{7} Blood Slave
The pale look on the nymph's face was all I needed to know; she knew exactly what blod orn was, or at least had heard of its gruesome details. So felt no need to further explain what it was, as the two males had shifted in their seats as well, uncomfortable with the image I had drawn. My tongue darts out to dance across my lips, wetting them from their previously dry state, as I wait in silence.
"If you killed him, how is he a vampyre?" Lawrence mused allowed, his eyes narrowing deep in thought. "Did you actually see him die? Hear his last heart beat?" Turning his dark gaze on me, Lawrence waited for my answer.
"Well—" I stop, reality hitting me hard. I hadn't actually seen or hear or even felt him die. I just assumed one of the people had taken him down after I'd finished. Jaw clenching, I felt a muscle tick in annoyance. "No. I didn't." I was beyond frustrated with my stupidity. I was young and naive, had i the chance today I would've burned the body to ensure his death. Hissing I slammed my fist on the arm of chair, my fangs on display with my clear show of rage.
"So there is a possibility," Kailani trails off, eyes looking towards me nervously watching my reaction.
"That he was Turned." Niklaus - Nicholas - whatever his name was, finished for her. I felt his eyes on me, that hadn't really left since the moment I walked in. Images of his sexed up body flickered behind my eyes, only making me grow even more angry by the second. "But how? Wouldn't the Vampyre need consent?"
"The how is easy, a man on the brink of death would consent to anything at that point. The why is a different story." I speak up after having cooled myself down enough to speak rationally. "Vampyres will not just Turn anyone. If it's not for certain reasons pertaining to their own gain, it is for entertainment purposes." I knew all three were listening as no one spoke up to interrupt me, only patiently waiting my next words. "Take me for instance; Atticus has no reason to Turn me, I wasn't strong, beautiful," My gaze caught the alpha's frown at that, his lips twitching. "Or anything of a physical gain to him. But somehow he knew that a life as a monster would torment me, and therefore bring forth new entertainment for him for eternity." The true cruelty of the vampyre, my Sire, finally hit them all. As I was correct, there was nothing about me that would make him want to Turn me. "Even weak humans who begged for eternity have something despite their pathetic groveling, they offer loyalty. Loyalty to the one who granted them immortality."
"So whoever turned this Sigurd, had an intention in mind?" Lawrence concluded, standing from his perch on the couch, he walked over to stand by the desk, near his alpha. "Permission to speak freely?"
"Yes of course." Nik- Nicholas, replied without hesitation looking to his second in command without an ounce of distrust. It was both endearing and alarming as no one should place that much trust into anyone.
"I mean no offense to you Freya, but don't you find it odd that the man who ordered your death be Turned?" Lawrence made a point, it was either a huge coincidence or another part of a plot we were slowly uncovering. "Not mention the fact he's hidden his immortality from you as well. Wouldn't you think he'd come back to boast? Maybe even try to kill you once more?" Everyone in the room bristled from the truth but I simply nodded my head. One nail digging into my bottom lip in annoyance as I thought.
"You're right. Unless fate is cruel, it cannot be just a simple coincidence." I stand, file hanging tightly in my head, I release my hold and place it on the desk. "I will be going to the Coven while they are kept to the confines of their home." I had already memorized the location on the satellite map circled heavily. Both the Alpha and Lawrence moved with me as I made my way to the doors, Kailani trailing behind them. She wasn't a strategist when it came to battles nor was she a warrior, she knew her place was not there at that moment. Instead she showed her silent support by trailing behind us, which was more than enough for me.
"How do you know they cannot brave the sun? What if they are like you?" The alpha argued, falling into step next to me.
"I've met only one other vampyre given the gift of Light back to them. They were on a strict diet of animals only. These guys? Murdering humans? Most definitely do not have the gift of Light back." I debuted easily, stomping down the steps. On the main floor multiple wolves looked on in shock as I came marching down. They moved out of my path, it was clear I was on a mission and none dared to stop me. Except for one.
"Freya. Stop." The alpha sped up and rounded on me, he was so close to reaching out and grabbing me but I jerked away from his touch. Anger lighting his gaze but thinly veiled beneath the anger was a hunger for me. Nostrils flaring I jerk my gaze to his forehead keeping myself in check. "You can't just bust down doors and kill them. There are too many for you alone, plus I know old vampyres can withstand the sun for a period of time."
"The only vampyres old enough to truly focus whilst being in the sun's destructive rays, are Eternals and even they burn after an hour. Had I not been given the gift back, I could stand to be in its rays for more than two minutes before having third degree burns." I explained, annoyed with the mini vampyre lesson. Everyone was keyed in, I even noticed Josephine hovering on the sidelines. Even though I knew what I'd see, my gaze slid to her throat and sure enough dark bruises marred her perfect skin. Filling my chest full of air I zero back in on the alpha. Side stepping him, I continued towards the door. "I never said I'd kick down their door and kill them all. I'm a lot older than you, I know what I'm doing. I won't be engaging them today. After I have a good sense of what we are facing, I can come up with an actually plan to take them out."
I heard his footsteps falter as my rational thoughts hadn't been what he expected. Still I quickly heard the fast approaching feet as I yanked the door open and stepped out into the snow covered earth. Hearing the alpha curse and mutter something about not having shoes I look over my shoulder to see him step foot into the freezing snow only for a dark delicate hand wrap around his arm stopping him. I saw his flash of annoyance but I used his distraction as my escape. Quickly using the speed of an immortal, I am in the trees, launching myself from branch to branch. Every cut that marred my pale skin healed immediately as they were small wounds that didn't require much energy.
I stopped once I reached the rather quite highway leading to the city of humans up in this snowy landscape. I dropped to the ground, my heels sinking into the snow but no further as I balance forward. Sure the heels gave me a false height, but they acted as weapons many didn't suspect. I had perfected deadly kicks with the studded heels in mind as well as my swift removal of the accessories was blinding as my opponents never realized I had lost a shoe until they found it buried deep in their chest, or perhaps neck.
Rolling my head from side to side I force the muscles that had tensed from the cold loose and free, before starting the trek over the icy deserted highway.
After a mere thirty minutes I had navigated my way through the quiet town, the early birds and store owners didn't notice as I kept to the shadows. Humans would question why such a small woman would be doing without a coat in this weather. Not breathing was another advantage as it was yet another thing they couldn't detect as there was no fog in the air as I wasn't exhaling. Every once in a while I was forced to, as while primarily the oxygen I inhaled was used for speaking, the rest of my body still depended on it as well, just less than what would be required had I actually been living.
Rounding a corner, I knew in this gated small neighborhood of large houses I was in the nicer side of town. Reaching the destination I was looking for I stayed hidden as more humans awoke to start their day. Many cane to shovel driveways, grab mail, some brought out garbage cans to be picked up by local dump trucks. It would be a lie if I said this mundane life didn't still appeal to me. With every ounce I wished I could've lived out my mortal days, growing old woth Niklaus, Nikolai, Anastasia, and any other children we might've had. Blinking back tears I was unable to shed, I refocused on the house.
It was a large house, three stories at least, it's exterior decor made the place seemed bright, welcoming but from the darting shadows within I knew it was a lie.
I had just begun to wonder how they would be able to acquire such a home when a human popped up in the window. She seemed to be doing dishes, I knew she was a human by the faint flush on her cheeks, how her breaths came naturally as well as the fluttering blinks her body required her to make. I half expected her to be fearful, but I quickly realize she was anything but. A male came up behind her, seemingly speaking to her, the human's eyes grew eager as the male lifted a knife to the side of his neck and bared it to her where she eagerly latched on.
She was a Blood Slave; a human addicted to vampyre blood. It was what happened when a human consumed it without being Turned. They would do anything for a hit, lie, cheat, kill, anything for a sweet taste of what the craved most. What was most worrisome about this situation is that if they have one blood slave hiding them, who's to say that the neighbors I'd admired so easily before, weren't also a Blood Slave. The venom didn't kill their body since they were consenting, wanting, the blood so rather than their body rejecting the venom, it craved it.
Anger simmered deep in my belly as this had just made things so much more complicated. They could have their hands so far into the human population that I couldn't be sure how to approach it. A Blood Slave would die for their source, meaning they'd turned to crazed sociopaths the minute their source was in danger.
"Fuck." I spat, I didn't want to kill humans, that was something I actually refrained from doing. But knowing that they had Blood Slaves was only making it that much harder. I began my way back, staying stealthily to the shadows however I realized I should eat before returning. It was easier than I thought to find a human unworthy of my sanctioned protection from myself. I found him with his face glued to the window, his heartbeat fast as the air smelled of his lust. I quickly realized we were at a middle school. Anger ignited my blood as I stalked closer, gaze catching sight of half dressed girls in the locker room. The window usually would've been too high up, plus it wasn't clear through it had that murky affect most windows in such a place would have, but it had been opened a crack and this perv was atop a dumpster just to see.
"That's not what I pictured a gentleman would be doing." My harsh words were such a surprise that he came crashing down from his perch. His head slamming on the edge, skin breaking as I immediately catch a whiff of the blood. Sneering I stalked closer to my pray, dropping from the dumpster I had jumped on to scare him with my sudden appearance, even as he struggled to find the breath that had been knocked out of his lungs. I watch as he scrambles back, feet and hands kicking up snow wildly.
"I s-swear. It wasn't what it looks like." Panic made his voice quiver, but he wasn't going to yell as he knew if he did he'd have to defend why he was by an open window into the girl's locker room. I take in his attire and quickly put together that he was a teacher, presumably at this school and the reason behind the open window. My once over had also earned me the displeasure of noticing the slowly shrinking tent in his slacks.
"Oh. Prey tell, what was it then?" My voice was smooth, buttery, almost purring with excitement as I watch fear fill his eyes. He could suddenly feel the danger he was in, his body recognizing the predator in front of him. I blinked openly at him as I stalked closer, stopping low to meet his gaze innocence leaving my face as I smash my clenched fist down right between his exposed legs. I saw the shock and pain from the assault, a strangled cry leaving his mouth as his hands flew to cover his crotch.
"Jesus Christ!" He cried out, eyes brimming with tears as he looked at me only realize I was still waiting for his explanation. Hearing his audible swallow I smirked, the ends of my fangs catching his eyes as he looked back to me fearfully once again. "I had noticed it earlier and wanted to check on it." I heard his heart skip a few beats as it thundered on faster.
Standing, looking down I was annoyed and disgusted with the man before me. His stupid brain made him think I was leaving, his muscles relaxing and eyes looking relieved, believing I had swallowed his deceit. A wicked smile graced my face which wiped his own right off. "Liar." The strike was fast, my feet carrying two steps closer while my fist connected with his temple. He crumbled, limbs going limp from the force of the hit. Crouching over his form, I gripped his greasy hair and yanked his head to the side before baring my fangs. Breaking the seal of skin I savored the warm blood filling my mouth. I fed for a few minutes, wanting to leave the man dead but I didn't kill. Tearing away, I lick up the remaining blood and watching my saliva seal his wounds, closing them so that only a light bruising remains. It looks as if someone had struck him in the throat, which would fit the story as I took an extra twenty minutes procuring a pen and paper without getting caught to write an anonymous note to the school's staff, telling them of an open window in the girl's locker room and that the man responsible was passed out in the alleyway outside the window. He'd had a bruise on his neck, I was sure to mention to further prove his guilt.
Satisfied, I waited until I saw the office lady leave to go to the restroom. Darting from the shadows I place the note on her desk before disappearing back into the shadows and back outside. Back to the pack house, back to the alpha, his lover and my only friend.
A/N: super duper unedited lmao but I think I'll post who I'm basing Niklaus/Nicholas on to give a better idea as to what he looks like in my head in the next chapter. As for Freya I might make an aesthetic for her, give an idea of how I imagine her without giving an explicit face claim? Still allowing some imagination ya know? Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed :)
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