Party Meet-up
It had been a month.... a month that felt like hell had descended into the house that Harry and Draco no occupied with their new born son
"Make him stop crying Draco I've been up all night with him and you've had time off" cried Harry to his husband "I just want to sleep"
"Hadrian it's ok honest he's just hungry that's all, do you want to feed him?" asked Draco but Harry didn't answer as he was still crying hormones were still running high in him
"Ok ok I'll get the bottle warmed up for you and then we can all have a nap" he kissed Harry's cheek and walked off to get the bottle ready and by the time he returned Harry was asleep on the sofa hugging Sora and Otiz putting the cover over them
"He'll sleep for a few hours and then he'll be right as rain, you do remember that it's little Roxy's birthday I'm a few days right? she wanted that new toy the menaces invented, you remember the one that spits out bubbles and glitter?"
"Yeah I know the one we have it wrapped and ready to go all the Weasely's going to be there?" pats Scorpius' back making him burp before placing him down to nap
"Yep as well as the twins and triplets so a house full but the party will be outside to let them run around after all they are no older than 5 so"
"Yeah the twins and triplets are now 3 coming 4, Roxanne is two same with Lucy, the oldest is Molly II at 5" said Draco sitting down
"I don't mean to sleep through the night shift with Scorpius I'm just a heavy sleeper"
"I could always wake you I'd you want or ask Coco to do it she does have a mean streak"
"No she doesn't she's very sweet and I don't like you bad mouthing my familiar I don't do it to you fuzz arse"
"Hey!" and he laughs
It was the day of Roxanne's birthday she was toddling around trying to catch up with her cousins of the Snape twins and the Black triplets who were all running around and getting under their parents feet the onl ones that weren't were the baby Weasley twins and Scorpius as they were placed on a blanket in the shade to keep them cool while the rest ran/crawled around
Harry was napping with the babies Fred watching over the four of them smiling he couldn't be that he had twins and of course he had to name them after his uncles
"Fred, son come on they will be fine" said Arthur to his son
"It's ok dad I'm just surprised that I have sons of my own and that Hadrian's son is only 6 weeks younger than them I want them to grow up like brothers"
"I'll make sure of it Fred" said Draco coming over "Hadrian is like your brother and these three will be the same"
Harry turned over his green eyes watching them
"How long have you been awake?"
"Since Freddy said they're 6 weeks apart and of course they'll be brothers we have the new Marauders with my siblings and the triplets imagine adding these three into the mix"
"We're doomed Hadrian" and they all laughed hoping not to wake the babies up
Soon lunch was called asking every rush over which woke up the babies who screamed
"Mama make stop" said André to his mother Fleur while Bill had hold of Yvette in his arms
"It's ok André everyone was a little loud for them" she puts him in his booster which didn't please him he wanted to be a big boy and a booster wasn't it
"André Felipe you're staying there remember you fell off the chair at home" said Bill placing Yvette in her's who started to eat when Molly placed some cut up food in front of her, she did this for the others leaving Molly II, twins and triplets to their own devices they were after all old enough
Draco and Fred along with Alicia feed the babies Harry made up plates and then went off to decorate the cake by hand he had made the cake himself and was happy with it
"Hadrian dear go and eat the cake will still be here afterwards" said Molly to him
"If I leave it Remmy, the twins or triplets will get to it you know it's chocolate and those 6 are mental on chocolate so I thought decorate it, let everyone have a slice and set a hyper wolf and children off while we relax you know Padfoot will love it as well"
"If you're sure about it Hadrian"
"I'm sure I'll eat afterwards promise" he decorated it happily until it was finished and that the plates removed to be washed his put away until the madness ensued of hyperness
Roxanne opened her gifts saying thanks to all of them loving each one until she spotted the one she really wanted
"It da toy me wan!" said Roxanne happily
"What did you get her?" said Angelina to Harry and Draco
"What she wanted" said Harry
"Blame your husband and twin!"
"George Fabian!"
"Sorry she just wanted it and it's mild compared to what we normally make it's just glitter which disappears after a few hours only to reappear back in the toy so no worry about cleaning up" said George to his wife
"I hope you that it does or you will be sleeping on the sofa" said Angelina as she took the toy away so then Harry could bring out the cake
The children all cheered at the cake but the 3 babies didn't react as they were content and use to the sound by now, this was a large family after all and each member was worth their weight in gold
"Calista no don't go for the cake its not your birthday it's Roxy's" said Tom stopping his daughter from taking the cake
"Papa no cakey for Lizzie?"
"You'll have cake but we have to sing happy birthday and then Roxy gets the first slice and then it'll be shared out" said Severus to her
"Otay daddy"
"Cakey?" said André making Fleur smile he was a very quiet child compared to his sister
Everyone sung happy birthday before the cake was cut and given out Harry ate his lunch then and watched as chaos ensued as the children became hyperactive with sugar in their systems before setting off to attack Remus and Sirius into a game of who knows what
"You planned that Hadrian" said Tom who came over holding Scorpius for cuddles
"Yes both woke me up last week so I thought to get my own back on them" he smiled "plus Otiz and Sora have joined in as well so for animals against hyperactive children you know they will sleep later on so your welcome"
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