Fifth Meow - I Don't Want It
'HE HATED IT HERE'. A thought lingering Aegir's mind as a visible scowl imprinted on his lips.
He felt his skin getting itchy and irritated his fur glistened in sweat as the sweltering heat torture his being. Why the hell is the sun so hyped today? The heat's making him lazy. But he wants to eat and his appetite shouldn't be neglected.
He waved his tail from left to right as he wandered around the busy streets of New Gorgon, finding a place where there was plenty of food.
He's sick of eating scraps and chasing mice and birds that will tire him out, the old fat lady he used to steal food from always eats delivered food from fast-food; never leaving her house like she's scared of something that she wouldn't even bother to buy groceries. Call him choosy but he hates fast-food except the burger he stole from the weird guy. No fish. A big x to kitties like him.
"Where to? " he asked himself as he stared at his surroundings; big tall buildings and stalls and humans holding their smartphones eating or drinking coffee and 'milk tea' as they walked, unaware of animals waiting for them to drop their scrap to the big black bins to ease their hunger.
Aegir stopped walking as he intently stared at the plastic cup of 'milk tea' in the grasp of a young Cheian looking guy wearing a cheap black suit with a tomato colored tie. Making him look like a clown in fancy yet still cheap clothes.
Does milk tea taste good? Is it good like regular milk? Licking his lips, he stopped himself from drooling. He wishes to have a chance to take a sip but stealing something that's spilling just doesn't work.
Truth to be told, he could just transform into his other form - a cat-man; a race unique to magical creatures like him, but he finds it harder to navigate than his cat form. It's hard to find clothes in the dumpsters and the people would look at him weirdly—especially some men who had those creepy expressions on their faces.
Aegir grimaced - silently cursing those men, ”I hope they'll be infertile! Those bastards! “ Male cats and cat-men sure do like horny bastards but nothing beats a human that acts like an animal.
Some of them even dared to touch him inappropriately - urging him to come with them but Aegir was smart enough to save himself from them. It's not even enough to injure their faces with his claws!
His stomach churned again, he sighed. Thinking about animal humans just makes his hunger worse. ”I'm hungry, ” he complained in his mind - he couldn't afford to speak or it'll be the end for him.
Aegir was stopping the temptation to rub his face on the human's legs and purr, hoping that the human would give him milk tea. Or else, he'll find himself getting hurt and waste his time grooming himself to erase the dirt from the human's dirty shoe imprinted on his fur.
”Spawns of the devils! ” he cursed humans once again - brows crumpled in irritation. ”Do they think it's easy to be a cat? “ he complained, counting the numerous times he needs to clean himself due to human's behaviors.
Licking dirt isn't fun. It tastes like hell. It's hard to become a cat, they hate to bathe yet suffer from grooming themselves.
One of the many reasons why he despises humans is that they are greedy, they take so much more than what they could consume. They'll waste resources and food just because they want it but in the end, they'll throw it all away when they aren't satisfied. They don't respect other species that are more in need of the things they want but not need.
His theory proved to be true when the Cheian guy threw the plastic cup along with the remaining contents of the milk tea on the road and left, not minding that he wasted food and did not throw his waste properly.
”If he didn't want it anymore. He should've just given it to the needy. ” He concluded humans as hopeless creatures.
He took another breath, trying to calm himself. "I'm hungry, so hungry. " Licking his lips he stretched his limbs. He scratched his ears using his right foot and yawned.
'Food, food, food. Just fucking come to me. ' Can someone just give him some?
"Hey, arf! " His thoughts got interrupted by an annoying sound coming from his back. He knew it'll only lead him to trouble! He can feel it!
He doesn't want to face whomever it was but a luscious smell awakened his senses. He immediately started to sniff the air - trying to find where it was - and it closed by; the direction of his back. Aegir's stomach growled in hunger.
He tilted his body slowly - quite hesitant because he already got an idea on what may transpire - and it's something he despises.
The moment he heard him talk, Aegir felt the urge to escape. "I see, you're hungry. You could get half of my hunt, arf~ssu! Fish is your favorite? " A brown-colored street dog welcomed his sight as he turned around. He's smiling goofily at him, saliva dripping from his mouth as he bit his catch: a grouper.
Looking back at the saliva, he could feel his insides scream disgust. Even though the grouper sure looks appetizing, the liquid coating doesn't. He grimaced - fighting the urge not to throw up - because he can almost feel it in his throat.
The dog looked at him expectantly as its round chocolate brown eyes blinked; approaching him little by little, he stepped back. "You want it~ssu? I will give it to a pretty kitty like you, " the dog's voice sounded so charming like someone who'd want to date him. It stepped forward again, Aegir also stepped back.
Aegir yelped. Every hairs on his body stood up as his mind told him to run.
The dog even winked at him. Winked! WINKED! What the actual fuck?
Here we go again.
Feeling nervous, he licked his paw and meowed anxiously. "I-ummm…Thank you?" Before he could finish, the dog advanced again and started to pick his right hand; on bended knees it dropped the fish on the ground then it gently planted a soft kiss on the back of his hand.
Aegir hissed - his mind was in shambles right now. It has two choices - to escape or to commit murder and honestly the latter seemed appealing in this situation.
What the cat's hell is happening? He knew this dog is 100% male and so is he. Is the dog blind enough not to notice his "son" in between his tights?
'This again? Why now? RUN! ' Thoughts that keep on running in the cat's mind as things transpire. ’ Should I stab this bastard with my claws? ’ The devil inside of him suggested.
Aegir gulped, he shook his head; pushing away the fish that was being offered to him. "Uhmm...Thanks but no thanks. Instead, where did you hunt the fish? " he laughed timidly as he saw a hint of hurt in the dog's eyes, its canines flashed from its mouth making a shiver run down his spine.
Aegir shrieked - terrified that this dog might've just bite him here and there. He could throw a fight but what if the dog will kill him first?
He wants food, not a one way ticket to the underworld!
He did say that he wants someone to give him food but now all he could say is: Abort wish, abort!
He could hear the gossips of the humans around them, seemingly interested in his interaction with the dog. Some even flash their phones on them; he bet that they only want to share the humans called "video" on their "social media" and gain something without paying them anything in return. Greedy.
The dog even bowed and kissed his feet; crying, seemingly like he doesn't give a damn and all he cares about is the cat in front of him. The cat, on the other hand, is getting annoyed and wants to escape; adding a little force to his kicks to the dog's face. He wanted to add more force but he might get rabies if the dog decided to bite him.
"Date me, kitty~ssu! Date me!" It continued to kiss his feet; begging, making Aegir scoff and raise his brow.
It's the nth time that this same scenario's happening to him. The first one was an ugly cat with lots of fungi and scars.
He remembered how it begged him saying, "Join my harem, mi cherry! And you'll like the roof pleasure every night! "
The recent one was a bull and he remembered how he desperately ran away because the bull tried to sniff the hell out of him, it looked like a "drug addict".
And now…
Can someone help him escape?! He doesn't want this! He only wanted food, not this!
A visible frown decorated Anthony's face as he grudgingly sat on a white and red satin-decorated chair, on his lap was his infamous writing notebook and a black pen.
He wanted to write again, but how can he do it if he couldn't concentrate? He doesn't want to be here! To be in a lavish room decorated with satin and ribbon, attended by people who wore branded clothes and expensive jewelry; drinking wine in their glasses, chit chatting as they waited for someone to step in the small stage in front and deliver a speech in the gemelina wood podium.
He doesn't belong here. Why would an awkward mess with raven uncut hair, wearing only a cheap synthetic leather brown jacket and a pair of denim jeans that he got from a bargain shop be here?
"Auntie, can I go home already? You can do this alone, " he complained.
The fat woman on his side glared at him as she's sweating bullets, hands fisted like she's just stopping herself to hit him. She looked like any moment from now she'll burst out from her pink tube dress that she forced herself to wear.
Forced in a way that it doesn't fit. She gained weight. And if the dress could complain it would say: "Stop tearing me apart! I am too young to die! Help! SOS!"
"Leave here and I'll tear your notebook. This is a commemoration exercise and your father is one who would be given the honor. And General Hamfist wants to see you, so better behave, " his aunt hissed at him, she was about to snatch his notebook but he prevented it.
"K, " his short reply. He's not in a mood to argue - he's already drained as it is.
His aunt rolled her eyes and opened her pink lace fan.
It's not even hot. The room is air-conditioned. Maybe it's because of the dress?
Anthony heaved a sigh and remembered what Saint told him, "Use your reality as an inspiration to your fiction."
But how can he use his reality when facing it hurts? The people might be here, honoring his father but he knew the truth but deep inside, they envy and hate him.
He heard them talk behind his back. Saying hurtful lies about his father, even laughed that he got lost because of his "idiotic heroism". That he shouldn't have saved the hostages and saved himself instead. Pitying him that he loved and married an ex-pornstar, had a loser of a son, and a rebel for a daughter.
How can he stay here? Breathing the same air with fake people, it's's tiring him.
He stared at his notebook and pen and wrote: "Words of praise could be lies of sinful people that see themselves as saints."
People would lie to save themselves from their enemy, but in the process, they become what they abide by. Because lies itself is a nemesis of-truth.
And he is a liar too. Because aside from the fake people there's another reason why he doesn't want to be here. . .
The place becomes livelier, chatters and murmurs start to contaminate the place. In the entrance of the hall, two entered; the first one is a big built man wearing a camouflage uniform in his forties, face angular and refined, deprived of facial hair. His hair black with specks of silver; his whole persona screams authority as he walks. Behind him is a tall busty lady in her twenties, wearing a sapphire-colored mermaid cut gown. She has a soft feature, pink plump lips, and expressive blue orbs adorned by a delicate mascara. What's making her more beautiful is her wavy hip-length blond hair and her aura of beauty that could make everyone swoon.
Like any other man present in the hall, Anthony couldn't take his eyes off that lady.
He could feel his heartbeat wildly; seemingly wanting to escape from his rib cage.
"Antoinette..." he whispered her name, longing and bitterness is all he could feel as a memory triggered his mind. His eyes started to stung as he tried his best not to tear up.
A bitter taste of rejection from your first love.
I don't want to be here.
On a dark alley, a hooded figure could be seen as he wiped the remnants of blood on his black robe. He stared at his gold pocket watch hanging on his waist. "It's time, " he whispered and a smile stretched across his lips. His black cat ears stood excitedly, tail wagging back and forth.
He was one of the shadows lurking in the dark - fetching souls from those who they see as pawns to their plans.
”Master will be delighted! ” he beamed. His master was also like him - enjoying the night bathing in blood.
It's been weeks since they started to move. It's a matter of survival and such is the rule of the wild. They are just following their instincts. They didn't want this but they don't have another choice. They pushed them to be like this.
"We will be free soon. " A glint of happiness flashed across his eyes as he started to laugh maniacally.
He disappeared leaving a gust of black smoke, uncaring to the two corpses he left behind. Bleeding on the ground and a tied plastic bag who seems to cry; wailing, moving to be freed.
Near the cadavers is a bloodied newspaper with a headline:
Cheian - A race of people living in Chea: A place in this fictional setting wherein people looked like Chinese.
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