Ginny stayed sat on the floor holding her bloody nose she would never think that he own brother who was only seventeen months older than her had punched her twice of all things no one had ever done that to her...
She didn't know what to make of all of it she was the baby of the family the shining star that was always looked to for love and affection before that all started she had been told all her life by Dumbles of all people when her parents weren't around was that she would marry Harry have children just when she is out of school just like like James and Lilly and when the children were eleven Harry would be killed and his titles would go to her and then her children.
It was the perfect plan and then everything went and it a fucking 180 all because... yes that was it she had to kill Snape.... he was the one that ruined everything for everyone when he went and rescued Harry it was all that fucking stupid snake... yes killing him would sort everything out...
She got up and summoned a disgusting house elf to fix her nose which they did and ran off again they didn't want to help them but they wanted to keep Harry safe he was friends with all the house elves and they were going to protect him little did they know that someone was watching what they were doing they couldn't watch the house elves nests and it was hidden and only a house elf could find it...
The little boxes sat four in a room to make sure nothing was amiss and when they heard what Ginny wanted to do one of the chocolate frog cards went and appeared in Dumbles office.
"The girl is planning, her brother broke her nose" said the card to Dumbles who hummed, he knew that the conflict between the two would only get worse it was perfect if you asked him.
"Keep an eye on them and everyone else that has my cards it's the perfect way to get all my information to bad that Harry only has one and keeps it in a blasted sealed box we need to get more in there so then we know what they are planning" he licked both the locked and the diary humming he loved the power radiating from them not knowing that it was all fake but with him drunk on trying to kill Tom he just didn't notice.
"If you're sure we will get to it all" and the card left him alone
Ginny went off on her own smiling she was going to poison Snape it was the best thing she could do to get back at him from taking Harry away from the plan that he was destined to full fill and yet due to him helping he beloved he ruined everything
She had hold of some of the old prank books from the twins she was going to add them into some food and send them off for Snape and she hoped that those blasted children of his would also eat them and die, she cackled loudly this was the perfect plan...
She went to her room and looked through the books she had stolen and found some potions that sounded like they could kill someone but really there were nothing but innocent pranks that could be put into any type of food they were even baby safe.
She went to the potion's lab and got to work humming she didn't notice that there were chocolate frog cards around the room as she worked she kept muttering about killing Snape with the potions in the book.
She was soon finished and shouted in joy "yes now I just need some fo... elf get you fucking arse in here now!" she shouted and poor Binks came in
"Yes how can Binks help lady?" he looked at the book and tried not to smile
"Put these into some food and send it off to Snape somehow I don't care just make it happen" and she walked off but before she got to the door she turned "also clean up his mess this place is a tip and I didn't do anything" and she left not caring one bit
Binks looked and sighed he did what he was told clicking his fingers and the lap was spotless until the next time the two idiots were down here, he took the potions and headed to the kitchen to put them in some food and drink like he was asked and then left it there while he headed to his nest to write a note to say to just throw them out as Ginny had tried to poison Snape he then clicked his fingers and the food appeared next to him and he soon sent it all off.
Ginny was over the moon until Dumbles appeared out of nowhere and pinned her to the wall like he had done with Vernon well she was right next to the dead man now.
"Ginny, Ginny, Ginny what am I going to do with you? you've over stepped your mark and tried to go behind my back and try and kill someone, tsk tsk really now you shouldn't of done that my dear..." he licked her smiling as she paled
"You my dear are just perfect.." he licked her again and then out of nowhere he kissed her making her scream if she could she had turned completely pale no way she wanted this to happen she wanted Harry and only Harry but nothing like this.
Dumbles stopped and walked off laughing and then turned and Obliviated her of what had just happened as well as her making the potions sighing the stupid girl, he released her not caring if she hurt herself at all he just headed back to his office.
Sitting down he looked at the cards around him smiling he would make the girl his unlike his daughter and that mistake of a granddaughter that he had they both had too much of Gellert in them and not enough of him now that was a tragedy in itself.
He looked at the blank cards each one told them where the other counterpart was and who it was with his little spies were in the right places all that he needed now was the rest of the information to come together and it would be finished Harry would become his and Tom would die and Severus... well he would have the blasted children killed in front of him when he was in the dungeons where he would be chained for the rest of his life being his potions master
His plan was coming together or so he thought....
thanks to japgal94 for the idea of the chocolate frog cards
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