Family History Part 2
"Wait! Hold on that doesn't make any sense, you just told me Fah'Rey could not cross over to my realm", inquired Ginny.
"Correct! They need to have a certain amount of Human DNA and spirit in their essence to do so. The more you have the easier the journey becomes. Those Waasperns only have 10% so only half survived the journey"
"So how did our grandfather do it if he was 100% Fah'Rey?"
"Well our grandfather was a very talented alchemist. He concocted an elixir that mimicked human attributes. The more interesting question would have been, why he did it?"
"Which was?"
"Love of course!!! Or maybe more appropriate to call it chemistry. That leads us to the story of your grandmother Jean. She also was a brilliant scholar and alchemist. She was fascinated with mythology and legends. Through her studies and research, she surmised that Kaasaam was real and she was determined to find a passageway.
After many years of futile effort she finally succeeded. Naturally due to their shared interests she became enthralled with Kaassam and our grandfather. But regrettably the infatuation was not mutual because he was married to my grandmother at the time. They already had a son, my father. Jean, although she was a brilliant mind, she had many character flaws. This place must affect the human mind after a period of time. She allowed her obsession to distort her judgement.
She concocted I guess what you could call a love potion. She tricked grandfather into imbibing it. This type of behaviour was considered unacceptable. She was put on trial and sentenced to exile, under the influence of her spell grandfather was in despair. That is what drove him to create his elixir so he could follow her to Earth."
"What a drama!"
"Yes indeed, now even though her experiments were forbidden the counsel decided not to dispose of their creations. They entrusted them to a protector, The Frost Guardian of the Midnight Sun. He is to only give them to a direct descendant of Grandfather who is worthy. On the condition that they are 100% human, because one of these elixirs is meant to revert the process."
"So that is where I come in, I am to get the elixir for you to use"
"No, not quite the elixir is for you, when you awaken the dormant Fah'Rey in you it should multiply your strength tenfold."
"I like being human, why would I want to do that?"
"To save us from destruction"
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