Nineteenth Meow - Unkindness
Dedicated to kai_8827. Thank you for the review!
The more they set their eyes to the countless dead bodies in the dark alley, the more the pit in their stomachs deepened. Artemisia, among all the people gathered around, holds the most grief and rage. Her face with no remnants of any emotions but her heart in a deep turmoil; gritting her teeth, she holds her hands over her chest and utters a silent prayer.
She bit her lips in silent frustration. She took her hand over her hair, running it straight resembling a comb.
For a hundred years of bloodshed and countless traitors... she finally had found someone who can give peace to the captive souls—Anthony.
Although it's aching for her to bring him to this chaos—but fate is a cheating player.
She fixed her gaze to the young man, softly smiling. Although his face, pale and his set of golden eyes registered uncertainty and... fear. He still stood there, one by one, checking each body. She knew that his legs were near to giving up but somehow his will remained stronger.
She never had thought that the young man who always cower and cry for years can muster courage.
She knew his pain. She's always listening and painfully; she cannot do anything but to watch. A memory from the past resurfaced from her mind.
A teenage boy around 13 was sitting on the cold floor; wailing loudly. His eyebrows, creased in a tight frown as he let all of his tears fall. His face was already red from his frequent trying to catch his own breath when he hiccups. He never cared if he still hadn't eaten or about the presence of a bloodied wound on his knee when he ran and fall to the ground.
His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. He was tightly embracing a picture frame on his chest; repeating the same sentences again and again hoping that the one he's seeking will magically appear to his side. Behind him is a very angry lady, his aunt; who didn't even try consoling the kid but in turn found the kid unreasonable. In her right hand, she holds a broom that probably she'll use to strike the kid.
"Mom... Aimee... please. You promised... you'll never leave me like dad. But why... " His tears continue to fall; his heart is in deep anguish. It's been a week since his mom and sister never returned home. He never got a proper meal and sleep since then.
”How annoying could you get?! Don't make me mad this instant! ” she spat; her left hand placed on her hips.
The angry aunt took the kid's hand forcefully; shouting incoherent words that didn't alleviate the boy's misery. "No! " The boy tried to release his hand from the tight grasp. Only to be met by his aunt's glare. She never gave up, even resorting to almost dragging him from the floor.
“C'mon! Give it up you brat! I don't have time for you!”
The kid didn't bulge even if he felt his wrist in pain and started to redden. The aunt never felt remorse to her action, she raised her broom and hit the child repeatedly.
"You piece of shit! You're the one bringing problems to my life! " The woman never stopped hitting the child even though the child started to beg for her to stop.
A figure by the trees could only stop themselves from doing anything; hands on their chest; clenching their teeth together. Artemisia couldn't do anything but to be deaf to the kid's plea, not only now—but every night; wishing for magic to come true and help him.
She cannot do anything but to speed up his recovery when he cries himself to sleep. She couldn't interfere with human affairs nor hurt humans, especially a human near the kid because it'll endanger his life more.
His mom and Aimee never wanted for the young lad to be part of the chaos and wish for his safety above their own.
She's been observing him, protecting him from the shadows. And she is blaming herself that she let harm befall him when she looked away for just a second.
Her reaction didn't escape Aegir's gaze. He saw how her eyes softened when she's staring at Anthony. And he understood her reaction—he was so proud of his idiotic master, for a brief moment—he smiled even if his heart was never at peace.
Aegir still couldn't feel safe even though he knows that there's Artemisia and the others who will protect them. He still could feel his stomach churn; his hairs stood up and tail hung low. There's still an unsettling feeling he has, even if he's with a group of people he trusts, it cannot easily go away.
An underlying fear of danger that when he's thinking about it makes him want to run away. Beads of sweat ran from his forehead as his throat ran dry.
He perfectly knew violence and experienced pain. He's desperately trying to avert his gaze to the bodies because he just couldn't watch their situation.
For the nth time, he finds himself lucky to be alive yet unlucky to remember the tale where he begged for his life; bathed in his own blood.
Aegir gulped, placing his hand on his chest; he breathed in and out, trying to calm his nerves. Closing his eyes, he bit his lips. 'I can do this! For my master! '
Alucard, on the other hand, the Fenrir who's arms currently crossed to each other; called Anthony's attention who had just finished examining the corpses. "Come here. That's enough, " he told Anthony.
Although he did say they'd do it one by one—due to what Anthony had shown; it's better he did all of it first before he'll exhaust all of his mana and strain his body when he'll be trying to use magic for the first time.
Anthony followed silently, after all what he had witnessed; he didn't have any room to argue. He could only slap his cheek softly and sigh like an old man to convince himself to stay awake and not to pee on his pants.
Because who wouldn't? Someone could even faint witnessing the situation they're in.
The cadavers on the alley; a total of five, already passed the rigor mortis stage. Some of them whose bodies were already releasing brown green-ish fluid were already in the active decay stage; they were dead for twenty days. Their hair was starting to lose and skin starting to blackened. And some were already dead for forty days or more; their flesh was no longer fermented by butyric acid and their bodies were molded to the ground.
"Watch closely, " he heard Alucard spoke. Anthony nod in response.
Alucard took a deep breath; eyes closed as if he was concentrating. His body began to glow; emanating a faint white glow. Specks of white dust-like things surrounded his body. "This white thing is called mana. This is your pure energy that'll be used to materialize your magic. Every individual's mana is unique, they're capable of materializing and channeling different kinds of magic but of course it depends on your affinity to what magic you can use. " Alucard opened his palm; revealing a white flame-like thing; it's dancing gently on his palm.
Anthony just stared in astonishment. He unconsciously tried to fish something from his pocket. Only to frown and realize that he didn't bring his notepad and pen.
A conditioned response.
'Nevermind. I'll make sure to remember this... I hope so. ' A thought he had.
He used to write magical things because of his job as a writer but never in his wildest dream did he think that it's real.
His rational thoughts were trying to reject it but deep inside—there's a foreign but familiar spark he's feeling in his system.
Something he used to feel when he was a kid. He found his eyes glued to Alucard, which in turn, looked at him weirdly; brows raised because of his sudden burst in energy.
Anthony grimaced. It's like Alucard is seeing him as a weird guy. But he just couldn't help it!
One couldn't blame the Fenrir. Anthony looked like he was about to shit himself a while ago and now he looked so invested even if he's still in the same alley with the corpses still with them.
Alucard couldn't even believe that his master trusts Anthony and Aegir that much when the latter, just like his master, is also an airhead.
Anthony could feel his heart beating from his chest, a little fast—perhaps due to both anticipation and being overwhelmed. It feels like it's something he's looking forward to but it sounded so wrong at the same time.
'Am I dreaming? Hallucinating even? ' he tried to create a debate within himself.
Maybe he just got too overwhelmed by investigating the dead bodies... or he just doesn't know what to react when he's experiencing both real and unreal at the same time; the first one is the path he chose to take and the latter on which it's his childish dream back in childhood.
How unluckily lucky could he get?
A sad smile etched on his lips. He used to believe in magic before but with all the tragedies he had faced during those times with no magic to aid him, he lost all his hope.
He made himself believe that his only reality is not disappointing ideals but the current situation he can see and hear.
But can he just indulge on this even for a little while? Just a little bit. It won't hurt, would it?
Vin, who was watching in the background, couldn't help but to drop a side comment from Anthony's expressions. Putting his hand on his chin; as if thinking about something.
He had seen them before; from a documentary he had watched and how Artemisia mentions it to her human clients.
With his brows pulled together, he muttered, "Oh! Just another adult with a wounded inner child. '' Vin raised his index finger in a 'that one' expression. Anthony, who was too preoccupied at the moment, didn't hear what he had said.
Aegir, hearing the remark; winced and shushed the nonchalant bunny, earning a puzzled remark from the latter. "Hey, now what? " he replied, tone confused if whether he said something wrong.
Alucard, with a rather keen sense of hearing, also heard the comment. He turned his head in Vin's direction; eyes squinted. Vin shrugged in response; averting his gaze he whistled an awkward tune.
'Pathetic bunch of kids. ' Alucard thought, almost rolling his eyes.
He just wants to go home—away from these rascals. He thought fighting is more tiring—he now had been proven wrong.
Sighing, the Fenrir resumed on what he's doing; face stern and stoic. "There's the generic elemental magic: air, water, fire, earth, light, and darkness. Your range of magic and its uniqueness depends on what basic elements fit your affinity. For example, I have an affinity for air, water, and light and those three created my unique magic [Harbinger of Storm]. You don't need to master each element you're affiliated with to use your unique magic but if you want to get stronger, of course you need to improve your basic elements skills. " The once white flame on Alucard's palm started to morph into a round dark gray ball; it had a surrounding white lightning making a relatively loud cracking sound.
Anthony's face was full of wonder. "Wow! " he couldn't help but to say.
He couldn't remove his gaze from the ball, on which; he's familiar that it's a sort of power ball just like what some books and animes convey. "A question! " he raised his hand like a student in class.
He just couldn't help it. Nor could he contain what he feels. Although it sure does sound embarrassing.
"Do you also have those silly attack power moves names? " The Fenrir stared at him with a deadpan expression. Upon hearing, Aegir, who was enthusiastic about the topic, raised his hand too.
Curiosity killed the cat; above all else, no matter what situation they're in.
Without letting another question get asked. The Fenrir plastered a fake smile. "No. Going back. Although we already knew that your abilities are associated with the element: darkness. One thing that can help you find out what your affinities are is to channel your mana and focus. You'll be able to see its form and properties. " Not minding the strings of protest from Aegir, Alucard continued; eyes looking straight into Anthony's golden orbs as if he's telling him to shut up and listen. He chuckled timidly.
And that look that says, "Stop asking stupid questions. "
Alucard is still a Fenrir and he just can bite him to death if he'll invite his bad side.
Anthony gulped a lump full of saliva. He covered his mouth using his hand signifying he'll shut up. He's somewhat looking forward and scared at the same time. Scared of embarrassing himself and scared to be minced meat.
"Close your eyes, " the Fenrir instructed him. He followed his command; he could only hear his heart drumming from his chest.
"Take a deep breath. Imagine as if you're seeing some white orbs. Those orbs are encasing your body. The best way to call upon magic you already have is to imagine its form. " Anthony's brows creased. He tried to imagine the stars as orbs, shimmering as he set his eyes into it. Or a firefly at night illuminating a meadow.
He felt his body getting warmer. He found himself in an empty gray room surrounded by crimson spider lilies. One white orb started to appear in front of him until it started to increase; almost like when it's starting to get dark and stars are starting to show themselves. The glow did resembled like stars; twinkling and blinking.
"Try to reach one of those lights. What do you feel? " He could hear the Fenrir's voice. Anthony reached one of the lights; it started to change into a darker color, a deep purple one. He could hear a hushed humming sound from the orb; almost like it's calling them.
He staggered from the sound, seemingly shocked by what he heard. He reluctantly touched the vibrating orb on his hand.
"It became a deep purple one, " he said. The light started to materialize into a bird—a raven. It tilts its head into his direction; eyes deep red. Releasing a croaking call, it flew to his shoulders.
"There's a raven. It's friendly to me. " He reached for the raven's head, petting it. The raven nudged its face to his cheek happily. He also couldn't help but to smile.
Anthony started to reach the other orbs; hoping that it'll also change form. One orb started to engulf in midnight blue flames; it started to fly around him restlessly. His face registered panic upon fearing he'll get burned. But it never did; in fact the flame was warm and comforting with an air of mystery around it.
The other orb turned into an hourglass made of stone; the sand inside of it was shining, moving slowly. Whereas, the other remaining burst one by one like exploding fireworks on a festive night. Anthony's eyes widened at the sight; amazed and bewildered.
As if time responded to the hourglass, it moved at a slow pace; the flowers around him withered gradually until it collapsed, met by the earth and turned into fine dust.
As if all that had transpired tells a story about life... "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return. "
The raven's croaking call echoed the place. The fire around him found itself embracing the hourglass; the glass started to crack until it started to crumble to bits. Letters started to form, at first gibberish; not making sense at all until it formed into a series of readable words.
Unique Magic: [Grave of Unkindness]
Affinities: Darkness, Fire, Earth
The cursed raven of eternal slumber, calls upon the troubled souls.
To accompany the ailing silenced and plead mercy for those who asked to repose.
For those who wish to stay shall ask his hand for servitude, loyal to their master's goals.
"What the hell?! " with a stunned expression, Anthony couldn't help but to react on what he had just read.
It wasn't long when the surroundings started to blur until Anthony found himself back to reality; eyes wide open and gasping for air.
Festive music echoed through the place. A group of elite looking people chatter among themselves. They are each wearing either a suit and tie and extravagant dresses for the ladies, one distinctive piece of accessory they had is a black mask with gold linings. They sat on chairs and tables decorated with velvet satin cloth and ribbons with expensive table napkins, plates and utensils.
The place was massive and high-end. It was big enough to cater two hundred people and still have space to move around and fill. Hailing at the front of the place was a stage and a podium with the same velvet colored motif. The podium was still empty but based on the expressions shown by the rather excited viewers; laughing with each other, eyes sparkling in anticipation—there might be a glorious show that is about to commence. Worthy enough for elites to waste their time and spend their money.
And worthy enough to feed their individual interests—no matter what it is.
One of the elites present was a man in his fifties. The man was wearing a half mask; only covering his upper face. He has a plump face, lips coated in grease from eating a wagyu a5 steak. He also has a round body wearing a suit with a mismatched color palette; yellow and red. Making him look like a pimple that was about to burst.
The man, a rather famous editor and owner of a renowned publishing company, Mr. So, impatiently went to look over his gold watch. Frowning; he tapped his fingers on the table. He paid a ridiculous amount of money just to see the show and it is taking a rather sweet amount of time to begin.
He even considered this as a stress reliever for him not to remember one of his incompetent writers—Anthony Carson, who didn't update him about the progress of his novel for DAYS!
"Fuck that trash! " he gripped his hand tightly; faced in a sour expression.
Mr. So looked around impatiently for the master of the ceremony to walk into the podium. He reached for the wine glass begrudgingly and took a few sips.
At last, a tall man in a black suit went into the podium. He was holding a small paper. The man cleared his throat and took the microphone. The people present who were busy a while ago stopped what they're doing; all eyes in front in anticipation. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! We're honored to have all of you here. This event is a gift from our beloved Mayor Vhong Martin to ease our souls that we're still safe in our city! " A sound of applause and cheering could be heard. Soon; a petite man in his mid fifties walked gallantly on the red carpet. He was smiling ear to ear as he waved his hands to the crowd.
The mayor, Vhong took the microphone from the mc. Before speaking, he smiled at the crowd; almost as angelic as he could be...appealing to the masses that they could count on him. The crowd, upon the arrival of the Mayor to the podium, stood up from their seats and clapped their hands.
The Mayor signaled the people to take a seat. Tapping the mic; he spoke, "We all know that all of us have a lot of worries due to the killings that are happening right now and as your Mayor, I am deeply saddened for the victims. " He paused his speech, fishing a white handkerchief from his pocket; he wiped his tears.
Sniffing and eyes deeply in 'misery', he continued, "I did everything I can do and believe me I never failed you. I already have captured one of the perpetrators of all of these! And he was brought here for all of you to witness! " The Mayor bellowed loudly, in his speech; he always emphasized the word 'I'.
Upon hearing the Mayor's remarks, the crowd went wild. Some were speaking to each other; faces filled with fear. They're afraid that those creatures will come at them. Some were angry; their fists tightly gripped.
Mr. So, on the other hand; who got deeply interested in the topic and wanted to appear good to the mayor, stood up from his seat. He raised his fist in the air. "We have nothing to fear! As the Mayor told us, he was able to catch one. And that one he has caught right now must be killed! " His loud voice echoed to the place. He heard whispers from the crowd until one of them also stood up from their seat and shouted, "Kill them! "
Soon, the whole crowd joined in almost like villagers ready to charge in and kill wild bears. The Mayor upon hearing it; secretly smirked. Quite happy that his plan is working.
With a dramatic expression; he wiped away his fake tears again. "Quiet, everyone! I do feel sorry that we need to dirty our hands like this but it is for the safety of our community. Because of them, my beloved people are suffering! " The crowd never listened and continued with their chanting for carnage; they were out of their seats, ready to charge in and do the crime themselves. The Mayor's expression changed into 'distress'. As if he had nothing to do anymore in the situation; he placed his hand on his forehead.
The lights soon faded; a spotlight was placed on the center of the stage where there was a huge rectangular box covered in velvet satin cloth. The mayor signaled two of his men near the box to ready and reveal the surprise. "I cannot do the deed alone without the help of our ever enthusiastic patron Señor Greg who didn't wish to be seen but you all know him. " The Mayor laughed nervously upon his mentioning of Señor Greg on which he nearly had forgotten to thank.
Everyone has their hidden intentions and that includes the Mayor of the town who was so willing to be used if he was given an equal benefit.
The Mayor counted one to three until his two underlings uncover what's inside the cloth; inside was a huge cage with a wounded person inside. Collective gasps were released by the crowd upon witnessing who or-more appropriate what it was.
A cat-person was lying on the cage, chained from his hands and feet. The person is also bathed in his own blood with numerous wounds, his once white tail smeared in blood and a part of it was missing, either chopped or clipped. One prominent wound he had is his swollen face and blackened eye. He was beaten black and blue before he tossed him on the cage and paraded him to the masses.
But despite the look of abuse the person suffered... No one was moved from the crowd—instead, deep in their hearts they believed that 'it' deserved everything it had suffered.
And as long as it didn't personally affect them or they were the one being held... a narcissist wouldn't even dare to care.
Amidst the uproar and everyone's surprised expression on what they had witnessed; at the back of the stage stood a man in a black suit and cape; he was sipping his glass of red liquid while watching the whole scene; a faint smile etched on his lips, a pair of fangs were evident from his smile; his crimson eyes registered pure mirth.
A vampire taking his meal being entertained by an impending murder he planned in cohorts with the foolish Mayor.
"Everything is according to plan! They will be blamed and killed! What a perfect scapegoat! What a perfect way to harvest souls! " The man laughed maniacally. He sighed, a wide smile still plastered on his lips. His cheeks painted red with a disturbing expression; he licked his lips in ecstasy.
He also couldn't help but to moan in pleasure as thoughts of more deaths plagued the whole town of Styx Kaleido. It is one of his heartfelt wish... and he's glad that it's currently being set in motion.
The sight of him seeing more blood pooled on the alleys and victims begging for their lives makes his blood pumped in pure happiness and excitement.
'Ahh more! Give me more! '
"Humans are such foolish creatures! No wonder they're loved by our God. They're easy to manipulate. " He shook his head in amusement; giggling like a little child.
"A little bit more and he'll be ready to be reborn! " He beamed and stared at the scroll he earlier threw on the ground. Laughing, he wolfed down the blood from his glass.
The God who will help him reign over everyone.
The scroll contained a prophecy from a nymph seer his djinbes brought from their recent battle against the nymphs. Upon taking the prophecy by making the seer begged to be spared; he ended her life in a swift second—an act of mercy actually—her head rolling on the ground with eyes wide opened.
He remembered its content clearly. It's a waste that it'll become meaningless when he'll reap the soul of the raven himself. The raven who he already saw before; a young man. Such a pointless struggle. The prophecy descriptively described who it is.
Chuckling, the man decided to recite it word per word. Maybe he'll even sing it when the time comes the one in the prophecy will be the one begging for his life. He'll even be the one generous enough to drain the man's blood.
He took a deep breath; index finger on his head as if he's thinking.
"Ominous as how one paint emptiness and misfortune,
Black plumage one secretly want to hide in distortion,
This aching frustrations creeping in the heart to burgeon.
Choking into one croaking call of pure disproportion.
Pleaded to be in an empty white space yet met by madness,
Tired of the countless pointy fingers, blamed for their sadness.
As if I had courted the night and live their life leadless.
Charged with utter disdain, soon it woven a tale of dumbness.
One will never know what's sound without seeing all options.
Equipped with a sound mind yet ironically headless.
Humans dressed in white yet drive others to desperation.
Running from hypocrisy, blaming it to the voiceless.
This aching frustrations creeping in my heart to burgeon,
Observed as an opportunist yet aware of portions.
Choking into one croaking call of pure disproportion.
Unkind, not greedy, unlike those afraid of ill fortune."
"What will you do, little raven? Esquio il o. " Licking his lips; he raised his index finger, soon a black flame swallowed the scroll whole.
The man bowed and danced almost like he's being watched on a theater stage. Soon, a scream could be heard followed by a loud bang.
Another long update with 4.4k words. The prophecy in there is an original poem I had written a month ago. AAAA, BBBB, ABAB, AAAA with 19 syllables each line.
Esquio il o - I dare you.
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