Chapter 1
Lucy POV:
I woke up to the familiar sound of soaring beside me, I looked over and saw Natsu lying there fast asleep. I glared at him and then pulled him out of the bed.
"What do you think your doing in my bed Natsu!" I yell at him.
He falls out of the bed with a blue cat following in his wake, I yell at them and they just smile at me. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower, those guy's always sneak into my room. I grumble stepping out of the shower I then wrap a towel around my body and change into my regular outfit, a blue skirt with a blue and white top. When I walk into my room the window is open and the boys are gone, I take a deep breath and sigh.
"Will they ever leave me alone?" I say aloud.
I walk over to my desk and pick up my Zodiac Keys, attaching them to my hip I walk to my landlady's room. Since the Grand Magic Games we've had loads of job requests so I've got enough to pay for three months rent, which should give me some piece of mind. I pay her and then walk to the guild deciding to eat some breakfast there, I summon Plue to walk with me and head on over to Fairy Tail. When I walk in I decide to check out the request board to see if there are any new jobs, and luckily for me I found one that sounds pretty cool! Plucking it off the board I walk over to Mirajane to get her to sign it.
"Hey Mirajane can you sign this job for me please? Oh and can I get a Strawberry Milkshake?" I ask sitting on a bar stool.
"Sure thing Lucy, its a high paying job for such a small request. Think you can manage it?" She asks me.
"I'll bring the others along with me so don't worry." I say with a cheerful grin.
As I take a look around the guildhall I notice everyone laughing and smiling happily, thats what I love about Fairy Tail. everyone makes each other smile and we always protect our own, my teams walks over to me just as Mira brings out my milkshake.
"Hey everyone, I found us a job." I say taking a sip from my drink.
"Cool, what is it?" Grey asks me.
"Well it asks a wizard to use something called a Nerve Gear, its a gaming device thats not available here yet so they want someone to test it. You'll be playing a game called Sword Art Online, only for a day and then we will get paid 10000J" I say with a smirk.
"All that Money!" Happy yells from Natsu's shoulder.
"I know right? I thought it would be kinda fun to do something that won't involve injury of a change." I say finishing my drink.
"Good idea Lucy, we could all use a break from the jobs we've been getting." Erza says and orders her self a slice of strawberry cake. "When do we leave?"
"Well the job asks that we go today, which is a little quick." I say looking at the request.
"Lets get packing then." Erza says and we all walk off to pack.
I only pack the over night stuff because the job request only asks for one of us to play the game for a day, I put into my bag my pyjamas, tooth brush, towel, shampoo, conditioner, change of clothes and underwear and my notebook. I always write to my mom every day kinda like a diary so I wanna be able to do that while we're gone, I zip up my bag and then walk to the train station where everyone is waiting for me. The request is in Acalypha so its about an hour train ride. Wendy sits next to me and rests her head on my arm.
"So which one of us will go into the game?" Natsu asks with a green face.
"I think Lucy should go in because she chose the job." Wendy squeaks.
"Speak more clearly child." Carla says scolding Wendy.
I smile and then gaze out of the window, I wonder what it will be like in the game...
"You ok with that Lucy?" Erza asks me smiling.
"Yeah it sounds cool! I was actually hoping you would all let me try it out, once I'm done then you can each have a go. If the man who sent the request is ok with it that is." I say settling down with a book.
"Whats the name of the man who posted the request?" Happy asks eating a fish.
"His name is Akihiko Kayaba." I say and then dive into my book.
In no time we reach the station in Acalypha, its a beautiful town and holds many memories for me. This is where my parents met and where my name came from, it still makes me laugh to think that my name came from a broken down sign. We walk to the home of Akihiko Kayaba and he greets us with a warm smile.
"Welcome Fairy Tail Wizards, as you know from the request my name is Akihiko Kayaba. Which one of you fine young people will be going into the game SAO?" He asks. "Its called Sword Art Online but we call it SAO for short." He explains.
"That will be me sir." I say raising my hand.
"Very well follow me all of you." He says and leads us to a small room with the console and a bed.
"Why the bed?" Natsu asks.
"While plugged into the game your body will be immobilised meaning you won't be able to move at all, I thought this would be comfier for whoever was going into the game." He says and picks up a strange helmet. "As for you miss?" He asks me.
"Please call me Lucy." I say and sit on the bed.
"Right Lucy, when you put this helmet on you'll need to follow the instruction that will appear on the screen here. You'll need to come up with a name for your character and you'll be able to customise your looks, you can always use your real name but thats up to you." He says passing me the helmet.
I take my blue hair ribbon out of my hair and put the helmet onto my head, it asks me to place my hands over my body so that it can create the body shape for my avatar. I then lie down and Akihiko Kayaba tells me to say the two words that will transport me into the game.
"Link Start!" I yell.
I suddenly find my self in a dark room, a voice tells me to choose a name for my avatar. I think it would be weird to use a fake name so I type in 'Lucy' then I start to get creative. I change my hair so that it reaches my butt and change it to a deep aqua blue colour, I change my eyes to silver and then change into the outfit all players have when they start. The final touch is a steel sword that is equipped to my back. I touch the done button with my hand and the voice speaks to me.
"You will now be teleported to the town of beginnings, good luck player!"
Suddenly I find my self surrounded by other players, I smile and then begin to walk around until I find my self on a small hill where two boys are fighting a bull of some kind. The dark haired boy seems to know what he's doing so I walk over just as the guy with red hair gets hit in the balls.
"I guess that hurt." I say walking over.
The guy with red hair blushes and then turns his back to me, but the guy with dark hair smiles at me.
"First time gaming?" He asks me.
"Yeah my name is Lucy." I say offering my hand.
"I'm Kirito and thats Klein." He says pointing to the red haired guy.
"Could you show me how to use a sword please?" I ask smiling at him as we shake hands.
"Sure, If you watch Klein first you can then have a go." He says and then instructs Klein on how to use his sword skills.
I watch and then try my self, pulling the sword from my back I'm surprised at how heavy it is. How was Erza able to fight with these full time?! Kirito then positions my body and sends a rock at one of the bulls so it comes racing towards me, I take a deep breath and swing my sword killing the bull and earring some EXP.
"Awesome! Erza will love this game!" I say swinging my sword.
"Who's that?" Klein asks.
"She's my friend and she's an amazing swords woman." I say and then we spend the rest of the day levelling up and earning EXP.
At the end on the day we sit watching the sun set on a small slope, the soft wind blows through my long hair and I sigh happily. Klein talks about how he can't believe this is all a game and then Kirito mentions he's something called a Beta Tester, he tells us how he managed to get to floor eight out of the one hundred that are in the game all together. Were then disturbed by a grumbling noise coming from Klein's stomach, I laugh and then my stomach copies him.
"Man I could go for some of Mirajane's food right now..." I say and stand up.
Klein swipes his hand down and opens the menu telling us he'll be back after he's eaten his pizza, but something causes him to get confused.
"Where'd the log out button go?" He asks.
I check my menu and then notice my log out button is gone too. The bell from town then sounds and we're all teleported into the plaza, the sky turns red and the form of a red robed man appears in the sky looking down on us all. I glance around not really paying attention until his name comes up and what will happen if we die in the game.
"The Nerve Gear will simultaneously send a microwave signal through your brain killing you instantly." The red robed man says.
"Kayaba!" Kirito says glances angrily at the robed man.
"Wait is his name Akihiko Kayaba?" I ask Kirito.
"Yeah he's the creator of SAO." Klein says looking at me.
"I also left a little present for you in your inventory." He finishes.
I look and notice there is a mirror in my inventory, I hold it in my hands and then take a good look at my self for the first time. I don't get long to look because I'm suddenly engulfed in a blue light, I glance around and look for Kirito and Klein. All I notice is two guy's one has dark hair and the other has red hair, wait a second....
"Kirito? Klein?" I ask facing them.
"LUCY!" They yell looking at me.
I look in the mirror and notice my hair is now blonde and my eyes are chocolate brown, just like how I look in real life. Kayaba then tells us he created the game to control a world of his design he wishes us good luck and then disappears, Kirito grabs my arm and we run out of the plaza into an alley way.
"I'm heading to the next village and I want you two to come with me." He says. "Once the game starts up there is only so much of everything to go around. If we go to the next town then we should be able to gain more EXP."
"I have some friends I need to find, we camped out for ages to buy this game and they're back in the plaza. Plus I ran a guild in the last game I played so I should be ok, but take Lucy with you. She looks like a total novice." Klein says smiling at me.
"Your not wrong there, wait you can get guilds in this game?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" Kirito asks.
"No reason..." I say and then look at my right hand, nothing.....My guild mark is gone....
Kirito and I then say good bye to Klein and we run out of the town killing wolves as we go, and with a battle cry we continue to run. The one thing that will keep me sane is the fact that my friends are waiting for me.
And they will always keep me going.
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