A Fated Encounter
Before the crime alert...
The spacious conference room was dark yet there was a mixed tint of bluish colors glowing eerily in the small part of the room and reflected on the dark frosted glass surface of the long conference table.
A tall man stood in front of gigantic LCD screens. He stood still in his lair as he watches the footage from both fights that had happened these past two days.
The multitude of screens displays many different angles of each Titan and the 'unknown guy' as they fought the army of drones.
The computers analyzed every aspect of every individual and their powers.
Regardless of such, he watches the hooded guy intensely, observing every detail about him and his abilities. The other tape shows a crew of thugs against the same young man.
He observes the footage displayed with great interest; The newest 'hero' had too many uncertainties surrounding him for the master criminal's liking.
'Being mysterious? Interesting indeed,' he muttered.
"You've been keeping an eye on him ever since he stepped his foot here."
Says a female voice.
The man merely glanced around and saw her. She was leaning against the large tinted glass doors with her arms folded across her chest.
She walks over to one of the high-backed conference chairs and sat down with her legs crossed.
"And he passed your test, with ease. He is truly impressive, master." She finished.
Why do I fight? Why do I get myself involved? Why am I still here?
Those were the questions ringing inside the young man's head.
He walks along the streets, keeping his senses alert to his surroundings. Whether in the case of someone perpetrating a crime that he would need to stop, or simply for anyone who might be looking out for him.
Fortunately, his hoodie and the dark always do the job, it covered all that he needed to keep hidden from people walking by, blending among the crowd.
I fight because people need me, and I'm here... for the same reason.
As for his second question, he had no idea what the answer was—
However, he was taken by surprise when he turns to a corner and happens to spot Cyborg and Beast Boy walking in the opposite direction.
Deciding that turning away would most likely attract unwanted attention to himself, something that he didn't particularly is in the mood for, Y/n simply kept his cool and continued walking the same way.
Cyborg: "I'm telling you B.B, there's just no way we'll find the guy, no matter how much Robin wants us to."
Beastboy: "Yeah, tell me about it. He's like a ghost or something," the frustrated Beast Boy responds. "We've almost checked out every single corner of the city and haven't turned up with anything."
More Steps.
Cyborg: "Even though, I doubt he's left yet," Cyborg said, feeling a glimmer of hope.
Too close.
Beastboy: "But... Are you sure he's a good guy Cy? I mean, Raven's words kinda made me feel doubtful-"
Y/n: "Excuse me."
Beastboy: "Right at you are sir," Beastie politely says, waving his hand to the other side, both of them stepped aside to let him go by.
Cyborg scowls suspiciously, his human eye and the optic roaming over his figure.
Cyborg: "Strange, that guy seems almost... familiar."
Y/n's brows slightly furrowed; he diverted his hooded eyes over his shoulder upon hearing his words. He simply continues walking at the same pace, intent on leaving them behind without arousing further suspicion.
Beastboy: "Why's that?" He asked with confusion on his face.
Cyborg: "Not sure. If I saw his face I might recognize him."
Beastboy: "Wait... Isn't he kind of like the man?" Beast Boy wonders. "Like when he was with us, he had his jacket with those- full-length gauntlets and was all obscured and we couldn't see a thing about him? Well, except for his jaw."
Cyborg: "Wait a second!" Cyborg exclaims abruptly. "That man has the same traits!"
Oh no...
Beastboy: "You're saying... HEY, WAIT UP!" Beast Boy hollers after him, raising his hand high.
He knew he had been discovered, it was only a matter of time!
Not wanting to be caught, he immediately runs away from the two Titans. He turned to a corner and went into a building on his left, closing the door quickly and hiding behind the wall.
He stays immobile until he sees Beast boy and Cyborg run past—
"I hope you have not given up on our city."
Y/n looks around for the source of the voice. That belongs to a young woman.
The former emerges from the shadow and his hooded eyes zone in on shiny gold hair; The first thing he notices is the sophisticated armor that she wears, glistened under the dimmed lights almost making it sparkle like the stars in the sky.
It showed off her shape and acts alluringly. Her breasts were supple enough to be flaunted and used to tease. Her hips had the dangerous curves. She had much to offer. All that packed inside that silver armor.
Her body continues to sway in her confident gait, the sound of heels clicked against the ground, more and more until her front is facing him, just begging for him to notice them.
His eyes rake her entire body up and down, but they had not strayed too long on her cleavage; he glares at her straight in the eyes.
Y/n: "Who are you?" He asks tonelessly, looking slightly alarmed and angry at the sight that greeted him.
This amused the female and she takes a step closer to him, but he backs away.
"I doubt anyone outside myself wants to know, and none of us are dumb enough to spread rumors outside these walls, right?" She retorted casually.
Her movements slow as she gauges him, but when he stays planted where he stands a small smirk appears, this prompted her to move closer to him and reached out. But he takes another step back away from her hands.
"It's ok, you don't have to be shy~ show me who's behind that hood." She gauges in a rather sultry voice.
He was still confused of what to do when she moves closer again and started fumbling with his uniform. But he suddenly holds her wrists.
Her gaze flicks from his form to his.
Y/n: "I think that you should be doing this with someone you're really intimate with."
The female scoffs; she tries to suppress her giggling, but ends up bursting into loud laughter, it sounded more like an evil cackle than an expression of amusement.
"So gallantry still does exist amongst men...or maybe you are just an isolated case. Either way," Her voice is subtly sensual and smooth, a velvety whisper, "you are indeed a fine choice."
Fine choice?
Y/n's brows furrowed; he looks ready to say something, he can hear her heartbeats increasing by the second. But she doesn't give him the chance as she speaks.
"You know, sir," Her face burned under his piercing stare, she was panting like she is desperate for oxygen, observing Y/ns' enticing build, "whenever a man would try to touch me, I would touch his heart—literally—the tips of my fingers pierced through the atrium of that beating heart." Then she added with a purr. "But I don't mind the touch of your firm hands, so manly... so strong." Her gaze travels to his grip on her wrists. "They are pristine...They may be callous, but the intentions have always been pure, are they not? They've always handled everything in their own right even though the methods are chaotic..." Then she adds with a rather malicious glint in her eyes, "Apart from that," her gaze returns to his hooded face. "You've got cute boyish looks. That clean-shaven boyish face females always gravitate to."
Y/n: "I see," was all he could reply. He did not look amused or flattered.
The sound of her deep panting and heavy breathing gradually faded only to be replaced by an eerie silence.
"I'll see you soon, pretty boy." She said, her smirk still present on her lips.
She turned and walks back to the dark, striding at a slow pace. Her hips swaying in an exaggerated fashion in those heeled boots, no doubt showing off; she spares a glance at him before disappearing in the shadows.
Y/n simply stares back, watching her voluptuous figure blend in the dark.
Currently, in the living room of Titan's Tower, lady Starfire was in the kitchen, unloading the dishwasher as two Cyborg and Beastboy enter, looking breathless. She grins when she sees them.
Cyborg: "Beast Boy and I just ran into the guy!"
Starfire: "You did?" Starfire looks startled, eyes widen.
Beastboy: "He passed right next to us on Elm street and we figured out that he looked familiar and why. But by then he ran off and we haven't seen him since."
The frustrated Cyborg and Beastboy slump their shoulders forward in defeat.
Starfire: "But friends, look at the bright side, at least we know he's still here—"
It was right after the tower alarm went off, the Titan's respective comm devices blinking in unison. Cyborg and Starfire and Beastboy run to the main console with Cy marching typing at the keyboards.
Cyborg: "If you think what happened days before was tough, wait until you see this."
The doors open and Robin runs to the secondary console, booting it up to see what the situation was. As he types in a few commands on the keyboard, Raven emerges from the floor.
Robin: "Unbelievable... Two places are getting hit at once! Cinderblock is in the heart of the city. More machines are attacking a manufacturing facility, and who knows what's inside."
Starfire: "What do you suggest Robin?"
Robin: "I'm not sure what would be the best plan. Splitting up would put each of us in danger, and taking each place would not end well for us."
Raven: "Do you have any other options?" Asks Raven solemnly, pulling her hood.
Robin: "I agree," the team leader said with a nod, taking the hint.
The main screen shifts, showing a blow-up of the building, with a group of people entering.
"Starfire, you and I will take the facility. Cyborg, Beast Boy, you two handle the drones."
Raven glances back, and saw the rock-like creature lift a car off the street and throw it out of its way.
"And Raven—"
Raven: "You'll meet me at the building. You two go and deal with Cinderblock."
Robin: "Raven," He says her name with concern, "you're stepping into the unknown."
Raven: "Exactly." She gravely replied.
Starfire: "Then Robin and I shall defeat Cinderblock!" She says, raising her fist high.
Robin: "Right. When anyone's finished, go help someone else. There is no telling what awaits us."
Beastboy: "Ugh... Where is that guy when we needed him the most." He whispers, shaking his head in disappointment as he runs to Cy's car.
Raven quirks an eyebrow at him, knowing who he is referring to but raised her cloak to the left, her soul-self engulfing her.
An amorphous black effigy shot out of the tower, flying to the city.
Beast Boy slammed into a wall with a pained grunt, Cyborg skidding back near the shapeshifter on two boots and his left hand. The green Titan picks himself off the wall and took on a stance beside Cyborg.
Beastboy: "Alright, this thing is making me mad!"
Hulking down in the large space centered on the highest floor of the facility, those robots flashed their red optics.
They are smaller than the ones the whole team had fought last time, only a similar robotic-muscular design. An easy gig!
Cyborg activates his cannon and looks at his friend with a dark smirk.
Cyborg: "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin', BB?"
Smacking his left fist into his right palm, Beast Boy smirks right back.
Beastboy: "Sonic-Rex time, baby!"
Hey Cybo~oooooorg!
The duo turn to the sound and Cyborg's face turns pale when he sees a horned pink-haired lady and a group of nemesis behind her.
Cyborg: "Oh shoot." The big man mutters.
In Jump City's bridge, where vehicles usually pass by, Robin and Starfire were fighting against Cinderblock. As he usually was, the stone behemoth was proving to not be a pushover for the Titans. He picks up a large transport truck, making it seem as easy as a child picking up a small toy car. It hefts it above Its head and hurls it at Robin.
The Teen Wonder shoots out his grapple that hooked onto a crane and pulled himself out of the way as the truck landed where he'd previously been standing. He swings around the crane's arm and landed his metal-soled boots on Cinderblock's face. The giant was forced back from the impact, but shook his head and let out a growl before charging at Robin like an enraged bull.
The Titan leader stood still as his enemy runs towards him. Just before It closes in, he jumps high in the air and Starfire comes through, slamming a Starbolt-covered fist on Cinderblock's chest, her alien strength sending him flying into the crane holding a bunch of metal beams. It looks up in time to see them all come crashing down in his face.
Enraged further, It roars as It got up and ripped off the crane's arm which he swung in a downward arc at Starfire.
Starfire holds her hands over her head, the stone monster's weapon cutting in two upon contact with the Starbolts. Cinderblock manages to grab Starfire in his wide hands just after such. She struggles briefly and swung her leg at It, but It releases her and took the brunt of the impact with the palms of his hands.
A disk goes off on his face with a flash, causing his vision to blur, courtesy of Robin. This was followed by the young man landing his foot on his face, sending him crashing against the opposite wall.
Starfire: "He is... unquestionably persistent," She commented as their enemy was coming to its feet.
Robin: "But why?" Robin wonders. "There's nothing to capture, nothing to steal."
Both Titans readied themselves as Cinderblock rises and charges them once again.
A robotic figure just too large to be human threw a large, mechanical door behind it like a paperweight, crashing through the opening and moving past rows of super-computers, toward another vault at the end, the walls, and computers black with a glistening, white floor.
In the clear light, a human face was visible in the head of the huge robot, obviously, a muscular, silver cyborg-body-suit of some kind as the relatively young man marched along, grimly satisfied with the power he wields.
A black swirl appeared on the safe he wanted, causing him to pause as Raven flows out. Her expression turned gravely troubled.
Raven: "Adonis?" She quirked a brow.
The boy in the robotic suit grinned, it has been a while indeed.
Adonis: "Well, well. And I was worried you wouldn't come back to me, baby~"
Her eyes narrowed to slits, glowing in smoking white.
Raven: "And I was going to go easy on you..." Her hands wrenched up, engulfed in black power, and then slammed straight.
A beam of soul-self blasted into Adonis' silver chest, but he skids back, tensed, and then flexed taut, breaking her hold on him.
Raven groans faintly, shaking her hands as if stung. His new suit is tougher than the old one. She said to herself.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Back at the bridge, Robin, Starfire, and Cinderblock have reached the higher levels. The stone giant shakes off the effect of a Starbolt that had just connected with his face and his vision clears up in time to see the two Titans teaming up on him.
As they both rushed him, Starfire grabbed Robin's arm and spun him around so that he delivered a powerful kick which sent the behemoth crashing into the middle of the mine.
Starfire: "Victory at last!" Starfire says when their opponent stays down.
Robin: "Now we can concentrate on helping-"
Starfire pushed him out of the way when she saw a rock about to crash into them. This saves him from harm, but renders her unconscious and tumbling towards the water of the sea below.
Robin: "Starfire!" He yells.
He turned upon hearing a peal of maniacal laughter and sees an armored figure, of a lady, standing on top of Cinderblock's slumped body.
"Feeling lonely that I exterminated your... girlfriend?" The filtered voice mocks.
Robin: "You'll pay for it!" The Teen Wonder ran full speed at her.
He threw punches and kicks, none successfully managing to hit her.
Raven flexes her hands up and forward, Adonis' head engulfed in darkness. He stumbled, clutching at the bubble of shadow, and finally shouted in anger, charging blindly ahead.
Raven's eyes widen, realizing she will be crushed by his armored body, and released her spell.
He smirks at the last second, and wrenched his right hand forward, grabbing her around the waist and slamming her against the wall.
Raven grunts, and then grabbed the hand holding her, shoving with all her might.
Starfire: "Raven...!" A weak voice croaked.
Suddenly, Raven is frozen in horror at the sight of her friends unconscious, they were badly hurt, pushed to the ground with a group behind them.
They were very familiar, one giant muscular man, one pink-headed lady, one dwarf who had grown a mustache, and two others who look like they are in a sleepover party.
The H.I.V.E.
Cyborg: "Ra... ven..." Cyborg strained, trying to push himself from the ground, but it was no use.
Robin: "We have to...!" Robin manages, but could barely stand.
That's when a silver-armored figure, in a mask enters casually at the scene, kicks Robin in the head, thus knocking him out, then reaches for her earpiece.
"Four heroes down, one to go." The filtered voice declares, her stare at Raven, who glares back.
Realizing she couldn't push free, she slices her stare back to her enemy, her eyes glowering weakly at Adonis, who leered at her.
Adonis: "How about a kiss for Adonis?"—
A loud sound of broken bones crushes Raven's ear as a powered punch went straight to Adonis's rather unprotected face, and flies back, releasing Raven into a floating position before he crashes out through the initial vault he'd torn out of the first wall.
His face hardly recognizable it was so battered, and finally crashes onto his back with a shuddering thud.
Raven drops down lightly; When it's finally clear, she let her powers fade, her body giving up, and saw her teammates recovered enough to rub their heads and they watch her stand calmly for a heartbeat, and then moans as she collapses sideways, her hood down, hair trailing. But someone extended his arms and caught her body.
Without a word, Y/n slowly crawls down, taking a moment looking at her face, and gently laying her on her back.
Then, he stands up and turns to face the rest of the troublemakers, and he sees her—
She was not cowed by the young man's sudden appearance - just surprised. She stands her ground, her eyes darting from him to the sorceress's face as she lays, unconscious.
Was he coming to her aid then? She thought.
The entire place held its breath. He had said nothing so far, but as it was with him, his eyes and composure did the talking. He sort of stared her down, his intense eyes boring into hers, almost ferocious. And she frowns annoyingly under her mask.
To her credit, the suited woman didn't flinch, though she unconsciously took a small step back.
Jinx: "Wanna knuckle sandwich too?" She suddenly hollers jeeringly at the stranger, shaking her fist at him.
He ignored her boast. His fingers slowly curling into clenched fists, a wind of red electricity began to arise around him for a second.
Jinx: "You must be a real idiot, aren't you?" she sneered. "How about you get your butt kicked 1.0.1? Mammoth, get him!"
The suited lady throws a smoke grenade, and vanished. Mammoth turns to face the hooded guy with a smirk that glints with malice at its fullest.
Mammoth: "Are you ready to get schooled?" He smirks, popping his fingers.
No answer.
Mammoth: "Nothing to say?" His smirk widens. "Strong and silent type, huh?" He cracks his neck. "Let's see if I can change that!"
And slowly, the two sprinted off their legs at the same time, both running toward the other.
When the hooded guy was about ten feet away from him- he leaps off the ground and extends his right leg, landing a direct kick to Mammoth's head.
That kick's sound pierced their ears and he cut off that avenue by kicking Mammoth with enough force that he flew meters against the wall.
A cloud of massive dust surrounded him because of the harsh impact. When the vision became clear, the Giant walked out of the blast zone. Anyone would be knocked out by now, this surprised his teammates.
His uniform had been damaged, as he stepped away from the wall, his eyes perfectly captured his reaction. Rage - Anger - Irritation from the pain.
Mammoth: "ENOUGH!"
Y/n realizes that and decided the fight was going to continue.
The two ran at one another again, before they could reach each other, Y/n jumped into the air, as he did this, he performed a somersault. Mammoth is sent flying to the ground, laying on his back.
The hooded guy jumps again and flips in the air, bracing his hand back in mid-air and finish with a fist landing harshly against Mammoth's face as the floor beneath cracked - and Mammoth was put to sleep.
The remaining members of the H.I.V.E now have yellow streams running down their legs. And it was not pineapple juice.
Then, after a brief moment -his predatory stare did not snap to the villains- his lips parted.
Y/n: "Get out of my face." He barks in a terrifying calmness. "The very sight of you makes me sick."
"...Raven? Raven?"
The bright light forced RaeRae to squint as she regains consciousness. She blinked a few times before her eyes finally adjusted to the level of lighting. She remained on her back, regaining her senses one by one as if she'd awoken after a century-long sleep.
As her senses came back to her, so did her memories, the better and the worse, including a vague one of a familiar group of people standing over her.
Fully regaining consciousness, she feels the injuries she had no longer pained her.
She then took into account that she is lying on some sort of bed, dressed in her usual clothes. The ceiling and walls next to her were a blank metallic gray color.
From her surroundings, she guesses that she was in some sort of hospital room, but she wasn't the only one present--
She focused out of her dreamy state to see her friends all around her. Robin smiles, just rousing her from sleep, and Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg were all there in the med room of Titan Tower, welcoming her back to reality.
Starfire: "Raven, you're awake!"
Moving slowly with a groan, she manages to pivot her long, perfectly shaped legs around and reached an upright sitting position, her hand massaging her head.
Raven: "W-what... happened?"
Robin: "You've been out of it for about a day." The others were nodding with their smiles as she looks down, starting to blush a bit. "We're glad that you're ok, Raven."
Cyborg: "Yeah, that poor excuse of a man sure did leave damage, and you just had to risk, didn't ya? If you hadn't, we might not all be here right now." He said, nudging her arm. "Gimme some love, girl!" Beams the happy Cyborg, offering his big metal hand.
She smirks, calming from her embarrassment, and slapped his hand, causing a chorus of cheers from the whole team, Starfire hopping up and down, flush with happiness once again.
Starfire: "Please friend, tell us that nothing's really harmful."
A faint smirk crosses her lips as she closes her eyes, rubbing one of her temples, then opens them to look at her teammates.
Raven: "Just a little headache..." Raven said quietly before she notices Beastboy staring at her. He reminded her of a puppy waiting for a dog biscuit. "Don't grin like that." Her expression turned cold.
Beastboy: "Oh come on, don't be such harsh, we're glad that you're ok!"
She shakes her head, suddenly feeling amused. Time passes forward, and their friendship only grows stronger.
Raven: "Thank you, friends." She expresses her gratitude, her violet eyes shining.
Cyborg: "About that," His expression turns serious, "it's not us you need to thank, young lady, it's him that deserves all the credits!"
Raven tilts her head and frowns in confusion.
Everyone looks to the far left and Raven follows their look—
Raven's confused look shatters, her jaw slowly dropped at the scene that greeted her.
A young man was standing there; He had taken his hood off and Raven saw the face; crafted with exquisite, fine lines like that one would find in a statue.
He has smooth flawless S/c skin, which was like a sheet of well-done cloth. His eyes, which were under his perfect h/c hair glinted under the reflected sunlight, made his face sparkle and glow. He had a high-bridged nose that was among his two peacefully e/c eyes. Soft sharp lips, attractive and captivating.
Calm features with nothing but peace. He was a guy of any girl's dreams.
Raven realized her mouth was open and she closed it immediately—
Raven: "You...?" said Raven softly, trying to restrain her anger. "Robin...we—
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