Chapter 13
Lucy POV:
As I read the morning paper while sipping my cup of tea I couldn't help bug giggle, Kirito was going to duel Heathcliff and if he lost he would have to join the Knights of the Blood Oath. As I put the paper down I took a quick scan of the guild, some members were looking at the request board which I'd added new quests to every time we reached a new floor, some were drinking, some were talking, and some were having a good time. It filled my heart with joy looking at all of these happy people, especially since I was the one who made them happy. I wished that we could replicate some of the old traditions of Fairy Tail like the S-Class promotion trials and the different festivities that we celebrated through the years. But try as I might this isn't the same Fairy Tail as the one I knew, this Fairy Tail was made so that we could clear a death game with family standing behind us, and not only that it was made so that people could find comfort when the world seems at an end.
"Master, is everything ok?" Penelope asks me as she carries a tray back to the bar.
"Yeah everything's ok, have you heard about the fight happening between the black swordsman and Commander Heathcliff?" I ask her placing my cup down.
"Yes, most of the guild members are going to watch, even young Silica is going. She claims she knows the Black Swordsman, but most of us think she's trying to sound tough." She says smiling slightly.
"Believe it or not but Silica does know the black swordsman, and even Kiko knows who he is. Its Kirito, he's the black swordsman." I say as she looks at me in shock.
"Never thought he'd be the one to have a title like that, you have two right master?"
"Yeah in the beginning people called me the Starlight Knight, now I'm called the Titania. I have to say the name's growing on me."
I glance around and notice everyone is getting ready to leave for the fight, I want to watch but at the same time I need to increase my EXP.
"Penelope, can you take Kiko to the fight? I'm sure Asuna will be there, I'll send her a message telling her that you and Kiko will meet her there. Is that alright with you?" I ask her.
"Sure Master Lucy, I'm sure Kiko will enjoy watching the fight. She loves it when a brawl breaks out in the guild hall, I'll head out now." She says locking away the liquor.
"Thanks, tell Asuna I'm training in the forest ok?" I say pulling a white cloak over my armor.
I stride out into the forest ready to increase my EXP, my level is high at 84 so I wanna try and get to 85 so I can go and hopefully congratulate Kirito on winning the match. But I'm a little nervous too since Heathcliff has a unique skill too, and my unique skill is why he wanted me to join his guild. So I just hope that duel wielding is better than Holy Sword. As I walk into the forest I get the feeling that I'm not alone, taking a glance around I use my high detection skill to spot anyone. Suddenly an arrow comes flying at me, with quick reflexes I duck to avoid the arrow and then equip my sword.
"Show your self!" I cry out.
"Well if it isn't the Titania, have to say your golden blade is very nice. Mind if I take it from you?" A cloaked figure walked towards me and I could just make out a small grin on the persons face.
"Let me guess, you're from laughing coffin?" I say standing tall.
"Good eye, and your from Fairy Tail. I'm curious about the name of the guild, care to elaborate?" The voice asked, the voice was masculine so it was obviously a man speaking.
"Not to someone who wont show me their face, now show your self! I wont ask again!" I called.
The man walked forward and pulled his hood down, he had crimson hair and black eyes. He was wearing a uniform though that I was very familiar with, he was from the knights of the blood oath. I don't remember his name but I've seen him on some raids before now, he's skilled with a sword but lacks concentration.
"Remember me now Lucy?" He asked gesturing to his body.
"Sorry to say but I don't, now why are you with the Knights of the Blood Oath if you're a member of Laughing Coffin?" I asked never once letting my guard down, since being in the game the scared Lucy has gone. The girl who would let her friends fight for her is long gone, now I'm strong and I'm going to protect my friends no matter what.
"Maybe I wanted to gain intel on a certain someone, or should I say people. You, the Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash. Three players who are strong, and have strong skills. And Strong weapons, what would happen if those people were to 'mysteriously vanish'? And their items just happened to fall into the hands of the deadliest guild in this game?" He says grinning evilly.
I quickly hold my sword at the ready, how dare he think that he can kill me and my friends?! We might have fancy names but we earned them helping the people in this game to stay alive, sure some people might have died trying to get out. But we keep trying, fighting with everything we have so that we can clear all 100 floors. He pulls out a long steel sword and points it at me, his eyes are full of nothing but blood lust and I know once he's finished with me he's going after Asuna and Kirito.
He charges at me and our swords clash, I jump back and then send a powerful attack at him sending him back and his health down slightly. I could never hurt someone, but he didn't put the duel settings on or make sure that we were in a town where our health wouldn't go down enough to kill each other so its clear that he's out for blood. We keep clashing swords and he manages to get a few good swipes at me, but I also managed to get some on him. I check my health and notice its in the orange and about to go into the red, I need to get away from this fight quickly.
"Walk away, or I know someone from my guild will come after you." I say panting slightly, I notice his curser has gone orange so I can only assume mine has too.
"Never! You're dangerous and need to be killed! Fairy Tail is a dead guild, once we're done here I'll make sure of it!" He cried at me.
That was the last straw, he can say stuff about me all he wants. But the minute he says something about my guild is the minute I loose my cool, I yell a battle cry and swing my sword at him. He knocks me back and I lie down panting, my health is almost out and I don't know how much longer I can last. He stands over me and glares down at me, an evil smile crossing over his face.
"Well the Titania finally falls, now i'll take the Lumen Histoire and kill everyone in Fairy Tail. And what will you do to stop me? Nothing, because you'll be a crispy brain dead person IRL." He says positioning his blade over my chest, right above my heart. "And you didn't even ask my name dear Titania, my name is Aeron. It means carnage and slaughter. Perfect for the person who will kill you." He says and then his blade comes swinging down.
Natsu POV:
I smile at Wendy as the two of us head to the hospital, I've been going to see Lucy a lot more since I went with Mirajane. And today Wendy decided to come with me, so the pair of us are walking through the strong smelling halls of the hospital to Lucy's room. I can see Wendy wrinkling her nose at the strong medical smell that fills the halls, so I pat her head and ruffle her hair.
"Dont worry, when we're in Lucy's room I'll open the window and let the smell out. Have you been to see Lucy since she's been in here?" I ask her as Carla sits on her shoulder.
"No I haven't, I've been trying to find a way to get Lucy out but I'm drawing a blank. Nothing like this has happened before, but I'm going to take a trip to the place called Japan because a lot of the victims are there. I'm going to speak to the doctors there in one of the hospitals so I can see how they are treating the victims there, me and Carla were going to head out tomorrow." She says as I hold open the door to Lucy's room for her.
"Really? Mind if Happy and I tag along? Who knows what the people there are like, and you'll need help getting around." I say smiling at her.
She's been trying to help out as much as she can since Lucy went into SAO, its amazing to see how much she's changed over the past two years. And Lucy has changed too. Her hair is down to her waist now, and she's as white as paper. Her cheeks are sunken from not getting all the food she needs and her hair doesn't shine anymore, its limp and doesn't look as blonde anymore.
"I didn't realise she'd changed so much.." Wendy said taking a seat next to her, she takes Lucy's hand carefully and holds it in her own.
"You wont break her Wendy, just be careful of her helmet." I say sitting on the other side of her, I pick up her hand in my own and plant a soft kiss onto it. "Hey Luce, I've brought Wendy to see you today. And we're going to Japan to see some doctors to see how we can help you and the others in with you more, maybe I can bring something back from there for you?"
"Yeah, they have some nice clothes in Japan. The doctors sent me a magazine about it so I would know what to expect, and from what they have been telling me its going to be a fun trip." Wendy says smiling slightly.
"How about we bring you a good luck charm Lucy?" Carla asks. "We could hang it over your bed to protect you while your in the game."
"And I could bring you some new fish, we've eaten every type of fish here so they might have some different ones in Japan!" Happy says cheerfully.
We sit and speak to Lucy for about half an hour before she begins to change, she comes sweaty and her breath is becoming heavy almost like she's fighting someone inside the game. I've seen this happen before so I'm not too worried but soon the sweat is pouring from her face down her cheeks and onto the pillow and her breath is becoming deeper and deeper.
"Wendy go and fetch a doctor I don't like this, she must be fighting someone bad in the game." I say and she quickly dashes out of the room to fetch a doctor.
Once she returns with the doctor he gives her something to calm down her breathing, but she begins to do that on her own. He also checks her magic levels the same time to make sure that she's still stable, but his face doesn't look good once the results come back.
"She's on the verge of getting magic deficiency syndrome, her body isn't able to absorb magic in her current state. I'm sorry but you're going to have to find a way to get her out soon, if not I'm afraid she wont be able to use her magic at all when she comes out. That or she might get very sick because she doesn't have any magic, do you know of another Celestial Spirit wizard who might be able to lend her some magic?" The doctor asks.
"There is Yukino from Sabertooth, maybe she can help?" Wendy suggests.
"Yeah! Happy can you fly there and give them a message from the doctor to Yukino?" I ask as he gives me a small salute.
"Aye sir! What do you want me to take doc?" He asks the doctor as he quickly writes a note.
"Try and get this to them as quickly as you can, the sooner we get some magic into her she'll be better off." He says as Happy fly's out of the window. "Come and fetch me once he's back with the wizard."
I nod and then relax in my chair, its good to know that Lucy is well cared for here. The doctors are always willing to help and make sure that the people who are in the game are well cared for, and have all the medication they need to stay healthy. Lucy is the only member from a guild who's in the game but there are other people and even a couple of teenagers, but no kids. Which makes me wonder where the girl Lucy is taking care of is, then I have an idea which is happening more and more frequently. Happy doesn't like it.
"Wendy, do you think that the girl Lucy is taking care of is in Japan?" I ask and the places a hand on her chin in thought.
"Its possibly, but Natsu there are lots of different countries which have people using the game. But maybe we could ask the people in the hospital we're going to if they have any young kids in the game." Wendy suggests.
"Good idea Natsu, I have to say your mentality is getting much better." Carla says.
"What does that mean?" I ask scratching my head.
"I stand corrected..." She says and we sit in silence waiting for Happy to come back with Yukino, and we can only hope that when we leave for Japan that there is someone there who knows how to help Lucy. And hopefully we'll be able to find the girl she's with too.
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