♠ - VI - Seven Princes - ♠
Daisy was the type of girl who ate a lot but didn't gain mass easily. She didn't mind if someone criticized her for having a plate full of food, after all, what mattered was her well-being and not what others thought. This time her motto wasn't working, though. There were a lot of various types of food in front of her, yet her plate was shy of most of them.
The usual Daisy would try every food available, even in the palace she didn't mind showing off her gourmet self, but for some reason, she didn't feel comfortable showing her true self. Part of that discomfort was because the people eating with her wouldn't stop giving her some awkward stares.
After all the misunderstandings were cleared and apologies were given, she was invited for dinner in the mansion's main living room, which was insanely big. She bet that in festive days it was used as a ballroom or something.
Two beautifully crafted pillars divided the area. One side had couches and a small table in the middle, the other where she was trying to enjoy her meal with other three people, had a long glass table that was currently covered in a colorful cloth and displayed various delicacies.
"Sorry for troubling you before," said Fafá, "it's not every day we have a girl as a guest."
Daisy tried to give Fafá a better look. He looked like a young version of Pietro but with glasses and dark brown eyes. Although his stature was a bit shorter and a little bit slim, his features were definitely his father's.
"I-is that so?" Daisy's voice cracked a little. "It's alright then."
"How disappointing she wasn't a fan," said the Stubborn Guy on the other side of the table, shaking his head a little, messing his slightly wavy short dark blond hair.
Daisy still couldn't believe that he was Pietro's other son.
He was different compared to Fafá. While Fafá had a mature look and seemed hardworking, the Stubborn Guy looked like someone who enjoyed life like there were no obstacles or consequences. He appeared to be a little bit taller than his older brother as well.
"You should've listened to her when she told you that," said a young man, sitting by his side.
This one seemed to be the same age as him. Daisy wondered if he was Stubborn Guy's friend, but judging by the glare the stubborn one gave him, it didn't seem so.
"So you're the famous guest; welcome to the club," said someone by her side, patting her shoulder.
Daisy's eyes met another young man. This one looked a bit older than Stubborn Guy. As he smiled at her, Daisy wondered if his dark brown, almost black curls weren't bothering his eyes.
"Erm, thank you," she smiled nervously.
"You haven't told us your name yet," said Fafá.
"Ah, I'm sorry," said Daisy, shifting a little from her seat. "I'm Daisy Rios, nice to meet you."
She smiled, hoping no one noticed her nervousness.
"The pleasure is ours, Daisy," replied kindly the young man whom she thought was Stubborn Guy's friend.
"Rios," said Fafá, his tone thoughtful. "Are you perhaps Aunt Lily and Uncle Victor's daughter?"
Daisy nodded with her brows raised. "Yes."
She was surprised by the way he referred to her parents.
"You sure have grown," said Fafá with a smile that surely came from his father.
Daisy stared at him, frowning.
"You probably don't remember me since you left the country at a very young age," he said as if he read her mind.
"So you've met her before, Raffa," said the young man by Daisy's side.
Daisy made sure to remember Fafá's actual name.
"Idiots, you've met her too, but you were a bunch of babies back then," Raffa laughed as if he made a good joke.
But no one joined his laugh, instead, Stubborn Guy said, "You sure don't know how to tell a joke."
Raffa ignored his brother's words and went back to his plate. Daisy could feel a smile developing on her face.
As they continued their meal, Daisy heard footsteps approaching the area.
"Fede~," teased the young man by Daisy's side. "Where have you been?"
"Practicing," replied a low voice.
Daisy took her gaze off the table and saw yet another young man. She didn't know if it was because she was sitting, but the person standing not far from her looked tall and fit. His messy black hair made his tanned skin seem pale. Daisy wondered if that guitar on his back meant that he was part of a band.
"Have a seat Federico," said Raffa, showing an empty seat beside Stubborn Guy. "Let's have a meal together."
Daisy didn't notice Stubborn Guy's annoyance at Raffa's suggestion as she gazed at Federico with her brows arched. Federico didn't look like he wanted to join either.
"C'mon brother," said the person Daisy mistook as a friend, "I'm sure Martina and the others cooked some ingredients you bought yourself."
Brother? Daisy frowned.
Federico gazed at him, his blue eyes looking doubtful.
"No thanks. I'm not hungry." For a moment his eyes met Daisy's.
Daisy didn't say anything as she was captured by his gaze. There was no denying, he had beautiful eyes, but why did they feel so cold?
He sighed. "Later."
And he disappeared from the main living room. Daisy could hear the steps of someone taking the stairs. She breathed out, wondering what she was supposed to do. That young man was the main target of her exam. The one who would be the ticket to her crown without the need to help the rest of the family.
"Don't mind him," said the young man by her side. "He's like that when he meets new people but opens up once he knows them better."
"Oh, I see," said Daisy with an awkward smile.
Well, if that was the case, then she understood him. She also had this problem of getting nervous when meeting new people. But on the opposite of her, Federico would rather not socialize.
"Someone is missing," said Raffa, looking around. "Where's Angelo?"
Daisy sighed, starting to get annoyed.
How many friends were invited just to have dinner with me?
It would have been nice if it was a dinner with only the Spada family. She wondered where the mother could be.
"He's in his bedroom," said Martina from the sidelines. "He said he wasn't feeling well, so we served his food there."
Daisy noticed that the maid was avoiding looking at the people around the table. She wondered if she was shy.
"Don't tell me he got his sloth disease back," wondered the young man by Stubborn Guy's side.
"Well, it's not like he ever recovered," said Raffa taking a glass of wine.
"Martina," said the Stubborn Guy back to his playful self. "So you were here after all."
Daisy gazed at Martina who was standing behind Raffa. She looked troubled, avoiding looking at the Stubborn Guy.
"Wanna go out with me tonight?" he asked ignoring her discomfort.
Despite looking troubled that answer came out clear and straightforward. Even though he was rejected, a mischievous smile spread across Stubborn Guy's face.
"Keep on being strong Martina," teased Raffa. "We don't want any more trouble with Sara."
Daisy saw a forced smile in Martina but couldn't guess why she had that kind of smile. She concentrated back to her plate which was almost empty and was tempted to ask the maids to serve more.
But she was too shy to call them and too embarrassed to eat more. For sure a girl in high class wouldn't eat too much. She still wondered if she would ever meet a woman at this dinner besides the maids standing by. It couldn't be that the guests for this dinner were all men.
Where could Mrs. Spada be?
"Oh," said Raffa, washing away Daisy's thoughts.
Daisy gazed at her right side to see what was up with him.
"How rude of us," he said, "we forgot to introduce ourselves."
"It's OK," said Daisy.
With everything that happened, she didn't mind memorizing these people's names.
"Well, I'll start the introductions," continued Raffa.
She nodded.
"I'm Raffaele, the eldest of the Spada siblings," he said.
Daisy gave him a nod as she sort of had a feeling, he was the eldest of the two brothers.
"The guy beside you," he continued. Daisy turned to her left and noticed the young man was waving and smiling at her. "Is Gianluca, the second son."
Second son?
Daisy couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"The guy who mistook you as a fan," said Raffaele. Daisy stared at the Stubborn Guy who was concentrated on his plate. "Is Manuele, the fifth son."
Fifth son?
Daisy blinked repeatedly.
"And the guy by his side," continued Raffaele. Daisy was too shocked to notice the young man waving at her. "Is Marcello, the fourth son."
"Wait, wait," said Daisy before he could continue. "Are you telling me that you're all brothers?"
Of course, based on the introduction she already had her answer, but she still couldn't believe it.
"I thought that Aunt Lily and Uncle Vincent, spoke about dad's family since they're good friends." Raffaele seemed a little bit disappointed.
"Well, I think they talk about you among themselves," said Daisy, remembering why Raffaele's nickname sounded familiar.
The truth was she only heard her parents talk about Pietro and his wife but never mentioned his children. Although they randomly dropped the name Fafá among their conversations.
"Then," continued Raffaele, "you should know that we're a big family. We're actually seven siblings."
Daisy gasped. She tried to say something but nothing came out. The next thing she saw was her vision blacking out.
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