Dumbledore was fuming how could the little snot nosed brat say that he was abused he wasn't well in his eyes he weren't... well maybe he was but he didn't care he needed the brat to fall in line but he just wasn't!
It was all because the bloody dungeon bat thought something was wrong and went to check even when he said that there was nothing wrong with him but no did that stupid man ever listen to the wise old Albus Dumbledore like he use to no he just went off and did his own bloody thing and look at where it took him the brat was now his son, happier and not listening to him anymore he needed the brat to be submissive to him and only obey him but no he was growing a conscious which he didn't bloody well need.
He was grumbling under his breath when the owl threw the paper at him as well as making sure they left droppings on his head, they hated the man.
Hadrian Snape First Year
Magic, Trolls, Dragons, Three Headed Dog and a Stone
Rheim Reido
Hello dear readers and welcome to the Hadrian Snape Series yes before you ask I have permission from the young man himself to write about his years at Hogwarts so far and as we know from the first article that his up bringing was beyond awful, we were told that he was being trained and new about our ways and customs but from the boy himself everything that we were told was a complete and utter lie, the boy has become such a remarkable young man despite what he has had to go through in his early life.
I have been asked to write about his school years and as we know he is only in his fifth year at this moment in time but he would like everyone to know what has happened to him so then you can be the judges, yourselves as we are now finally getting both sides of the story if you will.
Now I will go back to the 31st July 1991 it is young Hadrian's birthday, I will not call him Harry here as he has asked me to use his adopted name here and I will respect his wishes, now it is young Hadrian's 11th birthday and after running away form numerous letters from owls which started in early July that very year as we all know that when a witch or wizard turns 11 their Hogwarts letter arrives.
The 'family' ended up on a island hoping that they were away from the owls but they didn't count on on Rubeus Hagrid finding them, he broke down the door to the shack that they were staying in and Harry hid right away while his 'uncle' grabbed a shot gun, it is a muggle item I don't know what it does but I hear that it is very dangerous, Mr. Hagrid saw it and bent the gun around.
Mr. Dursley asked him to leave which Mr Hagrid didn't asking where Hadrian was only for the poor boy to come out of hiding behind the fireplace.
Both talked for a while and it was then and there only a month before the new school year started that Hadrian Jameson Severus Snape found out he was a wizard and a powerful one at that, he found out on this very day how his parents died, he was told his whole life that Lilly and James Potter were drunks and were driving a car, well Mr. Potter was driving while Mrs. Potter was his pimp and they crashed the car killing themselves hoping to take Hadrian with them, but we all know that this a complete lie and that Voldemort killed them that Halloween night.
That very day Mr. Hagrid took Hadrian shopping but the question is why was the groundskeeper of Hogwarts taking a student to get his things when it is down to the Heads of Houses?! that is the question that I had asked when I spoke to Mr. Hagrid and I was told that ex Professor Dumbledore asked him to escort Hadrian to get his things because he had been asked by said man to collect something for Mr. Dumbledore.
And so they went shopping, Hadrian was 'attacked' at the Leaky Cauldron and he had no idea why he was but he was very much in awe at Diagon Alley to say the least, they headed to Gringotts to the the item which I later learned was the Philosopher's Stone the very one that Nicholas Flammel created to extend his life but more on that a little later.
When they got there Griphook, yes Hadrian knows the Goblin's names and is classed as a Goblin Friend which is very hard to come by it's due to him being very respectful and has learnt the correct sayings on greetings and goodbye which sadly people we aren't doing.
When asked for the key Hadrian was shocked as he didn't even have a key but for some funny reason and we don't know it Mr. Hagrid had his key, yes someone else had his key right from the start of it all something was up but what poor Hadrian didn't know being so new to the world that we live in.
Once the key was handed over they headed to the vault where Hadrian learnt that he was quite wealthy, once that was over they collected the stone and went shopping.
While Mr. Hagrid went to the pub, yes people he went to the pub to drink while he left Hadrian in an unknown world to explore who knows what could go wrong, first he met young Heir Malfoy at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where Hadrian thought that he was his cousin to a t and didn't want anything to do with the boy, I have it in good terms that those two are more than friends as of now, Hadrian says that their relationship is very strong.
He managed to get all of his school supplies and lastly it was getting his wand from Ollivander's, he had tried about 15 different types of wands but when he touch his wand, Hadrian is keeping what is is a secret which I think it's best, but Mr. Ollivander said something quite disturbing about Fawkes, Mr. Dumbledore's phoenix, he said that Fawkes only ever gave three feathers one blew up just after he got it, the 2nd and 3rd were made into wands and those wands are classed as brother wands, as they both have a phoenix feather in them and they went to none other than Voldemort and Hadrian.
Well now that's the shopping part out of the way besides after Hadrian got his wand Mr Hagrid bought Hadrian his very recognisable snowy white owl known as Hedwig, named after the Patron Saint of Orphans St. Hedwig Novena, Hedwig of Silesia, very fitting as he became an orphan at the tender age of only 15 months.
On September 1st Mr Hagrid took Hadrian to King's Cross station where the Hogwarts express would be leaving from and all Mr Hagrid did was give him a ticket and let him there, the poor boy went up to a staff member asking for the platform number but he just got laughed at at this and left him standing there.
He noticed a certain red head family calling out for the platform, strange that 5 of said family was even going to Hogwarts or have left the school by now, Mrs Weasley was drawing too much attention but we did learn that she had been asked by none other than Mr Dumbledore to do this to make sure Hadrian managed to get on the train and so being curious boy that Hadrian was asked for her help which she did and was introduced to the Weasley family.
We all know about how boring the 8 hour journey is but it lets us make friends in our year and above us so I won't bore you with it all but I will say that young Mr Ron Weasley kept going on about Hadrian being Harry Potter and asked to show his scar, Miss Hermione Granger barged into their compartment asking if they had seen a toad which they hadn't but then she went off on a tangent about how she had tried out her spells, we have done our research and she is a Muggleborn how did she not get into trouble over using magic around her Muggle parents we do not know.
Once they arrived at Hogwarts they were sorted after having a small confrontation with young Mr Draco Malfoy about Harry Potter being at Hogwarts and asked his hand in friendship which sadly young Hadrian did not knowing that it was the wrong thing to do at the time, also about being with the wrong sort of people. We later learned that it was because young Mr Malfoy reminded Hadrian of his cousin one Dudley Dursley.
Next the sorting and we know where these 4 students ended up, Hadrian, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger all ended up in Gryffindor and Mr Malfoy into Slytherin.
Fast forward to 31st October 1991 almost 2 months in school and Professor Quirrell runs into the Great Hall saying that there was a Troll lose in Hogwarts, the Dungeons to be more precise to which he fainted between the tables.
Ex Headmaster Dumbledore asked the Perfects to head back to their dorms not caring that Slytherin was in that very same area where the Troll was located, as they were leaving Hadrian noticed that Miss Granger was missing and so told Mr Weasley and they went to investigate and ended up defeating the Troll with 'Wingardium Leviosa' using it's own club to knock it out, only points were taken from them no detentions at all which is strange if it was someone else they would or be expelled to say the least.
We go forward again to Christmas and Hadrian gets his first ever Christmas presents since his first lot when he was just 5 months old, he found he had a gift that wasn't signed by anyone and when he put on his cloak he vanished, someone had given Hadrian at 11 years old and invisibility cloak, which we were told that it was taken from the Potter's main vault by Ex Headmaster Dumbledore.
Again fast forward to near the end of school and we heard from Hadrian that the Philosopher's Stone that belonged to Nicholas Flammel was within the school grounds for 'safe keeping' why put something that important with a school full of children?, that is another question that we can not answer you dear readers.
We learnt that within the school was also a Cerberus called Fluffy that belonged to Mr Hagrid as well as a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon called Norbert which thankfully was taken away by one Mr Charles Weasley before it could do anymore damage to the school or better yet the students and staff members.
Back to the Cerberus Fluffy he was stuck in a room way too small for his size chained to the wall guarding a trap door that beneath it was a course set up by one Ex Headmaster of the school to challenge young Hadrian to defeat Voldemort.
Beneath the trap door lay Devilsnare from Professor Sprout which was burnt by Miss Granger, next was grabbing flying keys using a broom from Professor Flitwick and Madam Hooch which Hadrian accomplished next was a chess game from Professor McGonagall to which Mr Weasley sacrificed himself, no he wasn't killed he was just knocked out when the queen knocked the knight out, onto the next room was the Troll again from Professor Quirrell that again was easily defeated again, the last room was that of a potion riddle from Professor Snape, Hadrian came to the rescue when he worked out the puzzle and sent Miss Granger back to Mr Weasley and he went into the very last room.
Standing there was none other than Professor Quirrell standing there in front of the Mirror of Erised and we all know what that mirror can do to people.
Hadrian and Quirrell fought only to learn that the Professor was possessed with Voldemort on the back of his head demanding the stone as he was now a parasite and was living off Unicorn blood which would only give him a half life if that, Hadrian fought again and told them what he could see in the mirror to which he lied.
He said that he had own the House Cup but in fact he saw his parents and that the stone had ended up in his pocket for safe keeping, as Professor Quirrell went for him Hadrian put up his arms to protect himself only to burn the man without knowing what was happening and so did it again which resulted in killing the man to which to this day he has deep regrets doing, as he stood there the wisp of Voldemort attacked him knocking him unconscious only to wake up in the Hospital Wing Ex headmaster Dumbledore hovering over him.
Well dear readers that is the first year of young Hadrian's story I will keep you updated on his schooling years every month or so as Hadrian would like to know his story and not the fictional stories that are out and about through out our world, he believes that he should set everyone straight.
Thank you for taking your time to read my articles.
Dumbledore was furious over it all the damn brat was taking everything from him, he should be bloody well grateful for what he had given him through the years and not backstab him like this the brat would be paying dearly for this and he had to set the Wizarding World correct even if he had to lie to everyone to get it done, he would make him pay!
He didn't notice that his 'Order' had been reading the paper as well and shocked wasn't even a word they could use they were furious and disgusted with the man they believed to be a saint in their eyes, Petunia was white as she read the paper detailing what her nephew had done... what she let her husband and son do to the poor boy.
"Hey this is all a bunch of lies it doesn't say anything about what I did to help he spoilt brat" whined Ron to everyone, they ignored the idiot.
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