"It's fine, catch her"
Xiu Ying charged at the meditating demon, Zhang Jing frowned, there are two demons, where is the other one, she gasped.
"It's a trap!"
Zhang Jing watched as Xiu Ying slashed the demon with her sword, blue smoke filled the air making them cough and hurl.
"Xiu Ying?" She called out, but heard nothing.
Xiu Ying opened her eyes and found herself in front of a house, it was old looking and very abandoned, she frowned.
"Hello? Zhang Jing.?"
She heard no response, she looked around and saw Ting Ting.
"Why did you bring me here?" She asks. Ting Ting smiled revealing her black teeth, her hoarse laugh making Xiu Ying shiver in discomfort.
"I brought you here to see how they treated us" she said.
She was confused, why would a demon do this? Could it be they wanted to trick her? She has to find a way out.
"Show me then"
The ground felt like it was moving, Xiu Ying screamed when she saw the house approaching her at a fast pace, she then found herself inside the house, there sat two girls in a corner, their hair were a normal shade of brown, Xiu Ying turned to face Ting Ting.
"Is that you and your sister?" She asks, the demon nodded, her eyes were glistening with tears.
"We were orphans, this house was the last thing our parents left us, the emperor of WangShi jaizu at that time had sent his soldiers to kick us out as he wanted the land to build the famous statue that is carved in his resemblance."
She nodded, so these twins hated cultivators not because they were banished from the heavens but because the emperor took their last memory of their parents. She sighed.
"How did you die?"
Ting Ting looked into the distance as she recalled what happened that fateful night.
Jing Jing placed the wooden bowl on the table, the bowl was filled with the last bit of food they had in the house.
"Eat up Ting Ting, we will go buy some food tomorrow"
Her shaky hand picked up the small apple in the bowl and she took a bite, the apple was sour and very dry, it was on the verge of rotting, she turned to her sister who smiled apologetically.
"I know it tastes bad but you have to eat you can't sleep in hunger"
She nodded and ate, then there was a commotion outside, Jing Jing got to her feet and peeked through the small hole on the door.
There outside was the emperor's son, Wang Jung and he had brought a few soldiers with him.
"You brats come out now!" He yelled making the small girls flinch in fear.
"W-What should we do?" Ting Ting asked softly. Her sister turned to face her.
"Use the secret escape way, I will stay here to stall them"
She nodded and quickly crawled away, the passage led her to a chicken coup that was at the back of the house, she ran into the woods and waited for her sister.
The ground shook beneath her feet making her tumble, she gasped when she saw flames eat up their home with her sister inside.
"Jing Jing!" She called out running back to the flaming house.
The smoke and ash burned her lungs as she looked around for her sister and she saw her, she laid on the floor unconscious.
"Jing Jing wake up" she said shaking her limp body. She cannot believe what just happened, their parents died for the emperor and now he wants their house? And for what? a statue?
She felt angry, betrayed, her small hands clenched her sister's robe sleeve so hard her knuckles turned white, she wanted them to pay, she wanted revenge!
The ground shook again, this time the flame dimmed down with a dark orange colour, her tears started to float in the air and so did her hair, a hot sensation started to build up in her lower abdomen, the pain was intense, she wailed loudly making the trees rattle with the excessive wind that blew.
The once orange flames turned blue and the colour seeped into her unconscious sister's hair, dark long horns started to form on her head as well making her gasp.
"Jing Jing, wake up"
Her eyes opened revealing her bright orange eyes, she sat up and raised her hand, the flames dimmed down revealing the dust left by the emperor's son who had left once the house was set ablaze.
Ting Ting smiled, her sister was better again, she held her hands only to the pushed away.
"Ting Ting, what have you done to me?" Her sister asked.
"I....I don't know"
"You made me a monster Ting Ting, I hate you!"
S-She hates her? But why? She saved her life! Why turn against her?
She ran away, her feet took her to a lake, the thick forest made it seem like the lake had no owner so she wasn't worried about being spotted.
Her feet dipped into the lake and she sighed, her sister now hates her, why? She doesn't know. Could it be that Ting Ting feels they can't be sisters again now that they don't look the same?
"I will change like you sister, then we will be together again" she said and jumped into the lake.
Her vision was dark for a long time until she felt a warm cloth press on her forehead, she opened her eyes and saw her sister, she smiled.
"Jing Jing"
Her sister didn't respond to her, the only emotion showing was hatred and revenge.
"Those people made you like this right?" She asked, Ting Ting was confused, made her like what? She raised a hand and saw her black sharp claws, she gasped in horror, a white veil then blocked her view making her frown, this wasn't a veil, this was her hair!
She sniffled, why was this happening and how?
"They made you like this so we have to revenge, we will kill them all"
She didn't want to tell her that she had part in this so she just agreed, the two twins then set off to kill the emperor and died after the soldiers caught them.
They went to heaven and Jing Jing demanded that they should be turned back to normal but they were denied that, as punishment for trying to cause a riot in the heavens, they were sent to the dark abyss rather than hell.
The two spent several hundred years in there waiting for someone to summon them and that day happened when someone did, an old man carrying the same hate as them.
Xiu Ying gasped, these two were just victims, she turned to the demon.
"You were the one who put out the fires right?" she asked. The demon nodded, a tear dropped down her cheek and landed with a loud sizzle on the ground.
"You have to tell your sister the truth or else, innocent people might get hurt"
Ting Ting nodded, it was time now.
"I will" she said. Xiu Ying almost smiled if it weren't for the point she had almost forgot to mention.
"The old man who summoned you, who was he?"
"Zhang lei Wang"
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
Zhang Wei and Zhang Shao Wen walked around the dark city in efforts to find the two demons.
"What if the other group already caught them" Shao Wen said.
"Do you see the Zhang Shi sect symbol in the sky? If no it means they haven't seen them yet" Zhang Wei said walking ahead.
As they walked along, they noticed that the buildings ahead were lit up, he frowned.
"It's 3am, why are some of these people up?" He asks, before Shao Wen could reply him, the doors opened revealing a group of soldiers, their leader being none other than,
"Wu Hao" Shao Wen said in distaste.
Zhang Wei frowned, Wu Hao? The same Wu Hao that give him a lotus blossom the other day? But why?
"Who sent you?" He asks. The young man scoffed and drew his sword, the blade was silver with a flower carved on the metal.
"Zhang Wei, you will pay for you sins!"
The sect leader and his subordinate drew their swords, they looked at each other and nodded.
The sounds of swords clinging and clanking against each other echoed in the distance, Zhang Jing frowned and ran towards the sound.
Shao Wen slashed the neck of the rival making dark blood splatter on his face, he then came face to face with Wu Hao.
"I think I might enjoy killing you" Wu Hao said in negligence, Shao Wen scoffed and charged at him, their swords and glares came face to face.
Zhang Wei managed to kill the rivals with his jianguang (sword light). He frowned when he saw Shao Wen fall to the ground with blood dripping from his mouth.
"Shao Wen!"
Wu Hao ducked the attack of the sect leader and slapped a talisman on his back making his body limp and numb, he fell to the ground next to Shao Wen.
"Shao Wen "
Wu Hao smirked and raised his sword, Zhang Wei and Shao Wen closed their eyes waiting for their fate, the sound of a silent 'swish' rang in their ears.
A moment passed and a set of footsteps approached them.
"Aren't you going to get up?" Zhang Jing mused, the two looked like small children hiding from their fierce mother.
Zhang Wei stood up and helped Shao Wen up.
"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" He asked.
Shao Wen was thankful it was dark because he knew his face was crimson red at the moment, he cleared his throat.
"I'm fine, Zhang Jing, where is Xiu Ying?"
Zhang Jing sheathed her sword with a sad sigh.
"The demons got her"
(Oh noooo poor Xiu Ying, how's the story so far? Do you want to read the whole book? Check it out on webnovel and Amazon kindle for a low price. Come ooon i know you want to read it 😏🤭 see u there)
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