Seventeenth Meow - On Doubts and Truths
Dedicated to UnluckyLoveRomance. Thank you for reading and liking my writing style.
"Nothing beats what is genuine rather than those fabricated with magic. Controlled but not willing like a useless doll who cannot move on its own without the strings. "
Aegir could find himself in a dark room, with only a little light from a lamp placed on a table had saved him from the impression that he's already damned and tossed in hell, just like they said he would.
"You don't belong to anything! "
"You're a demon! "
"One day, hell will give you the place you'll definitely belong! "
Everyone of his kind has an innate ability they possess. As simple as an ability to run fast like a thief or fly on which both are very useful for cats like his kinds. But cats that have human-like appearance are shunned by other kinds.
Because perhaps they're too blessed with not only magical abilities but with nine lives. But for them, it's evil—it's heresy just like their cursed bloodline.
And if his bloodline is cursed enough—Aegir got all that is bad. A demon worthy to be erased from this very world.
The moment his mom learned he can unconsciously control the creatures around him; One, when he controlled his own brother to give him the piece of meat. Two, when he stopped an elder from hurting him—he was cast away.
He has the unique ability called [Fervent Temptation]. An ability which allows him to control people by his 'pheromones'. He cannot control his power at will at first but eventually he did. But it didn't give him any happiness—he's always left alone in the cold. Crying and in the mercy of humans who also didn't treat him better.
There was no warm place for him, only cold rain and harsh winter.
And the cycle remained. He could control them to do his bidding but it's not as satisfying as it seems—it leaves a hollow darkness in his heart every time he uses his power—an ugly curse.
He took the lamp from the table and proceeded to walk. He doesn't know where to go—but forward. If he's the past that got trapped in this situation maybe he'll just accept that everything is already finished. But, not now... There's someone waiting for him, definitely there'll be someone at the end of the line.
"Anthony is waiting for me and oh! Tibby and Tabby! " Despite the hot damp tears that had flown in his cheeks that moment, he could still find himself mustering a smile.
Because out of everyone that can certainly look in his direction when he wants them to—Anthony looked in his direction when he didn't ask, when he didn't have anything to offer and he didn't just set his eyes on him; he walked towards him, extended his hand and even chose to stay.
He could hear his own breathing as he walked. He quickened his pace, as if he's already ready to make a run. Perhaps he already started to run. He could feel his lungs burn, his breathing rugged and heavy; beads of perspiration basked his skin and his legs felt like it was hit by something painful. But none of those made him stop.
Until he could hear faint sounds—and it became clearer. A sound so familiar to his ears and the last he heard before darkness swallowed him before.
"Aegir, please wake up. Tibby and Tabby are here. I am here. " He could hear his voice as he, Aegir, desperately ran to catch where the owner of the cool and manly voice was.
Anthony's usual voice is that monotone or bored. Aegir always finds Anthony's voice a wonder about how it could change from that of the most uncaring to someone angry but he never heard this kind of voice from him before—it's as if he's so sad.
The sadness that could match the desperation he is feeling. And it makes his heart heavy; sickening heavy that it almost felt that he's being crushed by it.
He want to tell him he's here but he couldn't find his voice—just his own stuttering sounds. Hot tears dampened his face like raindrops. A lone tear fell on his cheeks once more. He blinked. One moment later, he saw a strange light until that light turned into a blurry face.
He reached his hand to the light, desperately—clawing into it. He needed the light. He needed it.
He grasped it. And at the end of the light, he was there. Arms wrapping around him in a tight embrace.
He found him sobbing, so was he. And he was wrong that every tear is only for sadness and misery. It can be warm and fuzzy—it made him smile.
Anthony couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. He was currently seated on one of the chairs of the dining room, a spoon full of crab and corn soup at hand. In front of him, also seated on one of the chairs is Aegir, whose forest green eyes registered sleepiness; hand on his mouth suppressing a yawn. Below their table are their two cats, Tibby and Tabby, who are happily munching on their chicken and dried food for breakfast.
It's the third day of Aegir's recovery. They now changed where they're staying. They are now in Artemisia's place, the witch who helped them. Artemisia's place is the same place of the shop Anthony went to when he ran an errand to Mr. So. Turns out the place was not that scary and those weird and icky paintings were just placed outside as a front.
The place's entire vibes change in the second floor where they're in right now. Instead of a dark and gothic-ish vibe, they get an antique vibe with a dominant color palette of brown, gold, maple, and browns. The living room consists of light brown colored walls, maple painted floor with a huge pale orange carpet with lacy intricate design. The furnitures were predominantly made of wood: a sofa and lounge on both sides with a mixture of orange and browns in its sofa cover and cushions. There's also a table right in the center decorated with a vase made with clay; on that vase were fresh newly arranged red peonies and two white lilies. There's also some ornamental plants and paintings of flowers and scenery decorating the place.
The motive can definitely pass as normal but the existence of a fairly huge mirror hung on each side of every room is what makes the place mystical. The mirror's design was that of a dragon coiling around the mirror. The dragon is transparent blue, made from glass or some sort of crystal and the glass that should be the mirror part occasionally swirls with a tint of rainbows and sometimes into pure black.
According to Artemisia, it is a teleportation device exclusively for her use and those that work for her. And surely Anthony felt like he was dreaming when he got out of the same mirror when she brought them in days ago.
Anthony, although finding the witch as eerily weird, he is still thankful for her help. Because if it's not for her, he'll never see the living daylights out of Aegir nor he'll be able to feed him right now for the sake of his recovery.
But for some reason, this Aegir he's been feeding right now decided to show him the 'usual' attitude he has.
"You must eat your breakfast and finish it. You need to get stronger. " He placed the spoon with food near Aegir's mouth who in turn looked at him with a deadpan expression.
The cat, the subject of his pampering on the other hand—was clearly annoyed by the gesture.
But the master seems too preoccupied with the task to care after all apart from he genuinely cares—the task at hand makes him do fairly normal stuff out of all the otherworldly things around him.
"I can feed myself, can I not? " Aegir's voice was sassy that time, he was still sleepy but his master ruined his sleep for breakfast.
Anthony's expression didn't change, he's still smiling. And if it wasn't illegal or bad to scratch his face this instant—he'll wipe that smile off his face.
"Eat it. At least let me do something normal like feeding you. I am still worried you know? " Anthony pushed the spoon gently to Aegir's lips, urging him to open his mouth and eat.
Begrudgingly, Aegir opened his mouth and accepted the food in the spoon. He never thought that Anthony could be this over-reacting idiot when he already feels fine now.
Anthony found that angry gesture as calming, ironic as it was. And one thought came from his mind seeing Aegir now normal with his utterly normal attitude if he could somehow open up about some things. He always knew Aegir would listen because he was always the one listening about Mr. So rants and some other dramas he has in him. He might scowl and raise his eyebrows at him whenever he tries but he always listens.
But if he opens up about still not believing everything and doubting if these things are not some sort of scheme of a movie director or a special vfx—maybe Aegir will get angry because it is an equivalent of him not believing that Aegir was truly a cat—man.
'Because the hell did I turn into a sore loser puny human to some sort of manga character with power over the dead stuff. And they must be lying in the books that those people are eventually able to live their new lives easily... because I can't. It'll take time adjusting and I am not even sure if I am still sane after that. ' An exact thought running around Anthony's mind as of this moment; trying to find every logic he can to justify the situation but he's miserably failing.
Anthony took another spoonful of soup and before he shoved it again to Aegir, his expression changed that of someone unsure and thinking if he'll open up something to him.
And Aegir is very familiar with this expression. This very expression where Anthony looks like he was about to shit himself. It's always happening when he's about to rant and talk about stuff; especially those relevant to an anxiety infested adult.
Aegir raised his eyebrow in annoyance. "You want to tell me something? Talk. " He took the spoon from Anthony's hand and fed it to himself.
He needs to eat before hearing what Anthony will say. He already got an idea and by the looks of it. He'll stop feeding him anyways because he'll be too busy talking.
Anthony let out a long sigh. "Ah! I miss this attitude of yours, " Anthony laughed a little, his gold orbs shone in mirth, earning a frown from Aegir.
"Kidding aside. I don't know what to feel. Sometimes, I feel that everything is just a dream. You know that feeling that you're starting to accept things but there's still this one corner of your mind contradicting what you see. I don't know, I-" Anthony didn't continue what he was saying instead he put his hand on his head as if he's having a bad headache.
If reality could just barge into this very room and slap him, he'll greatly appreciate it as an act of kindness.
Aegir could understand what he's coming from. They took what's normal from Anthony and he also doesn't know how to console his master regarding the matter. Because what's normal for him is something foreign for Anthony.
Anthony's eyes started to water as he talked, "My sister... I don't know if she's still alive or her life is in danger right now. I couldn't understand what was happening... Why me... Why us. What is this? Am I still human? Is everything normal? " Anthony messed up his hair in frustration; hands fisted as if he'll even pull his hair if necessary if it can help him wake up from all of these reverie.
Hearing Anthony in distress, the cats under the table went to console Anthony by meowing loudly and licking Anthony's feet. Aegir on the other hand, fights the urge to also cry. He felt sorry for his master. He knew that his mind was in disarray right now.
Anthony's reality shifted to something he's not a fan of. He even doesn't know if he himself is human because of the mysterious powers he has.
Aegir stood up from his seat and went behind Anthony's back. "Humans say that hugs remove worries away. Although that's impossible and a crap, I will still do it hoping you'll feel better. " Aegir enveloped Anthony in a warm embrace; his other hand gently patting Anthony's hair.
Anthony was caught off guard in the situation but he found himself tearing up again from the gesture. No one has hugged him before other than his sister and mother. And he admits it's nice to receive it, especially because he knew right now, even a hug can mean something to console him.
”Thank you, ” he muttered softly.
And there's something about this cat man, perhaps his mild baby powder scent that calms him or perhaps that he'll be someone that will not judge him and he's safe around him.
But perhaps a very different definition of the word safe. Because his life doesn't define the word safe in the slightest. And it's not Aegir's fault, in fact, he's thankful that Aegir's with him in these times of crisis or he'll find himself losing his wits.
"What if I can't do it? I am weak. I couldn't even protect you. Only if I can make my writings a reality and write that a character will come here, overpowered and perfect to just... end everything. I cannot even protect the living. What more than those who are dead? " Aegir hushed Anthony by putting his hands around his mouth, silencing him. Aegir's tail turned side to side, seemingly pleased with what he had done.
But for Anthony, it made him jolt in shock because he didn't expect that it happened; his gold eyes wide in stupefaction.
Anthony could hear Aegir sigh. And definitely he knows he is even rolling his eyes at this point.
"Stop saying you can't when you didn't even try. It's not the end of the world. You can still try to do better. It's not your fault that you don't even know you have abilities just like us. Afterall, you were normal and it's my fault that you got caught up in this mess. Don't say you cannot protect me because I am long dead when you didn't help me back then. I am just right here to cheer for you and be here for you. You're not alone, silly!" Aegir almost shouted, his cheeks red; perhaps in annoyance to what stupid things his master had said.
Anthony's expression changed, his eyes softened on what Aegir told him. He stood up and faced Aegir; now Aegir's hands rested around Anthony's waist. Anthony couldn't help but to stare at Aegir's rich forest green eyes who's glaring at him.
”Hmp! ” Aegir pouted, averting his gaze which made Anthony laughed softly.
They're in a very awkward position. But neither of them cared anyways. Anthony needed comfort and Aegir hated his master's puny expression.
Although it did make Anthony's ear covered in shades of pink. He knows he shouldn't feel this way especially towards a man—a beautiful man who he treats as his family.
He maybe just not used to these kind of comforts.
Anthony got himself together and awkwardly smiled, pinching Aegir's nose. "Thank you! I'll try. Thank you for being here. You're really like a family to me."
Aegir beamed at his master's reply. "I am a precious family so you must supply me with lots of tuna! " They both laughed and Aegir hugged him again, his tail happily moving from left to right.
He is still with doubts and unsure. But Aegir is right. Maybe he can do something. It'll take time adjusting but he's with Aegir and their cats.
And this reality is something Saint told him about. Treat fictions as reality. Although the fiction is not a fiction for him anymore. Maybe he could complete his book with all of these? Yes, perhaps he should treat it as a 'normal' goal apart from all abnormalities.
The dead aren't that bad, probably? He'll be a forensic pathologist in the future anyways. He'll just be ahead of the experience.
But if he'll not take this fictitious reality seriously... surely he'll be the dead one. Yey!
Suddenly, as if it was normal to hear things, Anthony and Aegir heard a child's voice, ruining their moment. "It's not that bad, meow! You alcho helps us escape death, nyaa remember?" The voice came directly from under the table.
The only thing that was under the table was their cats. Anthony knew nothing should shock him at this point yet he still found his mind blank. Aegir, catching Anthony's reaction, proceeded to slap his master's right cheek.
"Don't you dare lose consciousness here!"
Unbeknownst to them, Vin was just around the entrance of the dining room. Face in a grumpy expression. He wanted to leave the room to let these idiots continue what they're doing but...Lady Artemisia, the witch, will surely get his head. They are surely a bunch of two idiots! They're too obvious with their chummy actions!
"Family my ass! That's incest you're showing! " he muttered under his breath, clutching his fist in annoyance.
His employee has a better love life than him and to add salt to injury it's those oblivious and dramatic ones that'll someday soon lead to a palsy-walsy confession.
Vin was not a writer but a lover of good books and music and to these kind of scenes—don't underestimate an intuition crafted from reading various novels. Although he'll prefer reading than seeing on which he sure is unlucky right now. But, he has no other choice, what a drag!
Between actually dying and dying in cringe. He'll pick the latter.
Those two idiots need some lessons in terms of fighting or they'll die together in a cringe way possible. They surely got the guts to sully the dining room and to waste food. They didn't even finish the darn soup!
Not everyone is happy seeing a reunion between two people—especially not Vin.
Screams of terror could be heard all over the forest. A lot of people were scrambling like ants; holding small magic bags with their belongings inside. They're catching their breaths while running. Some of them are holding hands with their children or someone they hold dear. Their faces registered pure horror; countless people were weeping while the others' faces' is that one bearing pain—them with some injuries, small and even close to fatal. Their blood dripped on the rich soil, leaving a trail as they escaped from something.
One distinct feature of these people that one can say they do not belong to humanity are their prominent elfish like ears and the clothes they wear; some were white, for women, below the knee white dress with hints of gold threads and men—whose wearing a vest and breeches with hints of metallic blue adorning it.
Apart from the cries of people in anguish, the sound of rustling wind could also be heard as well as the loud clang of weapons clashing each other. The smell of burning wood and—even flesh made its way to the air; a combination of scent made from war where the rich earth will claim another body and the sky to take another soul.
"Don't give up! We must fight them! " A man wearing full clad armor raised his sword; coated in the blood of his enemies. But no matter how much he slays, it seems there's no ending.
Men adorning the same armor he had roared and raised their swords and shields. While the archers and mages wearing a green and violet robe respectively clang their bows and staffs with each other; as if making a toast of victory even with an unsure answer if they'll make it out alive the dreadful forest that was once their precious homes.
With that line up of mages was Aimee, their priced warrior and hero of the nymphs whose power can heal the injured and drain their enemies life force. She can also revive someone dead given that it didn't suffer any spiritual attack. Their enemies who keep on regenerating even if they kill them. Only if the ties that binds their souls can be broken is when they'll stop attacking. And only Aimee can do that, but also she is the enemy—the Djinbes—target.
"Kill all of them but leave that mage alive! " One of the enemies bellowed—who apart from the other soldiers were still breathing and alive—and their commander.
He was pointing his hand to one of the mages. The mage with a striking silver hair tied in a ponytail; eyes colored cobalt blue in a very angry glare. She was the only mage without a staff, instead she's wielding two swords as if the mage wasn't a mage but a ghost severing souls—a deadly assassin.
Sounds of clashing weapons can be heard once again. A loadful of arrows were released from the sky piercing undead flesh of the enemies—but instead of showing signs of pain or discomfort in their face; there were none but expressionless faces and black blood oozing from their wounds. No matter how much more the warriors cut their enemies limbs, they still stood up and continued fighting. A fight of stamina on which can stay the longest with the limited amount of potion and mage's mana for healing injuries.
The enemies retaliated, their archers shot their arrows but right this time—whoever got pierced dropped dead on the cold ground; coughing blood with eyes wide open. For those unfortunate ones, they're clasping their wounds or taking out the arrow from their flesh. Their throat releasing an anguishing cry. There's also some who didn't make it to the safe zone—where mages can heal them. The enemies swords and lances pierced their skin and cut off parts of their bodies like it's some sort of meat to butcher.
"Gaia, Earth Mother; ruler of life and protector of the blood of men,
Let me be your goblet filled poison,
So that I can smite my enemies and show them shame!
Gyià dè heimè!"
Aimee chanted, her two blades shone red upon her incantation as if it mimic the color of blood spilled in the land. She started to dash towards her enemies; kicking one of her enemies spear out of sight. She didn't wait for her rotting enemy's reaction, her blades find its way to her enemy's neck. With a swift slash; blood spurted and a head rolled in the ground.
"Rest in peace. " Taking a sorry glance to the corpse, she proceeded to block the incoming sword to her direction.
It was never its fault. In fact, those who looks like corpses were once djinbè's victims. Killed and soul stolen to be used as a ritual to bring back Kàlèine—the guardian who massacred one of the races.
Not for Diènèi, the guardian who oversees nymphs and the one who were viewed as sinful. She sacrificed herself just to seal him. Out of his madness and bloodthirst to kill some more—He'll even kill the other races because he believes to be able to gain freedom from the sin Diènèi and her human shapeshifter mate, Pyros, he needs to purge the world.
It's a shame that the other two guardians didn't intervene nor help Diènèi. They're too scared to fight him.
And for Aimee, she put it off as her goal to do something to free the souls used by the Djinbes for their plan. Because she was also close to being slayed by them years ago and she witnessed how they extracted dead people's souls after killing them. She was targeted because she was a half-blood, born from a nymph and a human. Anyone that they deemed as not with 'pure' blood must be exterminated and sacrificed.
And one of those souls was hers and her younger brother's mother.
One thing Aimee hopes is that her younger brother Anthony is okay. It pained her to leave him but she knows he is in good hands.
Even if it means forever working with HER to ensure she'll protect her brother, she'll do it without question.
Another update. Yey! And it's the longest of all with 4k words.
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