Twenty Second Meow - Summer Heat
Dedicated to nkvenus7878. Thank you for the review!
Aegir character illustration:
The atmosphere was pretty cozy; the smell of newly made coffee could fill the air. It was the start of summer, in an afternoon day but the vibe of the place was never hot but warm-just like how one could describe what home feels like.
Anthony was sitting by the blue-colored sofa and sat on all fours. A pen was placed around the top of his ears; his raven hair on his usual man bun hairdo. His face was rather serious; brows crumpled, lips sealed in a tight frown as he intensely set his gaze to the notepad on his hand; full of writings. On his right is a trash bin, almost full of the papers he tore from his notes. He is finally home, now faced with another hell he needs to confront.
He badly needs to come up with chapters or his goblin editor will have his head.
Sighing, he placed his note on the table in front of him. Sitting properly; he went to reach the cup of coffee he has on the table, took a gracious sip and placed both of his hands on his laptop's keyboard and began typing.
It certainly looked like a normal day for him as if nothing had changed but that would be a big fat lie. He took a quick glance to the floor where another 'person' lay; gray cat tail moving side to side as he was happily coloring an adult coloring book. For a cat-man, he was more tidy than him because the cat always placed the crayons back on its box after using, afraid to break it into pieces. On the cat's side was a large cat-bed where two tabby kittens were sleeping.
Anthony looked at the time, it was already three in the afternoon. He called Aegir out; who was now finishing coloring a tulip flower. "Hey, do you want some snacks? " he asked him, genuinely worried that he might starve himself especially he's been too absorbed with the coloring book he gave to him. He bought a new notepad and it happened that he got a coloring book as a freebie.
Aegir stopped what he was doing and turned his head to his master. He smiled at him and shook his head. "I am not yet hungry. But maybe we should get an early dinner today? You cook, I'll wash the dishes," he suggested; turning his attention back to coloring; taking a peach crayon from the box to color skin.
Anthony hummed in response; approving Aegir's proposal. Anthony resumed writing again. It's his Chapter twenty already and he needed to write five more chapters. He was too preoccupied with all the happenings lately and he wasn't able to finish his quota.
Aegir, who suddenly remembered something placed the color in between the folded section of the coloring book. "Is that weird man not calling you again? " Aegir sounded like he's investigating the occurrence; tone rather worried and somehow annoyed about the thoughts of the weird man who's been calling his master for so many times since yesterday like he's nuts.
Still eyes on the screen of his laptop, Anthony replied, "Yes. Saint called again a while ago. I already put my phone on mute, don't worry. I already texted him to only message me if it's important. " Anthony sighed. He doesn't want to press deeper on this issue but Aegir seems annoyed by Saint's action.
Frowning, Aegir closed his coloring book. It seems thinking about the man had sour his mood. "What does he want anyways? It's not work, I am sure! Are you sure he didn't see us fighting that creepy creature back in the forest? He might be lying! " Aegir placed both of his hands on his chin; taking a deep breath.
Anthony pressed the save button on his document office. "If he did, we'll be taken by the government by now. But in the worst case scenario I hope it isn't the case... I know he likes magic and stuff if he indeed had seen us... he wants to pester us about it and we'll only lead him to danger. " Anthony's face was sullen; scared that they had dragged someone again to this mess.
Aegir's expression softened, he went to sit near his master's lap; placing his cheek on it; rubbing it like a cat would do when they find that their master was sad. "Maybe Artemisia could help us right? She gave us that big mirror that connects to her house. Maybe she knows about a magic that'll make that annoying guy forget? " His voice was hopeful, he just wanted the guy to stop annoying them.
But his master couldn't find his words to respond. He was perplexed by the action Aegir did. Upon contact, he felt his whole body jolt and his throat ran dry as if it was the one affected by summer.
"W-What? " Stammering, he found himself staring at Aegir who he found so damn cute. Especially the way his tail swayed back and forth and how his fluffy ears twitched. Anthony choked on his saliva and started to cough because of his own thoughts.
'Maybe this is all because of shock and there's nothing wrong admiring someone's physique, yes.' He tried to convince himself; trying to gather his thoughts by inhaling and exhaling.
Aegir's brows crumpled to his master's face, especially that he looked kinda pale and was trying to catch his breath. With his knees in a kneeling position; he propelled his body forward, inches away from Anthony's own body. His hand went to reach his chin; eyes darted on his master's face, his other hand went to check his forehead's temperature.
"You're not sick, master! '' Relief washed Aegir's voice. Ever since the training they did, Aegir's worrywart attitude tripled and he became more clingy.
Anthony was clearly not fine with the situation, his usual calm demeanor slowly slipped away from him; now screaming like a madman. His heart hammered crazily now that he found himself in close proximity with another being's body. His breathing hitched and he could feel his cheek heat up. Especially that he could see Aegir's face up close; expressive green eyes with long lashes and pinkish cupid bow lips. The man was beautiful and for him it's a sin to have a face like that because it can sink a thousand ships. At this point, Anthony's mind had gone blank and he even forgot why they're having a conversation.
He wasn't like this either. He was used to Aegir's clinging nature but suddenly right now it felt different especially when he steeled his resolve to protect him.
Aegir blinked his eyes repeatedly; he found his master's intense staring weird especially there's something in his eyes he couldn't understand. And it was a mistake for him to stare-as if it was flames, ready to engulfed him in whole. Maybe he's just overthinking it, probably he was. It wasn't the case, right?
"Are you really okay? " Aegir held his master's chin. Anthony looked away, his hand was cold and shaking when he tried to move Aegir's hand just so he could breathe.
Aegir was baffled yet he couldn't find himself getting offended by the action. And deep inside him he felt that his guts agreed to the actions taken by Anthony.
"Y-Yes, I am. I am fine. Can you distance yourself for a bit? Don't get me wrong I don't want to shoo you away, you can sit beside me if you'd like while I'm writing. " Anthony motioned his shaking hand to his side; still trying to avert his gaze to the person who's inches away from him.
Aegir didn't argue but immediately did as he was told yet he also couldn't stop himself from holding Anthony's hand which he thought looked cold. He just wants to warm it out for a bit even though he finds it weird that his master's hand was freezing when it's summer.
Anthony half-hissed and half-whispered some incoherent words he hoped Aegir didn't hear. "Why are you cussing at me? Did I do something wrong?" He was proved wrong when he heard Aegir's voice increased; indicating that he's already pissed.
Anthony bit his lips and tried to reason out. "I am not mad at you. I just thought of this novel that's right! I am having problems regarding it! " He used his novel as an excuse; although that was also half true. He was having a hard time introducing his story's villain.
Anthony immediately went to take his coffee and almost like it's just water, he chugged the contents down like he's thirsty.
Aegir found solace on his master's word. He doesn't want him to hate him. Maybe he'll even try to help him with his novel this time. "Care to share with me about it? I know I am not a writer like you but I really want to help you. I don't want to see you all stressed out. " Aegir was pouting; he even gripped his hold on Anthony's hand.
Anthony's heart skipped a beat especially to the last sentence Aegir had said.
'It must be palpitations from too much coffee. ' Now he blamed the coffee and he could even rationalize his reactions by just being too soft to genuine kindness afterall, it's the first time he had felt this way from another person.
He went to slap his cheek with his palm. He needs to focus on the chapters and not these kinds of thoughts. "I... " Anthony stared at the screen of his laptop before continuing, "I was having a hard time making a villain evil, like downright evil and make it feel right. " His head was low; lips in a tight frown.
Aegir placed his index finger to the side of his forehead; tapping it repeatedly like he's thinking. After some seconds, he beamed brightly coming up with an idea.
Anthony could only beat himself not to find the action cute... Because his novel should come first, it is a grave matter.
"You see, I personally believe that evil does not pre-exist inside a being. It's like the seed we planted before; it's sowed and eventually grew inside of them. I hate humans for abusing me before but there's a small side of me thinking that what if they weren't loved right that's why they turned bitter? Not all could be optimistic and the least they could do to continue living is sometimes be like what tormented them. " A small sad smile slipped to Aegir's lips.
"What they did was wrong but sometimes the greatest of all evil was the one who has no choice but to turn their backs to the world because they were discarded, " Aegir continued; fear etched on his face especially on the mention of the last word.
He fears that someday Anthony will throw him out.
Anthony could not help but to agree. Because he also had the impulse to do revenge before and expose the image he took of his first love and two other guys she's messing with.
Aegir wasn't serious most of the times but when he is; Anthony always felt in awe and admire his words. He warmly looked at Aegir and smiled. "Thank you! I'll note that. And you don't need to worry, I promise that I will never turn my back on you. " He planted his hand on the top of Aegir's head and messed up his hair. He already picked up that Aegir must've been terrified of the thought of being abandoned.
Aegir was taken aback for a good second but soon he grinned; his face painted pink like newly bloomed roses. He lunged himself to his master's body; embracing him fully. "I will also be here for you, master! Forever and ever! "
Anthony could hear his own heart beating but damn all the reasons for now; he hugged Aegir back-the closest one he could rely on when his family was nowhere to be seen.
Their moment was cut short when they both heard continuous meows and cat cries from the cat bed; face still buried on Anthony's chest, Aegir grumbled.
"Go get them, master. You feed those kids. "
And Anthony wouldn't dare to complain... he doesn't want Aegir's sharp claw printed on his face.
He was supposed to be the master but he's rather very compelling to the cat's desires on his own accord.
Aegir's eyes sprinkled in glee; hands gripping on each side of his pink donut themed swimming floaters. He was not wearing anything but his floral swimming trunks; anyone could tell that he has a rather nice body, a lean and fairly muscular physique with a toned abs; rather perfect for his androgynous features. His ears and tail that day cannot be viewed by normal humans scrambling around and enjoying the beach because of a special lotion Vin had given him.
He was jumping up and down childishly as he admired the scenery before him. They're currently on a beach resort; fairly far from their home. The waters was crystal clear, like gems; glistening when the sun hits it. The sands also compliments the beauty of the waters because of its color like fine south sea pearls.
"Yey! Beach! I am so excited, master! " he exclaimed to the person by his side, Anthony, his master, who also wears nothing but his navy blue swimming trunks. Unlike Aegir; he's more bulkier, not as big but he has a rather adequate shoulder muscles and rock hard abs.
Anthony may look like a wimp on the outside but he does some workout.
Anthony smiled; currently holding a blue cat carrier where their two kittens were; inside, the kittens were both yawning, one was making biscuits and the other one was scratching the surface. Anthony is trying to avert his gaze to his housemate especially that yet again he finds him cute especially how his hair bounced on his high ponytail hairstyle and how it complimented his pretty face.
Maybe because he is just jealous of him because he's blessed with a charming looks. That's always how it goes on Anthony's mind.
Aegir couldn't wipe down the sweet smile off his face. It's his first time to visit a beach resort. He went to face Saint; who's just behind them and the perpetrator of the 'outing'. "I thought you're an annoying man but thank you for bringing us here! " he beamed.
The perpetrator, Saint, just smiled to what Aegir had said. Pretending that he didn't hear that he told him that he's annoying. His plan to bribe them worked. He wants to be with them for the sake of his plot and amusement.
Aside from the 'romance' if he's lucky, he might witness another magic thingy.
"Consider this as a treat for Anthony's work as a writer. My dad may not appreciate it, but I do! " Saint even raised his hand as if he's taking an oath even though he's downright lying.
"And ofcourse, I want to have a hot date on the beach. Tagging you guys along will be a chick magnet! " Saint continued; this time he's not lying. He badly needs a date. He couldn't just let both insensible beings enjoy beach romance.
Upon hearing, Anthony couldn't help but to grimace. "Get a hold on yourself, asshole! " Saint could only laugh at Anthony's response.
The oblivious Aegir believed him afterall he gave them the opportunity to enjoy but Anthony on the other hand, feels a little suspicious because Saint literally barged in to their home just to propose the idea of having an outing. He knew something was really up. But he couldn't decline because Aegir was happy. And he even begged him with his sparkling eyes and was pretty pleased to agree.
Anthony placed his palm on his face; biting his lips. Maybe Aegir finally used his power against him but why doesn't he felt like he's being controlled?
The person beside Saint sighed; deeply regretting why he even accepted the invitation; he was holding their bags like he's some sort of assistant. Vin indeed wanted a vacation but it's a bad decision to be with these people.
Especially there's two people that have a different meaning for this outing. He could tell Anthony's occasional glances to Aegir that if Anthony identifies himself as straight; he might want to kiss his straight ass goodbye anytime soon. And for the suspicious person they're with; seemingly scheming for something and the same person he wants to kick out for ordering him around like a damn butler!
Well indeed they need to come up with a fake introduction to this human before. Artemisia and Alucard being Aegir's siblings and unfortunately for him... they made him the damn cat's butler much to his chagrin.
He really shouldn't have come here but his demanding job as a healer and a restaurant owner took a toll on him.
It's just after they went home from the forest that Vin got contacted by Artemisia again. It wasn't that long that his back finally touched the soft mattress of his bed nor he could take a bite out of the pizza he got from his own restaurant. He couldn't decline her request especially that she mentioned that they required him because he can heal a large number of people and the one he's healing were soldiers and residents of the nymph village the djinbes attacked.
He was asked to come to one of Artemisia's safe houses; where he was met with a woman with silver hair; tied in a bun. She has a lot of injuries covered by bandages and her eyes were empty, void with no emotions. She has quite the familiar golden orbs but cold and piercing.
"Are you the esteemed healer they recommend? " she asked him right away without letting him enter first.
He nod and just like before, the woman didn't let him take actions; she went to grab his arms and urgently dragging him somewhere.
He just let her know the severity of the situation. Although the woman's eyes were empty, he knew that she's desperate inside and just wishes to heal her comrades right away.
She led him to a room where he witnessed several occupied beds. All beds were occupied by severely injured nymphs. Some lost several of their limbs and some were fatally wounded; grunting on their sleep.
Vin couldn't help but to grip his hands into a fist, his eyes sharp almost like daggers ready to kill. He was biting his lips until he could taste his own blood; rusty like iron. The looks of the injuries they have indicated that they had suffered a lot. And it's a miracle that they had held on for too long. Vin knew that if he was sent here sooner; he'll not be able to deduce that the remaining unoccupied beds meant that the patients who lied there before had already died.
He truly despised those lowlifes who are continually doing these monstrosities. It's because of them that even though his hands supposedly used to heal were also used to charge those scums their lives that they don't deserve.
Aimee, the woman beside him, caught the look on his eyes. She understood his fury because it's also seeping through her and felt like a bomb that's about to blow up. But now is not the time to let her anger reign, he needs to make sure that her comrades are safe.
"Please heal them. There's more rooms with injured people. We don't have any mana recovery potions but we'll try our best to assist you, " she told the man. Vin's expression changed into normal and just nodded his head in response.
He healed all the injured ones until he felt nauseous. When he was about to bid goodbye, that's where his phone rang. Anthony called him and offered to join their outing. He said it's a win-win situation that he'll be able to rest and Anthony can stay at ease with his protection.
He might've been so tired that he made impulsive decisions.
Vin heaved a long sigh as he sat by their mat. He placed an umbrella to protect himself from the sun's scorching heat and as well as the two kittens which were happily munching their fill of tuna and dried food. They were purring contentedly, tail swaying from side to side.
Vin should feel pissed for making him a babysitter of kittens but he just couldn't get angry at the two innocent angels. He softly smiled; patting each kittens on the head.
"Too late for regrets, " he whispered to himself, shaking his head. He fished a sunblock on his small red leather pouch then proceed to pour its content into his tanned skin; rubbing it gently.
Maybe he'll just sleep here or take a dip later.
He yawned; not caring anymore even if he had seen Anthony and Aegir's hands still clasped together as the latter was pulling Anthony to the water's direction. Anthony seems to mumble something softly; almost like a whisper while his face is blushing. Vin can clearly conclude that maybe it's those in denial statements again; a clichè he often read in books.
Vin heard someone snickering; he turned to face the owner of the voice who was only inches away from him; lying by a black portable folding bed with a slice of watermelon on hand. Vin just looked at him boredly.
Biting from the watermelon he has in hand, Saint pointed at Anthony and Aegir who was now ready to play by the water. "You're not going to guard them or something? You're the butler right?" he asked, faced amused like Vin had done something that wasn't supposed to be done.
Vin placed the bottle of sunblock back on his pouch, face still wearing the same expression. "They are fine by themselves. Why are you here anyway? Go scram and play with some girls. " He waved his hands dismissively; making Saint look like an infuriating kid.
Saint couldn't help but to laugh loudly like he's a crazy dude. His voice vibrated; full of amusement he never thought he had. He even hold onto his stomach; one hand on his lips trying to control it.
Vin just facepalmed. He doesn't have any clue on how to deal with this guy. He's just another headache.
He waited for the guy to cease his laughing. When Saint was done; Vin took his airpods and placed it into his ears. Looking unamused, he spoke, "You done now? I guess I can now do my business in peace. "
The guy was still smiling; as if he hasn't still recovered. "Yeah. Girls here are boring. Some aren't exciting and some are already taken. I am an asshole but I don't mess with women with partners. " Saint placed both of his hands at the back of his head.
Vin didn't care. He yawned as if the guy didn't exist. He felt Saint moved from his bed; sooner, his body was leaning close to Vin's direction; his hands on his chin, making a v shape.
Vin closed his eyes; inhaling and exhaling, trying to hold onto his patience.
"If only you're a woman, you're pretty cute y'know? That brown hair-" Vin didn't let Saint finished his sentence; he bent closer, gripping Saint's jaw not so gently.
Saint gasped in shock; he couldn't move nor speak. Vin looked at Saint's eyes intensely; eyes indicating annoyance. "If you don't have anything good to say, you better shut up and be a good boy. " Vin released his grip from Saint's chin.
Almost like nothing had happened, he lied on the mat, his hand on his stomach. Closing his eyes; he played his favorite music. "Peace at last, " he said to himself.
Saint was still unmoving; still in dazed as he try to process what had happened. "What the fuck just happened? " Saint managed to question himself; eyes repeatedly blinking as he stared at Vin.
Two individuals were sitting face to face. They were in a well lit room with a rather neutral color scheme; one that could make someone at ease. The other man, who looked to be in his late twenties, was smiling kindly. He has long ashen colored hair tied in a ponytail. His eyes were striking amber; the color really blended well with the aura he's giving-kind and warm perfect for his job as a psychologist.
His voice was soft and comforting as he spoke to the other man, "You're safe here. I'll be right here to listen, " he told his client. His client suddenly burst into tears; hands on his face as he sobbed.
It's his everyday job to listen to people's stories, provide them comfort and help them get pass through their darkness.
"Thank you, Dr. Gregory. I just want this burden of my chest for too long it's already affecting my relationships with others, " the client, whose name was Sebas Reed explained; wiping away his tears using his the tissue paper that were already placed in the mini table between him and the psychologist.
With a warm smile, Dr. Gregory Galloway extended his palm; a gesture allowing his patient to continue.
His patient eagerly started his story while Dr. Gregory was patiently listening. His smile was still there but as he listened to his client's story; his hand found its way to the helm of his white polo shirt; gripping it tightly. Not because he felt sorry for the client but the story hit like home.
It's a mistake to fall in love with a human. Especially that certain human doesn't have any good to give to him. He clearly knows that but he couldn't help himself.
But here he was smiling like a fool while he's offering him a panacea; a specialty of the nymph village he's in. "Here's what you had asked, Diether. You should stay quiet about it, the elder doesn't know. " Gregory, who was named Hale at that time, placed his index finger in between his lips and boyishly giggled.
The man called Diether smiled; he took the product out of Hale's hand. "Thank you very much, you're very much reliable! " Diether placed his hand on Hale's head; messing up his hair which made the nymph blushed.
The man winked at him and waved his hand. "I better get going! Alec is already waiting for me! " Diether turned his back on Hale and walked away.
Hale was left standing still; his hand on his chest. He felt a pang of pain upon hearing Alec's name. The name of the cat-person who's Diether companion. He felt some jealousy; a feeling he despised because he knew that it's wrong. He doesn't have the right and he's a sole loser. Especially not just Alec who is important to his beloved but a woman-a daughter of the protector and he's just a weak nymph.
"You're one greedy man, Diether, " he couldn't help but to whisper to himself; lips in a sad frown.
But Hale didn't expect that Diether's greed knew no bounds. He was using them all for his own agendas. He used the power of Alec to make the daughter of the protector fall in love with him and to control everyone around him. Hale heard Diether and Alec talking.
That night, Hale felt betrayed. He couldn't breathe as tears continuously fell from his eyes. He covered his lips with his hands; trying not to make a sound.
Hale loved Diether but he loved his people more. He told the village chief about it. But he didn't expect that it was the start of his misery.
After everything was over; when Diether and Alec were killed. His village abandoned him, kicking him out. The reason was they deemed him a traitor because he had a connection with the humans.
They didn't just kick him out unscathed; they beat him up and threw him far from the village; bleeding profusely; almost on death's door. All he could do was cry; his heart was in turmoil. He felt betrayed, angry, and sad at the same time but he cannot do anything but wait for death to claim him.
But it never happened, night came and he was rescued by a female vampire. She gave him a new name and a new life. And when he thought everything was good... until he found their home burned to ashes with her and his child inside of her... dead; killed by a cat-person vampire hunter.
And he swore that day that they will never know peace. All of them will die slowly and painfully like how they made him feel.
The client already left; Dr. Gregory released his kind facade. The once warm amber orbs turned to the color of blood. His fangs showed up when he smiled sinisterly. But contrary to his lips expression; he found his eyes weeping uncontrollably.
He was supposed to be a psychologist; but even he couldn't fix his own self.
He kicked the glass table where the tissue paper was situated. The force of his kick was enough for the glass to shatter in pieces and send the debris flying; stabbing his office's wall and furniture in the process.
He laughed and laughed trying to erase the presence of what he deemed as weakness. A shadow suddenly appeared before him, bowing. "Report! We found out that the raven is the nymph's ace's sister and we captured cat-people alive as you ordered. " A wide grin appeared on the vampire's face upon hearing the news.
A huge black bat wings sprouted from his back; his claws elongated and an evil red aura sprang around him. "Well then, we'll create more havoc to draw him out. It'll be so much fun! "
He suddenly felt hungry and now's the perfect time to hunt some livestocks.
Yey! Omg more to go and this could reach like 5k words. Longest so far.
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