Part 48: Wendy
Five months later
Mikasa sat on the lounge chair outside of her house beside the pool. Her skin turning a beautiful golden under the sun. She sat her smoothie on top of her stomach.
She turned to Armin who lay beside her and stared at him. He looked back at her and smiled. She gave a mischievous smile and lowered her sunglasses.
"You seem awfully happy," he said.
"Well," she moved the drink from her stomach and took a sip from it, "I don't know why."
Armin chuckled, "So, you come up with her name?" He nodded his head towards Mikasa's stomach.
"Wendy," Mikasa sat up.
"Wendy... does Eren approve?"
Mikasa froze at his name, "uh.. I, uh, I don't know."
"When's the last time you two talked?"
"A month ago," she puckered her lips.
"Have you spoke to Sasha or jean or anyone?"
Mikasa shook her head, "you're the only one anymore."
"You don't seem too devastated by it anymore," Armin picked up a noodle that was laying beside him and started to play with the hole at the end.
"I'm not. Quality over quantity," she sighed at stared at the water.
She wasn't depressed any longer. She felt like it was the stupidest reason, so she straightened up herself, barley passing her classes though.
Her feelings for Eren were vanished. His feelings for her were probably never there, but if they were, they were gone too.
"Maybe you should call Sasha. She'd probably like to hear from you," Armin stood up.
"No one wants to hear from me," Mikasa followed him to the edge of the pool.
"Ladies first," Armin gestured towards the pool.
"I know," Mikasa said as she pushed him in.
Mikasa desperately tried to bend down and grab the soap from the bottom of her shower, but her stomach made it an obstacle. She gave up and just decided to wash her body with shampoo.
When Mikasa got out and wrapped her towel around her body, she opened up the door to see Armin waiting patiently on the bed.
"Creep much?" Mikasa asked in a playful manor as she walked to her dresser.
Armin ignoring her said, "You know what I miss?" he looked at his knees.
Mikasa walked over to him with a long sock decorated with Christmas related things and used it as a blindfold for him, "what'da ya miss?"
"How... how we could all three hang out together."
"Eren and I aren't happening again, Armin. Get over it," she rolled her eyes and walked back to her dresser, taking off her towel.
"And when it came down to just us at the lunch ta--"
"Armin we're about to be seniors," Mikasa put on her garments.
"I know, but the past still exists ya know," armin's mind flashed to mikasa's stomach.
"I know," she threw on a shirt.
"And you're always going to be connected to Eren."
"I.. I know, Armin," she slipped on shorts.
"I'm going over to his tonight."
She went over and took the blindfold off of Armin, "Why? I thought you were staying here."
"I haven't seen him at all this week because I've been with you for most of it," he shrugged.
Mikasa rolled her eyes, "Good for you?"
"Well, I need a ride."
"You're asking the wrong person. Levi took my car because I crashed it... again," she laughed at herself.
He did too, "Well, just take his."
"No way in hell he'd let me. Where's yours?"
"My dad wanted to use it. His is broke down because it's like 20 years old."
"I guess I can ask."
"Or Eren can just pick me up from here."
"... Uh no. I'm sure Levi would drive you."
"Last time we had one-on-one time, I told him that I had diarrhea."
Mikasa laughed, "oh yea. That's when he came up here and put plastic wrap on my toilet," she snorted a little.
"Yup," Armin smiled, "I can probably stay for another hour then I'll leave."
"Alright. You want to hop in the shower now?"
"Nah. I just took a bath in a bunch of chlorine. I'll be good."
(An hour later)
Mikasa walked over to Levi's car with his keys.
"I swear, Mikasa, if there is a scratch on this car when you get back."
"Yeah, you lectured me about it in the house already," she rolled her eyes.
"You be safe," Levi said.
"Ya, ya," she started the engine.
"Hanji's coming over for dinner, so make--" he stopped talking because Mikasa had already taken off. He could hear music blaring from where he was.
"Hey, you wanna go to the mall tomorrow?!" Mikasa screamed over the music.
Armin's face plastered with confusion, "Mikasa, you're literally driving me to Eren's!" He yelled back.
"You're literally driving me to Eren's! Why would I hang out with you tomorrow?!"
He slammed on the radio, turning it off, "Why would i hang out with you if I'm going to Eren's to spend the night because I haven't seen him all week because I've been hanging out with you?"
"Cause you're the only person I can go with..." she looked down, but quickly looked back up and put on a smile, "it's fine i can go alone. I'm probably gonna walk around the plaza too."
"Same place you and jean went when he took yo--"
"Yes," she snapped.
After another 10 minutes of driving, Mikasa pulled up to a familiar house.
"Thanks, Mikasa," Armin leaned over to hug her.
"Ya," she hugged back, "love ya."
She looked up at Eren's bedroom window and saw the delayed reaction of Eren shutting the blinds. She smiled. It faded. She stared at the steering wheel then drove away quickly as Armin knocked on the door.
Short chapter sorry. Also, I'm sorry for being inactive YET AGAIN, but my sister went into the hospital, and my parents randomly took my phone because she was and just ya idk.
The story started to get boring, so hopefully this will reinterest (that's not a word) you into the story.
Don't forget to be active. AND COMMENT. OKAY BYYYYE.
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