Chapter 11
Natsu POV:
Its been two long years since Lucy went into that death game, I try to visit when I'm not on jobs but I never stop taking jobs so I don't see her often. We can't even see into what she's doing anymore, because the guild gave it to the hospital so that other people can see what their loved ones are doing in game. Everyone tries to think of ways to bring her out of the game safely but its getting harder and harder since the game has been on for two years now, and Lucy's been getting weaker too. I look at the clock that rests on the wall of the guild hall and notice its 4PM, I pick up my bag and toss it onto my back then I wave to Mirajane.
"How much for the drinks Mira?" I ask pulling out my small bag of money.
"50J Natsu, you going to visit Lucy today?" She asks me picking up my glasses.
"I don't know, I don't think she'd notice if I was there or not." I say passing her the money.
"But Natsu, we've noticed. You were always there for Lucy and now you don't even talk about her, just because she's in the game doesn't mean that you can't sit with her and be there for her. Please Natsu, just for ten minutes. I'll come with you if you'd like." She says smiling at me slightly.
"If you want Mira, don't know how long I'll be there for though." I say as Happy walks over to me.
"Can I come too Natsu?" My blue feline friend asks looking up at me.
"Sure, come on then." I say patting my shoulder.
Mirajane comes over to me and we walk out of the guild and then to the hospital, its about a ten minute walk from the guild so were there in no time. Mirajane walks to the main desk and asks for three passes and the pin for Lucy's room, all the members here have a special pin thats changed every day so that they can be kept safe. Its good to know that Lucy is kept safe while she's not here.
"Ready to go Natsu?" Mirajane asks walking to the stairs.
I nod and then follow her, we walk up three flights of stairs and then down a long corridor. We then come to a door right at the end with a name written on it. Lucy Heartfilia. Mirajane presses some numbers on the door's key pad and then opens the door, walking in she places a small bag onto the floor and takes a seat next to the bed.
"Hey there Lucy, someone else is here to see you today." Mirajane says and motions me with her hand to come closer.
I walk over and get a good look of Lucy, her skin is white as snow and her hair is dull and lifeless. Her body is so frail it looks like it'll snap in two if she ever wakes up, is this my Luce?
"Whats happened to her?" I ask taking another seat next to Lucy's bed.
"Time Natsu, all the patients are like it now. They say that the sooner they get out of the game the sooner they can begin rehabilitation, its going to be a long road to recovery since they've been in the game for so long. I try to brush what hair I can when I visit since I know she loved her hair, always tying it in either pigtails or her signature side pony tail." Mira says her voice breaking slightly as she pulls out a hairbrush. "I always find it helps to talk to her when I'm here, it feels like old times then."
I nod and then take Lucy's cold small hand in mine.
"Hey Lucy, sorry I haven't been in a while. I think I was just too scared to see you, and now looking at how sick you look. I realise I should have been here more often, I've just been missing you so much." I say bringing her hand to my lips I plant a soft kiss. "It hasn't been the same since you took this Job, lets just say I hope that man pays you more because you've been in there for so long."
Mira laughs at me and then a doctor walks in, he smiles at me and then begins to check Lucy to make sure she's ok.
"How is she today?" Mirajane asks.
"She's still stable which is a good thing, its just her magic energy levels that we're finding difficult to keep at a good number. The other patients aren't having this trouble because they're non magic users, the sooner she gets out of the game the better." He says looking over Lucy's notes.
"Do you think she's doing ok in there? I mean when we last saw her she was going through a rough patch, I just wish I could go in and bring her home." I say looking at the doctor.
"Well sir, you can't go into this game. But I'm sure I can bring the dream crystal your guild gave us so you can see how she is, I'll only be a moment." He says walking out of the room.
Mirajane pulls out a hairbrush and begins to brush Lucy's hair slowly talking soft words to her while she does, Happy pulls out a fish and places it on Lucy's chest.
"Here Lucy, its my last fish." He says smiling.
The doctor then walks in with a large white screen and the crystal in a box, he sets everything up and then activates the crystal. When I turn to look at the screen my heart gets caught in my throat, I notice Lucy's health is in the yellow and dropping to the red. I squeeze her hand tightly and look at the monster their fighting, Its like a bull with a snake tail and huge horns that twist around its head. Its got huge arms which it uses to wield the sword. I lean close to Lucy's head and whisper into the helmet in the hopes she can hear me.
"You can do it Lucy, stay alive."
Lucy POV:
I stand on the second floor of the guild hall and look down on everyone.
"Right, today we're going to help two friends of mine to clear a dungeon. We might look into the boss room but the main objective is to fight the monsters in the dungeon and then go public with the information, with this we'll be able to get a good team together. Who'll come with me?" I ask and about six hands raise up.
"Right the six of you, we'll head out in ten minutes. Prepare yourselves." I say and head off to my office to leave everything ready for Agil.
"Hey Master." I hear someone say from the door.
"Hey Able, I'm glad your coming with us. Everything ok?" I ask him turning around.
"Yeah I'm just exited for the boss raid, its been a long time since we've done one." He says cracking his knuckles.
I smile and then pull out one of my swords, I don't want to use the one Lisbeth got me until I need to. We head downstairs and then head out to the dungeon, meeting Kirito and Asuna there we begin to fight the monsters. It feels good to swing my sword and do some damage, I've been so overwhelmed with paperwork and making sure the guild doesn't fall to the ground when the members party too hard that I've not been able to practice or develop my skills.
"Lucy!" Kirito yells pushing a minion towards me.
"I got it!" I yell and send my sword slicing through it.
"Thats all of them, wanna look in the boss room?" Asuna asks.
"Come on Master! Lets do it!" Everyone yells at me.
I laugh and then put my sword onto my hip crossing my arms.
"If we go in everyone needs to have their teleport crystals with them, and we don't engage in combat. Agreed?" I state looking back.
"Yeah!" Kirito yells like a kid.
"Um Kirito, calm down." Summer says looking at him.
We walk into the boss room and all the lights come on, I take a small step back as the floor boss comes into view. It must be about 20ft tall and it resembles a large bull, with sharp horns wrapping around its head and a huge knife type blade in its hand. the name appears and also the health bars.
"The Gleam Eyes. And four health bars." I say breathlessly.
"Everyone out now!" Kirito yells and we run out of the room panting hard.
We all sit down and begin to draw up a map so that we can get a good team together to tackle the floor boss, I notice Kirito and Asuna getting very close and she has even made him food. I take a good look at the sandwich and sigh, looks tasty. I pull out my small loaf of bread and bottle of water taking small sips and bites alternating between the two, I then notice Klein and his guild come over and they start talking to us about the floor boss. But then the military turn up demanding our maps.
"Do you know how hard it is to map things!" Klein yells at them.
"Just hand over the maps now!" Their leader yells.
I take a glance at the members of his team who've dropped to the floor in exhaustion, they look so worn down I cant believe it. Kirito hands over his map and I give mine sighing as it transfers from my inventory to theirs, he then demands his men to stand up because their going to take on the boss.
"Its too dangerous! Look at your men! their exhausted!" I yell right in their leaders face.
"Back off Titania, my men are stronger than you think!" He yells pushing me back.
Asuna catches me, stopping me from falling to the ground and we watch the others in his party walk off silently. I can hear the grumbles and groans from the other people in our party but the quiet mumblings of our party are then replaced with the cries of the military.
"We have to help them!" I yell running to the doors.
Everyone follows me and when we get inside most of the members are either hurt or dead.
"Fairy Tail! Assemble 2 by 3!" I yell and my members get into position. "Remember its not about the EXP its about helping to clear the game, go!" I yell and they begin to swing their swords at Gleam eyes.
I take my turn jumping in and swinging my sword, but then I notice Asuna run forward with her sword. She comes flying back after taking a hit from Gleam Eyes, and I notice her HP is low. I pull a healing potion from my inventory and give it to her, she doesn't accept it so I force it into her. I then notice kirito has a determined look on his face.
"Keep him off me for ten seconds!" He yells at me and the others.
"You got it!" I yell and pull out my simple sword.
I run forward and jump onto the arm of Gleam Eyes and then send slashes from my sword while the others take him lower down.
"Move now!" Kirito yells so I jump off and notice he's pulled out two swords.
"What the?!" I say gasping and then notice he's got a unique skill.
Duel wielding.
I notice his HP begin to drop down low so I decide I cant hold off not using my lumen histoire, searching through my inventory quick I run forward with my golden blade in hand.
"Lucy get back!" Asuna and Abel yell at me.
I look at Kirito and notice his HP is dangerously low, glancing at mine I notice its in the red zone too.
"I'm here to help." I say and then run forward.
My blade begins to glow a soft golden colour while I prepare to use my unique skill, Kirito falls back just as the Gleam Eyes HP drops into the red zone on his last bar. I hold the handle of my sword and then swing it yelling....
"Fairy LAW!"
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