Part 53: Souvenir
"Oh my god," Mikasa mumbled.
"What? What's wrong?" Eren asked concerned as she was close to her due date.
"Oh I'm fine. I'm just ready to get this baby out of me," she groaned.
"Oh... hey, it's only five more weeks," Eren smiled.
"Yea but she's giving me awful pains in my back," Mikasa said.
"It's just all apart of it," Eren moved over to her and rubbed her back.
She sighed, "I am never having a kid again."
Eren just chuckled.
He slowly turned his hand rub into a massage. Mikasa desperately needed that right now. She hung her head down and enjoyed it.
Een adjusted himself on her bed, "Are you prepared to show up to school in two weeks?" He asked, still massaging her.
"I'm not going until after I have her. Levi checked with the school already," Mikasa responded.
Eren slowed down his massage to a stop, "Speaking of..." he hesitated, "when are you going to tell your da-... Levi... that we're a thing again?"
Mikasa was silent. She shrugged her shoulders after a few moments, "but I'll figure it out."
"I'm gonna show up at he hospital, and he's not gonna know yet, is he?" Eren drew.
"No," Miksasa chuckled, "I'll tell him, baby," she turned around and kissed his cheek while grabbing a hold of his arm, "I'll tell him."
"How about as soon as he gets home?" Eren closed his eyes and smiled widely.
"Let's wait a bit longer. He's still mad at me for getting my car towed."
Eren laughed, "Oh, yea. Who's the dumbass now?" He poked her forehead.
"Still you," she smiled and got up, "Are you spending the night again?"
"Not risking Levi finding me here so no."
"Awe," Mikasa pouted, "Well, it's almost eleven, so you better head home."
"Alright," he stood up and walked to Mikasa's window. He stopped before opening it, "Kiss?"
"... uh, okay," he started to open the window.
Mikasa laughed, "I'm playing," she walked over to Eren with her arms open wide.
When she got to him, she brought him into a long hug. After she hugged him, she brought her head to his face and kissed his lips.
"Love you," Eren lipped.
"I know," she lipped back.
With that, Eren opened up her window and left. Levi pulled into the driveway only moments after. Mikasa contimplated going downstairs and telling Levi, but she flopped down on her bed and passed out before she could.
3 days later, Mikasa and Levi were headed to Armin's house, so Mikasa could see her only friend. Why was Levi driving her? She was, once gain, grounded from using her own vehicle. She stared off outside of her window. Mikasa was growing tired of listening to the talk radio Levi always had on, so she reached over and turned it off.
"Excuse you?" Levi glared at her.
"I.. I want to talk to you," Mikasa said the first thing that came to mind.
As she searched for something in her head, she realized this would be a good time to come out with something she'd needed to come out with... maybe.
"What do you think of Eren?" she bit her lip.
"What do you think of Eren, Levi?"
"He's a sorry excuse for a father, why?"
"What if he's trying to be a good father and person? Would you let him?"
"Well, I'm not stopping him in the first place. What do you mean?
Mikasa cupped her head in her hand, "Okay... if he shows up at the hospital while I'm having Wendy--"
"I'd probably sock him then we'd go up and watch you deliver her."
"Wait..." Mikasa perked up, "So he can come?"
"I'm not stopping him," Levi tried to control the anger he had for Mikasa right now because he knew exactly why she was asking. I would say he masked it very well.
Mikasa smiled and kind of bounced in her seat, "Okay."
Levi turned back on the talk radio which made Mikasa's smile fade and her eyes roll to the top of her head. Shortly after, they pulled up to a familiar house.
"Don't get raped," Levi said jokingly as he used to.
Mikasa, still not understanding that they were all jokes, rolled her eyes and got out, bringing a backpack along with her, "I'll be back at six tomorrow."
"I know," Levi laughed, "Love you."
"Bye!" Mikasa said loudly as she ran up to Armin's door.
Levi pulled off right as Armin's mom opened up the door.
"Mikasa!" Armin's mom brought her into a hug. After she let go of Mikasa, she asked, "How's she doin'?"
"Good. I only have about a month left wither her so."
"Oh, that's wonderful! Armin keeps talking about how he can't wait to be an uncle!" His mom laughed.
Mikasa chuckled as she saw Armin come around the corner, "Mom! What the heck?"
"Oo, I'm sorry, babydoll, I'm just trying to catch up with Mika!" She said cupping Armin's face.
Armin blushed, "...babydoll?" he snapped out of it and softly pushed his mother's hand away from his face, "You have a lot of stuff to do besides this, so go do that."
"Have fun," Armin's mom laughed then walked off to the kitchen.
When Armin finally turned to Mikasa after watching his mom disappear, he sighed, "I'm sorry."
"I love your, mom. Don't be," Mikasa said mid-laughter.
Armin playfully rolled his eyes and gestured for Mikasa to come in. She followed his instructions and proceeded into his house. When Mikasa got into the guest bedroom -- they called it a guest bedroom, but it was basically Mikasa's in their eyes considering how often she came over -- she sat down on the bed with her bag to the side of her.
"How was Turks and Caicos?" She asked.
"Beautiful," Armin dazed off for a second but snapped back, "I can't imagine what you did without me?" Armin pouted and teased.
"Oh.. yea," Mikasa laughed, "about that."
Armin cocked his head.
Mikasa hesitated, ".. nevermind."
"Hm? Okay then," Armin shrugged, "I actually bought you a souvenir from Mexico."
"Awe, how sweet."
"Shut up," Armin blushed. He grabbed a hold of her hand and tugged at it, "It's in my room. C'mon!"
Mikasa rolled her eyes playfully and let Armin lead her up the stairs. He let go of her hand and stood in front of her. When he moved out of her veiw, Mikasa's jaw dropped.
She was utterly speechless. Was she to be angry? Was she to be happy? Was she to be sad?
I don't know. How would you feel if you were in her shoes as she stood staring at them.
Sasha, Jean, Connie, Marco, and Eren were all standing right there.
Eren smirked and winked. Mikasa stayed silent, still taking it all in. Jean would't look up. Marco smiled like he'd never left any of them. Connie was blushing madly. Sasha looked written all over with thousands of different emotions.
"Oh my god," Mikasa mumbled.
"Long time no see, eh?" Eren spoke.
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