Sixteenth Meow - Ideals, Poor Ideals
Note: I already graduated from college and my gear is kinda working again.
Anthony couldn't think straight. He could only feel like his mind had been invaded by a huge fire. Though he could feel his skin tremble, cold and sweaty but it's not water to calm him down but gasoline that fuels more of his rage.
He doesn't remember when was the last time he felt these overwhelming emotions. Perhaps it is when his dear sister left him or it's that repeated heartbreak he endured. But one thing is certain; he could feel it now, itching through his palms and almost like an animal trying to escape from its cage.
"I am going to find that shit myself and tear his limbs bit by bit, " he could feel his voice shaking, his embrace tightening on the unconscious Aegir. Normally, Anthony should feel like crying but he couldn't find any of his tears.
He knew he should do something and try to save Aegir but he couldn't escape from his own emotions. It's acting first, pouring heavy and uncontrollably after it being repressed for too long.
Vin, the other person in the room on the other hand was glued in his spot. He couldn't take his eyes off to the human in front of him. His stomach felt like an anvil was dropped in it and his throat dry, almost like he's unable to utter a word.
The human bathed in rage was also encased with an uncanny shadow resembling that of an unkindness of ravens. It flew around the human, eyes red like crimson rubies and fresh blood. There's also strange white orb-like lights following those ravens around. And no matter how Vin tries to deny what the mood of it brings-he couldn't.
It feels like a strange feeling when someone draws their last breath or the smell of rotting things sleeping soundly on the cold dirt-death.
Vin knows he needs to control the situation or it'll escalate to something more unfortunate though he couldn't feel his body agreeing to him.
"Y..You need to calm down, " Vin's voice sounded like a squeak. He hoped that he'll only need to speak once but it feels like his words never reached Anthony.
The shadow around him expanded. As it eats the room, darkness looms. "Anthony! Calm down! " Vin repeated again, now he found the voice to make it louder.
Anthony's almost empty eyes found their way in Vin's direction. What's scarier than being stared at by this angry human is that the ravens also did the same, almost like it did a ripple effect.
Vin thought of just casting a spell on Anthony to calm him down but his guts tells him that it wouldn't end so well. Especially that he feels that whatever this shadow looming around the human, it has a separate consciousness. It can act on its own and attack him if it feels he's a threat.
Anthony didn't utter a word and just stared at him. He didn't know if his reply to what he said was disbelief or if he also courted his anger.
Vin tried to get closer to Anthony, carefully. "Anthony, if you want to save your friend now is not the time to just rage there. His life is more important. Please, get back on your senses! We need to bring him to someone that can heal him! " He spoke urgently.
He doesn't know if it's due to adrenaline rush that he found the courage to tell Anthony about his ravens. "Those ravens around you won't help either! " Vin found Anthony's facial expression shift, almost like he's bewildered by what he had said. The ravens were still there so were the darkness but he knows it'll not expand for now.
Vin closed the distance between them again and squatted to reach Aegir's face. He checked his pulse only to feel a faint beat. Sighing, he stared at Aegir's face who's starting to lose its colors.
He still could do something to just delay the time. He needs to bring him to her, the witch.
Closing his eyes, he started to summon his powers. He could feel heat spread on his palms, yellow sparkles spread around him. This is the first time he feels good releasing his powers not only he could save Aegir but also to get away from the death calling vibes Anthony has.
He put his palms on Aegir's chest. "C F G Am. " Uttering some music notes, a faint glow started to show on Aegir's chest. The notes started to play slowly like a tune fresh from a music box.
As soon as he removed his hands on Aegir's chest, the cat man's body started to glow as well. A sparkling golden lyre emerged from Aegir's chest. It has pink roses and hyacinths serving as its carved ornaments. The lyre thin string's colors were rose gold adding an ethereal feel.
Aegir's heart was pure and beautiful.
Vin fixed his eyes on Anthony who was just staring at what he did. "This is Aegir's heart. I delayed the process of his injuries. But if we won't hurry up, one string will snap until it's no more. We need to go to the witch-" Anthony didn't let him finish, he transferred Aegir's body to Vin's hands. Vin has no choice but to carry the cat man.
"You bring him there. Please save him. I need to avenge him. " Anthony's voice was low, with no energy and calm.
Vin's face registered disbelief. He doesn't want to invalidate Anthony's feelings, especially that he saw his precious friend get hurt. He just couldn't understand human's indecisiveness and impulse. They tend to choose the most desirable things they feel that are then charging to it with no plans nor worries to what may come next that will endanger them.
Are humans fools of ideals making them blind to reality?
"Are you a sick bastard or a sorry idiot? Do you know what you're saying? Charging ahead with no plans, risking that 1% of what if it would work for you and you'll beat that guy without considering the cons of what you're trying to do. Humans do have a crooked sense of right and wrong... it only gets right if it satisfies your self interest not minding the dangers after it. 1% you'll join us here and 99% you'll be groveling on your own grave seeing your poor little boyfriend crying again because of your sorry ass! " Vin couldn't help but burst out and say whatever he wanted to say. He could also feel like he'll overshadow this human's anger.
He just couldn't bear stupid idiots with pea-sized brains.
The ravens encircling Anthony started to make their croaking call. If it's a protest or an agreement to what Vin's said, he doesn't care. Perhaps he's a hypocrite being impulsive just like how he preached but this idiocy cannot save a life and it's something he couldn't tolerate.
Before Anthony could even react and answer, a purple-ish glow emitted from the pocket of Anthony's jeans. A tarot card emerged with an illustration of two angry lions on both of its sides, they're being held by a red rope being tied on their bodies; connecting them to a golden chariot.
The card started spinning in the air until a a figure emerged from it. The figure's purple robe danced in the air. Soon a pair of golden eyes greeted the room.
A sultry voice came from the figure. "My, my. What chaos is in here? " Vin could recognize the owner of the voice. It's the same person that could save Aegir's life.
Vin didn't hesitate and asked for her help. "Please help him, " he asked the woman, who in turn smiled widely.
She held Aegir's pale cheek, not minding if she's obscuring Anthony from Aegir. Her eyes registered sadness. She held Aegir's hair tenderly before closing her eyes and changed her expression to her usual sultry one. "Hmm, I wasn't too late but first... " she turned her attention to Anthony and his ravens.
Upon seeing her, the ravens' croaking call grew louder. Soon, the white orb-like light with them started to compress themselves to each other until it created a huge scythe made of bones. The blade was coated with white colored fire.
The witch laughed in amusement as she stared at it. She couldn't believe that this mere 'human' was capable of it. But she's also disappointed that it's something he couldn't control, in turn it's the one that was controlling him. She could clearly see the thin white strings made of energy that held the boy, like a puppet string. His rage awakened whatever he has in him but it's also the one which controls him.
She tossed her robe aside, revealing a woman with rich silver hair wearing a black victorian dress that reached her knees. Her golden eyes shone in excitement. She fished a purple feather from the back of her hair, it then transformed into a huge bow made from purple mithril. In the bow, there's also carved green vines encircling around it. The string was glowing purple as an arrow rested in between it, waiting to be aimed.
The woman didn't wait for the huge scythe to make its way towards her. He aimed her bow at its targets-the ravens. A series of arrows were fired on the birds, each aim hitting a bullseye leaving only a wisp of shadows from the once figures of ravens.
The woman walked slowly towards Anthony's direction which is now dazed. He didn't know what happened but the feeling of seeking revenge was still in him.
Once close, the woman held Anthony's chin and stared at him eye to eye. He could feel the power on her eyes. Something that can end him whenever she feels like it. He could feel his chest felt heavy. He's scared of the power she has but he also feels envious of it.
"It's too early for you to jump in, child. You're too weak. You desire to protect someone but you still couldn't even hurt a fly. Don't make his sacrifice on protecting you be in vain by wasting it. " She pinched Anthony's both cheeks and ruffled his hair. Anthony could feel his energy dissipated as he sat on the floor.
The woman smiled again and turned his back on him. She signaled Vin to bring Aegir to her, which in turn, Vin, hurriedly compelled.
Now that he's slowly regaining his mind, Anthony realized that the woman was familiar. He had seen her before.
He blinked countless times and tried to remember until a memory flashed in his mind.
The woman from the other night!
"You're that... " he heard the woman laugh. A tarot card was tossed in front of him, a familiar card of colorful strings with "wheel of fortune" below it.
Anthony could find himself sitting on a chair beside Aegir's bed. He's still unconscious but his colors have already returned, his heartbeat is now also stable. He picked Aegir's hand and held it close to his cheek. He could feel his tears threatening to fall.
"Please wake up now, you silly cat. I promise I will be better and we'll go to places that you like. The pet store, right? Toys for you and those two rascals. Please... " he felt his tears fall. He still has a lot of questions from before but now he just wanted Aegir to be well and start to berate him. He'd rather see him sassy and well than this.
He continued to cry his heart out, not minding the opening of the door and the presence of the woman who healed Aegir there.
"Don't worry, child. He'll be okay. The corruption didn't spread on his body. His soul was spared. " He heard her voice, unlike the usual sultry tone, she now sounds calm and almost nurturing.
He wiped away his tears and faced the woman. "I... I have many questions. Them... those creatures. Aegir...Vin... You... What are you? What happened to me... I don't know... I feel so overwhelmed. " Anthony put his hands on his head and shook his head in pure confusion.
The woman didn't move an inch from the door and replied in a sad and serious tone. "There's four guardians guiding this world. They have their own offspring: The deities, the nymphs, the underworld creatures like vampires and humans. The guardian who protects humanity made a rule: not to tarnish his creation's blood with another blood of a guardian. Someone broke their pact never to mate with humans and from that guardian bore the bizarre creatures, the Eredasès just like Aegir and Vin. A war broke out turning the once united world into chaos and the guardian of humanity cursing the offsprings of his kin and beloved humans to their animal-like forms of today. " As she told the tale, she waved her hand and an image of a dead creature lying on an inverted star made of blood showed itself.
A sad smile etched on her lips. "Those creatures are creating havoc in this city... They believed that if they killed humans, nymphs, and Eredasè's... They'll be freed from the curse. They believe that the dead souls can be an elixir to cure them and they are the one deserving to survive more than the others... and they also believe they can bring their guardian back." Her expression turned sour, gone her usual expression. Anthony could feel that she's angry inside.
She crumpled her fists. "The dead... they weren't at peace. They're tormenting them too. And you... " Her sad smile returned.
Anthony could feel himself getting nervous. "He already saw you. He saw you as a threat... you are not ordinary. You can command and free the souls of the dead. For too long, he's making sure to target people he sees that will spoil his plans just like what he did to Aimee... who can bring someone from the dead to life. "
Anthony felt like a bomb had been thrown to his face. Especially the mentioning of Aimee... the name of his sister who left him years ago.
I hope I didn't lose my touch. Please leave a vote and comment if you like this chapter. Thank you!
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