Chapter 12
Lucy POV:
I opened my eyes slowly to see Asuna and Kirito looking down at me, I took a glance at my HP bar. It's nearly all out. Asuna kneeled down and helped me to sit up all the while the other members who were with us are looking at me and Kirito with shocked eyes, I look to my side and see Lumen Histoire lying on the floor next to me. I reach over and pick it up adding it to my side on my belt.
"You ok Lucy?" Kirito asks me.
"Yeah, what about you? You took some bad hits." I say offering a small smile.
"Yeah, here take this." He says passing me a health potion. "Don't want you dropping dead."
I smile and then drink the potion feeling my health rise, I take a glance at my HP bar again and see its now full.
"Yeah we're all glad your both ok, but what the hell was that you two?" Klein asks giving me and Kirito small glares.
"Well mine is a unique skill, it appeared when I got my sword from Lisbeth. She didn't know what it was and neither did I." Kirito says. "Its called duel wielding."
I look at Kirito in awe, he has a unique skill too?
"And what about you Miss Titania, don't go saying that yours is a unique skill too." Klein asks.
"Sorry to disappoint you Klein but mine is a unique skill, and something tells me that Akihiko Kayaba did some research on my guild." I say looking at my sword.
"What makes you say that Lucy, how could he make a unique skill from your guild in Aincrad?" He asks me crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, um...." I say scratching my head. "I'm actually part of Fairy Tail in real life, I'm from the country of Fiore."
"Wait a second! The land where people can learn magic!" Klein yells stepping back.
"Yeah, and there in Fiore is a guild called Fairy Tail. Its my guild actually, but there I'm just a member I'm not the master. And we have something that only guild members know a lot about, its called Fairy Law and its one of the three grand fairy spells. This spell I've only seen used by Master Makarov, and even then he's only used it as a last resort. Its a judgement spell and will destroy anything that the caster see's as an enemy." I say sighing.
"So what your saying is that you used magic in this game?" Kirito asks stepping in.
"I don't think its magic, more like a sword skill. Like yours 'Starburst Stream' I had my sword make at Lisbeth's shop and when I was practicing using it, I noticed it in my skill list." I say and then stand up. "How many dead?"
"Only three members, Master Lucy are you sure your ok?" Abel asks me.
"I'll be fine." I turn to the other members of the military. "Their names will be written on our wall of remembrance, you may come and visit my guild if you want to pay your respects."
We left the dungeon and my arms ached to hold Kiko, I just wanted her to wrap her monkey arms around me and kiss my cheeks. My guild members and I headed back to the guild where the first thing I did was divide up the money we collected, its the only way I've found to keep peace between the members. All those who fight get an equal share of the money. As soon as I walked in Kiko came running towards me with her arms wide.
"Mama!" She yelled and jumped into my arms.
I held her close inhaling her soft floral scent, I feel the tears sting my eyes when I realise how close I was to dying. If gleam eyes had landed one more hit on me, I would never see her again. Or my friends in the real world.
"Mama why are you crying?" Kiko asks me.
"Because I missed you, what have you been doing while I was away?" I ask picking her up as we walk to the bar.
"I learned how to write, and my painting skill is getting higher." She says proudly.
"Thats my girl, how about we have some dinner? I'm sure Penelope will make us something nice, and if your a good girl I'll make some cookies." I say sitting her down on a bar stool.
We sit just talking and eating for what feels like hours, she's growing up so much. But something keeps nagging at the back of my mind, what will happen to her when we beat the game? Will I be able to find her? Or will she be sent off somewhere where I'll never be able to find her, she's become my daughter and I'll never let anyone take her from me.
"Mama you keep staring off, are you sure everything's ok?" She asks me placing her small hand on mine.
"Yeah I think I'm just tired, it was a long day today." I say and fake a yawn.
"Mama..." She asks looking at me with those big blue eyes.
I turn to her and run my fingers through her long hair.
"What is it you want to tell me sweetie?" I ask smiling.
"Will I be able to find you if we get out?" She asks and tears fill her eyes.
I pull her into my arms and pick her up, we walk to the second floor so we can have some privacy.
"What's brought all this on?" I ask sitting down and pulling her onto my lap.
"Its just, you've got so close to winning mama. I just keep thinking about what'll happen, will I see you again?" She asks me wiping her tears.
"Oh sweetie.." I say holding her tight. "I promise you, when we get out I won't stop until I find you. You're my world, and I know the guilds of Fiore will help me find you too."
"I love you mama." She says planting a soft kiss onto my cheek.
"And I love you too, never forget that ok?" I say wiping the tears from my own eyes.
I look at the clock and notice its getting late, I place Kiko on the floor and walk to the railings on the second floor.
"We're closing up early tonight everyone, finish your drinks then turn in early. Tomorrow we're going to do some training, I don't want to come that close to loosing anyone again." I state and everyone looks at me shocked.
"Come on everyone, you heard Master Lucy." Abel yells.
He looks at me and gives me a small nod, I nod back and then take Kiko by the hand. We leave through the back of the guild hall to our small cottage, its not very big but its just perfect for the two of us. I pull the key from my pocket and Kiko goes running in, I walk to the little wood burning heater and set it alight and soon the house is toasty warm. I then begin getting ready to cook our food, I pick up some fish that I caught a few nights ago and pull out a small knife. Cutting the fish up I add some other vegetables and add it to the pan, then I place it into the over and begin working on a sauce. Asuna's been teaching me the basics of cooking so I can now cook simple meals for me and Kiko. A soft knock on the door draws me out of my trance and Kiko goes running.
"Silica!" She yells opening the door.
"Hey Kiko, is it ok that I come in Master Lucy?" She asks not stepping over the threshold.
"Come on in Silica, I was just making some food. Would you like some?" I ask pulling the steaming dish out of the oven.
"Yes please! Master you're so nice, not like Rosalia." She says and helps Kiko to set the table.
Pina flies over and sits on my shoulder looking at the food, I then reach into the cupboard and pull out some red berries. Placing them into a small bowl I set it onto the table next to Silica, Pina flies down from my shoulder and begins to eat the berries not caring that we haven't started yet.
"Come and get your plates girls." I say pouring the sauce over the fish and vegetables.
"Thanks mama!" Kiko says smiling.
"Thanks Master!" Silica says taking her plate from my hands.
We sit down at the table and eat, speaking often and even sharing some jokes. Then its time for Kiko to head to bed, so Silica helps me to clean the dishes and then bids us farewell.
"See you at the guild tomorrow!" She yells waving with Pina rested on her head.
I close the door and then help Kiko get ready for bed, I brush her hair and teeth and then tuck her into bed. We share a room since she didn't want to sleep in a room alone, so I tuck her in and plant a soft kiss on the end of her nose.
"Tell me a Fairy Tail story mama." She says smiling.
"You love hearing about the guild don't you?" I say and then think of a story. "I have it! How about the time that we all got switched?"
She nods and then snuggles down in her bed.
I begin to tell her about the time when Me, Natsu, Grey, Loke, Erza and Happy all switched bodies. Because Natsu was stupid he read the spell aloud and then it caused us all to switch bodies, everyone was annoyed by this apart from Happy who'd turned into Erza. He kept making jokes and we realised that we wouldn't be able to use our magic anymore because we didn't know how, then Levy helped us (With support from Jet, Droy and Elfman) to fix ourselves. By the time the story is finished Kiko is fast asleep. I change into my pyjamas and then climb into my bed, I glance out at the night sky and look at the stars. Climbing back out of my bed I walk onto our balcony and gaze up at the stars, they aren't like the ones in real life but they are still beautiful.
"Dont worry everyone, the first thing I'll do when I get out of here is summon you and apologise. Leaving you all unable to do anything for these past two years, I know aquarius will be angry. But I don't care, you're all my friends. And if anyone can open their own gates....try to come here..." I say and feel the tears fill my eyes. "I miss you all, even you Taurus. Even though your a big pervert." I say wiping my tears.
I walk back into the room and lie down on my bed, pulling the blanket over my body I feel my eyes become heavy. Its been a long day and I'm exhausted.
"Good night everyone..." I whisper before falling asleep.
Natsu POV:
I look at the screen and watch how Lucy uses Fairy Law to destroy the monster, Mirajane looks with me and I notice her grip on Lucy's hand become tighter.
"How did she use Fairy Law?" I ask looking at the doctor.
"I don't know about what happens in the game sir, I only tend to the patients that are here." He says and then turns to leave.
"Thank you Doctor." Mirajane says looking at Lucy.
I stand up and pace the room, Happy looks at me confused.
"Natsu whats wrong?" He asks me.
"How could someone know about Fairy Law, only the Fairy Tail members know about it and from what we've seen. Lucy was only able to use it as a skill." I say placing my hand on my chin.
"Natsu are you thinking?" Mirajane asks me with a soft smirk.
"Natsu! THINKING! Thats a dangerous thing to do!" Happy says looking shocked.
"It just makes me think, how could somebody know about the spell. Unless they were a member of the guild, or maybe he read about it in a book." I say and then sit down on the nearest chair.
"Dont think too much about it Natsu, how about we head back to the guild and let someone else use the dream crystal." Mirajane says pulling her coat on.
We stand up and leave the room, but while Mirajane takes the crystal back I walk to Lucy and run my hand through her hair. Its much longer now almost to her waist, I then kneel down and plant a soft kiss onto her cheek.
"I'll get you out Luce, I promise you." I say and then leave.
But not before I catch a glimpse of Mirajane....and a camera.
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