Part 31: Complete Desire
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
I sat down on Eren's bed, waiting for him to come in. He'd invited me over and of course I'd accepted his offer.
As I tried to to get comfortable, for Eren's bed was rock solid, my hand came across something, it felt like a plastic bag.
I lifted his covers, and my eyes dilated. He walked in about two seconds later. I quickly pulled the covers back over the baggie.
He didn't notice I had just found it. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hey babe." He came over to hug me.
He smelt weird, he smelt like what was in the baggie.
"Hey," I relentlessly hugged him back, cringing.
"Uh, so..." He talked, he talked for a long time, but all I heard was fuzz.
"Eren..." I said stopping him mid-sentence.
"Yeah?" He said. I pulled back the covers, "H-How did you... find--"
"You should really hide your pot better." I said then walked out of his room and out of his house.
I mean really... should I be mad? Should I be surprised? How long has it even going on? Is he addicted yet?
Much questions floated through my head as I headed home. My finger tips burning along with my wrists.
One question lead to another, slowly changing the subject. The subject of the conversation I was having with myself, and before you know it, I'm thinking of my pregnancy.
How much the labor will hurt, how much money this baby will cost, how much hate it will get for having such young parents, if I should've got that abortion. If i should've gotten that damn abortion.
When I got home I ignored Levi as he told me dinner was ready and asked where was I, and headed up stairs, locked my door, and sat on my bed my hands in my face.
Soon enough, there a twist of a door knob and a knock at my door,
"Mikasa, open the door," Levi's voice was tainted with anger.
"I'm getting in the shower," I laughed at my lie... I used to use that excuse to lock my door all the time when I was a little girl.
"Oh, okay. Dinner is ready," after Levi's voice passed through my door, and I had time to process what he said... I was shocked.
Levi sounded sympathetic, a freaking rarity. He sounded... sorry almost. A smile slowly spread across my face, and for the first time i actually saw him as my father.
Time Skip- 1 week later
Reiner was going to be registered as a rapist or sex offender, but the case was declined. He did go to jail for 6 months for potential rape and abuse of a pregnant woman.
The thing is, Reiner was told that in court, told that i was pregnant. So... Reiner now knows I am pregnant, which just disgusts me, but thank god he's in jail where he can't tell anyone from school about my pregnancy.
I have noticed my stomach beginning to grow, but you'd have to know me like the back of your hand to notice yourself.
I've stopped wearing super tight shirts and moved into average, not quite loose but not tight either, t-shirts.
I've noticed a difference in eren too. I'm afraid he might not only be doing pot (he might be doing different drugs... more dangerous ones) because his skin has become more yellow and bags are appearing under his eyes although he says he gets, on average, 10 hours of sleep every night. He also always come to school high, with blood shot eyes. Its only been a week. Its scaring me. Bad.
Levi's started buying bottles and baby food. I guess he's realized he's going to become a grandfather whether he likes it or not.
Sasha and Connie broke up because Sasha kept avoiding Connie, and now Sasha is an even bigger mess than before.
Jean and I talk more than Eren and I do now.
Hanji and Levi never made up, in fact, they actually hate each other at this moment. Ha, so much for a happy relationship for Levi.
And I'm living in constant fear. Every time someone says my name or taps my shoulder Im scared they'll tell me they know about my pregnancy.
For fucks sake its only been a god damn week. I mean, I feel like every corner I turn, my life has more drama, more problems, more enemies.
I sit in my desk waiting for the bell to ring so i could get out of this class. This class I hated so god damn much.
Mr. Smith came up to my desk, "Mikasa, do you need to go to the nurse?"
For once, he actually had a kind look in his eyes and concern in his voice.
"Uh, no sir. Im fine," I glanced at my thighs, which were shaking uncontrollably.
"Oh, uh," He fake coughed, "Alright then, uh, get back to work there's still 7 minutes of class left," and just like that his eyes turned to stone again and his voice into a metallic croak.
I smiled... highlight of my shitty week.
(Hanji P.OV.)
I rubbed my finger on my kitchen table. I got up and threw out my untouched plate of steak and baked potatoes. What a waste of cooking a perfectly good dinner.
I wasn't sure about doing what i was planning to do. I've been thinking about it for the past three days, but i can't seem to come to a conclusion.
I've taken days off work just to think of the possible outcomes of what I'm going to do.
I've decided.
I picked up my keys and left my house. My car still had the smell of mikasa's perfume in it. My nostrils burned, and my stomach filled with guilt. Why'd I do that to Levi. He just wanted a normal daughter. A normal life.
I started my car and drove 6 miles away. I drove into a neighborhood and pulled up beside a house. I got out of my car and walked up to the door, knocking on it.
(Levi P.O.V.)
My head snapped to attention when I heard a knock at the door. I put down my book and took off my reading glasses.
Opening the door almost made me want to break it. My blood boiled.
"What fucking nerve do you have to show up at my door?" I asked failing to hide my anger.
"I wanted to talk," Hanji said as she pushed her hair behind her ear.
"I'm busy," I said shutting the door.
Right before I shut it, I heard a thud. I looked down, and it was her foot between the door and the wall.
"Busy doing what? Dusting off the top of all of your fans in your house? Listen short shit, I came here to talk to you cause I felt guilty as hell. Don't act like a fucking," she pushed through the door and into my house, "dick, and let me get this weight off my damn shoulders," she walked past me, bumping my shoulder as she did it, and sat promptly down on my couch, crossing her legs, leaning back, and twirling her hair, "What? Are you waiting for world peace?"
I stopped standing in place and staring out the door, and walked over to Hanji, sitting on the chair in front of her.
She took a deep breathe in and said, "I'm sorry."
"That's all?" I asked.
"Levi, I'm so sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have taken control of your future. I want you to have a good life and... I don't know," she choked a bit and teared up, "god I'm so sorry."
I looked at her. I was a bit... concerned.
"I don't forgive you, but thanks for apologizing," I said and rested my hand on my chin.
She looked up at me. She had tears down her cheeks, she was silently crying, but there was something weird about her expression . I could see the faintest look of anger in her eyes, as well as sadness.
She stood up, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"Excuse you?" I laughed, staying seated in my chair.
" 'I don't forgive you but thanks for saying sorry' what the hell kind of person are you? How the hell did you even get custody over mikasa? How the hell do you have friends? How do you get by in the world with being such a god damn jerk?!"
"Maybe I'm being a jerk because you took mikasa away from me illegally!" I stood up myself.
"I took her away because it's not your god damn decision to take away that baby!" Her nostrils flared.
"Excuse you, but that is my child and I can do what ever I want with her until she learns to be an adult. Children are way to young to make decisions on they're god damn own!" My voice rose.
"She's 17 for fucks sake!" Her voice rose with mine.
"She's pregnant and confused!" I raised my hand.
"Okay and a guy, which totally goes through pregnancy, is supposed to help her through that?"
"Hanji, shut the fuck up you've never even been pregnant! And you wanna know why? Because no one wants to fuck a woman who acts like this! You're fucking crazy, you're insane, and you're a bitch!"
"Hey good point. Do you wanna know why your only child isn't even yours?! Because no girl wants to be with you. You wanna know why? Because you act like this! You're a dick and don't know when to hold back when you get pissed!"
I walked right up to her face and lowered my voice, "Get the fuck out of my god damn house right now."
She just stared at me, and I stared back. We stood there for about six seconds just looking at each other, our faces inches away.
She, im guessing, lost her balance, just a tiny bit and leaned forward a bit, her forehead grazing my skin. She looked down.
I grabbed her and threw her on the couch. I stared at her in silence for three seconds and then instantly got on top of her.
I grabbed her face and didn't hesitate on kissing her. Our tongues instantly latched onto each other.
I laid her down without our lips separating. I ran my fingers trough her hair, and I started making the kiss more rough, shoving my tongue down her throat every now and then, biting her lip, letting her suck my tongue.
After 5 straight minutes of making out, I separated from her and stared at her once again.
Her breath grazed my neck. It made my hairs on my neck stand up and my bones in my body shake, filling me with complete desire.
I slowly put my lips on her neck and kissed her softly. I gave her multiple gentle, soft kisses before slowly turned it into sucking it.
When I first licked her neck, Hanji's head tilted back and she closed her eyes.
"Levi, are we ... " she looked at me.
I just smiled and staring giving her hickeys on her neck. I ran my hands up her shirt trying to find her bra clip when suddenly...
"Hey Levi can you go to the store i nee--"
Hanji and I looked up to see mikasa standing there with her mouth wide open staring at them.
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