3 - A Broken Arm Is The Least Of Your Problems
So... quick warning... it gets a little bit spicy and it was really uncomfortable for me to write. Also there's underaged drinking.
Nobody was there. Evan half expected Connor to be at his side when he woke up in the hospital. He also half expected to find himself dead, so maybe he needed to brush up on his premonitions. For a moment, he thought he heard his mother's voice, his last shred of hope, but upon further inspection there was nobody in the room.
It wasn't long before he was let out of the hospital with a broken arm. His mother met him at the door. Evan didn't catch what she said. His mind was foggy, and he really just wanted to talk to Connor again. It wasn't like he was mad that Connor wasn't with him. The Murphys probably wanted him home for something urgent. Either way, Evan tried to busy himself with something else, like what he would do for the rest of the day, since before he was just gonna hang out with Connor.
He had to walk home from the hospital, because he didn't have any friends that would take him in their cars. He didn't have friends at all, aside from Connor. If he bothered Connor again, he figured he would just be an inconvenience.
The only good thing was that Evan didn't live far from the hospital, so he managed to get there pretty quickly. Once in his house, he tried his best to text Jared. If Jared would even respond.
TreeBoy: Jared I broke my arm
Lush: Course you did
Lush: With the school shooter freak?
TreeBoy: His name is Connor
Lush: Whatever you say
After that, Jared stopped texting him. He was probably mad. Jared wasn't the biggest fan of Connor, but Evan had been friends with both for as long as he could remember. Evan couldn't just abandon him because Jared told him to, right?
When he got bored again a few minutes later, Evan called Connor. No answer. He called him two more times. No answer. He left a message. "Connor, i-it's me, Evan. I'm fine. M-my arm is just broken. I-I'm not mad at you o-or anything. C-can you j-just please call back wh-when you can?" Evan didn't have anything to do, so he just looked through the internet aimlessly.
A few hours later, Evan's phone vibrated with a text.
420: Evannnnnnnn
TreeBoy: Connor are you alright?
420: Yeah im high Evan
TreeBoy: ...
TreeBoy: No you aren't
420: Course I am dumbass
TreeBoy: You don't text me when you're high
420: Yeh your right im not high but I wish I was
TreeBoy: Yeah* You're* and I'm*
420: Can I sneak in through the window or some shit?
TreeBoy: My mom isn't home just use the front door
420: Using the window is cooler
420: Open youre window im using it and you cant stop me
420: Don't correct my fucking grammar Hansen
Evan opened his window and sure enough a few minutes later Connor crawled through it with a backpack. "You're usually quicker," Evan remarked. Connor shrugged and reached into his backpack.
"Had to sneak into my dad's stash." He pulled out two bottles of booze. "He isn't using it."
"ConNOr!" Evan whined, lightly punching him in the arm. "We're underage!" he whisper shouted.
"That hasn't stopped me before, Hansen."
"Can we at least talk a little bit before you get drunk?" Connor raised an eyebrow. "Are you already drunk!?"
"Just a lil' bit tipsy, Ev."
"Connorrrrr!" Connor didn't pay attention to Evan, though.
"We should order a pizza. I'm gonna order a pizza. You're paying."
"M-me? Why me!?"
"Well you broke your arm so you never bought me ice cream, and you don't want to be in debt with me." Connor turned on a movie for them to watch.
"What movie is it?"
"Not telling."
"Connor! Tell me what movie it is!"
A few seconds later Evan figured out the movie was Tangled. "Connor, you're drunk. Let me pick! Disney movies are for kids."
"Nope." So they watched Tangled, only pausing to take the pizza. And when Connor's drunk ass wanted to slur out a joke. Evan was sitting on the couch, his head propped up on his non broken arm resting on the side of the couch, and Connor was lying on the floor, 1 and a half bottles of booze downed, plus a stolen can of beer.
Evan was half asleep, but Connor tapped him on the shoulder. "Ev."
"C-Connor? What do you want?"
"Can we, like, fuck?"
"You're hot, Ev." Connor was closer to him now, pinning Evan to the side of the couch. He was careful to avoid Evan's broken arm.
"C-Connor?!?" Evan squeaked. Connor's breath smelled like, well alcohol, and it wasn't long before their noses were almost touching. "Connor stop it! My mom... my mom will be home in a few minutes! I don't want her to see this happening!"
"You don't want me to see what happening?" a voice said from behind. Too late. Connor's lips smashed onto Evan's. Connor tried to take it further, his tongue trying to make its way into Evan's mouth, whereas Evan tried to push Connor away. There was a loud thud from behind them, though and both turned around to see who it was.
The one and only Heidi Hansen was standing there, eyes looking back and forth from the two boys on the couch and the bottles of booze. There was a weight on Evan's lap.
Connor passed out.
This end part with Heidi was really fun to write so I hope you like it too. ~ Dax
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