Part 43: Strange
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
I sat there... getting ready to cry even more.
How did Connie even....
I texted Eren.
please tell me u didn't send tht to Connie
read 9:23 pm
I screamed. I threw my phone across my room. Then my pillow, then my lamp, then my bag and anything else I could find. Levi wasn't home, thankfully.
My room was a mess within 3 minutes. I started to kick around the rubble on the ground and clawed at my hair. I plopped down on the ground and let out tears.
My phone started to blow up with messages from who knows who.
"If Eren hadn't gotten me pregnant," I whispered then screamed again.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck I fucking hate him!" I yelled, I'm pretty sure my neighbors could hear.
My lungs felt as if they were going to burst. My blood coiled with anger, confusion and defeat.
My screams turned into desperate cries. My desperate cries turned into silent whimpers. I got up and wobbled to my bed, avoiding the mess I'd made.
I crawled in my bed and went to sleep.
It was Monday morning.
I woke up depressed as I did yesterday. I didn't have a drive to get up, so I just hit snooze on my alarm.
I slept in past the time school started. Levi had to come wake me up. He yelled at me for being asleep, then he yelled even more because of the mess that was my room.
I slowly got up and inched my way to the shower. I fell asleep in it and was woken by Levi and more screaming.
It took me an hour and a half to get dressed. Levi screamed at me the whole time, but it was easy to drown out.
I went to school in a loose/baggy maroon sweater and black leggings. I didn't bother to put on makeup, only mascara.
Bags fell under my eyes, I noticed them when I looked in the mirror in Levi's car. I hung my head. Levi didn't noticed my calls for attention because he was going to be late for work, and he was rambling on about it. He was distracted by it.
I walked in. No one was in the halls, obviously, class had already started. I headed for my first period. Everyone stared as I walked in, but I'm not sure if it was because the pictures had already gone around that quickly or because of the way I was dressed.
I didn't believe anyone would see them this fast, so I ignored the stares and took a seat. Drama had started going around about Eren already, but because so many people adored or feared him, for what ever fucking reason, he wasn't being confronted about it by anyone. Everyone was just talking behind his back.
I sat with my hand on my chin, staring into space. My teacher called me to attention more than I could count, but I kept zoning out.
She came over to my desk.
"Mikasa, you don't even have your notes out."
I slowly looked up at her, only moving my eyes. I snorted. She was another teacher that Levi had tried to get in a relationship ship with, but, of course, unlike Hanji, she left him as soon as she saw how disrespectful he was towards women.
"Sorry," I sarcastically said. I slowly reached for my backpack and pulled out my notebook.
"You need to wake up," she tapped my desk and walked back up to the front of the classroom.
"Mikasa," Luke whispered.
Luke was one of my many aquatintences. I'd stopped considering people I talked to only a couple times a week as friends because they usually didn't consider it a friendship.
I looked over at him.
"You ok? Wanna use my notes?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I mumbled and turned back to Ms. Ral.
He tapped me. I turned my head.
"I want you to know... I... im not going to judge you okay," he put his hand on my shoulder.
I rolled my eyes and laughed, "So you saw it?"
He nodded his head, "I'm not supposed to tell you, but Eren sent it to a couple of people, and one of them, Connie Springer, sent it to me. I didn't send it to anyone. I actually got really mad at him for it and took up for you," he gave me a sympathetic smile.
I looked back at the teacher and ignored him. It wasn't him I was mad at or being a bitch to, it was Eren. I knew he had sent it out, and I'm pretty sure it was because I wouldn't send him anything the other night, but they were getting around faster than I expected.
I was late to my next class. The class with Eren. When I walked in, Eren avoided eye contact. I looked around for an empty seat. Everyone got to sit where they wanted because we were going to change seats in a couple of days.
Of course, the only spot was by Eren. Actually, there was another one open, but it was behind a girl that was glaring at me.
I took my seat behind the girl, across the room from Eren. About 10 minutes into class, the girl turned around to me.
"Why'd you sit behind me?" She asked.
I glanced at Eren then shrugged my shoulders, "Is there a problem with it?"
"I mean," she looked me up and down.
"Don't be a bitch about it. Who in this fucking school hasn't done the type of shit I did?"
"I wouldn't, but ya know," she turned back around.
I nudged her shoulder, "How'd you see it exactly?"
She turned back around, "Well, my sister tells me all about the drama with the popular kids, and she, somehow, got ahold of your nudes."
I cringed at the word, but stayed serious, "Who's your sister?"
"Leah Maynard," she replied.
"Brooke, please turn around," the teacher said.
"Yes ma'am, sorry," she turned around and kept her head down.
Leah Maynard? How'd she know about the "popular people's drama".
"But... Brooke, I'm not even popular."
Brooke snorted, "Yea, okay, ever since you started to date Eren you were popular."
I laughed, "Sure."
Brooke turned back around, "Where's Jean?"
"Jean. Jean Kirstein, you sit with him at lunch."
"Oh... uh, he's," my body froze as I came to realization, "Your name's brooke... right?"
Jean always complained about a "stan" he had. He'd mentioned her name a couple of times before. This was most likely her.
"Uh..." I wasn't sure if I should tell her the truth or just lie, "He's in the hospital."
She laughed, "Why?"
"He... broke his finger."
"He's been in the hospital for a week with a broken finger?"
"Heh, yeah."
"That's weird," she laughed again, "Will he be back soon?"
"Uh... ill have to ask him."
"Tell him I said hi-- wait no don't mention me at all, and don't tell him we had this conversation."
I sighed in relief as she turned back around. At least she got distracted by the conversation about jean, so she forgot about my nudes for now.
"Listen," she turned back around. I rolled my eyes, I thought she was done talking, "I don't think you're a slut, I mean, he's your boyfriend that you've been dating for forever now right? Its just... I can't see me doing it, and that means I can't see other people doing it, but I know they do. Anyways, it just makes me uncomfortable."
She wasn't making any sense, "Huh?"
"Sorry, I was being a bitch."
"Oh, you're... you're fine."
"Sorry, I'm kind of awkward. I don't have many friends because it's hard for me to make them because I don't know how to start a conversation, so you don't have to worry about it spreading too far with me."
"Th-thanks," I looked down.
She smiled and turned back around. I glanced over to Eren. He was staring me down now, but as soon as he noticed me looking at him, he focused back on the teacher.
I snarled and raised my hand.
"Mikasa?" The teacher went out of her way of teaching to interact with me.
"Bathroom," I said.
"Can you wait until the period is over?"
"You want me to hold it for 45 minutes, you expect me to put everything from this period back into my locker, get everything out of my locker for my next period, go to the bathroom, then go to my classroom in under 4 minutes and not be late?"
"I-Is it an emergency?"
"Oh... okay just make sure you hurry, and if you miss something important then, Brooke, let her copy your notes."
Brooke nodded her head and turned to my desk. She laughed when she saw I hadn't been taking notes in the first place. She looked at me and winked.
I was confused why she winked, but got up and left anyways.
Brooke was a strange person. Very strange.
Hey yeah that was a parallel to my life.. heh heh. Sorry.
Jean represents luke btw... well no not the luke in this story, but luke as in the guy I like.
Anyways I might add myself in my story... maybe not. Be honest cause I only care about your opinions on this book, would it be stupid for me to add myself a bit into the book, and would you mind... basically do you want me to or not. DON'T SAY THAT YOU DON'T CARE BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HELP ME.
Okay and the whole competition thing... I don't know why I did that, and I haven't added the person in the story yet, and I'm probably not going to tbh.
I'm just going to go through all my chapters and delete all the a/n's abt the competition, lol.
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