Natsu POV:
Wendy and I climbed onto a boat that would take us to Japan, Happy and Carla were sitting on our shoulders as the ship began to move along the water. I instantly felt sick but thanks to Wendy and her Troia it get much better, she hasn't used it on me in a while so it's working again.
"Wendy, what do you think the people of Japan are like? Have they told you much in the letters?" I asked placing a hand on her blue hair.
"They've told me a little, there are four major hospitals in Japan which are full of people who are in SAO like Lucy. Of course a lot of the patients are sick with other stuff but the majority are SAO patients, they also told me that they will have a lot of information about the people ready for us." She says holding Carla tightly in her arms.
"Don't worry child, these doctors will do everything that they can to help us." Carla says smiling at Wendy.
I gaze out at the small island that's coming into view, it doesn't take very long to get from Fiore to Japan. Only about an hour on our boats, but the people from Japan when they go to Fiore take about three hours since they don't have any magic inside their bodies. Like the people of Edolas, only in Japan they don't have any magic at all.
"Hey Natsu! Look at that!" Happy shouts pointing at the huge buildings that are coming into view.
"I know buddy, Wendy stick close to me ok. There are more people here than in Magnolia and we don't know where we're going." I say glancing back at her.
She's looking around in awe at everything, then she pulls a small map from her bag. She smiles at me and then shows me the map.
"This is where we need to go Natsu, this is the hospital where the doctors are waiting for us." She explains and then blushes slightly.
I look up and see that everyone around us is staring, is it because we're from Fiore? But the I notice some are pointing to our hair, I chuckle slightly.
"Don't worry Wendy, it's our hair. Strange, anyway you can read maps better than me so I'll follow you." I say giving a small pull on her pigtail.
"Natsu!" Wendy said blushing a deeper shade of red.
We begin to walk down the sidewalk with Happy on my head and Carla on Wendy's shoulder, she keeps pausing to point things out to me and to admire some things in the shops. I glance around too and then notice a temple of some sorts.
"Hey Wendy, what time are we going to see the doctors at the hospital?" I ask still looking at the temple.
"We don't have a set time, they said to come once we arrive. But we can always take a small detour, why?" She asks.
"Levy told me that these temple places give out items that offer protection or luck. I want to get one for Lucy and some for the people we might find that we know Lucy is with." I say smiling at the thought.
"How very considerate of you Natsu, I'm sure Lucy would like that." Carla says offering me a genuine smile.
We begin to walk up the steps of the temple, and it feels like I'm walking up a million steps! Why are there so many steps leading up to this place? People must start going up these and then give up half way through, by the time we reach the top I feel like I could just collapse. Good thing we're going to a hospital next.
"Hello, may I help you both?" A feminine voice asks.
I look up and see a woman with coal black hair and silvery grey eyes, she is wearing a white shirt thing with red pants. Wendy smiles slightly and steps forward.
"Um hello, we were looking for something that offers protection and luck. Do you have anything like that?" She asks.
"Yes we have some charms like that, follow me this way. My name is Nagisa, what's your name?" Nagisa asks.
"I'm Wendy, and this is Natsu. OH! And this is Carla and Happy." She says pointing to our exceeds.
"It's my pleasure to meet you, now might I ask why you are looking for these charms?" Nagisa questions while she opens a small cupboard full of different charms.
"Our friend Lucy is stuck in this game, and we wanted to get her something to keep her safe while she's stuck." I say patting Happy's head.
"You have a friend in SAO? Oh I'm so sorry for you, here these are special charms that we made when people went into the game. How many would you like? We've been giving these ones away for free to the families and friends of the game." Nagisa says pulling out a small paper bag.
"Well we need one for Lucy, and then Kiko. Not to mention the other two people she's been hanging around with, what were their names again?" Happy asks.
"Um did that cat just talk?..." Nagisa asks going slightly pale.
"Yeah he did. Oh we're from Fiore and they aren't cats, they are exceeds." Wendy explains.
We continue to speak with Nagisa until she's carefully packed sixteen charms into the bag for us, then we wave her goodbye and begin the walk to the hospital. Carla explains that she was a temple maiden who works there, we continue to walk down the sidewalk until we come to a huge hospital. Its much bigger than the ones we have in Fiore, Wendy and I walk inside and she pulls a letter from her bag.
"Let me talk ok Natsu, me and these doctors have been talking for a while so they know me ok?" She says and then walks to the desk while Carla stay's with me and Happy.
She stands talking to the nurse at the desk for a couple of minutes and then comes walking back over to us, there is a soft blush on her cheeks and she looks embarrassed.
"Something wrong Wendy?" I ask as she takes a seat next to me.
"They thought I was older than I actually am, she's calling the doctor so he should be here soon to speak with us. I hope they won't say I can't help because I'm young." She says folding the letters she brought with her.
A doctor in a white lab coat comes walking towards us, he raises an eyebrow while looking at Wendy but then he smiles at us.
"Welcome Wendy Marvell, thank you ever so much for coming to try and help the patients here." He says offering a hand to Wendy.
She shakes his hand and then I do the same, he then begins to wall down the hallway in the hospital to an office. He points to some seats and then sits in his own chair, his once cheerful face then turns serious as he focuses on us.
"My name is Dr. Tanaka, have you managed to find a way to release those trapped inside the game?" He asks.
Lucy POV:
"Regulus Impact!" A male voice cries out.
I open my eyes and they fill with tears, with his mane like hair and black suit I know this person all too well. He send's my attacker flying into a tree knocking him out cold, with that I use my blade to help me rise to my feet. The figure turns around and smiles at me.
"Hey there beautiful, so why haven't you called me in a while?" He asks.
"Loke!" I yell and run into his open arms.
He holds me tightly in his arms as I sob, I haven't seen him in so long. And to be honest I have missed them so much, my spirits are so precious to me that if I lost them I would be losing a part of myself.
"How are you here?!" I ask placing my hands onto his shoulders.
"I don't know, I could sense that you were in grave danger and I managed to push my way through to you. Although I don't really understand it myself, and the weird part is that I don't even feel a drain on my magic energy." He says adjusting his glasses.
"Lucy!" I hear my name called, so I quickly turn around and see Kirito and Asuna running with Kiko behind them.
"Hey guy's! How did the fight go Kirito?" I ask smiling at him.
"Don't play dumb, all three of us noticed that your health was going down quickly. We didn't even know if we were going to make it here in time, what happened and who's this guy?" Kirito demands.
I turn to face Loke wondering how I can explain him.
"Well I came here to try and level up some more, and then he." I say pointing to the still unconscious member of Laughing Coffin. "Attacked me, I was ok for a while but since I had been fighting some wolves and other things my health was going down quickly. Then when I thought it was curtains for me Loke here appeared."
Kitiro looks at Loke and then sniggers.
"Why is he dressed in a suit? Looks like a pimp to me." He says laughing.
Loke then glares at him and grabs him by the neck, his hand lights up and I cross my arms over my chest. Sighing I glance over at how worried Kiko and Asuna look.
"Ok down kitty, he's my friend." I say and Loke drops him.
"Well he called me a pimp!" Loke says but I raise my hand, since becoming the master of Fairy Tail I've gained a sense of authority which makes others listen to me.
"Everyone, allow me to introduce the Celestial Spirit Leo the Lion. Or as everyone now calls him Loke, we don't really know how he was able to break through but he managed to do it. He's one of the zodiac spirits I told you about Kirito and Kiko." I say as Loke walks to stand next to me.
Kiko comes over to me and I pick her up in my arms, she's shaking slightly so I can tell the drastic drop in my HP scared her.
"Let's head back to my house, then you can explain everything to me about your fight Kirito." I say smiling. "You too Loke, I want you to tell me how everyone in the Spirit World is doing."
All five of us begin to head back towards mine and Kiko's house, Kiko keeps asking Loke questions as we walk and he looks a little uncomfortable.
"Are you feeling a drain on your magic Loke?" I ask concerned for my faithful spirit.
"No, she just reminds me a lot of Natsu." He says gesturing to Kiko.
Natsu. That's a name that I haven't heard in a long time, when I tell Kiko stories I usually change their names to something involving their magic. I found it too hard to say their names so I don't use them anymore, at the mention of his name I think of the guild. After two years the real world feels like a dream, like everything that happens here in Aincrad is real and Fiore and the real Fairy Tail are all something I made up. I spoke to Kirito and Asuna about this one time when we were visiting eachother and they agreed that they felt the same thing, I suppose it's inevitable that something like this is bound to happen.
"Right come on in everyone." I say opening the door.
Kiko then runs off into our room and comes back out with a box of hair ribbons, I walk over to the kitchen with Asuna and begin to make something for us to eat and Kirito lights a small fire to heat the house.
"Nice place you have here Lucy." Loke says admiring it. "Reminds me of your apartment in a way."
"Realy?" I ask as I add some seasoning to a joint of meat.
"Yeah, it's similar. Just in how you've furnished it, what are you cooking?" He asks walking over to me.
"Just a simple roast joint, and Asuna's preparing some side dishes for me while I prepare the meat." I say as I place the joint into the oven.
"Hey lion!" Kiko calls to Loke.
"Yeah?" He asks walking to sit next to her on the floor.
She smiles at him then pulls out her hair brush, she then stands behind him and begins to brush his hair. He squirms for a little but after some stern words from Kiko he sits still, she ties his hair full of different colour bows and adds some hair clips to create a hilarious look. After food was cooked we all sat around the table to eat our meal, this is what I love about this game. There are times when it's life or death, where everyday can be a constant struggle to escape this world. But moments like these can make you feel that everything is normal, like this is how things were supposed to be.
"So before Loke speaks, how did your duel go?" I ask Kirito smirking.
"Well" He says shrugging.
"Don't tell me!" I check his icon and notice the symbol for Knights of the Blood Oath, seeing this I then burst out laughing. "Does that mean you need to wear their uniform?!"
"Yeah...about that Asuna. Do you have anything that isn't so flashy?" He asks.
"I can try and find something, but I doubt there will be anything. So Loke, how did you and Lucy meet?" Asuna asks while trying to take him seriously with his 'amazing' hairstyle.
Loke then explains about how we met, it's mad to think that all this happened about nine years ago. I had only been in Fairy Tail for a couple of months when I helped Loke, and then with the seven years trapped on Tenrou Island and now this. Asuna and Kirito look at him amazed as he talks, and soon his story's over and it's midnight. Kiko fell asleep in her chair so I walk over to her and pick her up slowly.
"I'll be right back." I whisper while walking into mine and Kiko's room.
I place her down onto the bed slowly and then pull the blankets over her, planting a soft kiss onto her forehead I walk back into the main part of the house.
"We're going to head off too Lucy, can I trust this playboy to stay here?" Asuna asks smirking.
Not long after they met Loke tried to flirt with Asuna, which didn't end well on Loke's part.
"Sure, I know how to keep him in check." I say smiling.
After the pair of them leave I look at Loke, he smiles at me and then sighs.
"Hey Loke? Will you be able to come back, if you go back to the spirit world I mean." I ask as I put away the dishes.
"I don't know, it makes me nervous about going back." He says shaking his hair, the bows and clips fall out and then Loke's hair goes back to normal.
"If you want you could stay in the spare room, usually Kiko's friend Silica stay's there when she comes to visit. Or you can go back to the spirit world." I say feeling tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
"Don't worry Lucy, I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to." He says walking over and wrapping his arms around me. "Since I don't feel a drain on my magic energy I'll stay as long as you need me."
I smile and then take him to the spare room, after making sure he's comfortable I go into my room and change into my night clothes. After changing I lie down and gaze at the stars which are shining through the window, I then begin to fall asleep feeling for the first time in a long time. Truly happy.
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