Chapter 9
Lucy POV:
Its now been two years since we started this game, out of the 10,000 people who started the game only 6,147 are still alive. My guild is still doing well and now every time there is a boss battle we're called to come and join the assault team, I walk into the guild and am greeted by smiles and cheers. Kiko comes running over to me and wraps her arms around my waist.
"Hello mommy, how is uncle Kito?" She asks me smiling.
"He's fine, he and I cleared a floor dungeon today." I say as we walk to the bar.
"Hello Master." Penelope says smiling at me as she cleans a glass.
"Hello Penelope, any new members while I was gone?" I ask taking a seat on the bar stool.
"Ten new members, we're now the biggest guild in Aincrad!" She says with her eyes shining.
Even though Knights of the Blood Oath has a good number of members who are all very powerful we have the most members and also we have the best strategies, I never realised that I had a tactical mind until the first boss battle where we lost three members. I knew from that day on that we would fight hard and have a good method to fighting and defeating the bosses, the way we fight is in two lines. Each member is given three hits on the floor boss and then they head off to take on the minions of the boss, this keeps going and then the members join up in a combination attack.
"Hey Master, have you thought about getting a new sword? Yours is looking a little worse for wear." One of the new members asks me.
"I might, my friends Kirito and Asuna told me about this blacksmith called Lisbeth. She's the best they know apparently, do you know her?" I ask the member.
"Yeah I know Lisbeth! She's amazing! My name is Summer and I joined today, I hope we can be friends." She says smiling.
"I hope that too Summer, could you take me to see Lisbeth? I don't know where her blacksmithing shop is."
"Sure I can, follow me!" She says cheerfully.
I get a good look at Summer and notice she is the very essence of her name, soft flowing sky blue hair and eyes that remind you of freshly cut grass on a summers day. Kiko decided that she wanted to come with us so I take her hand as Summer leads us to Lisbeth's shop, its on floor 48 os we take a teleport there and then Summer leads me to the shop.
"I'll be going back to the guild, see you Master!" She yells and runs off with the wind flowing through her hair.
I smile at Kiko and then walk inside the shop, its filled with swords and different weapons.
"Don't touch anything ok sweetie?" I say to her as she looks around in awe.
"Ok Mommy." She says and crosses her arms around her chest.
"Maybe we should get you a small sword while we're here, just so that you'll be able to protect your self if anything happens." I say and a girl about my age walks into the room smiling.
She has short pink hair and soft pink eyes, she's wearing an outfit similar to what Virgo wears but in pink.
"Hello and welcome to Lisbeth's blacksmith, how can I help you?" She asks me.
"I'm looking for a new sword, mine is getting a little worn now." I say passing her my blade.
"Hm, well its a good sword but it hasn't been sharpened in a while. What type of sword are you looking for?" She asks me examining the blade.
"Well my friend Kirito has a one handed sword so most likely something like that, I was told that you do custom orders?" I say.
"Oh Kirito sent you, how do you know him?" She asks me.
"We met on the first day in Aincrad." I explain.
"Well you came to the right place, follow me down here." She says and leads me and Kiko into the backroom with her work station. "Do you have a metal that you would like to use for the blade?"
"I have this, I got it from a boss." I say and give her the golden dragon scale.
"This is a super awesome item! What boss was it?" She asks me.
"It was the golden dragon." I say and smile slightly at the memory.
"Well lets see what I can do with this, it'll be expensive though." She says taking the scale from my hands.
"Its ok, I'm sure I have enough money. I also want a small blade for my daughter, I want her to be able to defend her self." I explain pulling Kiko close to me.
Lisbeth nods in understanding and begins to make my sword, she works hard pounding the scale until it glows turning into the most beautiful blade I've ever seen. It has a golden handle and a gold and silver blade, it also has a blue gem in the handle. (Image without the shield)
"Here you go, its called...Wait a second this is a strange name." Lisbeth says and shows me.
I gasp and then place a hand over my mouth.
"lumen histoire..." I whisper.
"What does it mean?" Lisbeth asks me.
"Its something from my world IRL, it means Fairy Light. But we called it the Fairy Heart." I say and feel the tears fill my eyes. "Its beautiful, thank you Lis." I say and give her a hug.
She goes stiff for a minute and then hugs me back, Kiko then walks over and holds a small silver blade with fairy wings on the bottom.
"Mommy can I have this one please? It has Fairy wings!" She says with shining eyes.
"Of course you can sweetie, how much is the two of them Lisbeth?" I ask pulling out my purse.
She tells me the price and I add my new sword to the holder on my hip, when I check to make sure that my sword skill is high enough to use it I notice something. I have a new skill...
"Lisbeth, look at this..." I say pointing to the skill.
"What does that do?" She asks me.
"I'll let you know after the next boss raid." I say closing my menu. "Thanks again Lisbeth."
She waves good bye to us as Kiko and I walk out of the shop, I then get a strange message from Kirito asking me how high my baking skill is. I message him back saying that I maxed it out yesterday and he asks me if I can meet him at Asuna's house.
"Want to go and see Uncle Kiko and Aunt Asuna?" I ask Kiko as we walk to a teleport.
"Yeah!" She yells excitedly.
We head off to the teleport station and teleport to the 64th floor, the streets are nearly empty since its getting late. I didn't realise it but we were in Lisbeth's shop for a whole day!
"Mommy I'm tired." Kiko says yawning.
"Climb on my back." I say kneeling down.
She climbs on and I walk to Asuna's apartment, Kiko mumbles softly in her sleep so by the time I reach Asuna's house she's fast asleep. I knock the door and am greeted by Asuna, she and I became friends after we beat the first floor boss all those years ago. She smiles at me and opens the door wider to let me in.
"Hey there Lucy! Awh has Kiko fallen asleep? You can put her on my bed until food's done cooking." She says closing the door after me.
"Thanks Asuna, is Kirito here?" I ask.
"I'm here." He says and plucks Kiko off my back.
Instantly she nestles into him and then he smiles at me.
"I'll take her and put her into bed, where's your room?" He asks Asuna.
"Just through there." She points to a small room. "Come this way Lucy."
I follow her into a kitchen and I'm overwhelmed with a delicious smell that causes my mouth to water.
"Whats cooking, it smells amazing!" I say taking the seat Asuna gave me.
"Kirito caught a Ragout Rabbit, so I'm making it into a stew. He also found some rare strawberries so wanted you to cook a cake or something like that, he said your baking skill is maxed out like my cooking skill." She says cutting some vegetables.
"Oh so thats why he called me here, men. Always thinking with their stomachs." I say causing Asuna to laugh.
"You can use anything you need here, I'll transfer the ingredients over once you know what your going to make." She says pouring a cup of tea for me.
"I think I'll make a Strawberry Shortcake, in memory of someone from the real world." I say smiling. "Do you have everything?" I ask showing her the recipe.
She nods and then passes me the ingredients, I begin by cracking some eggs and separating the egg yolks from the egg whites. Next I whisk them up and add the dry ingredients together into a separate bowl, then I slowly begin to add the sugar into the egg whites and whisk them together before combining the two. I add the mixture into three baking pans and then place them into the oven as Asuna pulls out the stew, Kirito then runs in drawn to the smell of food.
"I'll let the cakes bake while we eat, I've set the oven to turn off when the cakes are done so they won't burn. Is Kiko asleep?" I ask Kirito.
"Yeah, she's fast asleep. Has she eaten or should I go and wake her?" He asks.
"I bought her some food while we were at Lisbeth's shop, it took her a long time to make my new sword." I say helping Asuna carry the different foods into the dining room.
We all sit down together and tuck into the food, the flavours explode on my tongue and I can't imagine anything tasting better. We end up scraping our plates clean and then Kirito looks at me with wide eyes.
"Cake?" He says looking more like a puppy.
I laugh and then check the cakes, the room is filled with the sweet smell of cake as I pull them out. I place them into the fridge while I prepare the filling using some of the strawberries in the cream, I then slice up some and add them around the edges and in the middle of the cakes. Then the finishing touch is a ring of strawberry and cream around the top, I pick up the finished cake and walk into see Asuna with her knife pointing at Kirito's face.
"What did I miss?" I ask smirking.
"Kirito's just joining me in a party, weren't you." She says giving him a look that would rival Erza's.
Kirito nods and then looks at me with wide eyes, he holds out a small plate and smiles. I cut them each a slice before cutting my own and again the flavours explode in our mouths, I'm not that bad a baker if I do say so my self.
"That was awesome Lucy! So why don't you show us this new sword that Lis made you?" Asuna asks me.
"Sure, its made from the dragon scale I got." I say and show them the sword.
"Very nice, may I?" Kirito asks taking a look.
He examines it and then looks at the name.
"lumen histoire? What does that mean?" He asks me.
"It means Fairy Light, seems a good name for you Lucy since your the leader of the Fairy Tail guild. How's the guild been anyway?" Asuna asks leaning on her hands.
"Its been good, we've had a big influx of new members so we are now the biggest guild in Aincrad. Even though Knights of the Blood Oath is stronger, we have awesome strategies too." I say boasting a little.
We keep talking and then Kiko walks in with messy hair and tired eyes, she walks over to me and pulls my sleeve.
"Mommy I smell cake." She says rubbing her eyes.
I sit her on my lap and cut her a small piece of cake, and she leans against me while eating it. Asuna looks at her with a fond smile.
"How's she been doing?" She asks me.
"Good, she's been having dreams about the real world and I think she's getting a little confused. I'm worried about her, she's too little to be in all of this." I say stroking her hair.
"I know, how did she manage to get into SAO anyway." Kirito asks.
"I think she signed in with her parents..." I say sighing. "She's an orphan IRL now."
"But she has you right now Lucy, and I'm sure you'll find each other when we get out." Asuna says placing a hand on mine.
"I hope your right guy's, I can't imagine my life without her now." I say.
Asuna offered me a place to stay since it was late so she gave me and Kiko her guest room, I place the now sleeping Kiko down on the bed and then climb in next to her. I sing softly while she sleeps until I fall asleep my self, and I dream about me and Kiko IRL. Then Natsu appears in the picture and she calls him Daddy, I smile in my sleep and then dream more about the life I hope we can have.
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