Part 40: First Rodeo
(Levi P.O.V.)
I'd been planning it for days.
No one could screw it up.
No one.
I got in the car with the person I despise. I glared at him as we took off to pick the others up.
"Don't you think we should've got more people," the person we'd just picked up said, shaking, "I mean we're talking about a cartel."
"Armin, I'm pretty sure I could beat up a cartel by myself," Eren bragged, but me and Armin knew he couldn't, obviously.
"Who's next?" Armin hadn't stopped shaking.
"We're just gonna grab Jean and Connie, they're together in a parking lot," Eren was leaning over the seat, looking into the backseat.
After we did, we drove about an hour away into the middle of no where. I kept getting questions.
"How'd you know where to find it?"
"How are you supposed to find the people that raped her?"
"Where are we going?"
I just ignored them and kept driving. We pulled up to an abandoned warehouse, and instantly, everyone in the car got serious.
We got out. We stared at each other before heading to the door of the ware house. I gripped the bat in my hand.
"I hope you know you could all die," I said while we faced the door of the warehouse.
"If it's for Mikasa, I couldn't give two shits if I died," jean said, ignoring his profanity.
Connie looked around, "I... shit," he mumbled, "Ill do it for her."
Eren turned to Armin and rested his hand on his shoulder, "Armin, you--" but he got cut off.
Armin waved Eren's hand off of his shoulder, "I might be weak, but if they want to fuck with Mikasa, they're fucking with me too," he balled his fists... and pulled out fist spikes.
Everyone looked at eren, waiting for him to confirm he's willing to risk his life for Mikasa.
"No one fucks my girl, but me," he said.
"You fucking douche," jean whispered.
Eren glared at him then pulled out a 48-revolver, the same one he used to rob the convenient store.
"Wait, guys where are you weapons?" Armin said to jean and Connie.
Jean slowly drug a 9mm out of his back pocket. If I were Mikasa, I'd instantly leave Eren after seeing the way he took it out and how cool he looked doing it.
"How'd you get a fucking 9mm?" Connie whispered.
"Black market," he looked back at him, "Where's your weapon?"
Connie ran back to the car and opened up my trunk.
"Dumbass," Eren mumbled.
He pulled out the tiniest axe and gave a dorky smile. Then ran back to us.
"Okay, since you and Eren have guns," I looked at jean, "you two will go in first, and you'll have to work as a team and keep each other safe," they exchanged a look then focused back on me and my words, "Walk in causally,
"They'll ask why you're there, then they'll search your body for weapons. Don't let them do that. Either pull out your guns and just start shooting or distract them. Remember, don't aim for their heads, stomach or chest, just the arms and legs. No thighs either, you have an artery in your thigh and it could cause them to bleed to death,
"Next Connie and Armin will go in, either if you two are screwed and need help, or if you two have shot everyone down. I looked up the cartel and did some research. There aren't that many members, maybe around 23, but that's still a lot and they'll have guns, maybe even machine guns, so be smart and do what ever you can to win the fight,
"If you and Eren," I looked at jean, "shoot everyone down, we'll come in and get someone to snitch on who were the three that attacked Mikasa. You can do what ever you want to them, but don't kill them, if you do they'll send out for your family's and kill, rape, torture, and murder them. No. Killing. You hear me?"
Everyone nodded.
"Levi," Eren smiled at me, "this isn't your first rodeo, is it?"
I shook my head and ran to the side of the warehouse. Eren and Jean opened the door.
(Eren P.O.V.)
Our guns were in our back pockets, covered by our shirts.
As soon as we walked in at least, 5 guns were pointed in our faces.
There was a guy sitting in a fucked up, stained, old couch with holes in it. He was covered by multiple men with machine guns. Guards.
"Stand down!" he yelled.
They backed away from us. Revealing the man sitting on the couch. There were lots of men behind the couch sitting on boxes and shelves. The members of the gang.
Jean almost tripped as we walked towards them, but I grabbed his arm before he could.
"Carlos Juanitia," Jean's knees locked.
"What ch'all want?" He asked.
"We're..." I mumbled... shit why didn't we think of a reason before this?
"We want to join," jean said.
My eyes widened. What the fuck?
"You do? What makes you think you're worthy enough to be apart of the Sinaloa?"
"We're devoted drug dealers and we've been at it forever. We have amazing skills we'd like to share with your cartel. We've chosen you, so be happy. Its not our loss, it's yours," Jean said.
"Search 'em," Carlos said, resting his hand on his chin.
The guards headed towards Jean and me. I put my hand on the pistol in my back pocket.
"So, we're in?" Jean said before they could touch us.
The men stopped.
"I never said that," Carlos sat up.
"So, why are you searching us?" Jean asked.
"Well... 'cause," jean was confusing the man, and distracted him from searching us "Let me interview you two first, sit down," We walked over to his couch, "What exactly made you want to join us?"
"Heard you raped someone," jean leaned back and rested his arms on the back of the couch, "that's some bad ass shit right there."
"Oh ho ho, yea," a man that stood behind the couch said, he wore gloves.
"It was you?" I asked. I was trying so hard to keep myself from shooting this guy right here right now.
"Hell yea," he smiled, "It was kinda great because she was hot and had a really nice body."
I started to reach for my gun. Jean grabbed my hand and glared at me. Telling me to stop.
"Really? That's awesome, why'd you do it?" Jean said.
"Some douchebag missed a meet up time with Carlos and didn't pay him his money so we fucked his girl," he pointed to two other guys in the room.
We got 'em.
"Yea, she was loose as fuck though," the one beside glove guy said.
They all three laughed.
I snorted and mumbled, "definitely," sarcastically and rolled my eyes.
Jean gave me a look then went back to his acting.
"Well, either that or she was a slut and just got fucked, I mean, she looked like one," the other one said.
They all laughed again.
I shifted uncomfortably. My blood boiled and my hate for them just grew, but I waited for the perfect moment to shoot them.
"So? How do we know you're not here to attack us?" Carlos asked jean.
"Have we yet?" He hid his emotions very well.
"I suppose not. You two seem cool, and we do need more people to join, also we need diversity it can't all just be us Hispanics," everyone laughed, and Jean joined in.
"Yea, dude, c'mon," jean slightly punched Carols's arm.
"Alright, you know how initiation works right?" Carlos asked.
Jean nodded his head.
I shook, scared jean was about to let these people beat us up. Then I saw him reaching for his gun. I faced the opposite direction of him and grabbed mine too.
Carlos turned to his guards, "Go check outside, see if anyone's spying on us," Carlos looked back at us, "not that I don't trust you guys, you just gotta be safe, ya know?"
Jean looked over at the door and his eyes went wide. It caused Carlos to look where he was looking. Carlos's quick movement of his head caused everyone to try to find what jean was looking at, even me.
Some guards were about to open the door and reveal Levi, Connie and Armin, but they were all distracted by whatever Jean was looking at.
Ill tell you. I hate him, but he's one of the smartest guys I'll ever meet (other than Armin). I glanced at his gun. It wasn't in his pocket anymore.
I almost took mine out as well, but something told me not to. Jean steadied his gun at his thigh and shot the wall of the warehouse. Everyone's eyes went to the sound of the bullet. Jean shoved the gun back in his pocket and acted shocked.
I smiled then I stopped and tried to act shocked as well.
"Someone's attacking!" jean yelled and ducked behind the couch.
No one followed him, but me. No one did until I pulled out my gun and started shooting into the air. It caused everyone to get in hiding places. No one saw me do it.
I looked around. About 10 guards and 20-ish members of the gang. At least 30 people we had to shoot on our own. All 10 of the guards had guns... machine guns. They were to go first.
Since everyone thought we were being attacked, they didn't question me when I stood up and pulled out my gun.
I pointed at a guard and shot his shins. He screamed. I tried to hit his arms, but Jean pulled me down to him.
Bullets started flying everywhere. Jean's gun was to Carlos's head. Carlos was still. Jean moved the gun down to his shoulder and shot it. He shot his other shoulder and his ankles, so he couldn't walk or move his arms. Carlos screamed, but, due to the noise of all the bullets, you could barley hear him.
"I got a guard's legs," I whispered to him.
"Good job," he said.
After he said that he popped his head from above the couch and aimed his gun.
You know those scenes from the movies where everyone but the main characters get hurt? That's how it was for us and we were the main characters. It was honestly a miracle.
We, some fucking how, successfully shot all the guards shoulders so none of them could shoot. They were the only ones with machine guns so we were good on that.
But gun shots still rang in the warehouse. We were about to move to a different hiding spot when a guy came up beside us and just started to shoot randomly. His eyes were squinted. He was scared.
He only had so many rounds. Soon, he had no more bullets. Jean shot his ankles, and he fell.
Two more guys came up close to us. Ducking down behind boxes. Jean had his guy to shoot, and I had mine.
I shot at my guy, but missed. He did the same. We almost got each other amounts of time, but we never hit each other. We move around too much.
Then he ran out of bullets. I sneered then aimed at his shoulder that was sticking up from the boxes covering and shot. Empty. I'd fired my 6 rounds.
He looked up and smirked. I frantically grabbed the extra bullets out of my back pocket. As I struggled to get out the small box that held them, my fingers became sweaty.
"Shit," I said while it fumbled out of my hands.
It slid across the floor. We both had the same guns, therefore, we needed the same bullets. I stared at him as we both dived for it.
Instead of hitting the bullet box with our hands, we hit each other with our hands. I punched him and knocked the bullets away from us as we fought.
I was sure I wasn't getting shot at because they were too scared they were going to hit their guy. I smiled as he punched my stomach.
I grabbed his head and threw it down on my knee. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down on the ground and got on top of me.
My ribs burned. They were almost healed, but not quite yet. I ignored it and kept trying to fight him. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to my face. I bit his nose as hard and as long as I could.
As he grabbed it and screamed, I threw him off of me. I looked over at Jean.
He was hiding from at least 3 different guys, trying to shoot them all. I told myself he could handle it and kept fighting this dude.
I was now on top of him. He covered his face as I punched it. I grabbed his arms, trying to move them. I hit his chin. He went to cover it up, and as he did, he freed his temple.
I took the side of my fist and smashed it into the side of his head. He grabbed it with his left hand and winced. I hadn't noticed my nosebleed until now, but I decided to ignore it.
Since he grabbed it with his hand, he freed half of his face. I smiled madly and started beating the crap out of that side of his face. He was soon knocked out, but I kept going.
I kept going until his face felt like mush. Blood poured pff of my fist. I smirked and ran to go get the bullets.
Guns were fired at me as I did, but I slid on my side to get them then went behind some metal stairs for cover.
I heard a gun fire from behind me. It was a guy that was hiding behind a door. He had tried to shoot me. I ducked down as he shot again.
I dove into a bunch of boxes that were stacked on each other. As I did, one of his bullets grazed my skin. It burned, but I kept going.
I pointed my gun at him and shot one of his shoulders. He winced, but kept shooting at me. I shot his other shoulder. His arms went down. He started to run towards me, but I shot his knees, and he fell.
I looked at Jean. He wasn't doing too good. I was about to help him, but I saw a couple guys coming my way. I got prepared for a harder challenge, but if jean could do it, so could I.
They both shot at me. I ducked down behind the boxes, but they started to shoot through them. I rolled over behind a metal shelf. I kept shooting and missing.
I started firing blanks. I, again, scrambled to get out more bullets. I patted my hoodie pocket. They weren't there. I looked back at the boxes I was just hiding behind. I'd dropped them.
I sighed and prepared myself for another fist fight. I was going to stay behind the shelf until they ran out of bullets then pop out and attack them. I heard their ricochet stop, so I stood up.
Connie was standing over them. Their shoulders and shins were sliced open. He looked at me and smiled.
"I'm gonna stick with you okay?" He ran over to me, picking up my bullets on the way.
"Where's Armin?" I looked around.
I saw him hiding inside of a box. He was poking a hole through it with his spikes. I wondered what he was doing, but lost my focus when I heard Jean scream.
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