Chapter 5
Natsu POV:
I walk to Lucy's apartment to get some rest, I was on watch yesterday and I'm beat. Things in the guild have been changing since Lucy went into SAO, people have been coming to us with potions and healing spells to ensure Lucy stay's healthy while in game. Walking to Lucy's apartment I don't use the window like I normally do, I use the door only to be treated by the landlady.
"Do you have the rent?" She asks me.
"I'll get it by tomorrow, you know the situation about Lucy right?" I ask.
"No what's happened to Lucy?" She asks with slight worry in her voice.
"She's trapped in a game, if anyone removes the Nerve Gear which powers the game she'll die. And she'll also die in real life if she dies in the game, sorry I thought you knew." I say sighing.
"I assumed you were living with Lucy, thats why I asked for rent. The price goes up if there is more than one person in the apartment, Lucy actually paid three months in advance. The rent will be 200J a month until she's out." The landlady says softly.
I stare at her, she actually cared for Lucy. After all this time she cared for her, I nod and then walk to the door of Lucy's apartment. I walk in and close the door quickly to keep her scent in the room, the sweet smell of strawberries she always had with her. I walk over to the bed and lie down holding a pillow close to me, Happy has been staying with Wendy and Carla since I moved in here so its just me for the night. Suddenly the room is engulfed in a golden light and Loke appears with a face full of worry.
"Natsu? Where's Lucy, me and the other spirits haven't felt her magic energy in a while but she's still contracted to us." He asks me.
"Lucy's trapped." I say my back to him.
"WHAT! She's trapped?! Where is she Natsu! I'll go and bring her back and your coming with me, how can you just sit there when she could be being tortured right now!" He yells at me and my fists makes contact with his face.
"Don't you think I've tried! She's trapped in a game where anyone who plays it could be killed if they die in the game! And anyone who tries to take the gear off her head will kill her too!" I yell as tears fall down my face.
Loke looks at me and just sits on the floor, not bothering to get up.
"Can I see her?" He asks me.
I look at him and take him to the guild hall, Laki and Nab are on watch today so they are sitting down taking notes on what Lucy is up to.
"What are they doing?" Loke asks.
"Wendy found a dream lacrima that has let us see what Lucy is doing in SAO, thats the game she's in. Master has given us all a time table so that we can keep a watch on her at all times." I say leading him to the Infirmary.
Porlyusica stay's with Lucy 24/7 making sure that she's stable, she only gets rest when another healer takes over and that means she gets about ten hours sleep in a week. I don't know how she gets by, Loke walks over to Lucy and picks up her limp hand in his.
"She's cold..." He says tears filling his eyes.
"Its because she's not moving, and some other things too." I say sighing.
"When will she wake up?" He asks Porlyusica.
"I don't know, from what we can gather they have to complete all one hundred floors of the game in order to escape. What floor are they on now Natsu?" She asks me.
"I think it was floor 27." I say leaning against the wall.
There is a disturbance downstairs so I go down to see what's going on, people are cheering and yelling happily.
"Whats going on?" I yell.
"Come and see Natsu!" Wendy yells happily.
I walk down and gaze at the screen, Lucy is inside the guildhall and is surrounded by people. Smiling happily Lucy is talking to the members and telling them how they will be joining the front lines with the other guilds, a young girl walks over to Lucy and she smiles happily. Lucy then picks the girl up resting her on her hip and continues to talk to the guild members, the girl on Lucy's hip must only be about six years old. How did she get mixed up in something like SAO? The girl plays with Lucy's hair and Lucy then speaks to the girl.
"Kiko when we go to the boss battle you'll stay here ok?" Lucy says to the girl.
"Ok mommy!" The girl says wrapping her arms around Lucy's neck.
The guild falls silent at the child's words, the guild in SAO however smiles and keeps drinking and partying. The girl Kiko jumps down from Lucy's arms and starts playing with some of the older guild members.
"Lucy is a mom?" Romeo asks confused.
"It doesn't make any sense, that child is about six or seven years old. How can she be Lucy's daughter?" Carla asks.
"I don't understand it..." I say sitting down.
"Hey Natsu weren't you going to get some sleep?" Erza asks walking over with a plate of strawberry cake.
"Yeah but Loke asked me to bring him to see Lucy." I say gazing at Lucy on the screen.
She looks so happy, glancing around at the guild members she looks like she's having the time of her life. We managed to change the dream Lacrima so that we could see Lucy's face instead of what she see's, but we sometimes switch between the two. Lucy then opens her menu and reads a message, her eyes go wide and she tells Kiko to come to her.
"Sweetie, mommy has to go see her friend. Will you be ok with the guild?" She asks.
"Sure mommy! Will you be back tonight?" Kiko asks.
"Yeah don't worry I'll be back to tuck you in." Lucy says and kisses Kiko's forehead.
Nodding at the guild she then runs off to find Kirito, something must be wrong.
Lucy POV:
I start walking over to Agil's shop, I left a note on the guild's door saying that the opening of the guild has been changed and I also posted it in the newsletter. As I walk I hear soft crying and the shattering noise singling someone's death, I run into the alley way and see a small girl cowering in fear as three members of laughing coffin point their sword at her. I run over and swing my sword at one of the members causing them all to back away from the girl, I glare at them and they walk off leaving me and the girl alone.
"Hey are you ok?" I ask kneeling down to her level.
She looks at me with soft blue eyes and runs into my chest sobbing, I take a good look at her and realise she must be about six years old. She has soft blue hair and is wearing a green jumper and pleated black skirt, along with this she has on white socks and black shoes.
"Mommy and daddy are gone...." She whispers.
I gasp and then pull her closer to me, I hold her there while she cries.
"Don't worry, if you want you can stay with me. I'll take care of you." I say soothingly. "Whats your name sweetie?"
"My name is Kiko." She says wiping her eyes.
"Well Kiko my name is Lucy, would you like to stay with me?" I ask her.
"Will you be like a new mommy?" She asks me.
I smile at her and run my fingers through her blue hair.
"If you want me to be." I say and take her small hand in mine. "Come on Kiko, I was going to see a friend of mine."
"Ok mommy!" She says smiling brightly at me.
We walk to Agil's shop and he smiles at me, he mouths to me to wait a second while he helps a customer. I sit down on a stool with Kiko on my lap and I begin to style her hair, pulling the blue ribbon from my own hair I tie it into hers. Pulling the sides of her hair together I tie the ribbon into a big bow to hold the hair out of her face, I smile at her and Agil then finishes with his customer.
"So who's the kid Lucy?" Agil asks me as the customer walks out.
"Her name is Kiko, her parents were killed by laughing coffin so I've taken her in as my daughter." I say as Kiko smiles at Agil.
"Cute, well I managed to make the stamp you wanted." He says smiling.
He pulls out a silver stamp with the Fairy Tail guild emblem on the bottom, there is a crystal on the top and the crystal is being held in place with a golden band. Placing Kiko on the floor I take it from Agil.
"Its amazing, show me how it works." I ask.
"Well what you do is turn this crystal, its called a rainbow crystal so its full of colours. You select the colour you want and then place onto your skin and hey presto, you have a guild mark." He says with a flourish.
"How do you know it works?" I ask him skeptical.
He then smiles and lifts his shirt sleeve to show a black guild emblem on his right arm.
"Mind if I join? I like the idea of how you'll run things as the guild's leader, so what do you say Master Lucy?" He asks me smiling.
I grin and then nod.
"Well since you have the official guild emblem I can't really say no can I, now let me try." I say picking up the stamp in my left hand.
I turn the crystal until it turns into a baby pink colour and then place it onto my right hand, I feel a warm sensation on my hand and as I pull away the stamp I gasp and tears fill my eyes. Sitting on my right hand where it is IRL is the Fairy Tail emblem.
"Close up shop then Agil, I want you to be there when people arrive. That is if they do." I say smiling and wiping my eyes.
He smiles and then puts on his jacket, we walk out of the shop with Kiko holding my hand. As we walk I notice a crowd of people surrounding the guild hall, I gasp and then walk forward with a brave face on. The crowd parts and lets me walk to the guild doors, I take a deep breath and then turn to face everyone.
"Hello!" I say brightly. "My name is Lucy and I'm the Master of this guild, I hope you've all come to join the guild but if you want something to eat or drink then feel free. People who want to be a guild member please come to the bar, other players feel free to look around." I say opening the door.
People flood in and a large number of them come to the bar to become members, I sit Kiko on a bar stool and give her some lemonade. People come over and begin talking to me and asking if we'll be joining the front lines.
"Yes we will be joining the front lines, but I won't be taking you anywhere until I'm sure were ready. Until then we'll be taking small quests to test your strength and endurance, I don't want us to loose any members." I say holding the stamp. "So who's ready to be a Fairy Tail member?"
People glance at the stamp and step back.
"What are you going to do with that thing?" Someone asks.
"Its just to give you the guild's emblem, its a requirement for all members who join the guild." I say and then have an idea. "Kiko, wanna be a member of mommy's guild?" I ask her smiling.
"Yeah!" She says and smiles at me.
"Where do you want your emblem? And what colour?" I ask her.
She thinks for a minute and then smiles.
"I want it blue on my hand like you mommy!" She says and offers her right hand to me.
I change the colour of the crystal to blue and place it onto her hand softly, after a couple of seconds I pull it off to show a baby blue guild mark on her hand. The other players smile and then I'm giving out emblems left and right, the other people who were in the guild hall who hadn't become members were laughing and drinking. I take this opportunity to walk to the second floor and speak to everyone, clearing my throat I begin.
"Well I hope everyone is having fun, I just wanted to say a few words to you all about why the guild is called Fairy Tail. A big question some people have is do fairies exist? And if so what do they look like, do they have wings and fly or even do they have tails. The person who will seek these answers will be on a life long adventure, I know this might sound stupid but thats the life I want all members to have. I want Fairy Tail to be a home for people from all walks of life and I want you all to be able to call this place your home, IRL I'm a member of the real Fairy Tail guild and I want to be able to call this place and the people in it proud members of Fairy Tail. We will all work together to clear the floor's and join the other members in the front line, I want everyone to be safe and I already consider you all my family." I say and some members wipe their eyes and smile at me.
"Sign me up!" Someone yells.
"Me too!" Another yells.
The guild is soon filled with cheers and people asking to join, after everyone joined I explained how things will work. I soon get a message from Kirito.
Come quickly.
I give Kiko to Agil telling him to hold down the fort for me while I go, running out of the guild I can't help but feel that something is wrong.
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