Chapter 3
Lucy POV:
Kirito, Asuna and I walked behind the attack party. Kirito kept explaining everything to us making sure that we knew what we were doing.
"So our jobs is to take out Ilfang's minions." I ask.
"Yeah thats right, and when I yell out switch you and Asuna will switch with me." Kirito says as we continue to walk.
"Switch?" Asuna and I ask.
Kirito then explains to Asuna how to switch, when we did the 'Heifer Strikes Back' quest he taught me how to switch. We keep walking until we reach a huge door, Diavel stops and faces us.
"Good Luck everyone!" He says and we enter the room.
As we enter the room a massive dog faced monster roars at us, I pull my sword from behind me and begin to attack Ilfang's minions. Kirito and I switch and keep swinging our swords at the minions, Asuna keeps switching out with us and she is so quick with her swords you can't even see the tip. I glance over and notice that Ilfang is down to his last health bar and it just turned red, he throws his axe away and then pulls out the sword which I'm guessing is the talwar. But from the look ok Kirito's face I'm guessing something is wrong, Diavel runs towards Ilfang sword in hand and then charges. But Ilfang swings his sword at Diavel sending him flying back, Kirito runs over to him and starts talking to him until he explodes into blue crystals.
"No...." I whisper gripping my sword tighter in my hand.
Kirito runs forward and begins to fight Ilfang, with Asuna switching with him. Kirito then gets Ilfang's sword swung at him sending him back, it's clearly not as bad as Diavel but his health is still down into the red zone.
"Kirito!" I yell and then glare at Ilfang.
"We'll take care of this thing until your health gets back up!" Agil yells to him.
Running with my sword I hold it tightly in my hands sending swings at it left and right, I hear Kirito standing up behind me so I yell.
"Switch!" I yell and jump back.
Kirito and Asuna then start fighting in sync, suddenly Asuna runs forward and manages to get her cloak cut by Ilfang's sword.
"Asuna!" Kirito and I yell.
We suddenly see Asuna in all her glory, auburn hair falls down her back and she has some of it braided and tied together on her head. She continues to send swings with her sword, and when it comes to the final shot Kirito runs forward to make the kill. Ilfang bursts into bright blue crystals and everyone goes silent, the silence then erupts into cheers and cries of triumph.
"We did it Kirito!" I yell happily at him.
He pants and the looks at some item that he got, taking a glance it says the 'Coat of Midnight'. I look at the notification I got and see I levelled up and got loads of EXP.
"Yeah we did didn't we Luce, your health ok?" He asks me.
"Luce....oh um yeah my health is ok, what about you? You took a direct hit from Ilfang." I say looking at him with worry.
"Yeah now I'm ok." He says smiling.
Asuna and Agil walk over and begin to congratulate Kirito on beating the boss, but someone has other ideas.
"Why'd you let him die!" Kibaou yells with tears in his eyes.
I raise my hands in defence and try to calm him down along with Agil and Asuna, but then Kirito begins to laugh. But its sounds like the laugh of a mad person, not the Kirito I know. He then stands up and starts telling everyone that he is in a different league to the other beta testers he says how he knows secrets about the other floors and also how he knows more than any info broker.
"Your nothing but a cheater!" Kibaou yells at him.
"He's a beta tester and a cheater! A beater!" Someone yells at him.
I walk forward and place my sword at the neck of the player who called him a beater using the glare that Erza taught me, I'm glad I have her as a friend and not an enemy!
"You dare to call my friend a beater? He was lucky enough to be able to get the chance to be a beta tester, your just jealous really." I say with a smirk. "And me, well you should all pay attention to this. I'm from the legendary world of Fiore and I'm the member of the strongest guild Fairy Tail. And you should know that if you hurt me or anyone I care about, the strongest team in Fairy Tail will be coming after you." I say and pull my sword away from his neck.
While I was talking Kirito walked to the portal to the next floor, I walk over to him just as him and Asuna finish talking.
"Lucy is it?" She asks me.
"Yeah I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you." I say smiling at her.
"It's nice to meet you too, I guess you already know my name." She says giggling.
"So Lucy, you coming with me or are you going solo?" He asks me.
I think about it, I still have a lot to learn so it wouldn't be a bad idea to stick with him until I learn a bit more.
"Can I stay with you Kirito? I don't have any friends and you seem to know what your doing here." I say with a slight smile.
"Sure, come on Lucy. And Asuna, remember what I told you ok?" He says and we walk off but not before I send Asuna a friend request.
We walk through the portal and I decide to try a quest that will give me a new suit of armor. It's called 'The Heaven's Call'.
"Hey Kirito?" I ask as we walk.
"What is it Lucy?" He asks me.
"I was thinking of taking 'The Heaven's Call' quest, mind if I take it alone? I want to see how strong I've become." I say and we stop walking.
"Message me if you need help." He says.
I nod and then use a teleport crystal to get to the request, here we go...
Natsu POV:
We watch Lucy as she prepares for her first boss battle, everyone hasn't been able to turn away. We've invited all of Lucy's friends from all over Fiore to come and watch her fight, we sit down and watch as Lucy, the boy she's with Kirito and a girl called Asuna, follow the party their with to the boss battle.
"Natsu I'm scared." Wendy says sitting next to me.
I place a hand on her head and give her a smile, I go to say something but I'm disturbed by a roar. Wendy and I shoot glares at the screen and watch as Lucy pulls out a sword and begins to attack the strange monsters that look like minions of Ilfang, what that his name?
"Come on Lucy!" Erza yells.
The guild is filled with cheers of support, a light appears in Lucy's eyes almost like she can hear us. She then takes a go of attacking the boss, Kirito gets attacked and Lucy rushes forward with a fire in her eyes like I've never seen before. All the other people help to attack the boss and Kirito and Asuna come in hitting the monster with everything they have, Kirito runs in and sends the final blow which causes Ilfang disappear in blue crystals.
"YEAH!" We yell cheering happily.
But the happiness doesn't last long, people start to yell at Kirito saying that he is cheating in the game. And some people here agree with them.
"He could be plotting to kill everyone for all we know!" Grey yells.
"He could be acting nice to Lucy hoping she'll trust him and then stab her in the back!" Sting yells angrily, he wraps an arm around Yukino while she cries into him.
Wendy sits beside me with her bangs covering her eyes, tears fall down her cheeks and she stands up nocking the table over.
"Wendy..." Carla says looking at the young dragon slayer.
"We shouldn't be jumping to conclusions about Lucy, we don't know what happened hat first day there or the first month there. We started watching yesterday and we don't know what Lucy is going through, for all we know Kirito might have saved her and is keeping her alive!" She says with passion in her voice.
Everyone goes silent and then quietens down while we watch Lucy walk away from Kirito, she walks off to a dark area of the forest and hold out s golden crystal. She walks towards a golden door and places the crystal into the lock, it swings open to reveal a huge dark room.
Lucy POV:
As I walk into the room a notification pops up asking me if I want to do the quest, glancing at my right hand where my guild mark used to be I click the 'Yes' button. The room fills with strange monsters, they are all silver and have diamond spines sticking out from their backs. Altogether there are about ten of them, I gulp and think this might be more than I can handle. Pulling my sword from my back I gulp and then run at the monsters head on, I attack one of the monsters and it explodes into gold dust which coats my sword. I glance at it and take another swing at one of the monsters, each time I attack one it gets easier and easier. Soon my sword is covered in golden dust and a thundering roar causes my blood to turn cold, a golden dragon appears and roars at me. I grip my sword tightly and charge at the dragon, it sends a swing of its claw's at me causing me to fly back against one of the pillars in the room. Panting I notice my health has gone down to the red zone, pulling out a healing crystal I crush it in my hands and see my health go into the yellow zone. I take another swing at the dragon swinging my sword and twirling it in my hand to get better coverage, the dragon swipes its tail at me sending my sword flying over the floor.
"Crap!" I yell panting.
The dragon roars at me and prepares for a breath attack, I jump over the head of the dragon and run at my sword just as it sends the breath attack at me. I use my sword as a shield to try and defend my self my health goes dangerously low so while using one hand to shield my self I crack two health crystals in my hand, when the breath attack ends I use all my strength to run at the dragon and deal the final blow. It's last health bar fades to red and the dragon disappears in a cloud of blue crystals, I fall to the ground panting hard. I decide to send a message to Kirito.
Hey guess who just manages to complete the 'heaves' call' quest!
I lie back and notice the dragon dropped not one but two items. Checking them I notice one is the outfit, it's called the Celestial Guardian suit of armor and the second item is a gold dragon scale. I notice a message pop up with Kirito's name next to it.
Well done Lucy! Can you show me the outfit?
I smile and then change into the outfit with a grin on my face, it looks like something Virgo would bring me from the celestial world. I walk out of the room with the biggest smile on my face, I check the amount of money I managed to get from the quest and notice something.
"I can buy the guild hall...." I say abound and then run off to meet Kirito.
(The outfit Lucy wins is the image above)
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