a contorted smile.
"Too bad life doesn't work that way, Ms.Raven," he hisses. "The course of actions you take truly fits the definition of an uneducated whore."
Raven felt the blood surge to her head and hears a thumping noise in her ears. So she is an uneducated whore was she?
The mayor was watching her with his head slightly to one side, the contorted smile now transitions into an amused one, as though he knows exactly what she is thinking and was waiting to see whether she would do anything. In the corner of her eye, Starfire was sitting stock-still, but her soundless message was absolutely piercing; with a massive effort Raven looks away from him and sat down.
Raven wishes that Starfire would say something, anything to get the both of them out of this situation.
"Very good, Ms.Raven," he chuckles. "Impulsive actions led to trouble and trouble, usually, could have very horrible outcomes. That's why those previous girls think very well before I let them get into whatever prestigious job with a proper background."
Raven's arms were shaking. She clenches her fists to prevent themselves from flying onto his wrinkled face. The mayor could apparently see how angry he was making Raven that his sick smirk widens. He then turns his attention towards Starfire.
"Don't you have anything to say, Ms.Starfire?"
Starfire's dark-red lips seem to be glued and she simply fixes her gaze at the board. Raven looked sideways at her; for some reason, her silence strongly reminded her of Y/n; part of Raven wanted to grab Starfire's shoulders and shake her. What Raven wants at this very moment is a presence of a friend, not a reminder of a jerk for a teammate.
"Apart from your glamour, you're quite retarded, Ms.Starfire." said the mayor with relish.
Starfire doesn't move a muscle and fixed her gaze at the whiteboard, but Raven's patience was already dwindling.
The mayor got up from his chair, walks around the desk and stood in front of them.
"I can do whatever I wish to do with you girls," he said softly, his eyes glinting. "As I've said, no one would believe you. Look at yourselves, you're pathetic! I can absolutely decide your fate and future with a simple speech and nothing will ever change that.
"I have the power and the authority over you. I can make the public opinion turn against you! So you better think carefully and instead of resisting do something to please me."
An annoyed expression painted on Raven's face as she glares at the man in front of her.
Raven: "For your age, the only thing that would please you is your hand and some elderly porn video, not taking a younger girl's virginity," Raven commented.
Starfire's face twitches; she snaps her head at Raven's direction, and with a look of horror.
Because she knows... the next scenario is far from amusing.
The sly composure that the old man so well sported suddenly changes; he raises his hand and slaps Raven across the face. It rocks her, knocking her to the floor with a soft thud noise!
Clutching her face, the stinging sensation extinguished all self-control Raven had. She immediately responds to impulse; she launches herself forward, raised her fist, and strikes the mayor's temple. He staggers sideways and stares at Raven with wide eyes, evident that the violence caught him by surprise.
And when Raven stared back, her eyes weren't violet anymore. Her soul-self raging around her body, red eyes blazing as four crimson slits, teeth bared furiously!
Raven wanted to shout at him, but the words of spite were all jammed in her throat, each struggling against one another which will be expressed first. She let out an incoherent yell of fury as she raises her engulfed hand and grabs the front of the mayor's shirt with her powers, slams him onto the whiteboard.
All Raven cared at the moment was to cause him as much pain as possible as she sinks her dark energy as hard as she can into his stomach.
The old man doubles over and retches. Raven then launches a chair in the chest and heard a cracking sound. His jaw fell open in pain, but no sound came out. Raven felt hands clenching her shoulders and its futile attempt to pull her away; Raven merely throws Starfire's hands off and continues launching every object in the room at every inch of the mayor she could reach.
Fury rang in Raven's ears that she becomes completely oblivious to the environment around her. She was completely oblivious at the echo that bounces around the room as objects make contact with any part of the mayor's body, at the sound of the office door being wrenched open, Starfire pleading her to calm down and the bellowing of seven or eight different voices.
A pair of large and strong hands, definitely not Starfire's, grasp Raven's shoulders and tried to pull her away. It caused Raven to lose her balance and when the mayor's left arm snakes up to cover his face, Raven yanks it not only to gain her stability but also to remain in close contact to rain down blows upon him. There was a loud popping sound, and when he yells in pain did Raven releases his arm; the hands then threw her onto the wall, but Raven's energy pushes their owners away.
"NOW!" a voice bellowed.
Raven leaps to her feet and looks at the room which was now filled with SWAT police. A sergeant who looks around in his late forties in the ground was glowering at Raven; he had graying hair, but he was tall and surprisingly burly.
That's where Raven gives a shout ofpain, feeling electrocuted, then limply laying on the ground...
The mayor was curled up on the floor, whimpering and moaning, his nose and mouth bloody. Three men in suits kneel down beside him, assist him to his feet and help him sit down on a chair.
"They weren't performing very well doing their duties," started the mayor in a shaky voice. "They wanted me to quit my job because I knew the truth, but it was out of my hands. So Ms.Raven attacked me...Ms.Starfire was the lookout."
Before Starfire can offer words in their defense, the sergeant glares in their direction.
"I've never seen behavior like it—Take them to the conference room! Go! Now!"
Deciding that there is no point arguing with the mayor around, the S.W.A.T members point their guns at Starfire as others carry the unconscious Raven and turn on their heels and march out of the room, both sides neither saying a word to each other.
The urgent rumbling of attendants grew fainter and fainter until Starfire reaches the office of the chairperson, where she can hear nothing except the sound of her footsteps.
Other people start to gather around the doors and stare at Raven's body being carried; something warm trickle down her fingertips. There was a trail of crimson droplets on the corridor floor, her knuckles are bleeding profusely, the knuckles of which she had bruised against the mayor's jaw.
They had barely reached the door of the Chairperson of the political campaign when the sergeant comes marching along the corridor behind them accompanied by a short stout woman. He looked livid and the old lady looked deeply troubled.
"In!" He said furiously, pointing to the door. Starfire entered.
The sergeant holds open the door for the woman; she strides around behind the desk and sat down while he stands behind Raven and Starfire with his arms folded across his chest.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
Raven grunts in pain and her eyes fluttered open. Smooth metal was clamped around her exposed neck and was snapped shut, and she jolted as she feels her powers fade to nothing instantly. Her eyes widen.
A power suppression collar?! Raven lets out a gasp of surprise in her sudden situation, her emotionless facade overtaken by sheer panic for a moment.
She also felt the familiar touch of rope around her small wrists and grit her teeth, moving her body in an attempt to pull away.
Concern slammed through her body at the developing situation, and Raven fought back. But her wrists were gripped tightly and wrenched on the armrests of the chair she's in.
Raven turns her head to the side with an angry snarl on her lips and she sees the same man with the S.W.A.T uniform. Raven realizes that it is him who had yanked her away from that perverted geezer.
"Well ?" the sergeant said in a high-pitched drawl. "I have never seen such a disgraceful exhibition from young women, heroines! Two onto ONE! And most of all towards an administrator and an old man at that! Explain yourselves!"
"Mr.Dunkins," the old woman said. "Please calm down."
Raven gazes at the old woman and saw the nameplate was etched with the name Chairperson Linda Stewarts.
"Girls," said the Chairperson. "Could you please explain to me the reason behind that ordeal?"
"Don't waste your geniality upon girls like these, Chairwoman," said the sergeant disdainfully. "These delinquents don't respond through diplomatic means."
Raven gives an irritable twitch as though trying to displace an irksome fly and suppresses the idea, the impulse of throwing a punch at his face; he had absolutely no idea what her reputation was or who he is referring to. How dare he call her a delinquent when Raven's duty had been for the past several years was to take care of delinquents around the city?!
Raven: "I'm no delinquent!" retorted Raven. "I don't beat people without a reason and the reason why I started pushing back was to teach that perverted rat a lesson!"
That's what happens when you hand some 'roided-up halfwit an expensive suit with 'special' on the front and let him ride around the girls' hometown, playing the good guy.
"Ms.Raven," the Chairperson addressed gently at Raven. "If you say 'perverted rat', whom do you refer to?"
Starfire: "Raven is speaking of the mayor," Starfire finally spoke in a flat voice.
"Why are you saying this?" replied the Chairperson, surprised. "Mr.Vincent has been performing for years and he had given Jump City a good picture, not only in America but also abroad as well."
"He is a graduate of Harvard University, he has no wife or children since his dedication is solely to help employees prepare for higher-ups and make this city a safe place," the sergeant coincided, unfolding his arms, walks beside the desk and facing Raven and Starfire; his scowl towards them was in askance. "Do you girls know what you're talking about?"
Raven: "Do I look dumb to you?" said Raven; she felt that she is being rude to the wrong person and immediately added, "sir?"
Starfire: "He's a liar and a royal Glempork," stated Starfire, nodding. "He's intentionally using events from our past so that he can bribe us. He thinks we'll provide him a form of erotic entertainment for our dignity."
"This is preposterous," said the sergeant sharply, shaking his head. His voice held a new coldness. "He is the least person I would suspect of sexual harassment." Then he turns to the Chairperson and says, "We should call their teammates, we need to arrange a meeting. This might take the whole day so all reservations should be canceled for today."
Raven: "You're going to call my friend?!" said Raven, aghast; she had hoped that her friends would not need to know about this ordeal.
"Yes," replied the Chairperson as she reached for the receiver of the telephone on her desk. "We have to discuss this with them."
Raven: "They don't need to be involved in this!" exclaimed Raven angrily, trying to rise from her seat and balling her hands into fists.
"On the contrary, they have every right to be involved," said the Chairperson. "This is a matter that doesn't need only one individual to judge. What you have done and what you accuse Mr.Vincent of is quite severe."
"Take off her cuffs." The sergeant gazed at Raven sternly. "Go to the clinic, Miss.Raven, but you better return here," said the sergeant, gesturing at Raven's injured hand, "Oh, no; you stay right where you are." he added in a sharp tone when Starfire stood up from her seat apparently planning to accompany Raven.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
The news about Raven attacking the mayor spread like wildfire in the building; people turn their heads in her direction, whisper behind their hands, and stare at her bloodied knuckles.
When Raven enters the clinic, the nurse smiles at her in an odd, strained sort of way; it was more like a grimace. Raven knows what the thoughts behind the nurse's cold expression were.
Raven: "I didn't do it without a reason," she stated.
"Of course you did," replied the nurse absentmindedly as she finishes wrapping bandages over Raven's knuckles.
Raven regarded the ill-treatment she got from the nurse as a personal insult; she didn't thank her and immediately leaves the clinic without closing the door. She hears whispers around her as she walks back to the Chairperson's office. The funny thing was that none of the whisperers seemed to mind her overhearing what they were saying about her—on the contrary, it was as though they were hoping she would get angry and start shouting so that they could hear the story firsthand.
She finds all their judging glares on her, their body language showing exactly what they think of her.
And maybe... they're not wrong. Raven thought.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
Moments later the Chairperson's office was now filled with a number of people; the doctor was there along with the nurse tending to the mayor as well as the other eight secretaries who intervened earlier.
"Mr.Vincent," said the nurse, looking worried about his condition. "We can conduct this meeting some other time—"
"No!" He said viciously. "I want to deal with these girls right now; I do not want these kinds of scum defiling other cities and assailing other mayors!"
The office door opens and Raven saw Cyborg and Beastboy in the doorway. Cyborg swept towards her, hugged her and along with Beastboy, started bombarding her with questions.
Cyborg: "Raven, is this all true?"
Beastboy: "They told us that you assaulted him, is this all true, Raven?"
Before she could answer, the office door opens once again and Robin steps forward, flung his staff aside as Starfire immediately stands up and rushes to him, and throws her arms around him, burying her face into his chest.
Starfire: "Robin," said Starfire soothingly at her boyfriend. "Worry not, I am not harmed, I'm fine."
The Chairperson thanks the titans for coming on such short notice. Robin glances at the mayor before turning his attention towards his teammate.
Robin: "Why did you do that to the mayor, Raven?" asked Robin.
Raven: "Because to exact revenge for myself or for my friend or for other girls who had their clothes, along with their right, torn away from them! For those scrambling for their innocence to be returned, is not only a right, it's an absolute duty," said Raven loudly; she then points her finger at the old geezer. "A perverted bastard is always a perverted bastard! And he gets what he deserves for such blatant disregard, for stripping them from their own dignity and robbing from their innocence, after someone just like you, had stolen it from them!"
Everyone in the room stares at Raven at her sudden outburst.
"See what kind of character she had just showcased right now? She's not only violent, but that girl is also a liar!" snarled the mayor and there was relish in his voice for more lies, "In my entire career, all I have done is to aid and make top employees, better city. They were going to blackmail me saying that if I don't quit my job, they will assault me to teach me a lesson!"
Raven: "You're the liar here!" retorted Raven. "It was you who hit me, and it was only right that I strike back!"
"I would never assault a civilian, let alone one of our protectors! In the fray when Ms.Raven attacked me, I might have hit her, but that was an attempt to protect myself!" He defends.
Cyborg: "You better watch your mouth, mister. Raven does not hit a person with no reason at all!" said Cyborg in defense. "Raven is not aggressive, for every action she's done, she has her reasons and justifications!"
"Any close people would say that in defense of their beloved," He shot back at Cyborg. "Believe me when I say it: your friend assaulted me because it is not in my power within to wipe that stain from her record."
Beastboy: "That is unacceptable! If you look back in Raven's records, she had never started fights!" said Beastboy.
"There are always a first time for everything, Mr.Beastboy," retorted the mayor. "Besides, no one can entirely depend on records to ensure that they are guilty or they are what you think them to be; you're not there all the time to watch over her actions." Then he added with a glint of dry amusement in his eyes, "Everyone always needs hard evidence to prove it."
There was a rumbling of agreement on his side; others are giving Raven a disapproving look. Raven wanted to rage more at the old man, but she has no evidence to prove it; the more she wants to defend herself, the more the other executives believed their proper gentleman.
He was the master at the latter. He knew just what to say and never on record.
The only thing that is foreign in the tension in the room was Starfire's frustrated if she feels sorry for him.
Starfire: "You are right," said Starfire all of a sudden. She pinched her index finger and thumb together on her collarbone and took out what looks like a small chip and holds it up for everyone to see. "This is the evidence that Raven's telling the truth about you being a dirty old Zarbnof."
The attendants look utterly perplexed; Starfire hands the chip to the Chairperson.
"Wait!" The mayor calls loudly from his seat as the Chairperson takes the chip from Starfire's hand, placing it on the Blu-ray player. "What is that?"
Starfire: "I am the retarded girl with mental issues, your honor," said Starfire gently with a sympathetic smile.
"Just one moment!" He shouts; he looked panic-stricken. "This is going to resemble a circus act!"
Cyborg: "Well, we'll find out soon enough, won't we?" said Cyborg as the Chairperson presses the play icon.
Despite the sound played came from the small device, its sound rang throughout the room clearly; the attendants' mouths slowly gape open as the device plays on the video, some narrow their eyes.
"As I've said, no one would believe you. Look at yourselves, you're pathetic! I can absolutely decide your fate and futures with a simple speech and nothing will ever change that! I have the power and I have the authority over you. So you better think carefully and instead of resisting do something to please me."
Then there is a slapping sound and Raven hears her own bellow.
A few minutes later, the Chairperson presses stop; she was very red in the face and looks utterly revolted. The room was still and silent, everyone who opposed Raven gaping wide-eyed at the device then at the mayor who sat as if turned to stone, as pale as a corpse.
Robin: "I think we've seen enough," said Robin in disgust, glowering at the mayor from across the room; he looked like he is about to launch himself from where he's standing and attack that disgusting pervert. The only thing that restrains him from that action was Starfire's hand which was on his arm.
Cyborg: "We'll see you in court," said Cyborg with cold fury at the disgusting old fart.
The Chairperson, the sergeant, the doctors and nurses, and the rest seem to be recoiling away from the mayor.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
Robin sent Raven and Starfire out of the office; they decided to wait by the stairwell, standing across the big window, the noise produced by the rain lashing on it, it also made eavesdropping of just to have an idea of what the meeting was about that they were not allowed to take part in virtually impossible. The place now seems deserted.
Raven: "Why did Robin send us out?" asked Raven, looking at the door of the office.
Starfire: "Because he thinks we had enough for today," replied Starfire with croaked voice, watching the gloomy silver sky.
Raven: "Yeah, right..." Raven growled. She scowls at the ground, she notices something is quite odd back in the office but shrugs it off when she caught an upset look from her periphery. "I'm so proud of you, Star. Don't be sorry for him, I don't know what would happen if you haven't done that."
Starfire's eyes gaze downwards, her lips curling into a humorless grin. She sighs wearily and stretches, clasping one hand behind her head.
Starfire: "Some men, they have no self-control." She ran her hand down her front, over her body that changed by the day. "Something I learned from my body sculpture, as it changes over the years."
Raven: "That's one clever way to use that to your advantage." She gives a smirk, impressed.
But she just takes a deep breath and looks away from her. Her eyes were burning, she could feel her cheeks burn and the unmistakable burning pain in her emerald eyes that signals her incoming tears.
Starfire: "I- just wish to go home." She says, her bottom lip quivering.
The helplessness that surges afterward did little to keep the tears at bay.
It was hard to see how much that bastard affected her with his insults, how his sick burning desires could have left only the ashes of her innocence. To experience a severe pain, breaking her down, until she's no longer who she's once was.
As she deliberately sits there silently, unable to call for help. Forced to simply...endure.
Until it's all over.
I wonder how many lives he would destroy if you wouldn't meddle. Can you live with that? Are you really that apathetic while you roam untroubled while others are suffering?
At that moment, Starfire feels the touch of cold skin on her cheek and was instantly frightened. A soft hand, wrapped in a bandage held her face with an uncanny tenderness.
Raven: "We'll go back home, I promise." She says softly.
Raven stares at the rain-lashed windowpane as Starfire buries her face into her shoulder, contemplating on the events that took place, and on Y/n's words.
What do you care if numbers of nameless and faceless people were perturbed in the vague future, if in the here and now you were alive, and well, and happy? And here I was thinking you're the hero who meddles in order to resolve conflicts.
She pushes her thoughts of him to the back of her head and waited for the office door to open.
◉ ◉ ◉ ◉ ◉
The rain finally stops and the sun peaks through the grey clouds as the titans walk back to their home. Raven walks behind them with Starfire along.
Cyborg: "You go on ahead," said Cyborg suddenly. "I have to go buy our dinner for tonight. Grass stain, get yo lazy butt over here and let's go!"
Beastboy: "Ow man!" He whined, slumping his shoulders in frustration.
Raven: "Uh, we still have some chicken curry in the fridge," Raven reminded.
Cyborg smiled and stroked her hair. "I just want to give you a special dinner, that's all..."
Starfire: "I'll accompany you, I too wish to give you all a nice treat of homemade cooking!" She beams at everyone, then Raven.
He then excuses himself and disappears in the crowd.
An awkward lull silence follows. Robin and Raven walk through the city square and passed by a television shop. Raven saw several flat-screen televisions on its display window; her eyes dart from one screen to another as it depicts the current events from different stations.
"—An update on the astonishing assassination harvesting scandal; records of statement of accounts presented today by the prosecution in the second week of the impeachment trial—"
Raven stops and glances at the television screen.
"—the evidence presented had surfaced in the midst of the former's actions at the center of the scandal, who've been implicated in killing cities officials four years—"
Him again? thought Raven contemptuously. Isn't there anything in the news that doesn't have anything to do with him nowadays?
"—ironically, the aftermath had paved an opportunity to subject the Chief of Justice's accounts to scrutiny—"
Raven narrows her eyes and strains her ears; though it seems to be a reprise of what she had heard a few days ago, everything seems to be singing a different tune. Raven continues walking with her leader.
The opening notes of the music that heralded the new flash emits from the gigantic LCD screen overhead.
"—civil war has gripped Myanmar since 1948, but the mysterious killer's incursion three years ago had weakened the military's regime overnight—"
A blessing in disguise, huh? thought Raven as she tilts her head towards the screen.
"—countless lives had been claimed in civil war, but its number could not compare to the ones instigated by the hooded killer's actions four years ago—"
She sees a video file of a hooded man speaking amidst the dark, telling the whole world that he would instigate an attack. And he's coming for each and every single one of them.
Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on...
None of you are safe.
"—governments were the usual target of his grip regardless of system, whether democracy or dictatorship—"
So if Y/n didn't start that journey, that country would still be under a dictator, they'd still be under a military junta, more bloodshed, and the next generation still living in fear. If Y/n had not started that journey...if he had just let it all go...everyone would still be suffering then...
And to her disbelief, Raven was standing in exactly the same position that Y/n had found himself in. How many more would that sick-twisted mayor victimize if Raven had just let him go? She had the legal right of a citizen and was socially responsible for her actions. How many girls' dignity would Raven sacrifice? How many lives did Y/n sacrifice? Just for the sake of the future...
"Are you alright, Raven?" came Robin's voice. "You look odd..."
Raven tore her view from the LCD screen and turns to face her leader. He looks utterly concerned.
Raven: "Robin..." said Raven breathlessly, gazing downwards, her face softens, and for the first time since she'd met their guest, it looked unguarded. "I want to ask about him...Y/n."
Robin looks mildly surprised. All of what Y/n had said seems to reverberate everywhere, seem to haunt Raven until she understands; it was better to ask now to have a sense of peace regarding the reasons Y/n gave her.
Raven: "He told me that he killed because he wanted to save the world and stuff," Raven started. "What is really his deal?"
Robin tilts his head to one side, contemplating his teammate's sudden curiosity of a guest whom she greatly dislikes.
Raven: "I heard a great deal of that today and it all sounded like what he told me why he did such thing," Raven confessed. "I don't know what he's thinking, to kill for the greater good, but he told me that it's only right that he did. I mean, you knew what he did and you knew it was wrong," she then meets his stare, "but you act like he had done the right thing."
Robin regarded the confused Raven for a few moments before speaking.
Robin: "Raven, if something was wrong, would you do what you can to correct it?" asked Robin.
Raven: "That's why I'm here," she said innocently with utmost sincerity. "I want things to be better, so much better, for everyone."
Robin nodded. "And that's the reason why he did that; he saw something was wrong and so he had done what he can to make things right again."
Raven: "What he did was the only way?" said Raven suspiciously and in distaste.
Robin: "You could say so," said Robin, shrugging. "That was the only way he could do. I know it was a little nihilistic, but in his disposition there are difficult decisions. It's difficult to understand."
Raven: "Then make me understand!" pouted Raven, folding her arms across her chest; she already heard that statement more than enough and she felt exasperated repeating herself.
Robin blinks; he sighs and gives her a small sad smile.
Robin: "I really don't know where to start," he confessed slowly. "All of this started...a really long time ago."
Robin's voice fades and he paused, apparently collecting and arranging his thoughts in order. Raven waits.
Robin: "Y/n has a very...unusual comportment," said Robin and he said it carefully as though he was choosing his words. "But he's a person just like you and me. And being that kind of person, he saw that this world had lived long enough under oppressive governments and myths. Tyrants remained secure in their position in the government they had established and cemented by using fear and oppression.
"He used violence to fight violence with good intentions, but no one saw it that way, and they never will. This is due to our laws that cover only tangible matters; no one would believe things such as demons or spirits. They merely saw him as a power-hungry killer who once terrorized the whole world. And like any other blood-thirsty killer, they create their own worst enemy."
Raven thought for a few moments before realizing what her leader is talking about.
Raven: "Wayne Enterprises?" she finally said. "Isn't Bruce Wayne the head of that organization? Didn't he want his head before?"
A positively dangerous look creeps over Robin's face when Raven mentioned Bruce's name.
Robin: "Raven, always remember that there is a difference between using a vast terrible power for good and using it for evil." he said seriously.
Raven: "He didn't look like some savior to me," said Raven in distaste.
It seem like the events that took place today seem to be shedding light of understanding towards Y/n's actions. But it doesn't stop there. Robin pauses and Raven hears the newscaster's voice once again.
"—now citizens have finally instated their prime minister. The military junta was finally over and their country has finally woken up from the nightmare and embraced the dream of freedom and democracy."
The screen changes: a short video clip of a foreign county wherein its citizens are waving their national flag, rejoicing and hailing their new leader. It was undeniable that people died and millions had suffered as a result, but those eyes and faces that shone with is as though that scandal never happened...
Robin: "See? In the end, the world had finally experienced freedom and peace. You resemble him in a way," said Robin, smiling benignly at Raven. "Both of you want to do what is right in every turn in a way that you know."
Raven continues to look at the LCD screen observing the faces that had finally tasted freedom.
Robin: "But not knowing the truth behind it, people will forever see him as the tyrant and the one who deserves death." said Robin in a soft dejected voice. "He has no one to turn to; we're the only real family he has now..."
The largest puddle on the sidewalk mirrores a picture of a hooded guy in front of Raven; she looks up and saw the original image of him being flashed on the LCD screen overhead. It was from a file video, evidently taken four years ago.
The signal from across the street told them to stop; numerous heads tilted upwards toward the screen and Raven hears their comments.
"—thank goodness he's dead—" said an elderly woman
"—I can't believe a person like that existed. Didn't he think about other people he'd kill—" a young girl clad in a high school uniform said to her friend.
"—rumor has it he shot himself—" a boy said to his companions.
"—should have done that earlier, then—" said one of them.
"—too bad, it would be great to execute him in public—" replied another.
The signal changes and the pedestrians trek on.
People around Raven trekked on ahead with only presumptions of the man who had terrorized the world... Presumed to be dead when he was really alive...presumed to be evil when he was really good...presumed to have done things for personal gain when what he had done was entirely selfless...presumed to be the persecutor when he is the martyr...
Raven drops her gaze to the sidewalk where the small puddles reflected the colorful lights of the stores around them; she looks up once again and saw the screens transition into a dizzying array of colors.
Robin was looking at Raven with a gentle look; he had also heard what other people had been talking about Y/n.
"So please, Raven, understand Y/n...even a little...don't bear a grudge on him."
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