{5} My Life Before
The emotional pain from the visions tore at a heart I had long forgotten about. The scariest thing about it though, was the fact by heart started to beat on its own. Every time I lock eyes with Niklaus, well Nicholas, my heart kick starts to life and I'm drawn back in time. A time where we were alive and happy, with each other. Now he has his own life, his own love, and his own family. Sure the pack wasn't necessarily his family in a technical sense, it was who he made his family. Closing my eyes, I allow one last look over my shoulder to see the woman, Josephine slink her way up his body to whisper in his ear.
I jerk my head back and face forward as Kailani takes us down another series of hallways until running into an older woman bustling about. Kailani asked about open guest rooms and once again we were on the move. I hardly noticed though, all I could think about was him. He looked so much like my Niklaus, his hair, beard, eyes, soul.
Pain ricochets around my chest once more, images of our lives together flashing behind every blink until finally I was dumped off in my room.
"I'll come grab you when it's time for dinner." Kailani spoke quietly before shutting the door. I said nothing in response, rather walking to the balcony attached to this room. It was smaller, one you'd find in a hotel. Opening the doors to the frigid air I forced my lungs to release a puff of air, the fog that made the breath into a physical sight slowly dissipating. I could feel the cold, but it was dimmed down compared to what others could feel, plus even though I felt it it didn't affect me. My body didn't need to stay a specific temperature to stay functioning, so cold wasn't an issue.
I don't know how long I stayed out there, the sun setting, and the world grew dark. I look down to raised brand on my skin that allowed me to walk in sunlight. It had costed a lot and wasn't easy to locate a witch willing to perform the spell in a vampyre as sunlight was one of humanity's only defense against us. But she grew to trust me and over time eventually she gave in, performing the ritual. Almost no witches or warlocks granted the gift of Light back to a vampyre, I was one of the lucky ones. I remember the first day I was able to see the sun again, able to feel it's rays on my pale skin and not hissing by the uncomfortable burning. That was the day I truly felt my humanity slowly come to the forefront of my mind.
I'd let my grief and anger with the world consume me, and because of that I let the Hunger control me, allowing Blood Lust to guide me, but because the witch saw the potential in me and trusted me enough to stick to my word, I was given the gift back. In exchange for the spell I had to swear I would never prey on innocents again. Even though she is long past, I stay by my word, as it is only another thing to help keep my monster in check.
Distracted I hadn't heard the approaching footsteps of Kailanior the door opening. The wind blew my hair about, flashes of red in the night, but in the corner of my eyes I finally see Kailani's form leaning on the railing just as I was but she had her snow jacket still on. Shivering she looked over concerned before asking the question I'd been expecting since the second she saw how I reacted to seeing the alpha.
"What happened back there?" She shifted her weight, crossing her arms over her torso in an attempt to keep warm.
"I don't know how to explain it." I say after a few tense moments. Squeezing my eyes shut I picture the love of my life, from our life together and from this reality. So similar save for a few less scars; smiles lines, crows feet, kindness, it was was my Niklaus but yet it wasn't. "I-" I pause in frustration not sure how to explain what I felt. "Have I ever told you of my life before I was tricked into this?" I ask instead, hoping maybe part of the truth would be enough for now. Kailani had always been curious about my human life, I had just never opened up, the wounds still too raw. Well considering the wound has been opened and rubbed with salt I decided now was a good a time as ever.
"No." She breathed out, excitement bubbling in her ocean like eyes. Eager she leaned in as if her nymph hearing wouldn't be enough to capture the words I'd say.
"Well," I drawl, sucking in a breath before releasing it and continuing. "I had a large family, five sisters and three brothers." Kailani blinked in shock from the news, smiling ruefully I explained. "Back when I was human you had as many kids as possible, to either help with the land or ensure that at least a few could survive past childhood." We didn't have the medicine nor technology we have today to help keep our children alive. Kailani realized what I was saying and nodded for me to continue, she was not surprised by my age as my double fangs were a give away. "One of my sisters had a crush on our neighbor's son, and I wanted to play matchmaker. So that's when I met Niklaus." I saw her thoughts whirling from the similar name to the alpha I reacted to strongly to. "She eventually latched on to another, older and richer man, which was fine by me because through being with this neighbor boy—"
"You'd fallen in love." She finished for me sadly, knowing that somehow this story would end badly, as clearly I had died some point in our whirlwind romance. She just didn't know the true horror of what my death brought.
"Yes. I fell for him and he I, so when he had earned enough money he paid my father a dowery for my hand in marriage." I squeeze my eyes shut picturing the perfect summer day as if it was just yesterday. Wistfully I continued, "He truly was the love of my life. But you can see things didn't end as a fairytale would." I wove to my own body while opening my eyes and looking at her sad ones. "Nicholas, just, looks so much like him I thought I was seeing a ghost." That was an understatement, he was Niklaus's twin. Reaching out Kailani rubbed my shoulder before motioning for me to follow.
"I'm sure it didn't help that his name was so similar too." Her observation was definitely not far off from the truth. Together, after shutting my balcony doors, we walked out into the halls and made our way towards the crowd and music we could hear. "I'm sorry. We could explain it to him, I felt like he was staring at you a bit too long." Her words only brought confusion to my mind, a part of me liking that he was staring but another part fearful for his stares.
"I doubt he was. Let's just go try and fit in. Well at least you fit in I'll try and prove that I'm not here to eat them." We both laugh at my morbid joke before joining the masses.
"Freya!" Kailani called out to me as I disappeared into the nearby woods. She shouldn't be following me, last I saw she'd set her jacket aside because the fire was keeping her warm. Purely for her sake I stop, turning and wait for her smaller form to come barreling through the trees like a bull in a china shop. Kailani wasn't the most graceful of women. "Freya, jeez. What was that all about?"
"Nothing. It was a mistake. I told you I shouldn't have danced." I kept my exterior cool, angered that I let her convince me dancing to a song that would remind me of home was a good idea. She had just made it sound so, inviting. The idea of closing my eyes and being in a different life time but it had gotten too real when I had opened my gaze and once again locked eyes with the alpha. I hated referring to him as Nicholas, but he was Niklaus either. I still don't know if he too is dragged back into the past with me, I doubt it since it's not really Niklaus, just a freak look alike. I still couldn't help the feeling of hope, and want, that maybe just maybe somehow my Niklaus and this Nicholas were linked by more than just looks.
"I'm sorry, Freya. I just only ever see you truly relaxed and happy when you dance. Especially to the music of your time." Kailani sheepishly licked the ground, as it had been her idea to convince the dj to play a lullaby Freya had sung to Kailani the previous year whilst the Nymph had been injured in an assassination attempt against her Lady Arabella.
"I know you didn't mean anything. I just didn't expect it to go so far." I try and explain without jumping into details about my minds little excursions down memory lane.
"Well it wouldn't have been so, well, awkward if Nicholas didn't seem so lost watching you." Kailani couldn't help but smirk to herself. The idea had already begun to form in her head after hearing how much Nicholas looked like her friend's past husband. "I mean don't get me wrong, all the unmated men were watching, you were hypnotic, but the way Nicholas just," She trails off unable to truly express the look the alpha had watching Freya.
"It doesn't matter. He isn't mine. I'm sure Josephine wasn't happy in the slightest." I run a hand over my face before jerking a chin back towards the mansion, as Kailani was already shivering. "Come on. Let's go." Together we walked back, my steps silent, a predators, while hers were loud, prey unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
The light of the fire still raged as most of the pack stayed, I spotted Lawrence and James talking with each other, stopping when they spotted Kailani and myself walking towards the cabin. I saw James' distrustful glare until finally the warmth of the house embraced me and hid me from his looks. Kailani and I walked, only we slowed hearing angry words, whisper yelling back and forth in a small living room, the fireplace lit but the embers were slowly dying.
"She is a vampyre! What about her could possibly fascinate you? You've seen, no killed, plenty." The woman, Josephine sounded close to tears. Again I was split in half, part of me reveling in her pain and another hurt on her behalf. Watching a man you love look elsewhere, I couldn't imagine that pain.
"It's not a fascination, Jo. It's something else. You know my weird dreams? The ones I've had since I was little?" Peeking in I see my Niklaus' look alike tug at his hair in frustration. I glance over and see Kailani look around uncomfortable with what she was hearing but knew that I needed to hear it.
"Of the redheaded girl?" Realization seems to click in Josephine but even that couldn't hide the heartbreak in her voice. "You said you stopped having them? And even when you did have them they were only blurry images of the woman." I heard Josephine's heart rate pick up, matching the Alpha's own erratic heart.
"I lied. I knew it made you uncomfortable knowing I dreamt of another woman, but Josephine," His voice had gone from fearful and angry, to calm and gentle. He didn't want to hurt her, but he knew he was. "It's different now. Every time I really look in her eyes, these images come to life. It's like lost memories coming to the surface." Panic settled in my stomach as all at once my hopes were filled but my fears dig deeper. He saw the memories I saw.
Quickly and silently I backed away from the parlor, making my way back through the mansion to my room, their conversation fading the farther I went. Kailani close on my heels, inside the semi safety of the room I see my bag from the car had been brought up. I am both glad it was done for me and uncomfortable knowing someone had been in my room. That wasn't the issue at hand however, it was the fact that this Nicholas was somehow seeing the memories I saw, and had seen images of me — or at least that's what it sounded like — his entire life.
"Well. That's quite the development." Kailani looked just as shocked as I did. Gently she guided me to shit down, our combine body weight weighing the edge of the bed down into a dip. "What are you going to do?" Her questioning gaze bore into mine until I was forced to answer.
"Nothing. If he wants it pursue it he can do so on his own." It was simple, I couldn't engage. Not after everything. Shock flitted through Kailani's gaze, not expecting that answer.
"But it's clear something—" I quickly cut her off.
"No, Kailani, I can't, I won't, go through that again." I'm sure she believed it was only in regards to losing him, of course she couldn't know the true reason for the she'd truly see the monster I saw. Pain filled my chest as the realization that if those images were memories, as mine were, if he pursued answers he'd eventually see just exactly what I had done so many years ago. Chest constricting I grab her arm, desperation seeping out. "He can't figure out anything. If it's a link to Niklaus, if Niklaus is his last self, he can't know."
"Oh Freya. It is his right to know and unfair to keep it from him." Her eyes saddened looking at my distraught state. Gently she pulled away, standing and walked to the door there she paused and looked over to me. "In the end you two are linked more than anyone knows. And you can't stop it."
Again panic settled deep in my stomach, but next to it cool determination had my eyes narrowing. I wouldn't stop it, even if it killed me. I'd rather die then let him go through the pain of knowing just what kind of monster he had married, again.
A/N: my heart breaks for Freya 😢 but anyways it's unedited! Hope y'all liked it! Below is the brand on Freya's forearm allowing her to walk in sunlight. And just a better explanation, most vampyres can tolerate sun to a degree, it just burns their skin like a sunburn would anyone else, however the longer they stay the more it burns. The UV light just reacts to their dead flesh harsher and quicker a living thing.
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