{3} Reliving a Memory
"Let me go!" The cry filtered into my ears, looking away from the cattle I was in charge of watching over, I see a little red headed girl slam her small fist repeatedly into Aleksandr's arm. I recognized the tall boy, as we both were the same age, ten summers. The girl was no older than 5, yet she spoke as if she was years older. "I mean it!" The young girl plowed her fist into Alek's gut, making even me flinch, as she ripped away from him.
"Get back here!" The boy yelled, angered and embarrassed such a small girl was able to escape him. I watched amused, eyes following the little spitfire as she came barreling over to me. She skidded to a stop and looked up at me curiously.
"You're the neighbor boy aren't you? Niklaus?" She questioned, putting her hands on her hips. I was a little confused, as she seemed to ignore the fact that I just watched Alek drag her up a hill only to be punched in the gut, and now she talks to me as if nothing had gone on.
"If you're the Maclean's daughter." Their last name foreign, it was hard for my young self to pronounce. Her bright green eyes twinkled in amusement but did not correct me.
"One of them." She reaches out and grabs my hand, tugging me behind her. "I'm Freya, third biggest." She explains, her words still childish in a manner of speaking, patting a cow on its flank as if it wasn't a beast three times her size.
"Well Freya, my pa said I needed to watch the cattle." I tug gently on her arm, pulling away and stopping at the line of fence that separated our farms. The girl spun around, her light green dirty dress caked with mud, scowled as she realized that had thrown a kink in her plans.
"But my sister has the biggest crush on you!" Freya stomps her foot, tiny fists clenching up. A wide grin stretches over my face as I register her words, as she does herself. Panic flashes over her eyes and she quickly slaps her hands over her mouth. "Don't tell Natasha." She whispered, voice muffled by her hands. "Please don't tell Natasha!" Now her hands were gripping my arms looking up at me worriedly as she shook my tall form. I reach out and pay her arms gently trying to ease the rabid animal like girl. Nothing like any other lady I've seen; even her sisters were well behaved ladies, even the youngest, Helena who I knew could barely walk at her age.
"It's okay. I already know." I stated, trying to put her mind at ease. Of course I hadn't actually known, just felt her flirting when we saw each other. Wasn't hard to figure out. Her already wide innocent eyes grow two sizes bigger with this news as she releases me in astonishment.
"Who told you?" I could feel the anger rolling off of her despite the irony she had just told me moments before. Of course it was on accident and she was no older than five summers, still I couldn't help but grin at the irony.
"No one. It's a boy thing. We know when girl's like us." I finish, cockily crossing my arms and challenging her to say different. Instead she looked fearful.
"Oh." Her face flushes, and I realize she believed her crush knew her feelings. Shifting uncomfortably by her sudden quiet demeanor, I scratch the back of my neck. "Can you teach me how to hide it?" She questioned suddenly,
"Uh, erm. Sure?" I couldn't help the grin that tugged my lips up to match hers. She hugged me tightly in thanks before pulling away and slipping under their fence. Turning around she looked to me and waved goodbye.
"I'll be back tomorrow for lessons!" She declared before bolting off. She chased a few cows who seemed to know her game, as they slowly, lazily, trotted away before chasing her in a fit of squealing laughter. Her fiery red hair bounced away until it was only a speck and only the memory of her laughter could be heard.
I blink away the images to clear in my mind, fighting to get back to my reality. I'd always had dreams of the fiery woman before me, all stages of life but they were always fleeting images maybe a voice here and there. But nothing as clear as day as that; it was like reliving a memory I could no longer remember. It was just so real. Finally the last couple threads of that world dissipate and I am left with James and Lawrence standing in front of me defensively in reaction to the woman'a response to seeing me. I remember her backing away in almost, horror? Then calling out a name similar to my own, but not quite the same.
She was gorgeous, her face looked as if the angels or gods themselves had sculpted her. Her delicately placed nose, upturned just the slightest giving a regal look to her face. Her cheeks were high, prominently staking their presence, with freckles along the smooth unblemished skin, the bridge of her nose linking the cheeks together. Her chin cane to a point, making her face resemble that of a diamond, with bright red curly hair framing it. A strand of hair had stuck to the corner of her mouth, the pale pink lips shaped that of a perfect Cupid's bow; full but not overly so. Finally however, were her eyes. Those bright big green orbs, some many different layers of green looped and braided together forming a rolling green sea of color that held so many different emotions I didn't know where to start.
"Nicholas. That's his name." James cuts in finally, breaking the tense silence. This breaks me from my own trance as I stand, walking around the desk and past the two wolves despite their looks of disproval.
"What is your name?" I ask finally, gaze flickering over to the nymph ambassador who looked to her companion worriedly. This clearly wasn't a regular thing this woman did.
"Freya." She finally says, straightening while simultaneously digging her shaking hands into her jacket pocket. The name felt right, it danced around my head and my mind seemed to welcome it as if welcoming it home.
"Freya." I test the name, following her accented lead on the pronunciation, making her shiver. Her reaction to me was strong and she clearly had no control over it. I could sense her anger and confusion with herself, she was fighting a battle within, and I could tell it was tearing her apart. "James, Lawrence, why don't you guys go help the hunt tonight." While the statement was formed as a polite command, it was a command they couldn't say no to. Glowering the pair walk past the frozen vampyre and nymph disappearing behind the large doors. I steps back to my desk and motion to the two chairs in front of the desk, silently requesting the two of the sit.
I tried to look at them equally, but no matter what I did my gaze was taken right back to the vampyre. Stiffly she moved, sitting down and crossing her legs, folding her arms over her chest. It was a defensive stance, she felt uneasy in her. With me. I tried to hide the sudden hurt that I felt from her unease but she caught the flash in my gaze. For some reason she looked so sad it broke my heart seeing the true depth of her despair.
"So Lawrence tells me you hunt one of your own? The one that turned you?" I lean forward, elbow bracing on the wooden desk separating us. Freya says nothing, gaze only looking over every single line of my face. The nymph, Kailani, sighed and spoke up for her companion.
"Yes. She also doesn't feed on anything but criminal humans; murderers, rapists, etc." The talker woman glanced away from her companion and stretched out a little in her seat. "She wouldn't be here if she didn't have to. But with the small fact that she hunts her own kind, they obviously wouldn't be her first choice." The explanation made sense, and to be completely honest I had heard of her, heard the way she was hunted by her own kind for the murders of ancient evil vampyers.
"They call her the Blood Angel, correct?" The name caused a physical reaction for Freya, her body tensed up and her lip twitched up into a silent snarl. Kailani scowled at her companion urging her to calm down before facing me once more.
"Yes. That was the name they dubbed her after her work had become more... popularized." Kailani knew, just as I did, that every other species had no problem with what she was doing. As she was clearing the world of evil beings, and it made life easier. Most vampyre's by nature were evil, snake like creatures that only wished to harm. Not that they necessarily want to harm, but they either succumb to Hunger or Blood Lust and turn into a cunning predator able to parade around as a human and the strike their prey. We were lucky that older wiser vampyers saw this and made laws; there could be no more great massacres, as the species would be exposed and the human would put number them. I believe even the most prestigious vampyre's, like the Lord Dominic, were grateful for Freya's work. It was a fail safe should their laws not keep the vampyers in place, a vengeful woman would hunt them down and act as their executioner.
Not that any could claim that, they had to act as if they too were angry with her actions, but I was positive not as many of her kin hated her as she liked to believe. Tapping my pen on my desk, I nodded once slowly.
"Alright. I'll grant her sanctuary here in my pack, I'll help her find this vampyre, on one condition." My words made Freya suspicious as she narrowed her gaze, tongue flicking out to run over her teeth while she awaited my condition. Once I was sure she was listening I continued, "You help me take out a coven of vampyre's hunting the humans."
"They are feeding. You expect me to kill them because they need food?" Freya looked annoyed, as she believed I was just wanting them dead because they were vampyres.
"They aren't just feeding from them. They are killing them." Both women sucked in a breath, as they realized what that meant. Should the Under Species be discovered an all out war between species would breakout; each vying for the make believe throne. "I've alerted the Lord Dominic but he won't take the 'word of a mutt' as enough proof to come take out the coven hisself, which—"
"You believe he's working with the coven." Freya finishes, her eyes narrowed in anger and repulsion. "How else could one coven last against a lycan pack this size?" She speaks humorlessly despite the wicked smile on her mouth. Looking up she spoke, making sure I understood what she was saying. "You have a deal, but we get rid of that coven first."
"But Freya, Atticus—" Kailani tried to dispute her companion.
"If he's gone, he's gone. I'll find him again. These humans are defenseless." Freya sent her friend a sly smile. "Plus with enough evidence you could present it to Lady Arabella and get Lord Dominic denounced from the Council." It was clear they both despised the Council member, and I was honestly glad. They understood the impact this could have should the humans' investigation revealed more than what they bargained for.
"How are the bodies being left?" Kailani questioned, wanting to know the serious extent of this slow massacre.
"Two puncture wounds, drained of blood, some are missing limbs." The truth was gruesome, and the nymph flinched with the details where as Freya grew angrier by the second. "So, we have a deal then?" I studied the vampyre before me, who I had no real reason to trust besides my gut instinct telling me we needed her. This was bigger than we realize and we'd need all the help we could get.
"Yes, we have a deal."
A/N: unedited! How did y'all like Nik's first POV?
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