13. Messing with Harry
It seemed that one student other than Hermione had a problem with Harry and that was Cormac McLaggen he had such an attitude problem at the moment... no wait he always did he was so full of himself and he was trying out for the Keeper for Gryffindor he wanted to show Harry that he was better than anyone even though Harry was now in Slytherin and kind of playing or he was but it was between him and Draco for each game it was so each had a turn.
Harry was heading to he pitch to practice with his team as he had taken over from Draco until he was turned back to normal the team was thrilled to have Harry play for them more as everyone knew he was the best out of the school and they hoped that when he left he would become a professional Seeker but with everything that had happened to him he might not.
"Oy Potter get here!" yelled Cormac to Harry as he walked passed him, Harry ignored him.
"Oy!" again Cormac was ignored by Harry, said boy was being pushed by his familiar more.
"Keep going Hadrian don't listen to him" said Otiz making Harry nod until he was grabbed by Cormac and thrown into the wall hard.
Harry coughed up blood when he was slammed into the wall by Cormac who placed a barrier around them which Otiz tried to get in but couldn't.
"Now that that pest is gone lets me and you talk Potter oh wait isn't your name now Snape of all things, why did you get that slimy git to take you in weren't you happy with your own family that you had to go with someone like him of all things, stupid if you ask me and that freak of an animal just put the damn thing down if you ask me he's a waste of time and energy and a freak of an animal shouldn't be alive" Cormac laughed as he has seen Harry flinch each time he said freak.
"My dad isn't slimy even if he's a Slytherin and Otiz isn't a freak! he's a wonderful animal and my best friend besides Draco, Blaise and Theo!" he breathed painfully he might of broken a rib or that his back was badly bruised he didn't know until he went to Poppy.
"Nah the damn thing needs to be put down and I'm happy enough to do it for you" Cormac smiled, "better yet lets make a bet beat me in a small game of keep away and the first one to score 5 goals and if you lose the freak gets killed which I won't" he smiled ruefully ((is that even a word?))
"No not Otiz please Cormac! you were fine when I was in Gryffindor why are you like this now? I've never done anything to you before I didn't really know you to be honest you're a year older than me. I'll do this honest just leave Otiz out of this please" he was now crying.
"Really the almighty Potter crying over a freak of an animal really, you're so lame its embarrassing having known you in when you were in Gryffindor, the famous boy who lived reduced to tears the one who is meant to defeat you know who and he's crying like a little baby. Lets settle this Potter you me on the pitch now and first to 5 wins" he took Harry's broom and he sped off laughing.
Once the barrier was down Harry cried more and Otiz was right there in fox form and and went into support mode and let Harry hug him tightly.
"I don't wanna do it Otiz but if I don't I think he might try to kill you" Harry hugged him tightly and slowly got up.
"He will never be able to kill me Hadrian remember that, I am a Kitsune and a Bekeneko two very powerful Japanese demons and I will protect you no matter that I am your bonded familiar I will protect you!" growled Otiz this made ferret Draco squeak his reply as well he too would also protect Harry at all costs!
Taking a deep breath even though it hurt like hell due to being crashed into the wall by Cormac, Harry hurried to the pitch where his team were standing around watching Cormac fly around on Harry's Firebolt.
Urquhart was annoyed as hell watching Cormac flying around on Harry's Firebolt he knew the boy wouldn't let anyone on it even if they were a close friend ie Draco, Blaise and Theo those four were never apart since Harry joined Slytherin all four had become great friends but this was strange and so he went up to talk with Cormac.
"MacLaggen give Hadrian his broom back we all know you won't be able to fly it" glared Urquhart to the Gryffindor but Cormac just last and sped off.
Graham, Adrian and Cassius all went into the air to try and get the broom back off Cormac but they just weren't fast enough and by the time Harry got to the pitch he was coughing up blood due to the pressure on his lungs and promptly passed out making everyone stop what they were doing.
Everyone rushed to Harry's side and went to check him or run off to get Madam Pomfrey, Cormac was laughing in the sky saying how weak Harry was now and that a little push like that would cause damage he wondered how he even got onto the pitch in the first place.
Otiz by now had had enough and so went onto the attack no one hurts his Harry and gets away with it, he was in the air in less than a second and was chasing a now scared 5th year around the pitch.
He now looked to be in a human hybrid form of some kind spirit foxes around him also chasing Cormac he was completed out numbered.
(Our bean is grown up his tails and ears are hidden)
tiz didn't care if he would get into trouble he would submit his memories to why he was doing this and it all came down to a familiar protecting their bonded human he wouldn't be getting into trouble a telling off by Severus about scaring the stupid boy but other than that nothing.
As he was chasing Cormac, Poppy and Severus appeared on the pitch, Severus growling his displeasure while Poppy got to work.
"He's got two broken ribs,one has slightly punctured his left lung and he has bruising to his back like he's been slammed into the wall, we need to get him to the hospital wing right away" said Poppy making Severus nod at this while he watched and thought gleefully I hope that hybrid catches you MacLaggen because if he doesn't I certainly will.
As Harry was taken to the hospital wing and hopefully not St. Mungo's, Otiz finally caught Cormac and dragged him physically down to Severus.
"Well mister MacLaggen it looks like my son's familiar has done what any familiar would do attack the attacker of their bonded human, shame I can't let him do more harm to you sadly but I can give you detention after we have viewed all of your memoires that is", Severus grabbed Cormac by the collar and dragged him to Tom in his office, Otiz following behind he could feel that Harry was going to be ok.
In the office Tom sat behind his desk doing paperwork, paperwork that he was still catching up on thanks to Albus-I-hate-paperwork-Dumbledore, he only stopped when the Gargoyle moved and his door was slammed open and someone pushing someone in and growling.
"What in Merlin's name is going on here!" he jumped.
"It appears headmaster that mister MacLaggen here has assaulted another student and sent them to the hospital wing" snared Severus as he walked in with a now growling animal of Otiz by his side.
"I prove it!" said Cormac, he knew it wasn't they right way to go about it but he didn't care.
It took over two hours for Cormac to finally break and tell them everything from taunting Harry to pushing him into the wall breaking his ribs to stealing the broom, needless to say he was in detention for a while as well as being expelled for a while and it wasn't even Christmas for Merlin's sake.
In the hospital wing Harry was recovering slowly again but thanks to the Slytherin's quick thinking and Otiz protecting Harry he was going to be fine if not a little sore for a while after wards.
Draco had curled up on the pillow next to Harry to protect him the best he could but as a ferret he couldn't do anymore he was stuck bloody well stuck in this form and he hoped he would change back soon.
Harry's creature was also helping in healing him the Phoenix in his was being helped by the skelo-grow to repair his ribs and to fix his lung, the basilisk was playing at being an antibiotic and was burning any potion given to Harry as they would no longer work for him since he had his inheritance.
Those who are Cormac fans sorry to write about him like this
Sorry it's been so long I've have been ill and few times and my therapy sessions have been hard, also had my COVID booster which has sent me I'll again...
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