Daddy fuccing Mommy
"AHHH MASTER JARDER!!1!1!1!1!" Mommy screeeeched autistically.
Daddy laugjed and kept fruqing her super hard, and all of a sudden Mommy started moaning the velvet room theme11!! Gawpu!!?
Daddy anx Mommy fruqed on front of Igor n then they got free Persnas or somefong. Uhhhhhhzmckgle okay den dey fucc agaon.
Daddy tied um Mommy and put like 304929494829 dildos on her vag and like 06(3938520593810&)39#852929 dildos in her ass and she exploded feom cumming too much LOL
Daddy vored her corpse
"I wuv fuccing cju" Daddy mpaned in ecstasy
Den he shat out Mommy and dzy fucced again
Word count: 107
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