{2} Haunted Memories
The snow the fell was captivating, my enhanced vision allowed me to see each individual snowflake and the designs within. I always had a soft spot for snow as where I lived winters were always inevitable and of course back in the day it was miserable but here in the present snow simply reminded me of happier days. Even the worst winter day sky rockets past the good days I might have here and there. Because back then, I was me, human, alive.
"Freya? You coming?" Kailani called over her shoulder, her own body bulked up by the layers of clothing she had to keep herself warm. As for myself I kept it simple with a black hooded ski jacket, and leggings with an extra layer of soft material to add warmth. My boots were laced up halfway up the calf and were lined with soft fur.
They had just come from Kailani's car, parked in the snow covered gravel lot, and in front of them idled another car, a black sedan. As I started the walk over Kailani stopped halfway, so I followed her lead stopping once I reached her.
"Remind me who this is again?" I questioned, my lips hardly moving, as I didn't want to give away that fact that I truly forgot who they were. All I knew is that they weren't the Alpha.
"For Christ's sake." Kailani mumbled, her body shivering from the cold. She exhaled and quickly whispered to me who I was meeting. The beta and a Lycan ambassador that Kailani had grown familiar with. If we could get them to trust me then I could meet with the alpha. Only issue is they hate Vampyre's.
"Kailani." A deep male voice broke the silence as a man stepped around the side of the sedan, his golden gaze locked onto my figure as I was the untrusted one. "This is the bloodsucker you wished us to meet?"
"Yes, this is Freya." Kailani emphasized my name, keeping her tone unbothered. It was her way of reminding them to respect me if they wanted my respect returned. "Freya, the ambassador, James, and..." she trailed off clearly looking for the second person. A taller male slides out of the sedan drivers seat and walked silently next to his shorter companion. "And Beta Lawrence."
Studying the two, I take in the sharp angular features of the beta. A dark haired man, Asian lineage for sure, where as James looked to be a mixed lineage; his beauty not diminished however. Both male's were fine specimens and clearly took care of themselves.
"What is your goal in being here?" The beta questioned, tilting his head and narrowing his gaze on my hooded figure.
"To kill a monster." I replied vaguely, gaze flickering between the two. I was worried should I tell them too much they might deny me access. Sure I could ignore their denial, but that meant not only would I have vampyres after me but the lycan pack as well.
"And why not approach your kin?" The ambassador asked this time, suspicion clear in his tone and his stance.
"They don't like me." I admit, scowling at the weakness that they knew I had no back up from anyone else. "The man I am hunting is a vampyre. I've killed more vampyre's than most, which means, my kin don't trust me." Before either wolf could ask another question Kailani grew impatient out in the cold and spoke up once more.
"Look, my companion is a trustworthy person, despite what her kin would say. She's killed more vampyers than you alpha could ever dream of killing." The two wolves bristled in anger and annoyance but before they could interject she holds her pale hand out stopping them. "I mean that in the politest way possible as it is a simple fact. She is as old as the Lord Dominic meaning she's had many years to hunt the creatures she despises." I keep my reaction minimal, as I was shocked by her words, as I hadn't expected her to defend me but rather moderate any meeting. I gave her grateful nod before returning my gaze to the men.
"You despise and kill your own kind? What is to say you won't do the same to our kind?" James sneered, eyes holding judgement he had no right to.
"Does your kind feed off of humans? Does your kind stalk humans? Torturing them?" I snapped back, my pupils dilating, making my eyes appear black. "The atrocities I have bore witness to were not caused by Lycans, nor any other Under Species, but my own."
"You works as if you didn't ask to become what you are." Lawrence finally speaks up again, his gaze studious as he watched my movements.
"We all know that's impossible." James declares with annoyance, and I wonder how he was picked to be their ambassador. Perhaps because he wouldn't be a push over. Snapping my gaze to James I sent him a wicked grin full of self loathing.
"You believe that vampyre's express what they mean by eternal life?" I chuckled darkly. "I wasn't even given the full extent of any sort of explanation. He was sent to kill me, and when he asked if I could live would I? No matter the cost? I said yes." I motioned to myself. "I hadn't a clue what the price would be, had no clue what he meant, but that single 'yes' was all he needed." Flickering my gaze to them I let them see the full extent of my hatred, the way my pupils dilated completely, the tick in my jaw jumping, and how my hands trembled with unbridled rage. "Never would I have thought the price was to be a monster."
"He's who you wish to kill." Lawrence states matter of factly, to which I do not deny. I simply raise my chin in defiance of their judgement.
"Once I have taken that swine's life I will no longer be a problem." I close my eyes, forcing myself to calm down my anger.
"How do you feed?" James questions reluctantly as he knew Lawrence wasn't saying no yet for a reason.
"Animals aren't sustainable for what I need." Meaning while I could survive off of animals, it made me extremely weak, the sun would do more than burn me, a cut would heal slower, I was all around at a disadvantage to any creature. "But before you tell me I can't feed off the human population, I'll tell you I don't feed off of innocence." Never again. "I take from those who deserve to rot."
"Criminals." Lawrence clarified, nodding slowly.
"Not just criminals, only the worst." Kailani added, wanted to eliminate any doubt they had. "Rapists. Murderers, pedophiles—"
"Abusive sacks of shits. If they are evil, I feed." I butt in, nodding to Kailani once.
"I cannot allow you full passage, but I can allow a viewing with the alpha and he will deny or accept your request." Lawrence explains after a few tense moments. "Should he say no, while we technically have no legal hold over this land in your eyes, we would pursue you." Meaning they'd hunt me just as my kin would.
"Got it." I nodded once, tucking my slim hands within my coat pocket. "Now, on to the alpha?"
The drive up the snowy mountain was gorgeous, I couldn't get enough of this place. My breath fogged the cold window up. I was forcing myself to take breaths as in order for me to speak I needed air in my body. When I was alone I had no use of the movement but around others I did, plus it helped make them make more connections to my humanity, made them at ease.
"What's the alpha's name?" I asked, turning away from the window to watch Kailani who expertly lived the vehicle over the icy and snowy terrain.
"Nicholas Devereaux, his friends call him Nick. I would stick with Alpha if I were you unless given permission otherwise." I nodded along to her words, watching as finally after forty minutes of driving we reached the large mansion with a log cabin exterior. Snow acted as fragile decor, delicately reflecting the golden lights of the mansion. The place was gorgeous, and I couldn't help but wish one day to have the luxury of such a house in a remote expansion of land. "He's 32, no kids, still looking for his mate, but he is with a female warrior, Josephine." Peeking a brow I look over at her.
"I asked his name, not his relationship status." My words were teasing, making her roll her eyes. We pulled to a stop gathering both of our attention as the car was put into park and we slid out of the vehicle. A few guards standing on duty immediately dusted Kailani's threat off and focused in on me. The bloodsucker.
I run my tongue over the double fangs I had, only Elder vampyers developed a second fang, it carried the venom, allowing us to turn someone should we wish to. The caste system was simple. Newborns were the youngest, but most dangerous, second only to Eternals, Yearlings were the weakest but often most populated vampyre's, many don't make it out of that stage and often kill themselves if they realize this life wasn't for them. Next came Familiars, those who survived the first year. Then Elders, vampyers who were older than many civilizations, able to turn humans, capable of killing hundred. And lastly, Eternals, there were five and they were as old as time, technically not true, but they were the first vampyers to have been created and therefore the most powerful. They aren't seen anymore and simply hunt, too monstrous to be among communities.
"Come with us, Alpha is waiting." Lawrence tucked his hands into his jean pockets, arm muscles bulging beneath his sweater. Jerking his chin he motions us to follow him. So, we did. Feet crunching in the snow we jogged you the steps, I met any gaze that landed on me, challenging them to say or do something about my presence. Inside the gigantic mansion it seemed every wolf froze, holding their breath as I passed. Keeping my shoulders back and head tall.
Together the four of us walked the halls, leaving rooms of individuals up to office spaces until reaching two large oak doors with intricate carvings along the wood. It was gorgeous, as they opened I paid no kind to the inside room as I sensed no real threat, my hands grazing over the carvings in fascination. People were amazing, and not for the first time I wish I still was one. Closing my eyes briefly, I taking the last few steps in, the doors closing behind me as I open my eyes once more. What I see rips an audible gasp from my throat, tears to filled my eyes, and my back to hit the wooden doors behind me in a desperate attempt to escape the ghost sitting in front of me.
Our eyes meet, my green to his indigo blue, and my mind is sucked back, back in time before I was killed, before we held our children, before we were even wed. Back to the day we met. When I met my sweet, sweet "Niklaus."
A/N: Lawrence and James below! Up top is the mansion. Next chapter will be from Niklaus/Nicholas's POV. You will be able to tell by the banner, vampyre for Freya and wolf related for Nik. Also unedited!
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