In Darkness
In her new dark existence Yuan heard Bai's voice, "this is all too much! I don't know what to do! I love Ginny and I want to help her, but this is too much to ask of me!" In the background she could hear Ani grimacing in pain, the metallic smell of blood was in the air. But oddly enough the sulphuric smell was gone. The goat head of the Chimera spoke.
"Hurry up!! Make your decision girl! Before I grow tired of this and kill you all!"
"Start eating this one first", added the tiger, Ani cried out in pain again.
"I am sorry Yuan, but I can not do this"
Yuan replied, " then we all stay, how can you get back to the surface alone?"
"Don't worry about me... us, I'll....We will be fine. You have already sacrificed so much. At least maybe you can save Ginny"
A serpentine voice sounded, "besssides you can sssstay with ussss, we have lived too long in sssssolitude it would be nicccce to have sssssome company"
"No Bai, this is no place to have a child", Yuan stated
"Oh this? It is all an illusion", the goat said.
"I'll be fine, you and Ani go ", Yuan heard Bai cross the room to where Ani stood, "you come back to, both of you, I love you both". Yuan felt two strong feminine arms embrace her. She felt the wetness on her cheeks both from Bai's tears mixed with her own.
"I will keep him out of trouble Bai"
Bai laughed, "that is a very difficult thing to do" Ani soon joined them and they all stood together, not wanting to part from one another. But they said their goodbyes, Yuan and Ani entered the portal.
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