how does no one know of this magic?
i am in a new theater cult.
don't laugh pleaaaaaassseee. ok?
i am just a smol innocent bean who likes deep dark pits of death and love and murder and people being angered and saddened and sad backstory and... ok you want to know what I am talking about now I am guessing.
please don't laugh
one of my friends did laugh at it and i secretly want to plot revenge on them.
single person reading my books please.
This is scary. HEck, i don't want my audience laughing at me. i try really Hard you know. yoU should uNderstand how muCH work is going into writing this. By the wAy, i am sorry i haven't been posting in the kindergarten roCK bOok. i can't help the Fact that i am busy. in other news, i am seeing in-traNsit this week. and Oh, i am very exciTed to see it. aRE you happy for me? Did you notice i AM saying thE title right now? have fun decoding that one.
don't you dare judge the weIrd taste in music i have. WILL it KILL YOU to not judge me before tryIng to listening to it? i mean, people can be really Flippin jUdgmental these Days. ON anoTher note, how is your day? seriousLy. I want to Know. it sEems odd for me to have an interest but. PLEASE telL me. I want to know. So please, commenT how your day was. it is fEbuary tweNty sixth if That helps anyOne respondIng. well, i goTta go. hope you had a good day.
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