2 - A Terrible Attempt At Communication
"Connor, I'm not gay!" Evan shouted. They were laying in a field, staring up at the sky when they weren't looking at each other. The orchard was abandoned, but that made it better. Nobody was there. Nobody could hear them. Which was a good thing because Connor was currently calling Evan the gayest boy alive.
"Yeah, yeah, because you like my sister. Totally not gay." Evan nodded. "You could be bisexual. Bisexual Hansen."
"I'm not bisexual! Guys aren't... I'm straight!" Connor chuckled. That was the closest to a laugh Evan ever really heard from Connor.
"Alright, alright, I'll lay off you", Connor said returning to drawing on his arm. Evan had no idea what he was drawing, but Connor looked intent and focused.
"W-what is it?" Connor glanced at Evan.
"Are you high too?"
"You're high right now!?" Connor opened his mouth to answer. "N-no! I don't wanna know. What are you drawing?"
"Nothing much. Wanna climb a tree? I'm not high, I swear."
"Y-you will be soon." Silence. "Like h-high up i-in a tree. Right?"
"Right, Hansen. If you really want Zoe, I would lay off the bad puns." Evan made a noise that sounded like a mouse...a mouse being stepped on.
"I don't...I don't have a crush on Zoe!" Connor laughed.
"Sure Future Mr. Murphy." If it was possible, Evan's bright red cheeks got brighter, like a sunburn. "That blush tells me everything I need to know, Hansen."
"What are you talking about?" But Evan was so nervous that it came out more like, "WHATAREYOUTALKALKINGABOUABOUT?"
"Hansen, I'm just joking. I dunno, maybe you're in love with Kleinman." Evan started to panic again. "Damnit Hansen I can't even deal with my own mental illness, how do I keep yours in check?"
"I'm sorry," Evan mumbled, barely audible.
"It's fine, Evan," Connor said, trying to sound as gentle as he could. Like his mother when Connor was young, and he didn't find a four-leaf clover, but Zoe did. Those were good times.
"Evan." Evan's voice brought Connor out of his own mind.
Connor stared at him for a few seconds, confused. "I know your name, Hansen."
"But you always call me Hansen. You never call me Evan." Connor sighed. Once again, Connor Murphy makes someone uncomfortable.
"I wanted you to calm down, I guess. I doubt your mom calls you Hansen when you're getting anxious like that."
"My mom doesn't...well I guess not, b-but my mom is a H-Hansen too, I guess. Uh, wouldn't that be weird?" Connor honestly had no idea.
"Wanna climb a tree?" he asked instead, changing the subject. Evan thought about it for a small moment.
"That sounds like fun." Connor cautiously grabbed Evan's hand, to the other boy's confusion. "Which one?"
Connor snapped out of his trance. "That one!" He pointed to a tree in the distance. It was pretty close. The tallest tree they could see from their spot. Maybe 30 or 40 feet tall. "I'll race you there!"
It was only a couple of yards away. Even they, probably the most unathletic teenage boys, could make it without breaking a sweat. Standing up, Connor started running. He was faster than he looked. Most of his height came from his long legs, and he had tried on multiple occasions to run away from home. Evan, on the other hand was small and according to Connor, could probably be moved by wind.
Evan won the race. "As if. I let you," Connor tried to tell him. In reality, Connor hadn't been trying too hard to win.
"Oh." Connor was half expecting at least a laugh, maybe a protest if he got lucky.
"You up to climb this thing?" Evan looked up at the branches, probably trying to figure out what type of tree it was. Connor scanned for a strong branch to latch onto.
"Oak trees," Evan said, grabbing a branch and pulling himself up. Connor let him talk - Evan's rambling about trees probably did some good for the both boys' mental health. "They're identifiable by acorns that they bear, I think everyone knows that... right? Did you know that an acorn is a fruit?" As they made their way up the tree, Connor was supplied with plant facts that he wouldn't remember. At least Evan would get the satisfaction of teaching Connor again.
Soon they were sitting on branches, about 25, maybe 30 feet off the ground. "And most people don't bother to notice, but flowers have so many petal designs, it's amazing, isn't it? Connor?" Connor was staring out at the landscape. It really was sort of breathtaking, as Evan had put it many times previously.
"Do you ever feel like...," Evan started, not wanting to finish.
"Jumping off? Yeah. Don't. You're kind of the only person who likes me."
"I...I guess so. Y-you're the only person w-who likes me, too."
"What about Kleinman? Didn't he eat a bath bomb once?"
"That's... I mean Jared is... we're family friends. Our parents kind of make us hang out, s-so we have to like each other." Connor nodded.
"Guess that makes sense. You could just be like me, and not do what your parents tell you to do." Connor grabbed the branch above him and pulled himself up. "Whoever gets the highest without getting scared wins. The loser... buys both of us ice cream."
"Connor is this really the best idea? I mean, it's just that we're already really high up, and if we get any higher, falling off would be really dangerous."
"Too late, Hansen!" Connor had already started climbing higher, leaving Evan to follow him or be considered the loser.
A few minutes later they were both able to make it a few feet higher. Connor sat on a branch, out of breath, and Evan was below him, trying to pull himself higher. "You alright, Shorty?"
"I-I'm fine. We're really high up."
"I noticed that." Connor laughed a little bit and looked up at the scenery.
"Con-," Evan started. The next thing Connor knew, his best friend, his only friend, was falling.
I don't actually remember writing this part but here it is. ~
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