Part 11: She Knows
(Eren P.O.V.)
After lunch I walked outside of the building to think. Then Annie walked out,
"You okay?" She asked.
"No." I laid my chin on my knees.
"What's wrong? Is it that bitch of a girlfriend you have?"
"No." Actually I'm the bitch but, "I just-"
"Want me to cheer you up?"
"Huh? What the fu-" She sat on top of me.
"I can make you forget all about it." She whispered in my ear.
"Get off me." As I was trying to push her off me, I accidentally grabbed her boob. She gave off a small moan, blushed, and gave me a seductive smile. She took her fingers and ran them down my side and down to my belt buckle, "Get the fuck off me!" I shoved her, but it was almost like she was glued to me.
"No, your mine now. I'll be the special one! I'll be the one you lose your virgin-" she then got interrupted.
"Little bitch!" Mikasa punched Annie right in the face, then came up to me and kicked me in the balls, she started to cry, "Asshole!"
"Mikasa! Wait!" I tried to grab her arm.
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
He grabbed my arm, I tried to pull away but he held on. He had the same type of strength that he had when he was drunk. I couldn't get away.
"Mikasa, listen I can explain."
"Why does every guy say that, let go of me now." I tried to get out of his grip again but I was stuck.
"Listen she just came up on me-"
"Why? Why were you ignoring me?"
"What?" His face flushed.
"Why were you ignoring me Eren." I asked him again.
"I-I wasn't? Are you gonna let me explain the Ann-" I interrupted him.
"I saw what happened with Annie okay, I need to know why you were ignoring me?" I said in a calm voice. Eren loosened his grip but he didn't let go.
"I-I... I don't-I... You're possibly pregnant... a-and I just don't know how to deal with that. I don't know how to treat you."
"Let go of me." I yanked away.
"Mikasa, wait... I'm sorry."
"No don't even-" I started, but he interrupted me.
"I love you. I'm sorry." He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I rejected it at first and then fell into it.
"Awe!" I heard a squeaky voice shout from the entrance. Sasha. "YALL ARE SO GOALS!" Connie rolled his eyes, "I got a picture!" She started jumping up and down, "Oh and we have 2 minutes to get to 4th period by the way."
Me and Eren both started sprinting towards our lockers and class.
"Bye." Eren waved.
I took that the wrong way and broke down crying in the hall. I was late, after like 5 seconds after I was late I realized he meant for now not forever... im too emotional.
"Hi Miss Ackerman." Mr.Smith said as I walked in class, "You're late."
"No shit." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"I didn't say anything." I glared at him, I hated Mr.Smith he was such an ass.
"Would you mind telling the class what you said?"
"I didn't say anything I literally just told you that."
"Really? Well then why don't you tell the class what happened yesterday and tell them why you left class?"
"It's none of their business."
"It's mine." He put his hand on my desk.
"No it's not, and... It's personal." Then that jackass of 11th grade, Reiner, says out loud to everyone,
"She's probably on her period." Everyone in the room giggled, I flipped him off under my chair so the teacher wouldn't see.
"Miss Ackerman, Tell me now or I will put you in ISS, this isn't a-" he got interrupted by someone in his doorway,
"Now how are you gonna get on to her about something personal that she really doesn't have to share, and not even say a word to Reiner for making fun of her?" Ms. Zoè.
"Hanji?" I looked at her with a 'thanks-so-much-I-was-about-to-die' look.
"Your dad wants me to take you home." She had a paper slip in her hand.
"He's not my dad, never mind, why?"
"I'll explain it to you in the hall." She grabbed my hand and shoved the slip of paper into Mr.Smith's chest.
"Girls. So complicated." Mr.Smith said as he took the note and signed it without reading it.
"What's going on?" I asked Hanji as she pulled on my arm.
"I'm sorry, I lied."
"What?" I tried to stop but she kept pulling me.
"Your dad didn't want you... I did."
"Honey, I need to talk to you."
"What the he- ... what do you mean?" I tried to pull away and succeed.
"You're... I- ... Okay Mikasa listen, I'm a science teacher and I know a lot about humans and the human body blah blah blah..." Oh no... She can't possibly know..., "Mikasa you might be pregnant, but it's okay cause I'm here. We just need to talk about this." She gave me a pitty smile.
"Where are we gonna go?" Tears formed in my eyes.
"Somewhere quiet and alone." She perked up and hugged me, "Don't cry it's okay."
I wasn't sure why I was crying, maybe the fact that I might be pregnant and Levi's girlfriend knows about- wait...
Oh no.
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