Part 32: The Chances
(Mikasa P.O.V)
I stood there staring at Levi and Hanji. What the hell were they doing? He was on top of her, kissing her neck. What the hell was he thinking.
"God... god damnit," Levi said getting off of her and sitting on the couch with his face in his hands.
Hanji just laid there looking at me, a blush appearing across her face.
"I guess it's time to leave," Hanji got off the couch, but Levi stopped her by grabbing her hand as she walked away.
It was silent. Me staring at Levi. Levi staring at the ground and holding Hanjis hand. Hanji standing there looking straight ahead.
"I-I'll just go to the store myself," I said looking down, "Can I use your car?" I asked, but he just kept staring at the ground, "Levi..?"
"Huh?" He looked up, "oh.. yea g...go ahead."
As I left thoughts raced through my mind.
(Levi P.O.V.)
I let go of Hanji.
"What just happened?" I asked.
She didn't answer.
We sat there forever. In total silence. It felt like hours. Hours. Hours. More and more hours. So many hours that the silence became a sound. The silence became a sound so loud it wasn't silence anymore. It was screaming. It was telling me to say something. Break. Me.
"You should go home," I said getting up and wiping my hands on my pants.
"What?" She looked at me.
"Oh not only are you blind, but you're deaf too? Get out," I said and mumbled after, "should've gotten out when I first told you to."
"But we just..." she came closer to me.
"Get out, Hanji. For fucks sake," I clenched my fist.
"Levi," she pleaded.
"Leave!" I screamed.
She teared up and shot out the door, slamming it behind her.
I sat down and cupped my hands in my face. What did I just do? I sue her, yell at her, then try to get in her pants? How the hell do I get by in this world with being such a jerk?
Time Skip- the next day 11:00 am
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
I head down the stairs for lunch, meeting up with Jean in the process.
"Hey so, there's this new movie out, um what's it called, The Mummy, I think, anyways, I was wondering maybe... if you'd want to go see it?" Jean said to me as soon as I saw him.
I laughed a bit, "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"Uh, uh no of course not," he blushed, "it would be just as friends, of course."
"Well then, of course I would haha," i smiled at him and his blush grew bigger.
We walked over to our table. Connie no longer sat with us, instead he sat with annie, and since Connie is one of Eren's bestfriend, he eats lunch with him on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. Tuesday's and Thursday's are for our table.
Our table including, Me, Armin (basically eren's and my brother), Jean (eren secretly really hates him), Sasha (my best friend), Marco (he never talks), and that's all.
Today was Friday. I looked over at Annie's table.
She sat there staring at eren while eren rambled on and on about his call of duty black ops 3 shit.
Jealousy rose in my body. Who the fuck does she think she is?
"Hey Mikasa I forgot to mention! The movie, its tomorrow," jean said, breaking my train of thought.
"Oh, okay that's... okay." I gave a half smile.
"Wh-what movie?" Armin asked.
Jean snapped to attention, "Mikasa and I are going to see The Mummy tomorrow."
"Would eren be okay with it?" Armin looked at me, but was speaking to jean.
I rolled my eyes as Jean replied, "No no its okay, we're going as friends."
"Hey, since when does eren sit with that douche bag, that douche bag and that bitch?" Sasha said staring at her food... not eating?!
"Douche bag and douche bag? Who are they haha," i asked her.
"Connie and Bertholdt," she rolled her eyes.
"I honestly have no clue," I took a drink of my soda.
Time Skip - end of school - mikasa's at home
As I walked in I noticed Levi wasn't here. Odd. I looked around in his room and found nothing that could hint at where he went.
I decided it really wasn't a big deal and went upstairs to do my homework... or watch Netflix... probably Netflix.
After finishing up the second season of Orange is the new black I went to bed .
I woke up to the sound of a door shutting. I looked at my phone it was 2:03 am. Was that Levi?
I got up and hurried out of the door. Sure enough Levi comes in wobbling and laughing.
Time Skip - the next day 3:00 pm
As I started to get dressed for the movie, which started at 8:00 pm, but Jean wanted to go walk around town before it started so.
For some reason, I started picturing jean as eren, and soon I was thinking I was going to the movies with eren. That I was going on a date with Eren.
I believed it. I actually believed it, and when I saw jean, my heart sank, and I came back to reality, but I ignored it and went on, acting normal.
Jean and I went to the Cheesecake Factory (so much for popcorn), the outlet mall and walked around the town centre.
We went inside a lot of stores. The thing was, I didn't think about bringing cash, but Jean was sure was prepared because he payed for anything I eyed without even asking me.
So by the time the movie started, I had almost 10 bags from different stores in my hands, which we couldn't take into the movie theatre so we hid them behind the theatre in a very good spot, until the end of the movie.
I sat down in my chair and crossed my legs, I looked over at Jean, smiled and said, "Thank you... I needed a night out with a friend."
Good choice of words there Mikasa. Because if you hadn't had said that he'd probably try to kiss you. I could see it in his eyes, and as soon as I said friend it was gone.
As the movie started I noticed the people above us being really loud and annoying, and it was making me mad.
I saw Jean turn around at one point, but he didn't say anything. I thought he was, but he just stared and slowly turned back around.
(Eren P.OV.)
I sat there staring in anger at her. At him. What the hell was she doing?!
Connie and Berholdt wouldn't stop fooling around beside me. It caused Jean to look up at us, but I just stared at him, with so much anger building up in my body.
I was slouched down, legs open, one of my arms laid on one arm of the chair, my elbow on the other and my finger was slightly in my mouth, and I just stared at him. I figured it scared him because he turned back around shocked.
I looked over at Connie and Bertholdt and told them to shut the hell up. Then I felt a hand on my arm,
"You okay, eren?" Annie asked me.
"I'm fine," I rolled my eyes.
What are the chances we see the same movie, at the same time, on the same night, and we sit right in behind them.
God must want me to flip the fuck out.
A/N - probably want to read but your choice
Again Thank you so much for the people who stayed and had patients* (lol), but what happened to my comments?
40 people have already read my last chapter, and there are still no comments. Like thank you for the votes and views BUT ACTIVE READERS ARE WHAT I MOSTLY CARE ABOUT! I really want to know what type of people read my story and I wanna know how to improve it for yall and stuff so please comment... if you want to.
Read my stories at night. If there is any feels in the chapter, you will be able to feel them better at night. I have no idea why, but just try it.
If you haven't noticed I say y'all a whole lot, lol, um so yea sorry if it bothers you, and if you're wondering, yes, I am from the south (to be more specific Texas). So sorry if you don't like it, but its just what I say so sorry, again, lol.
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