Thirteenth Meow - Reunion and Run!
The street lights flickered, like a firefly light when you were sightseeing by the swamp. But it doesn't give comfort like those fireflies, but an eerie feeling. An eerie feeling that complimented the cold and harsh wind. Aegir could feel it slap his skin, almost like something bad can happen—like those horror movies he and Anthony watched before. In addition to that is the quiet and hushed sound of the night—those crickets doing their nightly horror orchestra.
Maybe he shouldn't have left?
He shook his head. No, Anthony's life will be in danger if he stays.
He doesn't know where he is right now. All he knows is that he's far from the street where Anthony's house is. He thinks he's by the park somewhere. There's a bench beside the streetlight, a rusty looking bench that is made of metal. Surrounding the place are bushes and trees. The place doesn't look scary when it's in the morning, Aegir remembered Anthony took him here for a walk before because he lacked exercise. He ate a lot and was very lazy.
Aegir decided to sit on one of the benches. This eased the soreness his feet felt from all the walking. "I shouldn't be this tired, guess I got some human habits from my master. " He could find himself chuckling at what he had uttered.
He laid his back on the bench and sighed. He could feel his body tremble because of the cold. He should have been okay with this kind of cold, he's a stray, but he guessed that living in a place that's warm made him forget the place where he belonged.
He smiled bitterly. He embraced himself to minimize the coldness he felt. Inhaling his pink colored shirt which smelled like Anthony's detergent... Aegir found himself whimpering.
He layed on the bench in a fetal position. Tears made its way in his eyes. "I don't want to be here." His voice squeaked. "No... But... I don't want Anthony to be hurt. I can't... I can't. "
His mouth opened, teeth clenched as he made an ugly cry. He feels so alone. Crying in the dead of the night, with no Anthony to cheer him up or feed him food and milk.
Aegir never noticed some footsteps coming in his way, hooded people seemingly heard him and they'll come... not to comfort him.
A heard of a gun clicking could be heard, some are mumbling some strange words as blood dripped from their hands.
Anthony's mind is in chaos. He couldn't think straight nor know where his feet would take him. All he knew, he needed to find Aegir. The only lights that gave hope amidst the darkness are the lights from the homes and shops. The smell of freshly cooked meals from a nearby restaurant lingered in Anthony's nose, making his stomach churned. Though with his goal in mind right now, he's trying not to mind it.
"Aegir? " he called his housemate, desperation in his voice. He is trying to find where Aegir is working, just a lucky guess. Because he never knows the exact name of the place, all he knows is that plain description that Aegir told him; there's cards on the store's name plaque.
He tried to look but he couldn't find it. It's so dumb of him to not ask before.
His steps are louder, like he is stomping. He called again, "Aegir? Where are you? " he could feel his voice crack.
The look of desperation on the man's face and voice was seen by a woman clad in a velvet robe, she's holding a paper bag from the nearby restaurant Anthony was referring to a while ago. Her wavy silver hair danced with the wind. Her eyes didn't register curiosity, but of amusement.
"Aegir? Fuck it! " She heard the man cussing, she saw the tears forming from his eyes, ready to flow.
She opened her mouth to speak. "Hey! Are you looking for the beautiful man with cat ears and tail? " she said, enough for Anthony to hear. The restaurant is on the other side of the road and there's a need to cross it.
Right at the mention of Aegir's name. Like a crazed man, finding his sanity, Anthony searched for the voice. When he found the voice, he immediately found himself ready to cross the road. But he was stopped by the owner of the voice.
"Careful, dear. We don't want a dead man facing this pretty boy of yours sooner. It's still red, " her voice sounds so sultry, like someone who can entice you and then kill you. She pointed at the traffic lights and put her right hand on her hips, like someone does when scolding a child.
Anthony backed away as if he's tranced. Right when he did it, a motorcycle, like there's a racing with obviously over the normal speed limit passed the road.
The woman is beautiful, she has gold cat-like eyes and crimson colored cupid bow lips. But, Aegir is more delicate than the woman. Aegir is cute, the woman is dangerous. There's something on her aura.
And he didn't know why he felt that he knew and saw this woman somewhere... he can't remember.
He waited for the traffic light to go green. When it did, he immediately crossed the road to meet the woman. He cannot waste time. God knows what is happening to Aegir right now. He cannot bear it.
The woman's face looks like someone who is watching a child do their first walk. There's a hint of glee on her gold orbs, like the woman might be enjoying seeing him rush like a fool he was.
When he stood face to face with the woman who's clad in her velvet robe, he immediately clasped his hands like someone begging, the woman laughed at his action. "Where is Aegir? Please... Please... I need to find him! " his voice cracked once again, he could feel his tears falling.
"It's my fault! Maybe I scared him! Please... " he begged again, he's considering kneeling.
The woman, instead of pitying him, laughed richly; like those actresses that potrays a rich businesswoman or that of a seductress. "Calm down, dear. Hush. I saw this pretty boy of yours in... " she paused, voice almost teasing. She laughed once again like Anthony's peril is a fun thing.
Anthony's brows crumpled. When he was about to talk again, due to impatience, the woman reached for his head and messed up his hair. "In the park, " she continued, "Take care. " She didn't wait for his reply or his reaction, she proceeded to walk away.
Anthony didn't get the chance to see the smirk plastered on her lips. "Ahh, youth, " she said. She looked at the full moon peaking in the sky, eyes turned emotionless. "What an expressive moon, but talks of fear. "
She closed her eyes as she spoke, almost like she's having a conversation to the air, "kytene los paze. "
Leathery dragon-like wings sprouted from her back, hugging her paper bag that contained her favorite carbonara, she flapped her wings. Her feet no longer touched the ground. She flew, as if she's chasing the moon.
"Where will we be going? " Anthony huffed. He could feel his feet raising the white flag anytime sooner. He and Aegir had been running around for 20 minutes—for their lives.
Aegir almost rolled his eyes while clutching Anthony's hand as they ran. Aegir feels like he's carrying a burden right now. As if Anthony is so stunned to move his feet and Aegir, though missing Anthony, is quite annoyed and wanted to etch his nails on Anthony's face.
"Anywhere safe! " That's all Aegir said, stopped running, caught his breath and looked at the surroundings. They're in the town square right now where a huge fountain is placed in the middle. Aegir knows that those guys are still trying to catch them.
"Where will this road lead? " He asked Anthony but the man's face is still in shock as if he thinks he is just dreaming. Aegir pinched Anthony's hand with his sharp fingernails, brows crumpled.
As if the dazed expression on Anthony halted for a bit. He looked at Aegir and blinked, his golden orbs looked like a flashlight in the dark. "What did you say? " he asked making Aegir more murderous. He would cry alone in this situation but he would hit Anthony because they're together.
He may be a coward... Anthony is a helpless case. He couldn't believe that he saved him before!
When Aegir was about to say something, they heard some yelling from the direction they were before. Aegir hit Anthony on the head, earning a grunt from the man. "Yey! We're gonna die! " he said in a fake enthusiasm, tail moving from side to side.
"Wait, what? " Anthony sounded like he didn't understand what Aegir had said. Or he just doesn't want to.
Aegir clutched Anthony's hand tighter and almost dragged him. "Run, you idiot! " Aegir hissed.
Anthony didn't know why he was in this situation. Maybe the world decided to be cruel once again and today is his lucky day. All he could remember is he found Aegir but...
Anthony could feel his breath hitch, he's just starting to catch his breath when he feels that it will be taken away from him. He could feel his knees wanting to turn into a jell-o. He wanted to run away but upon seeing Aegir's tears, he couldn't find the courage to go, but he couldn't be courageous enough to save Aegir either.
Aegir's eyes registered fear as he tried to back away. His body all covered in sweat, chills ran down his spine. "W-Who are you? " Despite the shakiness in his voice, he asked the assailants.
Almost like they're controlled, they spoke in a monotonous robotic voice. "Evidence. Kill. "
Right from that moment, Anthony could feel like his vocal chords would damage and bleed as he shouted Aegir's name.
Aegir , hearing Anthony's voice tearfully, smiled toward his direction. The noise gave little time for Aegir to run away to Anthony's direction because the assailants stopped their movements as if they had gotten into a technical difficulty.
"A-Anthony! It's real! It's you! " Aegir hugged Anthony who was too shocked to speak. Aegir plastered a sweet smile at him.
Anthony could feel his heart lightened as if it let go of a burden. As if the tiredness and tears he had gambled over is all worth it. "I've found you, you silly cat, " he softly said.
Aegir didn't smile or reply, instead he gripped Anthony's hand. "No time for a reunion, we should run. "
'God bless us. '
For the first time in many years, Anthony prayed for his dear life.
kytene los paze - May the universe protect us
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