16th December
16th December
Entry 7
Dear Diary;
Today was tiring. I went out on a job because a certain someone spent all my money. *cough* CANA *cough*
Lucy: "Oh Natsu, I forgot to ask you, but how did you get the tree into the house yesterday?"
Natsu: "Through the window, duhh!"
*Lucy looks over to see still broken window covered in leaves*
Lucy: "Oh joy."
"Hey Natsu, I'm going on a job today," I said. "You coming with?"
"Nahh," he sighed. "I can't exactly move after yesterday."
"Oh yeah!" I smiled. "Well, I have to go because I have no money."
"I'll come with you Lushee~" Happy purred.
"Okay then. Natsu, behave okay!" I ordered.
"Tch, fine." He huffed. "C'ya later."
We wondered into the mountains to find a village that was being attacked by Vulcans.
"Open, Gate of the Bull, Taurus!" I yelled, waving Taurus' gate key. Suddenly he popped out in front of me, holding his axe.
"Hellooooo Lucy." He moo-ed. "You're looking moooo-tiful as always."
"Taurus, could you get rid of these vulcans please?" I asked.
"Anything for youuuuu." He replied, killing all the vulcans.
"Oh, thank you so much!" Cried one of the villagers. "Please, stay here for a drink so we can properly say thank you."
"Umm, okay." I smiled.
Me and Happy sat on a log, drinking some special fruit juice.
"So, what fruit is it again?" I asked, sounding a little tipsy.
"Cabarellanoticberry." Replied one of the villagers.
(A/N): I have no idea what I was thinking when I thought of this name, but here you go.
"Caba-what now?" Happy slurred.
"Oh I don't mind really." I smiled.
"So, is there someone special you have at home Lucy." Asked a female villager called Marie.
"Well....I-" I was interrupted.
"You ever heard of Natsu Dragneel?" Happy yelled. Everybody gasped. "Well he has a massive crush on her. And I mean huge."
"H-Happy, s-shu-"
"He talks about her in his sleep, always thinks about her during the day and even sleeps in her bed at night!" He bragged.
"Well I'm not surprised," Marie smiled. "Lucy is very pretty."
"And an amazing wizard!" Someone yelled.
"Aww, thanks guys." I smiled.
"It's no problem. After all, you saved out village." Marie replied.
"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.
"Nearly six o clock, why?"
"Crap! Happy, we need to go home!" I yelled. "Thank you for the cabarelli-whatever-ma-bob."
So I collected my jewels and walked home with Happy.
We walked through the door and I smelt something awful.
"Natsu?" I called, walking into the kitchen.
Natsu had been cooking.
"Oh hey Luce!" He smiled. "I made dinner!" I tried the stew he made, trying to keep a straight face.
"What'dya think?"
"Mmmmmm, it's....nice." I lied. "But it would be even better if you did this." I added a few spices and flavourings.
"Try now." I said.
"It,s delicious!" Natsu yelled.
Natsu: "Jeez Luce, you're so drunk. Just go to sleep."
Lucy: "I'm not d-drunk. And I need to w-write this for all those wonderful read-ders out there."
(A/N): That's you guys (^*^)
Natsu: "Fine, just hurry up."
Happy: "Natsu just wants to-"
Lucy: "Happy I swear if you say one more god-damn thing about Natsu wanting to do rude things to me I will rip out your whiskers and feed them to the fish you eat!"
Natsu: *raises hand* "I favour this."
Happy: "A-aye...sir."
The job I went on with Happy was to basically kill a ton of Vulcans for this village, they gave me this Cabaralli-whats-its-face drink and it was very tasty, but I'm a little tipsy now, so I'm going to bed.
I'll write again tomorrow ★彡
~ Lucy Heartfilia (≧∇≦)
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