Part 36: News
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
My heart sank.
Tears filled Eren's mom's eyes as she ended the story, "I don't know why I let him go that night," she ran her fingers through her hair.
I grabbed her hand, "Mrs. Jaege-... Carla," she looked up, "Its not your fault Eren did that, its his."
She mumbled something I didn't hear and then spoke up, "and I don't even have to money to bail him out. We just spent almost all of it on my husband's business trip," she sucked in hard, she was a bawling now, "and we still have bills to pay and food to buy."
After spending an hour at eren's house, comforting his mother, i headed home.
I screamed when I got inside, forgetting that Levi was home.
"Mikasa?" He walked towards me at a high speed.
"Oh god," I pressed my index fingers on the sides of my eyes.
"What's wrong?"
I had two choices, at the moment: pour everything out, or keep it all bottled up.
(Eren P.O.V.)
I sat there in a room full of criminals... including me. Guards came and went, of course, separated by bars. Metal bars that symboled how easily you can get your freedom taken away.
I asked myself over and over, "when's mom coming to bail me?"
If she didn't soon, I'd have to go to court and get my sentence. I sighed. No one usually stays here over night. I wanted to scream again, but kept quiet.
"Eren Jaeger," a guard's voice appeared through the bars, "Your bail."
I looked up. What took her so lon-..
I stood there staring at the person standing behind the guard. They were looking away with their arms crossed.
"What?" I mumbled to myself.
But Levi freaking hates me.
The gaurd opened the cage that held me, but I still stayed sitting and staring at him.
He turned around and started to walk out of the building. I followed him out to his car. The drive was silent and awkward.
He missed the turn to my house.
"Uh... that was my--"
"I know," he interrupted me. He had a ting of annoyance in his voice.
We sat in silence for about another 5 minutes before he said, "Why the hell would you do that?" he glared at me.
I looked down.
"Eren," his voice stayed stone cold.
"Do what?" I mumbled.
"Do what? Do what?" He started to stop the car, but kept going.
"Where are we going?" I asked throwing my hand towards the windshield.
"You'll see," he said aggressively flipping the ac on.
"No," i snapped. He didn't flinch or move, "Where are we going?"
He didn't answer.
It was silent again. We drove for what seemed like hours. I had no idea where we were when we stopped.
"Eren," he said trying to stay calm.
"Okay if this is about what I did, you're not my fuc-... my parent, and you don--"
"I am your child's grandparent," he said, still trying to stay calm.
I made a weird grunting noise, then turned my head to the side and looked down in a fast motion, balling up my fist.
"Listen, it was stupid, okay? I feel like shi- crap for doing it," I almost yelled at him.
"Yea? So, Why'd you do it?" He was calm now that he'd gotten something out of me. He had his index finger curled with the knuckle of it on his lip.
"Where are you going with this?" I glared at him.
He shrugged and stuck out his bottom lip while tilting his head, "You obviously needed money."
I placed my face in my hands, "shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up," I continued to mumble.
"What do you need money for? Possibly drugs? Could it be drugs? Was it for drugs?"
"No," i mumbled.
"Oh," he smiled, "then it must've been for your precious newborn child, ya know, so you can pay for it."
"What the hell?" I picked my hands up off of my face.
"You know," he looked at his steering wheel, "I was kind of mixed up in drugs when I was your age."
I looked at him. I could tell he was wanting to say more, but he didn't. He had a look of regret on his face as he started up the car.
We drove back in silence again, and when he dropped me off, he didn't hesitate to leave as soon as I got out.
I knocked on my door. It opened.
"Eren," a whimper came from the doorway.
My mom fell in my arms, not asking any questions.
After she cried in my arms for about 20 minutes, I went upstairs to my room. She followed me, asking me questions, but I ignored her. I would answer them later.
When I got in, I locked my door. My mom knocked on it softly then realized I wasn't going to cooperate and went back downstairs.
I sat on my bed. Sweat dropped from my forehead and from my temples (I'm not sure why). I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair and sighed.
How was I supposed to get the money? I missed the damn meet up time because my stupid ass got stuck in jail, which will go on my record.
I didn't even have the money to pay him $185... how was I supposed to pay him even more? I rested my elbows on my knees and looked up.
My stomach hurt worse now. I needed something. I texted bertholdt again. Apparently no one knew about what happened, or at least Bertholdt didn't, thank god.
I asked him for some weed, or anything that could get me high, and he said he'd only let me have 3 grams of weed and to meet him in the bathroom in the morning at school.
I went to check my other messages I'd gotten. Of course, one was from Bertholdt's dealer.
where r u
u know u have to pay more if you miss this
you're gonna fucking regret this
I sighed and mumbled, "He ain't gonna do shit."
I got up, throwing my phone down on my bed, and went to my bathroom. I stared myself down in the mirror, resin my arms on the sink.
I pushed off of the sink and sighed, taking off my shirt. Walking over to my shower, I started unzipping my pants and pulling them off my body, along with my boxers.
As I flipped on the shower, my phone rang. It was a text from Armin.
Eren... What did you do?
You're on the news.
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