A Toll Must Be Paid
The chimera pulled itself up onto the ledge, it was an impressive sight to behold. Rising about 4 meters off the ground, it was a mishmash of several different animals. The front of the torso was definitely feline, but not a lion, it has stripes like a tiger.
There was no fur, but instead scales like a reptile. The back half of the torso was more slender and the back legs had hooves. Where a tail would normally be, rose a serpentine body about 6 meters long. Apart from the snake head, two others were also affixed to the torso. One a shaggy headed tiger, the other was an ibex with long black spiralling horns. It was the ibex who addressed them"
"It has been a long time since my slumber has been disturbed by the arrogance of man" It spoke in a harsh, nasally, unfriendly voice. The snake head interjected in a long drawn out timbre.
"Yessssssss sssssso long",
The tiger growled menacingly, and in a deep feral voice added. "Let's just kill them, no fruit can blossom from any congress with man. Besides I haven't eaten such tender flesh in so long!" It licked it's lips hungrily.
Of Course, Ani spoke up unwisely, "for the record only these two are men, I am a Fah'Rey" he buzzed his wings to accentuate his meaning. Sensing the tension Bai tightened her grip on her hand axe. The snake moved it's sinewy body almost seductively towards Ani. Wrapping itself around his torso as a constrictor would. It snapped it's fangs close to Ani's face aggressively.
"Ssssssilenccce insssect we know what you are, don't forget it wassssss your grandmother whosssssentencccced ussss here for all eternity. "
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that", Ani replied sheepishly.
Yuan and Bai both stared accusingly at the Fah'Rey, they both spoke in unison. "You couldn't let us know this little piece of information!!!!"
"It was a long time ago, I forgot, I can talk to my mother on your behalf", he suggested to the snake head.
"We were unjustly punished!!! We never sold her precious winged horse!" growled the tiger head indignantly.
The ibex head lowered and using it's incredibly sharp horn scratched the cheek of Yuan drawing blood. She did not even flinch in response. " What is it you want human?". Mercifully before Ani could respond, the snake squeezed tighter so he couldn't talk.
"We seek passage to Kaasaam, our friend was abducted and taken there. We need to bring her back home."
"Interesssssssting ssssurely you know there isssssss a cosssssst" said the snake. " you musssssst each make a sssssacrificcccccce"
"We will do anything, just tell us what to do!!", shouted Bai
The ibex spoke, " you must make payment for passage, you human, are you willing to pay?" Pointing its horns at Yuan.
"What is the price?"
"Ah, so eager, you love to gaze at pretty things. Your payment is your sight. Are you still so willing?"
"I must save Ginny, i will pay the toll!!" . Her world suddenly became dark.
"And you insect, will you give up your gift of flight!" roared the tiger. Before Ani could respond it's massive claws slashed at Ani ripping off both of his wings. Ani screamed in anguish and collapsed to his knees. Bai pulled out the axe ready to strike
Lastly the snake glided over to Bai, she yelled defiantly "what do you want of me?!"
The snake's tongue flicked out a few centimetres away from Bai's abdomen "isssssn't it obvioussssssyou mussssst sssssurrender the child.
Bai dropped the axe...
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