5. A Vow and Pregnancy Hormones
The Snape family were in Slytherin Manor away from noisy people or so they thought, Severus was in a irritable mood he was sitting in maternity top and a pair of sweat pants that happened to belong to Tom mind you he had never seen them before but hey he didn't care as long as he was comfortable that all that counted after all it was Tom's fault everything was Tom's fault.
If he wasn't this huge he would floor the stupid idiotic nimrod of a man or hex him but sadly everyone thought he was being way too dangerous and so hidden his wand way never mind that his own magic was now on the fritz which he hated even more and Tom wouldn't let him go and brew potions as they were 'too dangerous for him' yeah right if only he could get up and head there without help it would be perfect in his eyes but nope he was placed on the sofa in the living room and told to stay there.
He wasn't a dog! that was Sirius, after all he was named after the 'Canis Major' which means Greater Dog, now that made him laugh, and it appeared he was in the same Merlin be damned boat but he was still in St Mungo's recovering, well technically he was still in a coma but...
At that thought he burst into tears making everyone come to him wondering what was happening as it felt heart wrenching and when they saw him Tom and Lucius went to him wondering what was wrong only for Narcissa to sigh knowing this stage where all of the emotions were all over the place.
"Sev, Sev baby what's wrong? baby please tell me?!" said Tom worried about it all.
"You called me a dog" and he was in tears practically balling his eyes out and when Tom tried to hug him he was welcomed to a kick in the old crown jewels which made the boys laugh but Severus gave them a teary glare making them both eep and hid behind Narcissa.
"You are all idiots" she sighed as she walked over to Severus and took his hands helping him up and brought him to a different room leaving the others in the room.
"That was weird" said Bella in a sing song voice.
"Pregnancy does that to you and I've already lived through that I might add and at the moment he will take every little thing the wrong way or do a complete 180 and find it funny, you have no idea what mood he will be in" said Lucius.
"Don't you think I bloody well know that Lucius?!"
"Well now he's pissy" said Bella sitting down laughing at the once 'Dark Lord' she received a glare her way but she ignored him.
In the other room Narcissa sat Severus down and asked him what had happened and he explained that he wasn't allowed his wand, to do and brew some potions and was told to stay on the sofa like a dog this made her sigh and left him to calm down a bit more and went to Tom.
She opened the door and hexed him.
"Merlin what the heck was that for you stupid woman?!"
"For not letting him do what he wants to do jack ass he wants to at least move but you bloody well used a sticking charm on him and told him to sit on the sofa and said it in a way that you would train a dog and he's heartbroken that he can't brew, do potions and his magic is playing up and then that was the icing on the cake for him" she hexed him again for good measure.
"Bella my dear sister please come and help with what we have planned to do" she left making her oldest sister follow her.
When they got back to the room Severus was now eating pickled filled custard with soy sauce for dipping it grossed the women out but he was happily eating which was good, he would crunch a pickle take it out of his mouth and dunk the pickle in the soy sauce.
They walked over to him smiling making him smile back sweetly he was completely different than before always... well mostly happy go lucky that is while his was pregnant they dreaded when he wasn't was he going to turn back to the snarky bastard that they all knew and loved well.... they could hope and dream right.
"What can I do for you two beautiful ladies?" he asked when he was finished with his snack that would make others sick to their stomachs.
"Sev dear we need you to make an Unbreakable Vow to help Draco in anyway, to protect him to the best of your ability that is as his Godfather and our friend" asked Narcissa but she didn't expect his reply of:
"Okie dokie"
Bella came forward and explained that she would be the bonding agent and would over see the whole thing to make sure, she helped Severus to stand in front of her sister and made them hold each other wrists and pointed her wand at them as they started to say the Unbreakable Vow:
"Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, if anything should happen to us, his parents, and treat him like you would do your own son?"
"I will."
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And should it prove necessary... that we do sadly die... will you carry out the deed as his father figure to teach him what we have sadly not taught him as of yet?"
"I will."
Silver vines encircled their wrists and hands leaving their mark for all to be seen stating that they were now carrying the vow and if they broke it they would suffer from a painful and humiliating death which neither wanted.
"The vow is complete now" said Bella stepping back from the pair.
"This won't harm them will it?" he was worried about it all.
"It shouldn't but if your that worried you can do and check at St Mungo's mind you you're due for a check up".
"Over my dead body and I going there!" and there was the 180 flip of hormones right there, this made both women sigh it was going so well and everything but they knew to be careful with him.
Takes two to tango Severus Tobias Snape!
ok sev that's disgusting as hell
The true vow:
Narcissa Malfoy: "Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfil the Dark Lord's wishes?"
Severus Snape: "I will."
Narcissa Malfoy: "And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
Severus Snape: "I will.
"Narcissa Malfoy: "And should it prove necessary... if it seems Draco will fail... will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
Severus Snape: "I will."
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