There may be POV's but they will be in 3rd person, I can't really write in 3rd person I will only try when it's the OC, since their story is the most important.
Alexander has a hard human life, everyone in the village knew his life was bad but they didn't do anything, just stood and watched. The only ones that tried were the Mikealson's.
The Mikealson family helped him when he needed a place to stay when his father would go off the rails and try to hurt him or when his mother would pretend he wasn't there. In simple words, his family hated him, but he found a new one.
The Mikealson's saw him as family. To Finn he was a little brother and friend, to Elijah he was his best friend and younger brother, to Rebekah he was the one that would listen to anything she said and was her older brother, to Kol he was his big brother (one who wanted to watch him practice magic.), to Henrik he was there for him when ever he need and henrik saw him as a best friend. Finally Niklaus, he was his crush, not that he would tell him since it was frowned upon, and his best friend. Alexander loved them all, they were family.
What he didn't know was when Ester and Mikeal decided to turn their children they turn him too since they thought of Alexander as their own. They choose when they did because Alexander was ill, they knew he wouldn't last the week so they did it as fast as they could. When they fed everyone, including Alexander since they knew he didn't eat at home, they gave them the potion to turn them and killed them, however not Alexander since Ester knew he was going to die, the witches telling her.
Alexander died that night, from his illness, and woke up craving blood. He knew he shouldn't but he wanted it- needed it- his mother and father were in the room next to his brothers. He didn't want to kill his brother, his brother didn't do anything to him. His brother only hated him because it was what he was told, he was the disappointment, because his mother was disloyal towards his father. The only family members that loved him like they should was his sisters. He killed his mother and father not caring about the consequences and ran. He left his sisters and brother, he wanted them to have a normal life and they did. They had children and carried on the St. John name.
What Alexander didn't know was he was a werewolf as well, and when he killed his mother and father, he activated the curse. Ester didn't know this but Alexander refuses to change. It felt wrong. He didn't know the werewolf side and he didn't know the person who made him a werewolf so he refused to change after the first time. He knew it was stupid but he didn't like the fact he wouldn't know his real father, the one who made him, the one who might have treated him differently than the one he actually called father. Sometimes he had to change, when the pain got too much since he was hiding it away. He didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice.
His vampire life was great, even if he doesn't know how he was turned. He did think the Mikealson family were gone, but he saw the world and saw his family grow that was until the 1800s. Augustine caught him and his life went to shit. He was alone for just about 100 years. That was until one of his own family members got taken, Lorenzo or Enzo, as he likes to be called but Alexander refuses to call him, and he ended up in the same cell as Alexander. He believes it was to spite him.
Alexander could tell that Lorenzo was gone, Alexander knew even if he did pass out they would carry on, wanting to see if he healed when passed out or something like that. He may have been here for just under 200 years, they didn't give up the opportunity to bring him pain.
He saw black, he didn't know what was happening in the real world but in his dream world it was blank.
He knew that he was different, he could hear people that other couldn't and see them too, they told him they were dead and on the other side. He had seen them since he was human and he was friends with some. He either was going crazy or had already done so along time ago, he thinks the latter is probably true. He wasn't sure if they were actually there but he liked having people to talk to other than Lorenzo, like when Lorenzo wasn't there he had to survive on his own for years, and the ghosts helped. The fact he hadn't seen anyone of the Mikealson family upset him, maybe he wasn't close enough to them or simply they didn't see him as family like he did them.
Enzo's PoV
He wasn't sure how long exactly he had been in the cell for but he knew it wasn't long, he always woke up a few seconds/minutes after they threw him in the cell. His eyes hurt and so did his lungs but they hadn't turned the gas vents on down here just yet so he wasn't that bad. However, the gas was for Alexander so he was mainly effected by it, they had done something to it so it effected him so much he couldn't move without it hurting or passing out.
Enzo waited a second for his eyes to stop hurting until he opened his eyes, which he regretted doing when he was met with 12 faces. He gasped, this couldn't be happening. He also realised that Alexander wasn't here. He didn't realise he recognised one of the faces as he shot up. They were definitely too close for comfort and he needed to get away so he could eventually speak to them.
He shuffled himself away from them and sat in the corner, not really caring if they were looking at him or not, and waited for Alexander.
Alexander was his "father", he may not be his real one but he had been there for him more than his real one. He called him father and Alexander called him son or Lorenzo, which he didn't mind when it was him. They were distantly related like great-great-great-great grandfather/son or uncle and nephew.
The other carried on talking like he wasn't there, trying to figure out where they are, not realising that one of them wasn't talking at all. After a while of sitting in the corner he got annoyed at waiting so long, and at the talking, but mainly that his father was being tortured and he couldn't do anything about it. So he jumped up, catching to others by surprise, and started banging on the door.
"FATHER!!" He shouted, he wanted to see him. He needed to know that he was still alive, even if he couldn't die. As soon as he said that the door was flung open, meaning he was pushed to the floor at the other side of the cell, and Alexander was thrown in and the door shut as fast as it could to make sure nothing got out. Not like anyone was paying attention, more concerned about the man on the floor that looked dead. He knew they were going to turn the vents on, he also knew that some of the people weren't vampires. They had things for werewolves so they wasn't strong enough and for the witch they had done something to the walls so she wasn't strong enough to cast spells.
He didn't care about his own panic he needed to see if his father was ok. He ran towards him, using his strength to speed there as fast as he could.
"Father?!" He couldn't believe what they had done to him, he was sure they had snapped his neck to make sure he didn't kill them on the way down. He would wake up in a few minutes. He waited, not caring about the looks he was being sent.
Alexander's PoV
Alexander shot up. A gasp leaving his mouth which turned into a groan. His eyes burnt, his lungs ached, his neck killed- which was from when they snapped it.
He laid back down for a second. He didn't bother opening his eyes.
"Father?" He knew that was Lorenzo's voice hit why could he hear heart beats and undead ones too.
"They snapped my neck." He said after a minutes silence, eyes still closed. Lorenzo chuckled, knowing this is what he is always like. "I cannot believe they snapped my neck! How dare they!! It was not like I could have kill them even though I want the pleasure of doing so!! They decided to kill a unconscious being! They felt the need to snap my neck because they knew I could kill them in a heart beat, I would not even bat an eye!" He was fuming, how dare they kill him, even for a moment, when he wasn't even conscious. "I will kill them, I give you my word son! They shall never see the light of day, when I can walk again."
"Father? Are you ok?" Lorenzo asked after his rant about being killed for a minute.
"Of course I am fine, however I do not know if I will be fine in a moment. They will turn the vents on soon enough, I am back in the cell they have no need to keep it off. So I suggest I get to my side of the cell and then we can ask these people who they are." Alexander said, in his British accent. He never learnt how to speak with a modern tone, or in a different accent, he didn't understand it.
He knew what was going to happen. They'd turn the vents on, give them a cup of blood and then they would go to sleep. That was their routine. However with these people here the routine would change. He knew they were there without opening his eyes, which he would have to do when he moved so he didn't trip over nothing.
"Oh of course father." Lorenzo helped Alexander to his side. It wasn't much. It had a blanket on the floor with a pillow one of the nicer guards had given him in the 1800's. Lorenzo had a bed set up next to his, his excuse was that he didn't like the right side of the cell but it really was that he wanted to be close to the man he called his father.
Alexander has opened his eyes however he didn't look at the group of people, he wanted to sit down before his brain had to acknowledge the others in the room. When he had sat down he finally looked at the others. He saw him, Damon. His first friend since... He didn't count Lorenzo since he was family, his son. He couldn't believe it but the fact that Tatia's look-a-like was standing with him made him do a double glance at her. He didn't know there was going to be one after Katrina. He ignore her for now, he wanted to concentrate on the fact that Damon was here.
Damon's PoV
He couldn't believe he was back in Augustine. But that wasn't the main thing he couldn't believe. His best friends were right in Front of him, he may be a bit closer than friends to Enzo but he didn't think about that. He thought they died. He also thought if they lived they would hold it against him, him escaping and then not. Even if Alexander told him to leave, to live the life that they couldn't.
"Well, you see us after 50 years and all you do is stare?" The one to talk wasn't Alexander like he excepted it to be, it was Enzo. He was surprised Enzo was talking to him.
"I- you- what-" he couldn't form a sentence, which was probably confusing the others and also the fact he knew these people and Stefan didn't.
"We know we are good looking but you do not need to become speechless, love." That was Alexander. Of course it was Alexander, that was why he didn't like it when klaus said love. That was Alexander's thing, not his. "Come closer. At my age I doubt I would be allowed to stand." Smiling, Damon slowly walked forward. Elena grabbed his arm like she was telling him to stop. However he didn't care. He wanted to see the 2 people he cared for more than anything, Stefan was probably up there but it was always about him when they talked. With the 2 people in front of him he wasn't judged or ignored, he was loved for who he was. They didn't try to change him like Elena did.
He growled at her, which surprised everyone other than Alexander and Lorenzo. They thought he loved her, wanted to be with her. Really he was tricked into believing he loved Katherine, turned into a vampire against his will and since he knew Stefan loved Elena he wanted to take that away from him. Really Damon didn't like girls that way, nobody knew this other than Enzo, Alexander and Rebekah (Rebekah only knew because he spend the night talking to her when everyone thought they were having sex.) and everyone else that knew died. He liked men. He told Alexander and Enzo because he thought he would die, however when he didn't and they told him they were also into guys he finally had someone to talk to. But he lost that and after he did he found Rebekah who he could talk to. He wanted his brother to end up with Rebekah in the end.
"Xander." Damon said, using the nickname he gave him after he couldn't say the full thing when his throat was so sore.
"Dragon." Alexander said, he didn't give people nicknames since nobody gave him one but since Damon had one for him he gave one to Damon. It may be longer than his real name but Damon could spit fire, not literally obviously, his mouth would be the death of him. "I cannot hug you right now, I'm covered in blood. Wouldn't want to ruin that nice shirt of yours." Alexander was always trying to make them laugh, they were like his children. He would do anything for them. He managed to get a small laugh from Damon while Lorenzo shock his head with a smile.
Damon would hug him later, he needed to see if Lorenzo was mad at him.
"Renzo." Damon whispered, he couldn't believe that his crush was in front of him.
"Demon." (His nickname had a weird story behind, which we will get to later.) Enzo whispered back.
Enzo was sat next the Alexander but he stood up and walked over to Damon, and hugged him. Damon knew he didn't feel what he felt but it felt good to be in his arms.
Alexander's PoV
Alexander was a dickhead, that is what he was and he always will be one. So since he was a dickhead he had to point out the sexual tension between them.
"Alright lovers that's enough I want to know who Damon's friends are before you start to have sex on the floor." He grinned when they turned bright red. He job as a dickhead would never fail to amuse him.
"Dickhead" they both muttered at the same time.
"Oh of course I know I am a dickhead. You do not have to try and pretend I do not. It is my job to embarrass you. Lorenzo is my son and I see you as a son also so it's my thing. It always is weird that you two fancy each other, both being my sons and all. Ha I'm just trying to break the tension. Anywho I want to meet his friends before the vents are turned on, I want to be able to breathe while talking to them." He said, he may enjoy being a dickhead but he also wanted to know who and what they were. Damon and Lorenzo let go of each other with a flustered look. This made everyone smile, except Elena, and even made Alexander laugh. Lorenzo sat back next to Alexander.
"I'll start shall I? I'm Caroline Forbes, it's nice to meet you." A blonde girl said, obviously getting inpatient. Vampire.
"I'm Bonnie Bennett." The girl next to her said. Interesting, a Bennett. Why would a witch be here?
"I'm Matt." A boy said, he didn't say his last name. That one doesn't have manners. He may be cute looking but he doesn't have any manners. But he is human, that's confusing. Maybe humans don't have last names anymore.
"I'm Tyler." Werewolf. I wonder. I was wrong they just don't have manners.
"I'm Stefan Salvatore." The ripper brother, interesting. Could come in handy when escaping.
"I'm Elena and this is Jeremy my brother." Do only a select few have manners??
"May I ask, before we carry on, what your last names are? You are the doppelgänger " Alexander said looking at Elena and Jeremy. He had heard Dr Gilbert talk about his children, which their names were the same. "I know what Tyler's could be and Mr. Matthew is human so I do not really see why he is relevant here. Sorry Mr. Matthew, I wasn't trying to be rude, but this place is for the supernatural which you are not."
Matt just shakes his head from side to side. "It's fine I don't really care and just want to leave as soon as we can" so he has no manners but at least he doesn't take offence to stupid things. Alexander just nodded, not really caring for this conversation.
"Erm, it's Gilbert." So I was correct.
"Interesting." Alexander wasn't going to do anything right now, he had questions. Like where is your father and why would he let his children here. "And may I ask who the others are?"
"We are the Mikealson's." Alexander just froze, he couldn't believe it. They were alive, that's why he never saw them as ghosts. Well he saw Henrik, he sees him a lot since he is a witch or he would have been if he grew up. He quickly shook it away, they may not even remember him, it's been 1000 years.
"It is nice to meet you all, this is my adopted son Lorenzo and I am Alexander Charles St. John. I am incredibly sorry if I was rude before but you have to understand. They think they are higher than me. The scum- i apologise how about I just sit back down." Alexander was getting annoyed, he doesn't remember standing up. They hadn't turned the vents on, his old 'family' were in front of him, his best friend was back stuck with Augustine and now his worst enemies kids were in the cell with him. He sat back down, not noticing the originals were frozen in place.
After a while of him staring at the vent one of the others got annoyed at the silence and had to break it.
"Why are you staring at the vent in the corner of the room?" It had to be the Tatia look-a-like. He now knew her real name but since he learnt that her father was Dr Gilbert he wasn't a big fan of her and the fact she looked like Tatia and Katrina.
"I'm sorry tatia look-a-like but I have a question for you. Do you mind if I ask you one?" The others watched closely wanting to see where this was going to go. Damon and Enzo was excited, it would be a laugh. The originals didn't really care what happened to Elena only what happened to Alexander. The others worried about what happened to Elena. Elena nodded, signifying he could go on. "Are you anything like your doppelgängers?"
The question, which Enzo saw coming, shocked everyone else. Maybe not Damon.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Oh my Lord. Do you act like Katrina or Tatia?" He asked again, he may not like the women but he wouldn't say what he actually thought that they acted. Lorenzo would probably say it.
"How did they act?" That was Stefan. Oh my lord, he always has to save the day. Alexander met him a couple of times and he would say every time someone asked ripper Stefan was a lot more fun.
"Like they owned the world. Like everyone else was unimportant." Lorenzo ended up saying but got interrupted by none other than Niklaus.
"Like the world revolves around them." He even sounds the same. Do any of them remember me? Am I unimportant to them?
He never got any answers, even the one he did ask out loud since the vents then turned on.
Hello my smexy readers.
I am glad to see you, even though I can't see you.
I just want to say thank you for reading. However don't be silent readers!! If there is any mistakes please let me know and I'll fix them.
Word count- 3551
Published- 23/02/2020
Edited - 14/03/2022
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