Rooftop Confrontation
The trio were crouching behind the air conditioning unit atop the roof of the dormitory building. When Ani's phone receives a text, apparently from Maurice. {you guys be careful, Guo is coming up to the roof, he is a psycho, and he has a gun}
"Shit! Ani what are we going to do? I don't know who this guy is. But if Maurice is calling him a psychopath, we better be careful."
"Where is Beth? I need to find her!", pleaded Ani. A substance started billowing out from the air conditioning unit's exhaust. It obscured their view and stung their eyes.
"It must be some kind of tear gas!" Proclaimed Bai
"He tear-gassed the school! He really is a psycho!"
They needed to back away from the unit, unfortunately leaving themselves exposed. Guo attacked like a blur, using the same fire extinguisher the girls used to kill the wasp. Wielding it like a battering ram on the blind, coughing Ani. Pummelling him repeatedly in the face, each strike was making a disgusting crunching sound as facial bones were breaking. Bai leapt onto Guo's back, trying to thwart the attacks.
Yuan attempted to wrest the extinguisher from his gasp. Guo kicked her in the abdomen, winding her, but he dropped the extinguisher in the process. Ani made a feeble claw attack from a prone position, Guo easily avoided it and counterattacked with another kick to an already bloodied face. With Bai still on his back, he walked towards the ledge of the building, with intent.
Yuan, sensing danger alerted her friend, "Bai!!"
Guo turned to face Yuan, " You and these abominations have left my life in ruins! Someone needs to pay! If your insect freak doesn't take me to Kaasaam, you will all die here tonight. Starting with this one!!" Bai could not break free of his granite like grip. She felt herself being lifted over the edge.
"Ooh ooh ooh stop! They cannot help you, they are ignorant on how to make the passage. Put the girl down and I will take you"
"Finally some progress", he threw Bai on the roof and backhanded her to the face. Then he walked towards the monkey. "Oh well, since he is no used to us", he turned abruptly, gun in hand, and fired at the semiconscious Ani's head"
Out of instinct, or perhaps out of love, Yuan reacted without thought and leapt into the path of the bullet which certainly would have killed Ani. She felt an overwhelming pain in her chest, the last thing she heard was Bai screaming....
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