Part 30: Baby Fat
(Eren P.O.V.)
I woke up in my bed. Sweat was running down my back although it was January and 32 F• (pretend that's a degrees sign). I got up realizing I woke up late for school.
I ran over to my shower and flipped switch. I instantly got in without waiting for the water to get warm, and the water never got warm. I quickly put shampoo in my hair and washed it out.
I didn't bother doing conditioner,but I looked down at the conditioner anyways, and that's when I saw I still had my socks on.
Time Skip
I was sitting in my car not wanting to get out. Although my body wanted to go run up to Mikasa and hold her, I didn't want to get out and go in the school.
I wanted to be late, but that would only attract more attention. I opened my door.
The first person I saw I didn't even know, but they stared at me with their jaw open. I glanced over at them then focused back on the school doors.
I walked in and hurried to the bathroom to avoid anyone I could. Barley anyone was in the school...
"Eren?" I heard a voice behind me before I could go into the bathroom.
I turned around.
"Jean... Uh hey."
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I stood there confused, I was pretty sure Jean hated me.
"I-I'm fine." I scratched my head, and walked off.
Instead of going into the bathroom I started walking in the school hallways... I looked down at my phone... ten minutes until the bell rings for first period.
My schedule went:
1st period- Athletics/Basketball
2nd period- Scienece
3rd period- ELA
4th period- Algebra
5th period- History
6th period- Home Ec
7th period- Theatre arts
Three classes I had with Mikasa, Science, History, and Theatre Arts.
I trudged on into the locker room getting dressed before the bell rang. 6 more minutes until the bell. I put on my uniform and shoes. 2 more minutes.
I ran out to the gym as everyone piled in the locker room staring at me. I looked at my athletic watch (I'm sure you know what those are, but they're just watches you can wear while working out and I think swimming) 44 minutes until I see Mikasa.
Time skip
Second period. I walked in... I was the second one in the classroom. I sat down in the back corner. My teacher wasn't in the classroom so she didn't see me walk in.
No one had the seat in the back corner so no one would sit there and I'd barley be noticed, but the other person in the room stared at me. I could tell they wanted to ask something, but they didn't say anything.
While more people piled into the room, the more eyes that stared at me. It was only two minutes before the tardy bell when Mikasa walked in.
She had on a plain red tight t-shirt that had a v-neck and some light jeans. She also wore her Kendra Scott that I once bought her for her birthday. She looked gorgeous.
When she came in, her eyes were darting around the room, and when they caught my eyes she smiled and took her seat. I blocked out everyone in this moment and thought,
"That's my baby."
My face straitened out... babies*.
When my teacher walked in she saw me... Of course she saw me. She smiled and yelled, you're back, and put in my assigned seat. So much for barley being noticed.
Time Skip
I walked Mikasa to her next class and held her hand the whole way. I looked down... It's only been three weeks since she got pregnant. I could see the tiniest bump forming on her stomach.
She was still skinny and I'm sure i'll be the only one to notice, but my stomach dropped at the sight of it. As much as I loved her in that outfit...
"You can't wear tight clothes anymore." I whispered in her ear.
She squeeze my hand as her faced turned pale. She looked downer her stomach, let go of my hand, and then off into her class she went.
I was already gonna be late to class so I didn't hurry in the hallways. As the hallways cleared out and the tardy bell rang, I heard footsteps behind me.
I stopped, but I didn't turn around. I knew who it was, and I didn't want to see or talk to her. She stopped behind waiting for me to turn to her. I turned around.
"What do you want." I asked.
"What the hell is up wit Mikasa she's being so fucking weird, and it's scaring me. She's eating more than me and--" I couldn't hear the rest cause she started sobbing.
"Sasha, calm down w-why are you crying." I asked.
"I-I don't know I just... I'm failing my classes, Mikasa is hiding something, I'm doing terrible things..." She choked on her self and took in tree fast heavy breaths.
I didn't know what to do. I was barely even her friend. I told her that I had to go and that she should go home or go talk to Mikasa then I left.
Time skip ( lunch)
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
Hanji wasn't here today. Eren was. Sasha went home. Eren was either not at lunch or just late to it. Armin didn't come to school because yesterday his eye was swelling up pretty bad and it was worse today. Who knows where Marco went? There's just me and Jean at our table. Connie is sitting with Annie and Bertholdt again.
This day was going by too slow.
I looked down at my stomach, I saw Jean jerk his head to it as soon as I did.
"Mikasa? Are you... gaining weight." He laughed.
"Yea, baby fat." I smiled.
"Shouldn't you have already lost your baby fat?" He looked confused.
(Again you probably already know but baby fat is fat you have from when you were a baby and it falls off when you hit puberty)
"Um... yea yea, but..." I don't know why but I wanted to tell him so bad that I was pregnant.
"Mikasa you've been acting real weird lately." He said.
"I'm... P- Pr... pretty sure I'm okay?" I almost told him... why would I even come that close. I layed my head on the table, and when I turned to the side I saw Eren standing beside me, smiling.
"You wanna know what's wrong Kirstein? She and I finally lost it." He laughed.
"What?" Jean asked starting to realize what he meant.
My eyes widened. Jean stood up and walked away. I would've laughed if it were at a different time, but I just stared at Eren and kissed his cheek.
"You're late." I fake smiled.
Please read vvvv
I'm sorry once again, thank you for waiting <3 Sorry this chapter is like terrible I rushed it and I didn't have time to come up with a good idea. Don't forget to comment! And tell me I any part of this that didn't make sense to you cause I'll be perfectly happy to explain it. Sorry for the crappy ending and thank you again I'm so thankful for you patient creatures. I already said it but I'm sayin it again don't forget to comment, BYE!
Oh and if there are any mistakes in the story, sorry I proofread it really fast!
Btw my crush looks like Jean. Sorry bye.
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